Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 07, 1906, Image 1

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la Whe.t l Ja.ckson County Or
chard Done Thla Yer Spray
Solution Made Cheaply
L .F. Lozier who hag a fruit farm
on the Jacksonville-Medford road, was
in Grants Pass Wednesday. Mr.
Loiier has been one of the largest
prune growers in Rotine River Valley,
but like other prnne growers lie is
cognizant of the fact that people no
' longer eat dried fruit when they can
get fresh or canned fruit. Ihe can
neries and cold storage houses have
about driven the driers out of business
and where there were 20 years ago
100 pounds of dried fruit sold there
is now scarcely 10 pounds sold and
this at a price of scarcely one-half of
tho former price. Mr. Lozier is
planting his prune orchard to pear
trees and so soon as the pear trees
require the ground he will cot down
the prune tres. This Winter he will
plant 20 acres of his pear orchard 10
yearling seedling pear trees and then
next year he will graft 10 acres of
them to Cornice, five acres to Benrre
d'Anjoo, and five acres to Bartlett
pears. Mr. Lozier holds that by
planting yearling seedlings and then
grafting them he can get a pear or
chard cheaper than to buy grafted
trees and also get stronger, healthier
trees than conld be Brown by trans
planting. As an instance of the big profit in a
pear orchard Mr. Lozier mentioned
among the Jackson connty orcliardists
who have this year sold pears at
fancy prices the success of G. A.
Hover, who from a 10-acre pear or
chard of 10-year-old trees netted over
and above all expenses for cultivating
and spraying the trees and marketing
the fruit $2760 for this year's crop.
The pears were Cornice and Boso and
were given an extra fancy pack with
lace paper and lithographed labels
and were marketed by the Rogue
River Frnit Growers Union of Med
ford, of which both Mr. Hover and
Mr. Lozier are members.
The remarkable feature of this very
profitable pear orchard is the fact that
it proves that it is the kind of a
grower quite as much as the kind of
pear as to the profit that can be made
from an orchard. A previous owner
thought he wag getting more than the
orchard was worth when he sold a
year ago the 10 acres to Mr. Hover
for $T)00 an acre. With the care that
Mr. Hover gave to the growing and
to the marketing of the fruit he was
able to bring its productiveness and
profitableness up to a point not
thought poBgible by the former owner.
As Mr. Hover paid but fiOOO for the
orchard and bag had it but a year his
present investment stands him princi
pal $5000, interest $500 and taxes $S0,
a total of $56S0. His net sales of
pears for this year were $2760, which
payg the'interest'and the tales and all
bat half of the purchase price of the
land. With the interest at 8 per cent,
the usual rate, Mr. Hover cleared a
little over half the purchase price of
his orchard on this ,crop. As fancy
pears sold last year for almost the
Sell Ilea
Ground Floor, Cjurier Baildiuj, G ants Piss, Ore.
$300 A large btrn oa two choice lots clone iu. Barn alone
is worth the price.
$500'5-room oottags, l1 lots, good well. House is well
' painted and in good oonditioa. Nioe shade trae in yard
Place close in. It rented for $5.50 per nnuth
$5000 'S2S0 acre. 10 miles frona Grants Pjsi, 100 acres hay
ground, blanoe pasture aud timber. Water to .irrigate
ali;iaad in cultivation. Fine out-range for stock.
$10 000 "150 acres of choioe river bottom fruit lanlclos to
' tdwj. Well improve! Owd building
i ; ,
price had for this year's crop and the
price for next year, by reason of the
bavoo of the blight in the East and
California, is certain to be as high or
nigner Mr. Hover will make a profit
next year that will fully repay him
the purchase price of his orchard.
Wheat at 20 bushels to the acre and at
$1 a bushel or alfalfa at six tons to
the acre and $12 a ton. or even the
best gold mine in Southern Oregon
will not equal in profit a pear orchard
like that of Mr. Hover's.
Mr. Lozier has had much exper
ience in spraying and the manufacture
of spray solutious. The reason so
many orchardists fail in clearing
their fruit trees of of scale aud simi
lar pests is that they do not properly
prepare their spray. Profiting by the
method employed by the factories
that manufacture spray solution of
lime and snplhur Mr. Lozier cooks his
solution in an airtight tank with
steam. He fouud that boiling in an
open tank the water could not be
made hot enough to fully dissolve the
sulphur, with the result that the per
fect chemical nnion was not made
with the lime that is necessary to
mate a spray that is deadly to San
Jose scale and anthraonose. For an
equipment Mr. Lozier bought a small
second-hand boiler and uses a heavy.
oak barrel in which to cook the lime
and sulpher. With this inexpensive
plant he is able to make as good a
spray as can be
much less cost,
last year be came
bought and at a
In bis spraying
as near exterminate
his orchard as it is
ing the scale in
possible to do with scale all over the
country. So well pleased is he with
his cooking plant that so soon as the
increase acreage of his orobard de
mands it be will Install a large, iron
airtight tank and cook spray solution
in large quantities. Mr. Lozier is
certain that it is cheaper for large
orchardists to put in a steam spray
making plant than it is to buy the
solution and pay freight on 75 per
cent of it as water. To supply the
small growers he is of the opinion
that an establishment located at some
central place in Rogue River Valley
for the manufacture ot spray solution
would be a paying business to tb
owner and would give to the fruit
growers spray cheaper than they can
import it and of a greater efficiency
than they can manufacture themselves
in an open tank.
Ooe of the most critical operations
ever performed in the hospital of
Southern Oregon was that of Novem
ber DO, at the South Pacific Hospital,
when Vincent, the 2-months-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Swinney was
operated on by Drs. Findley and
Longhhridge for the removal of an
abcegg back of the right ear. The
pus accumulated in the ear and broke
throush back of the mastoid bone,
being very near the brain. When the
operation made an opening thrutigh
the boue the pns ushered forth with
force enough to strike the operator in
tho face, he being more than two Net
away from the little one The child Is
one of the youngest ever successfully
placed under the influence of chloro
form, and is now speedily recovering
and will soon be ready to be returned
Forester's Mask Ball, December 31.
l tstate
Uje Real Estate Man.
Company to be Organized at
Dairy and Fine Stock Meet
ing at Kerby Saturday.
There is to be a farmers institute,
dairy and fine stock meeting at Kerby
on Saturday, December 15. This
meeting was Baked for by W. H. Car
ter president, of the Josephine County
Stockmens Association, E. F. Meisner
andG.S. Matheson who called on Thurs
day last week at the office of Meserve
& Meade to have Mr. Meserve ar
range for a dairy and fine stock meet
ing at Kerby. Messrs. Carter and Meis
ner each have fine farms near Kerby
and heretofore have given their at
tention largely to beef oatlte and bay
raising, but tbey are now plannins
to take np dairying. Mr. Matheson is
an owner with SCarl Johnsonin a
small creamery which they put in
last Spring near Kerby on Sucker
creek. These gentlemen so fully
recognize the importance of dairying
and fine stock raising as the leading
industries for the farmers of Illinois
that they with other progressive men
of that rich Valley bave undertaken
to inaugurate campaign of educa
tion on dairy and stock methods for
that section of Josephine county.
As Josephine county has had in the
last two years more than its share of
farmers institute and other counties
of the state are asking for institates,
Mr. Mesarve eras not certain that an
institute conld be had for Kerby this
year as Dr. Jas. Withycombe, director
of the experiment station of the Ore
gon Agricultural College, had informed
that as the institute fund appro
priated by the legislature was but
$2500 he would not likely be able to
have sufficient money to meet the ex
penses of so many institutes over the
state and would bave none for this
Winter in this county. So anxious
were Messrs. Carter, Meissner and
Johnson for a farmers meeting at
Kerby that they offered that the ex
pense of the speakers would be paid
by the business men of Kerby and the
farmers of that section. With this
encouraging showing, Mr. Meserve
took np the matter with Dr. Withv-
cotnhe with the result that he will
hold a farmers institute at Kerbv and
arrange that the speakers be paid out
of the institute fund. Dr. Withv-
combe will have with him William
Schulmerich of Hillaboro. cne of the
most successful dairymen of Oreaon.
E. T. Judd, of Turner, the well
known breeder of floe horses and also
a large dairyman, and Charles Me
serve. Dr. Withcyombe will sneak
on "Forage Plants," Mr. Schulmerich
on "The Breedinit and Care of the
Dairy Cow," Mr. Judd, on "The
Horse on the Dairy Farm. " Mr. Mh-
eerva will assist the farmers of Illinois
Valley in organizing a co-operative
creamery company and will take with
him a copy of the constitution aud by.
laws of sucli organization for
this meeting.
This co-operative creamery com- !
pany is for the purpose of taking over
tne creamery looated near Kerby
that was built last Spring by Geo. 8. j
Matheson, a Sucker Creek dairyman, j
and Carl Johnson, a young farmer of i
that section. Ths creamery has not
had the patronage of the farmers that j
it should have aud it is planned to get
the farmers to go into dairying more !
extensively and to become regular db- i
trono of the creamery that the Illinois
alley Creamery Company is to form, j
ihe plan is securing the hearty sup-1
port of the leading farmers of that :
Valley and the company will have a
large membership aud strong financial ,
backing. The present creamery will
be enlarged and an expert butter i
maker appointed. The imildinu 1
which is new, is large enonirb to ac- i
commodate a plant to handle the!
cream from a thoosaud cows. It is j
expected that with this Spring that !
the cream from 400 cows can be had
for the creamery. Even with the !
limited supply of cream had this past j
year Messrs. Mathesm & Johnson
were able to demonstrate that the 1
creamery can be made a nm(lti.u"Tr. -
dertaking when given the support
that is possible in that Valley.
The Illinois Valley has the soil, i
water and climate to make It a first
class dairy district This Valley has a
length of 40 miles and a width of ?0
miles and in addition to the main j
rivir it has many small streams that
each have fine grass land and the time
will come when the Illinois Valley
will have 5000 oows and be noted as
one of the best dairy sections of
Oregon and ooe of the most prosperous
parts of the state. I
Have Large Membership and Will
Market Fish and Develop Fish
ing in Kogvie Kiver
The Rogue River Fishermen's
Union is the latest business ven
ture having headquarters iu Grants
Pass. A meeting was held Inst Satur
day evening at the office of Meserve
& Meade that was largely attended by
the men engaged in fishing in Rogue
river. The meeting was called to
order by D. H. Brown, who stated the
purpose of the proposed onion. F. C.
Kline was made temporary chairman
and Louis Streuber temporary secre
tary. Charles Meserve made a brief ad
dress outlying the plan of organiza
tion of frnit grower unions and
other co-operative organizations and
he gave the fishermen several strong
points wby they should organize a
anion. Throngb the nnion tbey could
ship their fiBh direct to the big
dealers in the various large cities
end save to themselves the profit of
the middlemen that is so often unite
as much as tbe amount that the fisher
men are paid for their fish. By the
nnion purchasing twine aud other
supplies at wholesale a large saving
in the expense aooonut to the mem
bers. A strong union would be able
to stop all illegal fishina and secure
inch laws as would regulate the close
season on the river to be eonable to
tbe fishermen and to give the fish a
chance to ge! np the river for spawn
ing. The Union would be able to
stop the present practioe of the state
in taking salmon eggs from Rogue
river and sending them to Clackamas
hatchery from whichthe young fish are
put in the Columbia river, thus com
pleting the work of the illegal fisher
men in exterminating the salmon in
Rogue river. Mr. Meserve submitted
tbe draft of a constitution and by
laws for the anion which were
A permanent organization was then
effected and 21 names were enrolled as
charter members. It is expected the
list will be inoreased to 40 members,
which will embrace all the fishermen
on Rogue river above the Coast range
of mountains. The following are the
names of the charter members:
B. L. Jewell, A. Aubery, Louie
Streuber, Geo. Edwards, D. H.
Brown, J. W. Smith. J. H. Hudson,
Earl Allen, R. G. Hoock, W. C.
Kline, James Murtha, Wesley Miller,
William Ash, Andrew Olceu, E. E.
Magone, Frank Houck. W. Peterson,
Otto Walter, Albert Scbmldt, J. H.
Rimer, F. E. McFarland, H. H.
Croisant, J. A. Couuers.
The following were the officers who
wore electel and to serve until the-
The economic houiewifc will bt
particularly Interested In our
Special Offerings this week.
big line.
sizes. We of
fer an excep
tional bargain
in our Com
forts for $1 .00.
We have some
beau ties at
$4.50. All
the between
Tapestry, reg
ular loc,
close 50c.
The finest Spring Mattress manufactured. We carry it in three different
weights for light weights, middle weights and heavy weights, The large
size takes the place of a Box Mattress; made of the highest grade carbon
steel and guaranteed for 5 years. Try one. Sleep on it for 30 days and if
it don't prove satisfactory in every particular we refund your money.
You -are
Invited to Call
JJl SPECIAL SALE of Heating Stoves Cast Tops, Nickel trimmings, lined and air-tight,
rocrnldr 7 Id nnA t. 7M Tt r (ml I t An
Thomas (Si O'Neill, Headquarters
first annual meeting, which will be
on the last Satnrday in Maroh:
President, D. H. Brown, ; vioe-presi-dent,
A. Aubery; secretary, Bert L.
Jewell; treasurer, L. L. Jewell, the
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Com
pany being made custodian of funds
Directors D. H. Brown, A. Aubery,
Otto Walters, Frank MoFarland, J.
H. Hudson. Henry H. Croisant,
Jospeh S. Conner, Andrew Olsen. J.
H. Rimer.
Following the meeting of the union
the directors heid a meeting and ap
pointed E. E. Magone manager to
have charge of the union's packing
aud icing station on? the river.and the
shipping of the fish. Tbe next meet
ing of the nnion will be on Saturday
evening of this week at the office of
Meserve & Meade, when several mat
ters of importance to the nnion will
beaded on and it is expected that
every fisherman will be present.
(Con iinued on Page Three. )
To Locate at Provolt-ls Being
' Put In by Company of
Applegate Valley is soon to have its
first creamery one now being built at
Provolt and it is expected to have it
in operation by tbe first of February.
Tbis creamery is being put in by a
oo-operation of farmers of Applegate
and Williams Valleys, of whom 2H
have each taken a share in the com
pany that is to be organized. The
shares are $100 each which from the
number that are being subscribed for
will give the company ample capital
to work on. Tbe business or tbe com
pany is now attended to by commit
tee composed of E. N. Provolt. E.
Badger, S. B. Green, Jesse Gotoher
and Fred Knox.
Tbe creamery is to be located at the
junction of the Williams-Applegate-
Urants Pass roads aud will be in a
central location for the entire Valley.
The , boildlng, which is now being
ereoted is 20x30 Ifeot, one Jstory. It
will be equipped with a first-class
butter making plant capable of hand
ling the cream from 600 cows.
Pledge bave been secured for the
cream from 850 cows for the first year
and it is expected that by tbe second
year the full fiOO cows will be on the
Applegate Valley is producing more
alfalfa than any other Valiey of
Southern Oregon and has every requi
site for becoming one of the best dairy
seotions of Oregon. With the large
and profitable market that Grants
Pass will afford for the butter there
Is every certainty that the Provolt
creamery can be made a profitable
Investment to Its stockholders and the
means of making Apjilegate Valley a
nighty prosperous section.
Thomas & O'Neill
Opposite the Flag Pole
Homes Furnished Complete
an 1 See Our Immense
mmmmi-wmrm mmrmrmmA
No Sharp Contest Over Candidate
or Measures Causa Vote
to be Light.
The annual
Pa 88 was held
four wards of
election for Grants
last Monday in the
ths city. Owing to
strife over tbe caudl-
there being no
dates aud no contest over any jmblio
measure there was only a light vote
polled. In the contest for mayor Dr.
J. O. Smith won by a majority of 03
over L. B. Hall. Col. W. Johnson
had no opposition for treasurer aud
was re elected this beiug the ninth
time that be has been so honored.
There was no election of city recorder
and police judge, city attorney, mar
shal and street commissioner, these
officials being appointed by the mayor.
For oounoilmen, iu the First ward
H. C Kinney was chosen to suoceed
L. B. Hall; in the Second ward, D.
It S to vail to suoceed J. C. Randle ;
in the Third ward George W. Lewis
to succeed F. W. Chausse; in the
Fourth ward, W. T. Cobnrn to suo
ceed Frank Fetsch.
The vote by warda waa as follows:
First Ward: For mayor J. O.
Smith, 68; L. a HalL 77. Treasurer.
OoL W. Johnsoo, 127. Councilman
H. O. Kinney, 98! G. H. Durham, 49.
Second ward: Mayor J. C. Smith.
(10; L. B. Hall, 91. Treasurer, Col.
Johnson, 139. Counoilman, D. ;H.
Stovall, 100; W. L Sweetland, 55.
Tblrd Ward : Mayor, J. O. Smith,
91 ; L. B. Hall, 4. Treasurer. Col.
W. Johnsoo, 104. Connclman, Geo.
W. Lewis, no opposing candidate. 110.
Fourth Ward: Mayor J. C. Smith,
78, L. B. Hall 43. Tresurer, Col. W.
Johnson, 105. Councilman. W. T.
Coborn, no opposing oandldate, 91.
The proposed city charter was de
feated by! a big majority, the vote
standing 825 against it and 135 for it.
"Tilly Olson." "
One of the brightest and moat enter
taining comedies written recently la
tbe Swedish-Amerloan play " Tilly
Olson, " announced to appear at the
opera house, Thursday. December 18.
The pieoe is a novelty in the way of
Scandinavian drama in that the lead
ing character is a young Swedish girL
"Tilly" will undoubtedly prove a
qoaiut and interesting type of stage
creation. Tbe suenes of the new
comedy are laid in the Northwest
and the story has to do with the
tribulations of a daughter of Scandi
navia while serving in the oapaoity of
a "charity domestic" In the family
of some Minnesota farmer folk. A fine
scenic equipment will be provided for
the uew play and a company of un
usual excellence is promised. 12-7 It
Justice blanks at the Courier office
Satisfaction guaranteed money
back If you want It. Everything
for the houie.
of your life is
siicnt iu bed.
Take a look,
at our Mat
tresses from
$1.95 to $22.
All the be
tween prices.
Display of New China
for Ilouscfurnisjiinss.