Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 21, 1906, Image 2

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He builds on rock who owns his home and pays no rent to
landlords, , How is it with you, are you a rent payer or a house
owner? If the former, it will pay you to try to save a little and
purchase a home. It does not take long when you once start, and
lean help you wonderfully to get a home of your own free and
clear. If interested come in and let me put some mutually
beneficial propositions before you.
Office 516 E St.
Two Powers Haw Bn Grow-
Ing Vp in tho Country Dmo-
cravcy vnd Plutocracy.
Postal Rates Twice as High ss Pas
senger and 44 Times as High
freight Rates.
A deficit of more than 110,000,000,
according to Mr. Corteljou, ii the
result of operating the postoffloe de
partment the paat year. We are the
only nation on the globe whose mails
occasion a deflolt, says the Portland
Journal. It la nheer nonsenee, as
well established by the offer of a f-
sponsible Chicago man to operate the
department to rednoe all postal rates
one-half, to eliminate the difloit and
to 'pay the government all profits
above 7 per cent on the necessary In
vestment. Though there are other contributory
Inflaenoes, the main soorce of the
lackage is the extravagant sums paid
railroads for transportation of the
mails. Ibis item In ltXifi oost tbe
government more than 137,000,000.
Of this great sum, it has bean proven
on the floor of oongress that bat 63 per
cent went for actual oarrlage of mail
matter, a proposition illuHtrative of
onr wasteful methods. For carrying
her malls England pays but 8.4 cents
per pound ; we pay S.6 cents per
pound. Though the aggregate of tons
of malls dullvered is a thousandfold
or more Increased there has been no
redaction In tbe rate for 38 years. In
that time passenger rates have been
reduced SI per oeut, and freight rates
40 per cent, but mail rates have not
shronk the thousandth part of a
What makes tbe statemont forceful
la that postal rates are twice aa
high as passenger rates and 44 times
as great as freight rates per pound.
Though the malls and express are
carried on the same trains, require
the same care aud involve the same
responsibility, we pay no less than 10
times as much as the express com
panies pay for the same mtrvlce.
When selecting your
Christmas Pre s e nt
nothing coulJ bo more
useful or acceptable than
a pack ago of Folgcr's
Golden Gate Coffee
or a package of Folgcr's
Golden Gate Tea.,
Your Grocer will
supply you.
J. A. Folger&Co.
San Francisco
More than this, all thi furnishings
and equipment of tbe car, amounting
to 48 per cent of the total weight of
the mtils, are charged np and paM
for by weight just as we pay for let
ters by weight. In other words, 61.80
per cent only of tbe money we pay for
carrying the mails is paid for carrying
tbe mails. We do even worse than
this. After paying for the weight of
letters, paying for the weight of the
mailbags and paying for all the
weight of tbe equipment inside the
oar at the same rate we pay for mails,
we turn around and pay far tbe car
In rent for one year more than it
oosta to build the oar.
If explanation is sought, tbe life
record and moral standard of one
man Is illuminative of this deficit
Senator Depew of frenzied, Insuranoe
fame, has always been a foremost de
fender of 'this railroad graft of onr
malls. Perhaps It Is but human, for
he stepped from a railroad office iuto
the senate. In 1800, effort was made
in oongress to cut tbe graft by a re
duction of five per cent in the rates,
but Mr. Depew , fought tbe measure,
and with the aid of this kind of sena
tors slaughtered it. And thus it Is:
frenzied insurance, Depewa and bis
like in the senate, the postal deficits
all of a kind, all typical and char
acteristic one of the other.
But they are passing.
That's It 1 1 1
Cough yourself into a fit of spasms
and then wonder why yon don't get
well. If you will only try a bottle of
Ballard's Horehonnd Sryup your
oough will be a thing of the past. It
is a positive cure for coombs, in
fluenza, Bronchitis and all Pulmonary
disease. One bottle will convince
you at your druggist, 25c, 50c, $1.00
at Rotermund's and National Drug
.Big Money in Poultry.
There are many chances to make
money In Oregon, but one source of
fortune seems to have been overlooked
by most of the men who come here
frum the outside with money. This
gold creator is best discovered by those
who keep house. Eggs are now sell
ing, as all housewives know, for
about 80 cents a dozen. Now a good
old hen can be bought for 50 cents
and with proper treatment aud with
the absence of cold weather in South
ern Oregon she ought to lay one egg
every other day.
That would mean ISO eggs a year,
allowing a fe vacations for holidays.
Or, in othur' words, the lieu would lay
13 dozen eggs a year. These ael'iug
at 30 cent a dozen would bring $4.50.
One dollar a year will keep a hen
nicely in feed, and with 3.o0 profit
the lieu would not au income of 250
per oeut. What better ran you want?
Why in the world some of the real
estate men have not seen this chance
and gone iuto the poultry business Is
woudur. It is a better rate of in
terest than can be derived by laying
out a new towustte aud opening au
addition. Ex.
worth doing is worth doing well. If
you wish to be onred of Rheumatism
usa Ballard's Snow Liniment and you
wll be "well cured." A positive
cure for Sprains, Neuralgia, Bruises,
Contracted Muscles and all the ills
that flesh is heir to. A. G.M. Will
iams, Kavasnta. Texas, writ's: "I
have usi'd Snow Liniment for sprained
ankle and it gave the best of satisfact
ion. I always keep it in the house "
For sale by National Prog Co., and
In recent issue of The Outlook,
tbe elections are Interpreted thus:
Politically the country haa been grow
ing autocratic. The discovery of
natural forces and the laws which
govern them, the growing ability to
use them in the service of men, the
recently developed ability to oo-oper-ate
in organized industry, tbe inven
tion of division of labor, the vast in
crease of wealth an increase more
rapid than tbe ' lncreare of moral in
telligence properly ' to value and
rightly to use it have combined to
oreate great captains of industry, who
have taxeu the place of the political
commanders of the older epoch. We
have abolished kings and substituted
railway kings; have abolished lords
and substituted ooal barons. Our in
dustrial eyttems are founded on tbe
principles of feudalism, with this diff
erence : The industrial overlord
owes no protection to bis men, and
may discharge them when be will ;
they owe no loyalty to their overlord,
and may leave his service when tbey
wilL But they bave no share in the
direction of the industry, and only in
cidentally and indirectly, if at all,
any share in its profits over and above
the necessary oost of production.
These overlords are sometimes high
minded, noble-spirited, generous men ;
they are sometimes mean, niggardly,
unscrupulous men; but whatever their
character, tbey are overlords. Their
prosperity often depends on legisla
tion. Sometimes unscrupulous poll
tioians threaten them with unjust
legislation against which they must
protect themselves; sometimes they
desire special legislation to promote
their industries. Hence the "boss'
and the "machine." All political
parties must have leaders; when the
leader becomes a servant of the plu
tocracy, be Is a "boas." All political
parties mnat have organization.
When the organization becomes tribu
tary to the plutocracy, it is a "ma
ohine." Thus there have been growing up in
America simultaneously, neither
really conscious of the growth of the
otber, two powers Democracy aud
Plutocracy. There is an Irrepressible
controversy between them. One of
them will eventually destroy the
other. Shall government beoome
autocratic, or shall industry become
democratic? This is the fundamental
question before the American people
Observe: Ihe people do not object
to kings merely when they misbehave.
They object to kings good and bad.
They do not object to plutocrats
merely when they misbehave. They
object to plutocrats good and bad.
As they objected to the concentration
of political power in an oligarchy, so
they object to the concentration of in
dustrial power in a plutocracy.
Fruitgrowers of Rogue River Valley
find the Courier of special interest.
Weigh Carefully
the questiou 0f where you will do
your banking ! And we feel sure
your filial judgment will be in favor
of placing your money in the
GranU Psu Banking & Trust Company's
Bank where you will always re
ceive courteous treatment; where
your affairs will be handled in the
most thoroughly business-like man
ner, aud where you can have im
plicit confidence iu the trustworthi
ness of the institution.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One end a Half KT3on
routes of n reccro ct rrcr" ccoai r vou7 wo Cure. n iw w.
w . - , . v j awrvwa
Fqr tbe belated Xmas shopper
we have a late shipment of Holi
day China at ordinary everyday
Be sure to visit oar store before
making final selections.
Remember we DO EOT have
a clearing sale after the holidays.
Smythe-Gamble Co.
It's Fuel that's Expensive Not the Stove
A Cheap, putty-jointed stove will waste more than its Original
Cost in Fuel every winter.
As you know, all fuel, soft coal, hard coal, lignite, wood and cobs contains a large amount
of gas-fully one-half the carbon available for heat in soft coal is gas-the entire gas supply used
for fuel and illumination in many cities and towns being made from common soft coal The ordi
nary stove in burning soft coal allows this gas-half of the fuel to pass up the chimney unburned,
thus wasting it as a heat producer.
?rig",al ,"0t B,aS by means of the Patented Hot Blast draft and other
!!r I f5aturf maklnS air-tight joints without the use of stove putty, distills this gas from the
"Pf." .f the utl lzln xf a3 Producer along with the fixed carbon or coke in the
coal, thus burning all the coal. Cole's Original Air-Tight Wood Stove on account of the patented
, wimuui mc use oisiove putty noma back the eases in wood
and lighter fuel until burned. This is why
Cole's Original
Save the Dollars and make a ton of common $3.00 soft coal or
lignite or a cord of wood do twice the work of other stoves.
t wJL nl imitation Stoves are not air-tight, do not save
h "S Ks an,l do not give you a warm house at night, because
they are made with putty joints. You cannot afford to savto vourself.
tteWw . t0 d thi Winter-" The old stove i8 "ting up
the ; f ,W tovey 7ear- only that, but on top of theSost
the "''"factory result u gives. It is always out the coldest morning.
Even Heat Day and Night Fire Never Out
Cole's Hot Blast Coal Stoves and Air-Tight Wood Stoves are so ter-
ktZwSh8?re kteP,9 811 nht- a"d tiS-ft opened
iliTTf 8 lbu?Uoor three hours with the fuel put in the
the Im.ther,St0?S dtllis- Fire- theref. "ever goes out,
and the rooms are kept at an even temperature all the time!
'-KatoZLrj fud draft atove of the
"".ISSIT lhC 'Ve W1" hold fire wuftci'A?ur.r without
1- We ESSme. w'SSJEU H "?d nl,Rht' wi,h '. hd co.1 or Unite.
ir.lThi . l?Z f CO" "ove '""gour name to remain mbsofutely
7-we guarantee the feed door to be .moke and du,t proof.
For Hard Coal Saves Half
The extent of unburned gases in hard coal is shnm h
ZXnler, f Use. burner when the exta oxygen
m tTouTr WlUl fl"min Wood alson-
rScss uU0dr.?""'c,.,0Hn,,a!;r y
Wood Stove.. The ilow 21.i i ' Hot Blaat Coal Stove, and Air-Tight
!,.. ' ,ne r!ow. con'l!cal corabHM on. and th. Isrn.
The imitations lack the patented f,.,i., -j , ,
a great success. They do not stay tight, JTmAA"1' 'P' Co,e' 0rl Hete
CWcki n "I11, which render them worthless as fit e keepers.
E, WBkSL ,
1 I. Ill III 11,1 II I n i