Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 21, 1906, Image 4

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    ( ...
I I,
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' t
Fine Shoes
Make 3Iost
Our Assortment .
is Complete and Prices
arc Right
R. L.
Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rates! -
One Year, in advance,
Bii Month.
Three Months, ,
Single Copies,
Advertising Races
Furnished on application at the office, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will he charged for at 5c per line;
card of than If 50c.
Entered at the post office at Grants Psss,
Oregon, a aeconu-class mail matter.
Before another Issue of the Courier
reaches onr readers, Christmas will
' have come and gone. We wIbd you
all a Merry Christmas with "Peace on
earth and pood will to men. "
New lot of Edison
Mosio store.
records at Tbe
Cfetaia$o. Presents.
Leather Goods
Wo have a largo assortment of
gonuino Leather Hand Baps, rocket
Books, Bill Books, Cigar Case3,
Purses, etc.
French Tlato hand Mirrors, ex
ceptionally pood quality, range in
prico from T)0c to $4.00.
Box Papers
A pood lino of Xmas Gift Papc
teries for f0c to $2.f0, anything to
suit the pocketbook.
Toilet Sets
One dozen Toilet Sets will bo
sold at a sacrifice. These aro all good
Photo Albums
A larpo stock poes at cost.
A bip shipment of games of every
description just received. Games
for the little folks and games for boys
and girls,
Hill Be of Hiah Strength and Rea
sonable in Price Will Save
in Freights.
County Fro it Inspector Meserve
has been laboring on the problem of
securing for the frait growers of Jose
phine county spray eolation that is
efficient vet reasonable in price. The
Portlaud manufacturers of spray solu
tion charge f 13 a barrel delivered in
Grants Pass. The empty barrels can
not be returned except at the pur
chaser's expense and the freight rate
wonld make that unprofitable to the
farmer. To buy a barrel at 11.50 to
t2jjeacb purchase of solution with the
empty barrels of previous purchasers
on the farm wonld be bad financiering
to tbe farmer.
With a crop of 00,000 boxes of ap
ples and pears in Josephine connty
and not over 13,000 boxes absolutely
free from ravages of pests it is pr oof
that the average farmer finds it very
All the latest creations in Pack
age Perfumes, Sachet Powders etc.
Spiehler's "Norma" "Queen of
Violets," "Queen of Hoses," "Japan
ese Tea Rose," "White Hose" "Crab
Apple Blossom," "Wild Crab Apple"
The latest poods all in stock, S0c to
$1.00 per oz. Also large stock of
Lundborgs, Eastman, D.drooks, Per-fumes.
Toilet Preparations
Fountain Pens
Watermans Fountain Pens in all
sizes and styles, ranging in prico from
$'2.50 to $0.(10 A Waterman makes
an ideal Christmas gift. They
Phone 51
unprofitable for him to make bis own
pray solutioo. The farmer has two
serious difficulties to contend with in
prepariog spray solution, one is the
varying strength of the lime snd the
sulphur and the other is tbe impos
sibility of getting np sufficient heat
in an open tank to so melt the sul
phur as to fi.rm a perfect chemical
union with lime. . Lime varies
greatly in its strength and that that
contains a high per cent of magnesia
and other minerals is of little value in
spray solution, or requires more per
I pound of sulphur to secure the proper
chemical union. But it is the sulphur
that causes tbe greatest trouble to the
farmer in the manufacture ,of spray
solution. If he buys it in the natural
state it is almost certain to cod tain
from five to 25 per cent of some form
of rock. If he buys the prepaied flour
sulphur ho is likely to get an adulter
ated article unless he buys a high
priced, fancy brand. The farmer
buying in email quantities seldom
gets two lots of either lime or tulphor
of the same strength an d having no
way of testing the strength has to go
by gueas in mixing them in the
preparation of bis solution, with the
sequence of at picking season finding
that he hag but little strictly first
class fruit that brings the fancy price.
It has been fully demonstrated that
tbe solution cooked in an open vat
does not have the strength of that
prepared in a closed retort and under
a high pressure of steam to thoroughly
melt jthe sulphur. This with the
labor and worry of prepariug it and
the uncertainty of its strength makes
the preparing of spray solntion on the
farm an expensive undertaking. To
import spray solution means that ont
of every $3 paid for freight 3 is
for water, of which there is plenty
here In Rogue River Valley free for
the taking. To have a factory estab
lished in Grants Pass appears to be
the most economical to the fruit
growers. To that end Inspector lie
serve has taken np the-! proposition
with parties in Gran t Pass who have
the oapital to fit np the plant and to
bny the materials by the car losd.
ine arrangements are all but com
pleted and only await the receipt of
technical instructions, which Mr,
Meserve has sent for, as to the ma
chinery and construction of the plant
and the method of mixing and cook
of every des-
P.ogular Drug and Sundry
complete in every depart-
Perscription work a specialty
inr the solution. The solution wm
be of the highest efficiency and to eee
that it is Inspector Meserve will tend
samples from time to time to the
Agricultural College to have it tested.
The solution will ba kept;in stock in
tank so that farmers can bring their
barrels and have them filled at any
time. The Dries will be the lowest :
possible and be such that it will be
cheaper for the fruit raisers to boy
their spray solntion than to make it.
It is expected that the plant win do
in operation by New Years, and that
announcement through the Courier
to that effect can t e mane next ween.
KING SIMMONS At the Anient
farm, four miles west of Grants
Pans, on Saturday, December 15,
1006. Arthur P. King and Elfie I.
Simmons, Rev. Clart. Bower oflioiat
ing. SELLERS HANSEN At the home
of J. Anderson at Grants Pass,
Wednesday, December 19,1906, Noah
Sellers and Cecelia Hansen, Rev.
Clark Bower officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Sellers will reside
at Myrtle Creek.
KING MOORE At the residence of
B. R Moore, at Grants Pass, Thurs
day, December 20, 1906, Geo. M.
' King and Carrie A. Moore, Rev.
Clark Bownr officiating.
HOWARD At the faniliy
in Grants Pass, Saturda;
lay, uecom
J. Howard,
ber 15, 190rt. Mrs. Mary
aged 80 years.
The deceased only the week pre
vious to her death, December 7, cele
brated her golden wedding with her
husband and relatives at the home 01
her son, G. E. Howard. There were
present at the Golden wedding cele
brated, about 30 friends and relatives
and at the time Mrs. Howard al
though feeble was feeling very well,
and in fact was around the house only
the dny before her death, which was
canted by pneumonia. The deceased
came to Grants Pass from Michigan
in 1903, with her husband and son.
She leaves a husband who has reached
the age of 91, two sons, G. IS. and Ira
J., both residing in Grants Pas, and
a daughter, . Mrs. L. Peters, . of Salt
TETTER At the family home near
'.Grants Pass Wedoesdav, December
; 12, 1900, Ennis Angeline Yetter,
', wife of J. R. Yetter, aged 68 years.
Ihe funeral services were conducted
by Rev. Chas. Smith of Applegate,
and the remains interred in the
Wildervil'e cemetery. !
COW A good, young cow to be fresh
in i
12-21 tf
CHICKENS Parties desiring choice1
chickens for Sunday dinner or :
special occasions can secure same
from John Summers, North Sixth
Street 11-23 tf
TYPEWRITER-Visible writing ma
chine for 10 at the Mosic Store.
All kinds of typewriter ribbons and
FOR SALE By E. Steele at 3d ware ,
house west oold storage plant
Sonar Pine Shakes, Plymouth Kock
Cockerels, Fruit, Vegetables, all
kiln's, fresh ocean fish, crabs, j
shrimps, clams, oysters by ihe pint, '
quart and Ballon, also in cans. Cash
paid for fro it and produce. E.
Steele. 11-2 tf
COTTAGE Furnished cottaif.i with
bath and electric liirhts. rent 13.
Inquire P. O. liox !ii."
12 21 tf
ROOMING HOUSE and Dwelling for
rem, mn-e motes ironi postotlice,
nnt reasonable. See or addrrss ().
J. Kniis u-u at
WANTED Grain Sacks, Tools and
other second-hand goods. Harrison i
tiros., hecowl hand-store, corner
Sixth aud J streets. 2-u tf
C. L. JiOEL of Odesfa wants loggets
and timber cutters to deliver 2.IMJ0,.
000 feet of lo(;s lo mill hy contract '
before snow flies; short haul, lwl i
roads, one 4-horxe teaii', two trucks, !
chains, etc. furnished. Also left ;
hand 8-gang either wanted. Write
or call at mill Odessa, Or 8 3 tf .
help Wanted. ,
WANTED Saltwen. Many Make1
100 to 1."() per mouth; some even
more Stock clean; grown on Reser
viition, far from old orchards. Cash
advanced weeklv. Choice of terri
tory. Address WashintKon Nursery '
Company, Toppeuiah, Washington. ,
. -SH tf '
DRESSMAkIngTm,; Pepn7 ?24, ,
H street, cor. Eighth. 13.31 ;)t
BOARD Tahl beard flrst house west '
of tennis court on D street. 13-7 tf :
XMAS PHOTOS-best in town, 25 perl
cent off, made at Brunch Art Gal-1
lery, back of First National Bauk. !
11-16 tf
GOATS F. A. Pierce, Merlin, Ore-,
Breeder of Pure Wood Angora Goats ;
ilock headed by South African
import; correspondence solicited
in regard to goata. n.-jc, tf
dressmaking and
T. C. Horr, 107 C
814 tf
tailoring, Mrs.
n. ot-n.iii upholsterinc. I
nusiiou furniture made to order.
G 0 0 ID) S
Call and
For Man
P. H, Hartlt & Son. Inc.
Wish you a Merry Christmas
Notice is hereby giveu that the ca
partnership heretofore existing be
tween C. D. Burnett nnd B. W.Bald
win, partners doing business at Grants
Pass, Oregon, under the firm name of
Burnett & Baldwin is dissolved, C.
D. Burnett tasing the business pay
ing all outstanding indebtedness and
assuming all liabilities.
Proprietor of Art Gallery hack of
First National Bank is the only lo
cated photographer in town. He owns
his bouse aud a nic home on Iowa
Street. 12-21 2t
Boundary Board Meeting.
Notice is herphr cfirnn that-, ihu Tia.
trict Be nnrtnry Boird will meet in the
Court House in Grants Pass at 1 :!i0
o'clock p. m., ou Thursday, January
I Don t Raise a
Belt Buckles, Hat Pins, Dia
mond Jewelry, etc., etc,
Bert Barnes
Uhe Jeweler
Always Bcsy. "
1 ...
Inch in
See them
For Boys
3d, 19(7, to act on petition to form a
new and separate sohool district out of
territory now included within the
boundaries cf school district No. 4 of
Waldo, Josephine County, Oregon. The
territory thus petitioned is described
as follows to-wit :
Beginning at a point where the east
branch of the Illinois River outs the
north Hue of seotion 23 of township 40
south of range 8 west, thence running
southward or np said river to the
point where it cuts the south line of
seotion 3 townBliip 41 sooth of range &
west, thence running east to the toutb
west corner of section 3 township 41
sooth of range 8 west, thence south to
California, thence east three miles;
thenoe north on towns.iip line to the
northeast corner pf section 24 town
ship 40, south of range 8 west, thence
west on tbe north line of sections 24
aud 23 of township 40 south of range &
west to the place of beginning.
because there is just one
day until Christmas, but
cheer up and see Bert
Although Christmas
trade has been unusually
good ray stock was much
more complete than ever
before and 1 am still
showing some very de
sirable pieces in Solid
Silver Tableware and
Sterling Novelties, also
Hand Painted China and
Umbrellas, Watches,