i.CGu4 2174 COu&IiO. vsuiiT3 PASS, CmooOK. DECEMBER 21, 1906. i I A ) The Place to But Fruit Trees Here are a few Leading Varieties we have for Spring planting 14,000 Arkansas Black 10,000 Baldwin 9,000 Qravenstein 11,000 Grimes' Golden 35,000 Spitzenberg All one-year-old LARGE COMMERCIAL "--Agents t Wanted Oregon Everywhere Ditching can be done for 20o per cubio yard if a plow and scraper be used. If the aoil be so rocky ai to call for a pick and aboTel, it will cost 225 Acres Established 1863 3,000.000 Trees Woodburn Nurseries Woodburn, Ore., F. W. Settlemler, Propr. Growers of First-Class, Fruit and Shade Trees. Evergreens, Roses, Climbing Plants, Etc. REPRESENTED BY A. L. K I T C II I N GRANTS PASS' - - OREGON. Rogue River Valley FRUIT& DAIRY LANDS Meserve & Meade Courier Block, Grants Pass EXTENSIVE ADVERTISING la distant papers and an acquaintance all over the Coast enables us to MAKE QUICK SALES Some fine bargains In Fruit and Dairy Lands, Stock Ranches, Quartz and Placer Minus, Town Property , THE FASHION LIVERY and SALE STABLES GILMORE ft BOEEN, Proprietors. H Street between Fifth and Sixth Phokx 881 Grants Paas.Oregon MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS 4. B. PADDOCK, Proprietor. I am prepared to famish anything in tbe line of Cemetery work in any kind J 5 'Marble or Granite. rf ' 5frly thirty years of experience in tbe Marble business warrants my sarins thst I can fill four orders in the very beet manner. . p-n Inrnisn wort in OCOICU, sweae Si r. .hu Front street, next to urewn s vjuuiuov. . . . -. i r To Cure a b One Day Tcke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, a - boa-es sold m bo 13 months. This iSTttnre. 15,000 King 31,000 Jonathan 27,000 Newtonwn Pippin 15,000 Wagener Strictly First-Class. ORDERS A SPECIALTY Nursery Co., Ltd. Salem, Oregon 40o. A fair price for a ditch 18 inches deep, 8 feet wide at the bottom and AX foot wide at the top is $3.65 per rod. Santa Claus' Vain Search. The old patron saint or Christmas time cannot find in all his travels a better meat or poultry mart than Ablf'a. 'Tisn't only the quality of the meat fit for the table; we offer It's the way we store and oat it that abonld appeal to those who bare to cater to the appetites of men and women folk. This must be said, however, to be true : Earliest orders get best attention for Ohristnias trade. City Meat Market. Telephone 144. J.H. AHLF. - Prop. Business Chances, for cash or on time . . . FEED or .America- urauitv wr muj siua w W. C. T. U. COLUMN. All matter tor this column Is supplied by the Josephine County Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union, T. and L. T. L Branches. Miss Anaorage arrived in Grants Pass Monday. She waa met at the train by Mrs. O. V. Benkle and others and taken by carriage to tbe home of her friend, Mrs. Graham, where she will be entertained during her stay in the city. i Merlin W. 0. T. U. met in M. &, ohoroh at 8 :80 p. m. December 11 A profitable - meeting was held. Ar ranged to have Miss Anaorage address the W. a T. U. at 8:30, December 18. The L. T. L. at 8 :30 tbe same day and the Ys in tbe evening. At contusion of tbe W. C. T. U. meeting the L. T. L. oame together and held a very interesting 'meeting nnder Miss Stites, Mrs. Massie and others assisting. A short program waa rendered consisting of songs, scripture reading responsively, prayer, recitations, questions on temperance, drill in parliamentary rules. Two names were added to the pledge of service. Three names were added to the Temperance pledge of L. T. L, Attendance of 86 members of Loyal Temperance Legion. Mrs. S. IAnterman, Pres. Mrs. D. W. Mitchell, press snpt Certainly Merlin deserves three cheers for their success. Grants Pass W. C. T. V. held tbe business meeting December 14 in tbe tabernacle. Mrs. Savage, onr treas urer, was pleased to receive dues from so many members. This proves we are still interested. In absence of the Flower Mission superintendent, Mrs. Gonld, tbe as- sitant secretary was instructed to write words of sympathy to Mrs. J. E. Hair, Mrs. Jennie Kemp and Mrs. Ellison. Upon request of Mrs. Berry, super intendent of department of Pnrity in Literature and Art, the program is announced for the meeting December 28, 1906, place to be announced later at the churches. fie sore and get one of our Year books. It will help yon to know when we meet, also the department responsible for the program. Monday, December 17, tbe special meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held at the home of Mrs.. Weidman. After a short business meeting Miss Acsorape, tbe Y organizer of Wash ington, was introduced. She gave a very interesting report of the National and Worlds conventions held at Hart ford and Boston. Dwelling par ticularly on the foreign delegation. Some valuable hints for tbe advance ment of the local W. and Y were also given. Tbe Union decided to organ ize an L. T. L. while Mias Anaorage is with at. Light refreshments were served and a very pleasant social hour enjoyed. A 11 may rejoice that we have added to onr number Mrs. Spanlding, Mrs. Eng'ef, Miss Spanlding aud Mrs. Graham. The white ribbon encircles the world and tbe W. C. T. U. has be come a world-wide organization. 'Would yon be a soldier? There la room for young and old : Will you vo?onteer for service, fever true and bold? We shall win a triumph Greater than has yet been told, Then step in anywhere." P. P. B. H. I. C. CALVERT. Press Suit. Get an Oliver. The people who use Oliver type writers Use tbeni The Oliver has many points of superiority : It is built right tide rip. I It has all the characters with the fewest number of keys. It has perfect alignment after years of constant use. The writing la in sight. It does perfect work with the Mim eograph. It is fine for tabulating without any extra machinery. It is a great manifolder from ono to 30 copies can be made simultane ously. No matter how many keysyoo strike at ouce yon cannot lock the lynchers. Lines, either vertioal or horizontal, and in any color, may be rrled upon the paper while it is in the machine. There are a number of other good typewriters we think the Oliver the next. You can trade in your old machine. H. V. MEADE, local agent. J. E. PETERSON (PIO.NKBR) FIRL, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENT Still doing business at the old stand. Cor. Sixth and D streets. Ga-XTS Pass, - - Omook. Cures Grip In Two Day., Of- 2vev ywTjCT box. 25c. That our American rorests abound hi plants which possess the most valuable medicinal virtues is abundantly attested by scores of the most eminent medical writers and teachers. Even the untu tored Indians had discovered the useful ness of many native plants before the advent of the white race. This Informa tion, Imparted freely to the whites, led the latter to continue Investigations until to-day we have a rich assortment of moat valuable American medicinal roots. O Dr. Pierce believes that oar American tor- est atfAwd In most valuable medicinal roots tot the culfcqf moat otmlnate and fatal dis eases, If weotd properly inrestlfate theni of this conviction, be sold r with DrtuK iK .in m.-..!.,. co-try,' whlrh has nmtm It Of In he 11 ynr. frr.rt i.uili- nA resTilstor. snd blood Cicanaer known lo medhsl n-lpnra. Di als, or IndKiwtlon. torpid nferTranctlonal and even valvular and other affections of the heart rleld to Its curative action. Tbe reason wfty It cures tbwe and manr other affection, la clearly show. In a little book of extracta from tbe standard medical works which la mailed its to an address bj Dr. B. V. Pierce, of Buffalo. M. Y to all ssaduc request tor the same. s Not leas marvelous, In tbe unparalleled cure It Is constantly making of woman's manr pecullarairectlona, weaknesses and dliuenjnr dertnetmenta. Is Dr. Pierce's FaTOrtteNPreacrlpUdhvu ti amply attested by tboutaMs ouMtcJMlJeitlmonlalt con- innutea Dyvsnarui patmMS whohartbren frTrtbrltot-catai ptTlud Irregular! t.rrh.l ti-lr Brain-nslnfl jpalniuT after many oilier dverllioU inetllclflet, and B-yalclans had failed, -a. Both the above mentioned medicines are wholly made up from the fly eerie extract of natlre. medicinal ruota. The proreMM em ployed In their manufacture were original with Dr. Pierre, and they are carried on by killed cbembta and pharniaclits with tbe aid of apparatus and appliances specially designed and built for tbla purpose. Both medicines are entirely free from alcohol and all other harmful, habit -forming drugs, A full list of their Ingredients la printed on each bottle-wrapper. A Miraculous Cur. The following statement by. H. M Adams and wife, Henrietta, Pa., will interest parents and others: A miraculous cure has taken place in onr home. Our ohild had eczema 8 years and was pronounced inourable, when we read about Elctrio Bitters, and concluded to try it. Before the second bottle was all taken we noticed a change for ta)s better, and after tak ing seven bottles he was completely oured." It's tbe up-to-date blood medicine and body building tonic. Guaranteed. 60o and $1.00 at all druggist. "Hie M-ater'a Voice." The Photo and Mosio House baa been appointed selling ageut for Josephine county for the Viotor Talk ing Machine and fall stock of, ma chines and records will be in stock early next week. Come in and hear "His Master's Voice." Has BtfMMt the Teat 30 Years. The old. original GHOVE3' Taste less Chill Tonlo. You know what yon are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tastless form. No cure, no pay. 60o. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Josephine County. Herbert Smith, Trustee of the Estate of K. h. Cans, Bankrupt, Plaintiff, vs. Emma M. Doyle, John M. Doyle and J. P. Burke, Defendants. J To Emma M. Doyle, and John M. Doyle: In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer com plaint tiled herein wltniu six weeks from tbe first publication hereof and if you fail so to appear or answer, plaintiff will apply to the above en titled court for judgment as prayed for in faid complaint agalnat vou, to-wil: for (be sum of Six Hundrrd Dollars (W0 1 with intcreitt at 8 per cent from March 22. 190ft, together with costs aud dinbumeiueuts, and attorney's f-es and for an order of sale to sell the follow ing described real property, to-wit: Lota 12, i:t aud 17 iu Central Addition to the Clly of Grants Pass AIho beginning at a stake 4:15.6 feet West from a stake 60 foet from the North Bank of Rogue Kiver on the Went line of 5th street, running thence northwesterly 214.6 feet on a line parallel with 5th street, thence west I9 feet, thence sooth 214.6 feet aud thence, eaat 11)0 feet to the place of beginning, situate in Central Add! tiou to tbe City of Grants Pam. This aouirnons is published by order of Stephen Jewvll, Judge of the Coouty Court of tfte State aforesaid iu aud tor Josephine County, made on the Kth day of November, 1901. The date of the fir it publication of thin eommous Is November ltlth. ItMMi, and the last day of publication is De cember 2Hth, 1906. Said publication will run for six consecutive weeks HOUGH & BLANCHARD, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given by tbe under signed, Katherine Kreuan, adminis tratrix of the estate of Naucy Loy, deceased, to the creditors and all per sons having claims against said de ceased, to exhibit them with the tmcessary vouchers, within six months from the hmt publication of this notice, to said administratrix at ber residence on the corner of Hth and J streelH, Grant Pans, Oregon, or at the oflice of Hendrii. and Johnston, opposite post ottiee. Tbe earn be j tng the place for the transaction of the buHineos of the and extat. Dated November 1, ltfw. KATHKINE KEENAN, Administratrix. Hendricks & Johnston, Attorneys for tbe administratrix. SUMMONS. In the Cirouit Oomrt of the State of Oregon lor Josephine Connty. Built cat anna. Plaintiff, va George MoManna, Defendant. To George McManus, the above named ueieuuani : In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby sum mooed and re quired to appear in the above entitled court and answer (he complaint filed against yon in the toregoiog entilted anift tin ftp tfnr at -k- .v. - date of the first pnbllcatlon, of this summons, wnicn nrst ante or publica tion i Friday, November 33, 1906, and the last date of said publication, and the last data for yonr appearance ia Friday, January 4, 1907, and you are hereby notified that in oase yon fail to appear and answer ar otherwise plead within the time aforesaid, that tbe plaintiff will apply to tbe court for the relief prayed for in the eomplaiut, vis: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between the plaintiff and de fondant, and that the plaintiff be de creed to be the owner in fee simple of Lot 4, Block 69 of Railroad Addition to the Town of Grants Pass, Josephine Connty, Oregon ; and that plaintiff be awarded the exclusive care and oat tody of tbe minor ohildren, named in the oomplaint, via: Edna, Ethel, Emery, Hiram and Doratby, and tbat plaintiff have auch other and further relief as is equitable. This summons is published by order of tbe Hon. 8tephen Jewell, Connty Judge for Josephine Connty, Oregon, directing the publication thereof in tbe Ro.oe River Courier, published at Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon, not lest than once a week for a period of six successive weeks, the said order being dated November 82, 1906. H. D. NORTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tbe matter of thai estate of G.W. I Cbapln, Deceased. J Notice is hereby given to all pen on having claims against the estate of G. W. Chapln, deceased, to present your statement of claim, with proper vouchers, within six months from tbe first date of this notice, towii; November 80th, 1906, to Lucy Cbapln, Administratrix, at Leland. Oregon. This notice is published by order of Stephen Jewell, Judge of Josephine County, Oregon, in tbe Rogue River Courier for four weeks. MRS LUCY CHAPIN, Administratrix, By H. B. Hendrloks, her attorney. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878. United Slates Land Office. Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. 9, 1906. Notice is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June S, 1878, entitled "An act far the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of Au gust 4, 1802. ATTWOOD A. EIRBY of Pomeroy, County of Garfield, State of Wellington has this day filed in this offloe his a worn statement No. 7159 for the purohase of the SW or EW SWy4. Lota 8 and 4, of section No. 18 in Township 84 South, Range No. 8 W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stooe than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before John M. Booth, United States Commissioner, at his ofHoe at Grants Pass, Oregon, on ruesaay, tne tn aay or Jauuary, 1907. He names as witnesses : Wesley B. Sherman, of Graots Pass, Oregon; John Hill m, of Winter, Ore gon , Mary Thompson of Tacoiua, Wash., and Ozro S. Blauohard of Grants Paas, Ore. Any and all persona claiming adversel the above-described landa are requeued to file their claims in this office on or be lore said 8ib day of January, 1U07 Benjamin L. Eddy, ltegieter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. United Slates Land UtMce. Roseburg, Oregon, Sept. 10, 1900. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oreiion, Nevada. and Washington .Territory," as ex tended loan trie mono 1-and states by act of August 4, 1HU2, GEORGE J. ATKINS of Marietta, County o Lancaster, State of Pennsylvania, haa this day Hied in this office his sworn statement No. 7001, for the purchase of Lots 6, 7 and 8 and SWt NW, HKi SW' or section no. iu in Township No 35 South, Range No. 7 West, and wil offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber I or stooe than for agricultural nur poses, and to eatablish bis claim to said land before Arthur Conklin, United States Commlsaionei, at his oflice at Graots Pass, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 8th day of January, 1907. ' He names a witneHaea: George R. Ilelaey of Marietta, Pennsylvania; I Willard Green of Grants Pasr, Ore jgon; Wesley B. Sherman, ' of Grants fans, uregoo, and 11. Adolpti Koter tuuud of Grants Pass, Oregon. Anysndall persons claiming adversely the above-descrited lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or be before said 8ib day of January, 1907. IlKsj.tMi.-5l. Knnr, Register. ' NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Notice is hereby aiven that I have beeu appointed administrator of the state of J. H. Hots, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to file the aame properly verified, with my attorney at Grants Pans, Oregon, ' wlihin six months from (lie 19th day ' of November, 1900. j CHARLES P. ROSS. , Administrator. 1 Oliver 8. Brown, , Attorney for Adminiatrato.', CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy l m Spaclflo, ure to Glve Satisfaction. ClVia RILIIP AT ONCI. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects tha diseased ntambraue. It cures Catarrh and . drives away a Cold in the Head qninkly. tteatorea the Senses of Tiwte and Smell. Saay to use. Contains no injurious drur Applied iuto the nostrils and absorbed. Large Site, SO cents at PruggUla or by mails Trial Size, 10 ce-.iU by naiL tLY BROTHERS. 66 wur-ni i . N var. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Josephine County. Walter Tallmadge, 1 plaintiff, vs. Mand Tallmadge,1 Hf mniinf To Maud Tallmadge the defendant above named : In tha name nf tha Rtaia nf ("trami. you are hereby required to appear buu suiswer tne oouipiaint niea in ine above ent.tled tnit within tlx weekt and if yon fail ao to answer, the plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for mo reiiei uemanoea in nit complaint, to-wit: for a denrna disil-ina anil annulling tbe bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to tbe Court maw seem equitable. Tbia summons la published bv virtue of an order mads by Hon. Stephen Jewell, County Judge of Josephine County, Oregon, and dated November 9, 1906. OLIVER a BROWN Attorney for Plaintiff. Miners' blsnkt at tho Courier of5c House Moving If you have a building; that you want moved, raised or leveled up, call on or address A. E. Holloway. Residence 2 miles west of city, north side of river. F. G. ROPER ITassklonuble TAILORING Harmon Blk up stairs SUITS MADE TO OEDEE Promptly and of the best malarial and in the latest style. CLEANING AND REPAIRING GRANTS PASS WALL PAPER and PAINT SHOP W.F.Shsrmtn and E.F.LeMleux SOUTH SIXTH STREET, NEAR J Full Stock of Wall Paner all d.ialirna quality and prices. Paints, Varnlahns, Oils, Brushe a'i vrl Ar'it-t ainri'e. Mall orders promptly filled. Acclimated Fruit Trees Give the Best Results. Transplant trees from a damp soil and a wet ollmate to a semi arid suo tion like Rogue River Valley will he such a changs of conditions that tbe trees will make little growth the first year aud will require at leant two years to become acclimated. YaUma Valley has the same climate and conditions as Rogue River Valley and trees from the Yakima Yalley Nursery will give tbe best' results to Southern Oregon growers. Largetock aud prices right. . Fall Stock of Fruit Tr-jes Healthy aud true to name. Prices that are right W. D. InRalls, Prop. North Yakima, . Washington