PROFESSIONAL CABD8 M C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to EYE, EAR, N08E and THROAT. Glasses fitted and furnished. Offioe hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5; and oo ap pointment Telephones 241 and 77. Gsajits Pass, Oaioo )R. J. C. SMITH PHTSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones, Offioe 365; Res. 1046. Residence cor. 7th and D streets. Offloe at National Drue Store. H.ats Pass. - - Obkkw DR W. F. KREMER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offioe in Courier Building. Offloe phone 911, residence 413. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. Gbaxts Pass, Oao. g LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T3am PVnnjh 714 OUy or country clU itendd night - ... .. an m . . i nj:- or day. oiitn ana a, i uu i uuuuiu(. ' Offioe I hone 361. GbahtbPass . Obkjo. Children & Conmemtnt Out a Sptttolh CtmruHation and EomminmUm Fr$ CLARA BASHAW, D. O. ANNETTA BfiCKWITH, D. O. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS 602 D Street Ghauts Pass, - Obsoow. Graduates of American School of Os teopathy, Kirksville, Mo. JJi B. HALL UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED EMBALMKR. orth Oth it., near Court House. Offloe Phone 761, Res. Phone 717. GbaitiPass, Obkhm. JJt D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Praotloe In all State and Federal Court. Offloe In Opera House Building. (tiakts Pass, - Obbooh Jt 0. HOUGH, ATTORN E Y-AT-LA W, Practice in all BUtoand Federal Courts Offloe over Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. Gaum Pass, Oimo QLIVER & BROWN, LAWYER. Offloe, upstairs, City Hall. Gba'hts Pass, Orboom. J. H. AUSTIN, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA Vf - Union. Building Kbrbt .... OnKari HENDRICKS & JOHNSTON COC NSELLOR8- AT-LAW Civil and orlminal matters attended to in all the oonrte. Real estate and Ininranoe. Offloe, 6th street, opposite Postoffioe. YILLIAM P WRIGHT, U. B. DEPUTY SURVEYOR MINING ENGINEER . AND DRAUGHTSMAN Oth St., north of Josephine Hotel. Gbamts Pass, - - Oskoon. j-r-1 . j j Charles Costain Wood Working Shop. West of flour mill, near R. R. track turning. Brroll Work, titairWork, Hand Hswing.t'alilnet WorW Wood l'ulleys, 8w KUinRsnd KUuiminKf KepslritiK all kinds, rrioes riut. The Popular Barber Shop Get your tonsorlal work done at IRA TOMPKINS On Sixth Street Three chairs Bath Room In connection N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furniture and llano Moving GRANTS PASS, OREGON. I want your bargains in 'JTlmlMM' ii ml TimlxM IiiikIm Can use a few homestead and tim ber relinquishments. P. O. Box 3(6, Roscburg, Oregon. Palace Barber Shop NATE BATES, Prop. Shaving, Hair Cutting Hatlis, Etc. Ever) thing nent and clean and a work r'lrst-l'lass. I jMBPS. I Beverly of Graustark mi (Continued from last week. ) "And how is her' asked Beverly. Jamming a hatpin through' a helpless bunch of violets. "He's ve'y 'spectably skun, yo' high ness." "I don't mean the animal, stupid." To' mean 'at Mlsteh Goat Man? He's settln' up an' chattln' as if nothln' happened. lie says to m 'at w etaht on ouab way Jes a soon as yo' all eats yo' b'eakfu-'. De bosses Is hitched np an' "- "Has everybody else eaten? Am I the only one that hasn't?" cried Bever ly. '"'Ceptlu' me, yo' highness. Ah'm as hungry as a poah man's dawg, an' " "And be Is being kept from the hos pital because I am a lary, good for nothing little Come on, Aunt Fanny; we haven't a minute to spar. If he looks very 111, we do without break fast" But Baldos was the most cheerful man In the party. He was sitting with his back agnlnst a tree, his right arm In a sling of woven reeds, his black patch set upon the proper eye. "You will pardon me for not rising," he said cheerily, "but, your highness, I am much too awkward this morning to act as befitting a courtier In the presence of his sovereign. You have slept well?" "Too well. 1 fear. Bo well, In fact, that you have suffered for It. Can't we start at once?" She wn debating within herself whether It would be quite good form to shake bonds with the reclining hero. In the glare of the broad daylight he nud his followers looked more rugged and famished than before; but they also appeared more picturesquely romantic. "When you have entcn of our bumble fare, yeur highness the Inst meal at (be Hawk and Ituven." "But I'm not a bit hungry." "It Is very considerate of you, but equally unrensounble. Yon must eat before we stnrt." ' "I cau't bear the thought of your suf fering when we should be hurrying to a hospital nnd competent surgeons." He laughed gayly. "Oh. you needn't laugh. I know It hurts. You say we cannot reach Ganlook before tomor row? Well, we cannot stop here a minute longer thnu we Oh, thank you!" A rugged servitor had placed rude bowl of meat and some fruit be fore her. "Sit down here, your highness, and prepare yourself for a long fast. We lay go nntll nightfall without food. The game Is scarce, and we dare not venture fur Into the hills." Beverly not at bis feet and daintily Began the operation of picking a bone With ber pny Augers and teeth. "I am sorry we have no knives and forks," be apologised. "I don't mind," said she. "I wish you would remove that black pntch." "Ainu, I must resume the bated dis guise. A chance euemy might recog nize 110." "Your your clothes have been mend ed," she remarked, with a furtive glance ut bis long legs. The trousers bud been rudely sewed up and no baud ages were visible. "Are you your legs terribly hurt?" "They are badly scratched, but not seriously. The bundiiges are skillfully pluced." be added, seelug her look of doubt. "Ituvone is n genius." "Well. I'll hurry," she said, blush lug deeply. Cotit hunter though he was and she a princess, bis eyes gleamed with the Joy of her lcnuty. and his heart thumped with a most unruly admiration. "You were very, very brave Inst night," she said at last, and her rescuer smiled contentedly. Slio was mil long In finishing the rude but wholesome meal and then announced her readiness to ho on the way. With the authority of h genuine pliuccss she commanded him to ride Inside the coiuli, gave Incomprehensi ble dlrd-tlons to the driver nnd to the escort and would llsteu to none of his protestations. When the clumsy ve hicle was again In (be highway and bumping over the ridges of flint the goat hunter was beside his princess on the rear seat, bis feet Ukni the oppo site cushions near Aunt Knuny, a well arranged bridge of boxes nnd hugs pro viding support for Ills long legs. "We want to go to a bosplt- I," Bev erly had said to the driver very much as she ink-lit have sHken had she been In Washington. She was standing bravely lieslde the fore wheel, her face flushed und eager. Italdos from hit serene position on the cushions watch ed her with kludllng eyes. The grli sled driver grinned and shook his head despairingly, "i Hi. pshaw! You dou't understand, do you? llospltul b-o-s-p l-t a-l," she spelt It out for him, and still he shook his head. Others lu the motley retinue were smiling broadly. "Speak to htm In your own language, your highness, and be will be sure to understand," ventured the patient. "1 tttri speaking lu uiy-I mean, I pre fer to speak In Kuglisb. Please tell him to go to a hospital," she said con fusedly. HaMns gave a few Jovial In structions, jyid then the ruggedest ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS By GEORGE BARR M'CUTGHEON. Astbsrsf "GrMMtark" t st courtier oT them alf handed Beverly Into the carriage with a' grace that mazed ber. "You are the most remarkable goat hunters I have ever seen," she remark ed In sincere wonder. "And you speak the most perfect English I've ever beard," he replied. "Oh, do yon really think so? Mis Grimes used to say I was hopeless. You know I bad a a tutor," she has tily explained. "Don't you think It strange we've met no Axphaln sol diers?" she went on, changing the sub ject abruptly. "We are not yet out of the woods," be said. "That was a purely American aphor ism," she cried, looking at him Intent ly. "Where did you learn all your English V "I bad a tutor," he answered easily. "You are a very odd person," sh sighed. "I don't believe that yon art goat hunter at all." "If I were not a goat hunter I should have starved long ago." he said. "Why do you doubt me?" "Simply because you treat me on moment as If I were a princess and: n.rf an if ff waiA a hllrt TTlimhlA ' goat hunters do not forget their sta tion In life." "I have much to learn of fhe defer ence due to queens." be said. "That's Just like 'The Mikado' or Tlnnfore,' " she exclaimed. "I be lieve you are a comic opera brigand or pirate chieftain, after all." "I am a lowly outcast," be smiled. "Well, I've deckled to take you Into Edelweiss and" "Pardon me, your highness," be said firmly. "That cannot be. I shall not go to Edelweiss." "But I command you" "It's very kind of you, but I cannot enter a hospital not even at Ganlook. I may as well confess that I am a hunted man and that the Instructions are to take me dead or alive." "Impossible!" she gasped. Involun tarily shrinking from him. "I have wronged no man, yet I am being bunted down as though I were beast" be said, bis face turning hag gard for the moment "The hills of Graustark. the plateaus of Axphaln nud the valleys' of -Iawsbergen are alive with men who are bent on end ing my unhappy but Inconvenleut t'l "l'oti " jiarWim ntt tor nut rising." i tclice. It would be suicide for me to cuter any one of yoar towns or ritios. Kveu you could not protect me, I fear." "This snuiiiN like a dream. Oh, dear nic, .van don't lo!; like a hiirdcucit criminal." she crte.l. "I am the bumble lender of the faith ful baud who will t'.ie with me when the time come. We are rt criminals, your highness. In return for what service I may have performed for yon. I Implore you to ipiesthiii me no fur ther. y ur slave up to the walls of Ciinlook. timl then you may forget Baldos, the g mt hunter." "1 never can forgot you." she cried, touching his Injured arm gently. "Will you forget the one that gave you this wound?" "It Is n very gentle wound, aud I love It so that I pray It may never heal." She looked away smUlenly. "Tell tne one thing." she s'flld, a mist coining over her eyes. "You say they are bunting you to the death. Then then your fault must be a grievous one. Have you have you killed a man?" she uddcdjiusttly. He was silent for a long time. "1 fear I have killed more than one man," he said in low tones. Again she shrank Into the comer of the coRch. "History says that your father was a brave soldier and fought In many bat- j ties," be went on. i "Yes." she said, thinking of Major' George Calhoun. j "lie killed then, perhaps, as 1 I have killed them," lie s.iid. "Oh. my father never killed a man!"! crhvl IVver'.v In de out horror. j "Vet ti'.atiMaii; reveres his mighty' ' yjivivm '.ViVEt-?:'".: !r- :v-'-:-V..-.-v-.'r'il.-,-sl - t PASS, OREGON. DECEMBER prowess on the nelu" of Battle." said he, half laconically. "Oh." she murmured, remembering Unit she was naw the daughter of Yetlve's father. "I see. You are not a a a mere murderer, then?" "Xo. I have been a soldier. That Is all," "Th'iuk heaven!" she murmured and was no longer afraid of him. "Would would a pardon be of any especial benefit to you?" she asked, wondering bow far her Influence might go with the Princess Yetlve. "It is beyond your power to help me." be said gravely. She was silent but It was the silence of deep reflec tion. "Vour highness left the castle ten days ugo." be said, dismissing him self as a subject for conversation. "Have you' kept In close communica tion with Edelweiss during that timer' "I know nothing of what Is going on there." she said quite truthfully. She only knew that she had sent a mes sage to the Princess Yetlve apprising her of ber arrival In St Petersburg and of ber Intention to leave soon for the Graustark capital. "Then you do uot know that Mr. Lorry is still on the Dawsbergen fron tier In conference with representatives from Serros. He muy not return for a week, so Colonel Qulnnox brings back word." "It's news to me," murmured Bev erly. "You do not seem to be alarmed," he ventured. "Yet I fancy it Is not a dan gerous mission, although Prince Ga briel Is ready to buttle at a moment's notice." "I have the utmost confidence In Mr. Lorry." said Beverly, with proper pride. "Buron Dangloss. your minister of police. Is In these mountains watching the operations of Axphaln scouts and spies." "Is he? You are very well posted. It seems." ' "Moreover, the Axphaiuluns are plan ning to uttack Ganlook upon the first signal from their ruler. I do not wish to alurm your highness, but we may as well exiect trouble before we come to the Ganlook gates. You are known to be In the pass, and I am certain an effort will be made to take posses sion of your person." "They wouldn't dure!" she exclaim ed. "Uncle Sam would annihilate them In week." "Uncle Sam? Is he related to your Aunt Fanny? I'm afraid he could do but little against Volga's fighting men," be said, with a smile. "They'd soon find out who Uncle Sam is If they touch me," she threat ened grandly. He seemed puzzled, but was too polite to press ber for expla nations. "But be Is a long way off and couldn't do much If we were sud denly attacked from ambush, could he? What would they do to me If I were taken, as you suggest?" She was more concerned than she appeared to be. "With you In their hands, Graustark would be utterly helpless. Volga could demand Buy thing sbe liked and your ministry would be forced to submit" "I really think It would be a capital Joke ou the Princess Volga." mused Beverly reflectively. He did not know what she meant, but regarded ber soft smile as the cleur title to the serenity of a princess. She sunk back und gave herself over to the complications that vcre likely to grow out of her Involuntary deception. The one tlilug which worried her more than all others was the fear that Yetlve might not be lu Edelweiss. According to all reports, she had lately been In St. Petersburg, und the mere fact that she wns supposed to lie traveling by coach was sulliclcut proof that whe was not at ber capital. Then there was, of course, the possibility of trouble on the road with the Axphaln scouts, but Bev erly enjoyed the optimism of youth and civilization. raldos. the goat hunter, was dreami ly thinking of the beautiful young wo man at li 1.-4 side and of the queer freak fortune bad played lu bringing them to.-ether. As he studied her face he could not Imt lament that marriage at least established a barrier between her nnd the advances bis bold heart might otherwise no willing to risk. Ills black bnlr str:i'.'-.led down over bis forehead, nnd Ills dark eyes the patch bad been im-rcptitlouKly lifted weru unusually pensive. "It Is stranj e that you live lu Grau stark and have not seen Its prineessl betore." she said, laying groundwork for Inquiry concerning the nets and whereabouts of the real princess. "May it acse your nighties, I have uot lived long lu Graustark. Besides. It Is said that half the people of Gan look have never looked uou your face." "I'm not surprised ut that The pro portion Is much smaller than. I imag ined. I have not visited Ganlook. strange us It may seem to you." "One of my company fell In with some of your guards from the Ganlook garrison day before yesterday. He learned that you were to reach that city within forty-eight hours. A large detachment of men has been sent to meet you at Luhhot." "Oh. Indeed," said Beverly, very much Interested. "They must liuve been misinformed as to your route or else your Itussiau escort decided to take you through by the lower and more hazardous way. It was our luck that you came by the wrong road. Otherwise we should not have met each other, and the Hon," be said, smiling reflectively. j "Where Is Lnbhot?' 'asked she, in-j tent upon the one subject uppermost In ber mind. "In the niotititalns many leagues north of this p tss. Had you taken that route Instead wf Ois you would hv this! 21, 1H. time bare left Lnbbot for the town of Erros. a balf day's Journey rrom uan look. Instead of vagabonds your es cort would have been made up of loyal soldiers, well fed. well clad and well satisfied with themselves at least." "But no braver.' no truer than my soldiers of fortune." she sold earnestly. "By the way. a.e you Informed as to the state of affairs In Dawsbergen?" "Scarcely us well ns your highness must be." be replied. "The young prince what' his name?" sbe paused, looking to him for the name. "Dantan?" "Yes, thufs It. What has become of him? I um terribly Interested In him." "He Is a fugitive, they say." "They haven't captured him. then? Good! I am so glad!" Baldos exhibited little or no Interest In the fresh topic. "It Is strange you should have for gotten his name." he said weivrlly. "Ob. I do so many ridiculous things!" complulued Beverly, remembering who she was suppased to be. "I have never seen bim. you know." she added. "It Is not strange, your highness. He was educated lu England and hud seen but little of his own country when he was called to the throne two years ago. Yon remember of course that his moth er was an Englishwoman. Lady Ida Falconer." "I I think I base heard some of his history. A very little, to be sure." sbe explained lamely. "Priuce Gabriel, his half brother. Is the son of Prince Louis III. by his first wife, who wns a Polish countess. After ber death, when Gabriel was two years old, the prince marriod Lady Ida. Duntan is their son. He has a sister, Caudace. who Is but nineteen years of age." "I am ashamed to confess that you know so much more about my neigh bors than I." she said. "I lived In Dawsbergen for a little while and was ever Interested In the doings of royalty. That is a poor man's privilege, you know." "Prince Gabriel must be a terrible man," cried Beverly, ber heart swelling with tender thoughts of the exiled Dan tan and bis little sister. "You have cause to know," said be shortly, and she was perplexed until she recalled the stories of Gabriel's misdemeanor at the court of Edel welss. "Is Prince Dantan as handsome as they say be Is?" she asked. "It Is entirely a matter of opinion,' he replied. "I for one do not consider him at all prepossessing." The day went on, fatiguing, distress ing In Its length and Its happenings. Progress was necessarily slow, the perils of the road Increasing a the little cavalcade wound deeper and deeper Into the wilderness. There were time when the coach fairly crawled along the edge of a precipice, a pro ceeding so hazardous that Beverly shuddered as If In a chill. Aunt Fanny slept serenely most of the time, and Baldos took to dreaming with his eyes wide open. Contrary to her expecta tlous, the Axphalulans did 4iot appear, nnd If there were robbers In the bills they thought better, thnu to uttack the valorous looking party. It dawned upon ber finally that the Axphalnlaa were guarding the upper route mid no the one over which she was traveling Yetlve doubtless was aproachl:!-: (Jan look over the northern ius. provide the enemy had not lceu eaco-.iiitete before Lablsit was reach:-:! lleverl soou found herself renrin-r for fji safety of the prince:!, a f.-ar which i lust became r.lmost iiuetid'irn'.-le Near nightfall they cnr..e r.poti tire Graustark shepherds an 1 tcnr.ic.l tt;i Ganlook could not be reached !i:'.".r the next afteniTjii. T! e tired. lin:ig"; travelers r, c:;t the n g:.t In n sr. si little valley tli:nig!i which a rlvulc bounded n, nr.! t i the river be'ow The supper was a scant one. the fori; gers haviirr poor luck in the hunt fu loo.l. Iiaybrer.k saw them on the! way once more. Hunger and drea had worn down Beverly's supply o; good spirits; she was having dllllcult.'' lu keeping the haggard, distressed loo! from her Tice. ller tender, hopefi; eyes were rot so bold or so merry ns on the day before: cheerfuluess cos' her an effort, but she managed to kee It fairly ul!e. Her escort, wretched mid balf starved, never forgot the def erenee due to their charge, but strodi steadily on with the doggedness o! aiartyrs. At times she was Impelled to Jisclose her true U. entity, but dlscre tion told her that dei eptlou was hei best safeguard. Late lu the uftcrno iu of the second day the front nxU- of the couch snap ped iu two. and a tedious delay of two hours eusued. Baldos was strangely si lent and subdued. It was not until the misfortune came that Cleverly observ ed the flushed condiMon of bis face. Involuntarily and with the compassion of a true woman, she touched bis hand and brow. They were burning hot. The wounded man was lu a high fever He laughed at her fears and scoffed at the prospect of blood poisoning and tin hundred other possibilities that sug gested themselves to her anxious brain. "We are close to Ganlook." be said, with the setting of the sun. "Soon you may be relieved of your tiresome, cheerless company, your highness." "You are going to a physician," she said resolutely, alive and active once more, now that the worst part of the Journey was coming to an end. "Tell that mon to drive In a gallop all the rest of the way." (To be continued. ) Posters, placards, dodger, all sixes nd kinds, printed at the Courier office. A MATTER UF HEALTH mmm Absr 'atcsSy.Pure . A vJrenrv i Tartar Powder, free fi. '. jitim or pho ,natlo acid HAS UD SUBSTITUTE New Cur tar Eplkpiy. J. B. Waterman, of Watertcwn, 0., Rural free delivery, write: "My daughter, afflicted for year with epilepsy, was onred by Dr. King's New Life Pill. Sbe ha not had an attack for over two yean." Best body cleanser and life giving tonio pills on eartth. 25e at all drag stores. Cures Old Sons Westmoreland, Kan., May 6, 1902. "Ballard Snow Liniment Co. Your Snow Liniment cored an old sore on the side of my chin that waa (apposed to be a cancer. The (ore waa stub born and wonld not yield to treatment until I tried Snow Liniment, which did the work in short order. My sister, Mrs. Sophia J. Carson, Aliens ville, Miffln Co., Pa., has a tore and mistrost that it is a canoer. Please send her a 60c bottle. " For sale by National Drug Co. and Rotermand. Justice blank at the Coaritr office, E. A. WADE Dry Goods, Underwear, Notions, Etc. Front Street west Palace hotel GRANTS PASS, OREGON, J. n. CHILES The Pioneer Grocer Is occupying his new brick and is better prepared than ever to serve his patrons. New refrigerator installed in which to keep BUTTER CHEESE EGCS Not only will you find the sta ple goods in stock but Fancy Gro ceries and She.f Goods. We always have the best Pota toes on the market. The Old Reliable ALBANY NURSERIES INC. Offer to tie planters this season a full lime of general nursery stock including all the best new varieties. A large stock of winter acples suitable for commercial plant ing, well grown, carefully dug and Dacked. and delivered at your nearest railroad station, freight prepaid. if you want one, or one thousand trees, ours is the place to buy them. Catalogue free on applica tion. Albany Nurseries, Inc. Albany, Ore. GEO. II. PARKER, Agent for Rogue River Valley Phone 407, Grants Pass, Ore. For the rnnvRnlnnno rt ttia nnViHfl I baVA TTlRrtn .rr.nnimi.nt. vhamhT costomers may leave orders with or luiormaiioD irom w. 1 iitQ LAND, Tbe Real Etate Man, Grant Pass. GEO. H. PAKKEB, Aent