t-icopvtrPR 14. 1906. ROGUE RIVER CUUKIKK, UKAflia rAoa, im-cw. - 1 . ... I Slippers And Fine Shoes Make Most Acceptable XMAS GIFTS .Our Assortment 1$ Complete and Trices are Right R. L. BARTLETT HOWARD BUILDING blXTH STREET ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREUON. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Published Every Friday. Subscription Ratssi One Year, in advance, Biz Monthx, Three M on tin, Single Copies, $1.60 .76 .40 .05 Advertising Rates Fuminhed on application at the office, or by null. Obituaries and resolutions of con dolence will be rhsrged for at 6c per line; card of thanki 60c . A. E. VOOREIES, PROPR. Entered at the poet office at Grants Fssi, Oregon, a second-class ml) matter. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 14, 190A. Report of Patent Office. The report of the Commissioner of Patcnti od the haslneii of the Patent Office for the fiscal year ended Jane 80, 1006, shows that there were re ceived during that year 06,619 appli cations for mechanical patents. 821 applications for design patents, 173 applications for re-issne, 1988 caveats, 10,888 applications for trademarks, 943 applications for labels and 438 applications for prints. The number of patents granted, including re-issues and designs was 81,887, and there were registered during the year 10,408 trademarks, 41 labels and 854 prints. The number of patents which expired was 20,683, and SI3 applications which had been allowed were for feited by operation of law for non-payments of the final fee. The total receipts of the office from all sources amounted to fl, 811, 297.84, and the total eipenditnres were 1,B::8,14D.40, leaving a surplus of reoeipta over expenditures of $273, 148.44, which surplus was turned into the treasury. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank the many friends who so kindly remombered ns dnring the recent sickness and death of our loved mother, Mrs. Nannie Nanoke. Oscar F. Nauoke, Theodore Nancke, Alfred Nancke, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stith. 95 Solid Oak Cobler dnoed to 13 75. Thomas Lots of other bargains. Rockers re & O'Neill's. P. Weevver on Prosperity. i doo knot lyke prosperity it kums 3 aufol hi yew iiae 2 pay 2 prices phor everything yew bi. yew hav the welth 2 doo it; qoite phreely i admit it, bat hav 2 wlrk so dad-blamed hard 2 git it. i doo knot lyke prosperity yew've no excuse 2 shirk; the proverb set "2 hav 2 loaf is better than awl wirk. " and when the times is prosperous lvohe ov awl ioy they rob. snm feller's alwaze offerin yew a job. and iph ytw do knot take the.same vore friends ar awl annoyed; disbanded iz the army ov the "wirthv unemployed. yew kannot stand aronnd and speek abowt "a roan phor sale." they opher yew a Job or talk yew oph 2 jail. and it aint trew prosperity or i dont kali it sotch that makes yew wirk Just twicet as hard ' 2 nit but halpb az match as when the penny bigger seemed than now does enny dime. i lyke hard times when yew cant wirk halpb the time. . A. K.. , Fancv Shanes Jelly Monlds, regular 65 and 60o for 60 and 40c. Thomas & O'Neill. More than 51,000 people are on the municipal pay roll in New York oity and are wondering why the officials do not take care of them. Foresters Elect Officers The Foresters held their annual election Wednesday night when the following officers were elected : John Saner, Past O R. M. F. Wiobmao, C R. O. A. Brigan, S O R. W. R. Nipper. F. 8. F. Fetaoh, R S. J. H. Ahlf, Treasurer. F. W. Schallhorn, S W. W. E. Boren, O W. J. A. Steiner, SB. W. A. Stephens, J B. Dr. Strieker, Lecturer. Trustees-Aogost Fetscb, W. T. Coborn, John Saner. ' Ornmb Brushes and trays at Thomas & O'Neill's. SNOW FALLING IN THE SISKIYOUS Trees Across the Track and Tele graphic Communication is Interrupted. A fierce snow storm raged in Sierra Nevada and Siskiyou Moont- ains Monday, and, as a result trains on all lines of the Southern facino were a little late. All the snow shovels of the company were preesed into service to clear the traces oi tne snow drifts. The storm played havoo with tele- grahp wires. The Southern raomo Company had no communication Tuesday farther than Bine Canyon, in the Sierra Nevada Mountain and Dnngmuir, on the north. The poor telegraph service made the handling of trains extremely diffionlt. Up to a late hoar no damage along the line was reported at the local office, al though in several places trees ;had blown acrOFB the track and delayed trains. Art vases in Rosanware at Thomas & 0'Nills over 80 per cent discount DIED. MURRAY At the home of her daughter. Mrs. J. E. Hair in this city, Monday, December 4, 1006, Mrs. Hannah Murray, aged 73 years. Mrs. Murray was born in Conrtland connty. New York, Aogust 11, J833. In company with ber hosand she came from Kansas to this city some three Tears ago to live with ber daughter. Mrs. Hair. Mr. Murray died soon after coming here. Hor death was caused by pneumonia. The interment took place on Decebmer 6 at the I. O. O. F. cemetery, Rev. O. O. Beckman conducting the services. She leaves two daughters. Mrs. J. E. Hair of this city and Mrs. Eemp of Chicago. FIELDS At the home of her sister. Mrs. Clark Savage near Grants Pass, Ore , on Tuesday, December 11, 1906, Mrs. Alice Fields, aged 26 years. Mrs. Fields was born in Napa, Gal., July 19, 1880, and came to Oregon with her parents, Mr,, and Mrs. John Einkle in 1886. She leaves a hus band and three small children to : mourn their loss. Only 7 Days More of Makes us think what is suitable For Father, Mother, Brother or Sister or some other relation. A few suggestions A Silk Dress pattern Nice Wool Dress pattern Pair Kid Gloves Doz or less Hdkfs. Nice pair Shoes Pair House Shoes A Itig Line of Toys for the sy Children I have on sale Marshal Field & Co.'s line of Ladies' Furs and will sell them at actual wholesale prices My lire of Blankets, Comforts cannot be beat in price or quality A Mce Line cf Silk Umbrellas and Parasols My line of Men's and Hoys' Siioes I must close out to make room for several new departments which I am planning to put in, so get prices on these lines at Gumpert's W"Jl'eMUJ!j;;-iMaMsM E0LIMY GO 0 i S eel m 00 t tor line to Attempt to mi r ate Call and See them For Man For Boys P. H Harth & Son. Inc. Wish you a Merry Christmas CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our thanks and gratitude to those friends and neighbors who extended a helping band and their heartfelt sympathy in our double sorrow, the sickness and death of oor fattier and the serions illness of onr mother. Don Morrison, Glenn Morrisou, Mrs. A. C. Epperly, Mrs. T. L. Robertson, Lee Morrison, Stanford Morrison, Adah E. Morrison. CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE. COFFEE Pardee fells Golden Gate Coffee. It is the best. 13-7 2t CHICKENS Parties desiring choice chickens for Sunday dinner or special occasions can secure same from John Sum mere, .North Sixth Street U-28 tf MISCELLANEOUS. BOARD Table board first house west of teunis coart on D street 12-7 tf XMAS PHOTOS-best in town, 25 per cent off, made at Branob Art Gal lery, back of First National Bank. 11-16 tf GOATS F. A. Pieroe, Merlin, Ore-, Breeder of Pure blood Angora Goats; Flock beaded by Sontb African Import; correspondence solicited in regard to goats. 11-26 tf FASHIONABLE tailoring, Mrs. street. dressmaking and T. O. Horr, 107 O 9-14 tf FRANK' BURNETT-Uphoistering, mission furniture made to order. IYPEWRITER Visible writing ma chiue for f JO at the Music Store. All kinds of typewriter ribbons and supplies. FOR SALE By E. Steele at 2d ware house, west odd storage plant Sugar Pine Shiikes. Plymouth Rock Cockerels, Fruit, Vegetables, all kiui's, fresh ocean fish, crabs, shrimps, clams, oysters by the piut, ipnrt and gallos, also in cans. Cash paid for fruit and produce. E. Steele. . tf FOR RENT. 7 ROOMING HOUSE and Dwelling for reut, three blocks from pnstoflice, I rot reasonable. See or address O. I J- Snips. 12.14 2t ROOMS-Three nice, light and airy rooms for housekeeping, furnished, for rent, price reasonable, address I P. O. Box 553. 11-23 tf BIDS WANTED The tabernacle building committee invite bids for all the lumber contained in the tabernacle, Fonrth and E streets. Building will be torn down and nails removed ready for delivery of lumber. Bids warned without de lay. RigH reserved to reject any and all bids. For further informa tion call on J. C. Campbell or W. L. Ireland. 12-7 2t r .WANTED. WANTED Grain Sacks, Tools and other second-hand goods. Harrison Bros,., Second haud-store, corner nun j streets. 2-W tf ;C. L. 1NOEL of Odessa wants loggers , and timber cutters to deliver 2, two,. 000 feet of logs to mill by coutract before snow flies; short haul, levl roads, one 4-horse team, two trucks, I chains, etc. furnished. Also left : naud 3-gang edger wanted.' Write i or call at null Odessa, Ore. 8 8 tf HELP WANTED. anal f 100 to 1.)0 per month ; some 'even more. Stork clean ; grown on Reser vation, far from old orchards. Cash advanctd weeklv. Choice of terri tory. Address Washintgon Nursery ; Company, Toppenish, Washington. I tf-S8 tf The Stre7igth of a Bank is shown, 1st, By its working capital 2nd, By its stockholders. 3rd, By its management. THE First Rational Bank OF SOUTHERN OREGON Grants Pass, Ottgon. Has a Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits $77,500.00 And an additional Stock holders Liability (,un der the National Bunk ing Law). .... 50,000 00 Total Responsibility $127,500.00 DIRECTORS : John D. Fry, P. H. Harth, J. T. Tiffs, H. C. Kin net. L. B. Hall. Pres. J. C. Campbell, V. Pre H. L GiLKirr, Cashier.