Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 30, 1906, Image 1

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    un si i in mil ruin
No. 35.
County Court Appoints Inspector
Its Now Sprevy or Cut
Down Trees.
The county court, od the recommen
dation of a number of the leading
fruit growers of the county, haa ap
pointed the undersigned fruit in
spector for Josephine County. That
uch an officer, and one who will do
big doty is necessary for the enforce
ment of the state law to secure the
destruction of the pests that are now
making such baroo in orchards that
were there no spraying or other means
of combatting them employed for the
next five yuars that by the end of that
period there would not be a live fruit
tree left in the county, is apparent
to all who have observed the increase
in the kinds and numbers of pests
"within the past five years. It will
not be a pleasure jaunt going over
Josephine oounty to enforce the pest
laws judging by the strenuous ex
perience of some of the inspectors
in other counties, who have en
countered guns, axes, dogs and law
suits but having accepted the position,
I intend to see to it that every fruit
tree in Josephine county is freed of
pests, or it cut down by the owner
but if not then by the oounty and the
expense will be collected ofl.the land
by the sheriff under orders of the
court. As the fruit crop of this year
is practically all sold, or so diseased
as to be left rotting in the orchards
the law against selling diseased fruit
will not be enforoed until after
January 1, 1907. After that date
any farmer, dealer, or merchant
caught selling or giving away di
eeased fruit of any kind will be ar
rested and fined to the fall limit of
the law. Suits brought in other
counties have demonstrated that the
law is constitutional and can be en
forced with the same rigor as the
law against contagions diseases among
men or stock. The Grants Pass Fruit
Growers Union will back op" the en
forcement of the state pest law and
persons who think that they can let
their diseased trees stand to be a
breeding place from 'which pests can
ewarm into the neighboring orchards
will get a severe awakeuing from
their indolence or selfishness.
The principal pests that need at
tention now are the scale and anthrao
nose, for every orchard in the oounty
has Bcale and more than half of them
has aothracnose. All diseased trees
should be thoroughly sprayed this
Fall and then again in February or
March with the lime and sulphur
solution. This solution, when prop
erly prepared, has been proven by the
Oregon Agricultural College experi
ment station and by many orchard ists
in careful experiments during the past
year to thoroughly clear oil the scale
and anthraooose. Both salt and vit
riol have been discarded by the ex
perts of the Experiment Stations and
by many prorgessive orohardists.
Prof. A. B. CordUey, who is conceded
one of the beet posted entomologists in
the United States, in his address on
spraying at the recent fruit growers
meeting in this city recommended
only the lime and sulphur solution.
Prof. Cordley is getting out a new
bulletin on pests and sprays that will
embody all the latest methods of com -battiog
the diseases of fruit and trees.
These bulletins will be distributed
free of charge by applyiug to the
Oreiron Agricultural College. Copies
can be also had at my office in
Grants Pass. Lime and sulphur will
be all the spray material required
ontil next May when spraying for
i 1 ii n
sen neai tsiaie i
rkGround Floor. Courier Bailding, Grants Pass, Ore.
codlin moth will have to be begun
and then arsenate of lead will be need
as it is proven to be by far the best
exterminator of this pest.
As many farmers have difficulty in
getting perfect chemical combina
tion in mixing the lime and sulphur
and do not get a perfect solution of
the required strength and are troubled
with the undissolved particles choking
the spraytr I shall arrange for them
to secure a prepared preparation that
will be manufactured here in Grants
Pass or imported. I shall arrange to
get persons to do spraying for those
who bave so few trees as not to jus
tify their fitting up a plant. The
solution 8'iall be up to the required
strength samples will be sent to the
Agricultural College from time to
time for analysis and the law will
be enforced against any one who may
nse a weak or spurious spray.
At even 11 a box the apples and pears
injured and destroyed by the pests in
this county the present year
amounted together with the damage
to the trees to fully $60,000, and un
less tborongb spraying is done this
loss will be even greater next year,
and continue bo until the fruit in
dustry is a tiling of the past in Jose
phine connty. The pests are mak
ing as great destruction in the or
chards of every state in the Union
and fruit raising will hereafter be
confined to commercial orchards and
in districts where united effort is
made to control these destroyers of the
fruit industry. Rogoe Kiver Valley
by is splendid soil and climate isfitted
to become one of the great fruit sec.
tions of the United States and being
completely isolated by four mount
ain ranges that completely encircle it
and out it off from the other Coast
settlements it will be an easy matter
to keep out the pests by guarding the
importation of traea and shrubs.
When the pests we have are brought
under control spraying will be bat a
nominal expense and the fruit raisers
will fairly ooin money for the day of
cheap fruit in the United States is
I shall at once begin the inspection
of all fruit trees in the county and all
that are diseased will bave to be put
in healthy condition or destroyed as
the owners may chose and there will
be no indifinite time allowed either
for if there is a good yield next year
Josephine county shall bave $100,000
worth of fruit to ship.
Iruit Inspector.
A Rapid Apple Picker.
How many apples can a man pick in
one day? Five years ago it was
stated that George Binkley of Potter
picked SO barrels, or 150 bushels, in
a day. The statement was generally
doubted or disputed at the time. The
following are the facts as given by
William Bell of Moont Pleasant, in
whose orchard the picking was done:
Mr. Binkley picked Mr. Bell's apples,
which were assorted and packed
as fast as they were picked. From
one day's pioking just 40 barrels of
sound apples were packed. The culls
were not measured, bat Mr. Bell be
lieves that they comprised nearly one
third of the apples picked, so that the
number of barrels picked by Mr.
Binkley. in oue day was between 50
and 60. Mr. Bell saw the apples
picked and packed, and his word with
all who know bim is as good as an
affidavit, so that Mr. Binkley picked
over 150 bushels in a day may be ac
cepted as a fact. He picked the
trees clean as he went, using a pick
ing sack and a ladder. Eaueas City
Placer and quartz location notices,
miue deeds, leases, etc, at the
Courier office.
i i" i 5
X5hQ Real Estate Man.
Convention to Be Held at Ash.
land, I uesday aud Wednes
day, Deo. II and 12.
The 14th anuual meeting of the
Oregon Dairymen's Aesocation will
be held at the City Hall, Ashland,
Oregon, on Tuesday aud Wednesday,
December 11 and 13, 1906.
Upon the arrival of the delegates
from the north, about 13:30 p. m. on
Tuesday, an informal reception will
be given by the Ashland Commercial
Club. There will be an address by
the president of the club, M. F. Eg
gleston, followed by responses from
members of the Da'rymen's Asso
ciation. The delegates and citizens will
then repair to the City Hall where the
regular program will take place as
follows :
TUESDAY, DEC. 11, 1:30 P. M.
Call to order President H. West.
Address of Welcome Mayor G. S.
Butler, Ashland.
Responses, annual address Presi
dent H. West.
"Better Cows and How to Obtain
them "State Dairy and Food Com
missioner, J. W. Bailey, Portland.
'Dairy Problems on High Priced
Land 'Dr. J as. Withyoombe, Cor
vallis. Music.
"Southern Oregon Dairy Foods" -
W. J. Dean. Talent
"NMcessity of Clean Milk" L. B.
Ziemer, Tillamook.
TUESDAY, DEC. 11, 8KX) P. M.
Address, "Organization for Dairy
men A. T. Buxton, Forest Grove.
Address Hon. Ed. H. Webster,
Chief of the Dairy Division U. S.
Dpeartment of Agriculture.
Papers, "The Hand Separator as
Factor in Modern Dairying" S. E.
Brane, DeLaval Dairy Supply Co.,
WEDNESDAY. DEC. 13, 10:00 A. M.
"Breeding ud Dairv Herd" Wm.
Schulmerick, Hillsboro.
"Jackson County Cow Census" U.
F. Billings, Ashland.
"Care and Feed for th nlrc
Cow" E. T. Judd, Turner.
"Dairy Development in JoserjUine
County" Chas. Meserve, Grants
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13, 1 :80 P. M.
Business Session.
Reports of officers and committees.
Election of officers.
Selection of next place of meeting.
Address Hon. E. H. Webter.
Washington, D. C.
Address, "Valae of Prorjer Pack'-
ing' W. H. Chpin, Portland.
Ihe local arrangements are in the
hands of the members of the Ashland
Commercial Club, and its quarters
will ba "wide open" to members of
the Association at all times during
the convention.
The Southern Paoiflo R. R. Co. will
sell round trip tickets for this meet
ing, on the certificate plan, at one and
one-third fre. Full fare is to be paid
going, and receipt taken therefor,
upon which return ticket will be is
sued at one-third fare.
For further information address,
F. L. Kent, seorteary Corvallia, or
D. Perrozi, committee, Ashland.
Strongest In Kogue River Valley
He.s Success Market
ing Fruit.
A, L. Kitchen, who for the past
four years has been tniuager of the
Ashlaud Fruit & Produce Associa
tion, was in Grants Pass this week
representing the Woodburn Nursery.
Mr. Kitchen stated that their As
sociation had closed their work for
this year as they had bat few apples
to ship, peaches and berries being
tbeir principal product though tho
Association handles all kinds of gar
den and farm produce. The business
for this year has been large and satis
factory. Tbe Association was orgaiT
ized six year s ago and has grown
from a small beginning until itjnow
has 45 memberi. The Awociatioo
siding separate from the depot tracks
so tbeir cars are not disturbed by the
switching of other cars. A charge of
8 1-3 per cent is made for handling
fruit produce and this had paid all
expenses and made a surplus capital
to bave to buy boxes, paper, etc., by
the carload and get the cash discount.
The business is making such gains
that now the Assooiatio is out of debt
it is expeoted to reduce the commis
sion charges. During ' the shipping
season the manager makes up a price
list for each Monday that is mailed
or wired to all customers' that "governs
sales for that week for the Association
has gained snob a standing in the
markets as to be able to quote tbeir
owu prices.
Mr. Kitchen stated that a large
acreage in the v'oinity of Ashland
would be planted this Winter to
apples, pears peaches and berries for
these fruits have proven to be very
protflabls. Than the havoc the pests
are making in other sections and the
isolated position of Rogue River
Valley making it easy to keep out the
pests together with the remarkably
high prioes that fruit of this Valley
brings makes it a tafe investment to
plant orchards the larger the better.
.Return From California..
Willard Chase returned Tuesday
from business trip to California
where hs spent a week at Fair Oaks
with a brother. - Mr. Chase lately
moved to Grants Pass from California
and bought the Day farm on the
Woodville road mils east of this
place and is taking up fruit raising
aud consequently be made a oloe ob
servation of fruit conditions in Cali
fornia. He found the blight in addi
tion to exterminating the pear or
chards is making havoc with the ap
ple orchards. The blight is fongos
disease that as soon as the spores are
oar led to a tree by birds, the wind
and other means tbey quickly germ 1.
nate and penetrate the bark of the
twigs and get into the oiroulation of
the tree and soon spread down the
limb and to all parts of trunk killing
the tree in about two years. This
disease is now all over California and
the East and Is In Eastern Oregon and
Washington and bids fair to put an
end to pear raising and apples a well.
No spray can reach it as it is in the
wood and so far neither the Depart
ment of Agriculture nor the Agri
cultural College have found a
method of combating the disease other
than to cut off the infeoted limbs
and all too often ooutinue the outting
until the tree is gone.
Mr. Chase reports the apple crop
of that section of California small
and inferior, while the orange crop is
large and fine as is the olive crop, the
best of Ihe latter selling for K a ton.
The walnut orop was good and prices
profitable but the aquiirels come for
mi'eaoutof the hills to feast on the
toothsome nuts and if not killed soon
strip a tree of nuts.
Th economic housewife will be
particularly Interested In our
Special Offerings this week.
big line, all
sizes. We of
fer an excep
tional bargain
in our Com
forts for $1.00.
We have some
beau ties at
$4.50. All
the between
Tapestry, reg
ular 75c, to
close 50c.
The finest Spring Mattress manufactured. We carry it in three different
weights for light weights, middle weights and heavy weights, The large
size takes the place of a Box Mattress; made of the highest grade carbon
steel and guaranteed for 5 years. Try one. Sleep on it for 30 days and if
it don't prove satisfactory in every particular we refund your money.
You are Invited to Call an 1 See Our Immense Display of New China
SPECIAL SALE of Heating Stoves Cast Tops, Nickel trimmings, lined and air-tight,
regular $7.50 and $6.75 Heaters for 14-75 and H00.
Thomas (Q, O'Neill, Headquarters for Housefurnishinss.
Stirring Sermon By Evangelist
Honeywell and Sweet Songs
By Mr. Bilhorn.
Interest in the tabernacle meetings
has been steadily on the increase
during the past week. On Sunday
night the building was filled to ut
most capacity, unquestionably the
largest gathering by far that ever as
sembled under one roof in Grants
Pass. The attendance at the week
night meetings is surprisingly large
and on Wednesday aud Thursday even
ing the tabernacle was filled, though
not crowded.
Mr. Honeywell is above all things
plain and forcible; direct, utterly
fearless and absolutely merciless in
flayiug the sins of the church and the
world. As he himself says, be is nbt
a spiritual osteopath ; he Is a surgeon.
In the pulpit he is force personified
and hurls the troth at his hearers so
that It hits hard and sometimes hurts.
Being the kind of a preacher he is,
it would be Impossible for bim to
preach a single sermon in any place
without arousing soma antagonism.
He does not confine himself to spirit
ual matters alone bot deals in a mas
terly manner with the every day,
practical questions of life. Some of
his stories are very amosing but all
carry their valuable lesson. The
mother who brought up her sons by
"prayer and a good hickory, " that
other mother who kept a good switch
above the motto"! Need Thee Every
Hour." the "frizzle beaded sissy" of
lli who is allowed to remain at borne
with a "boy friend" while the family
go to church ; the good influence of
suoh stories as these will outlast the
life of the preaent generation.
Mr. Honeywell very evidently
ahares the views of Soloman in regard
to the bringing up of children and his
talks on this subject alone are of in
estimable value to the community
whioh is fortunate enough to have the
opportunity of listening to bim.
One of the most attractive features
of the meeting is the singing of Mr.
Bilhorn, who infuses into his songs a
note of sympathy so that the spirit as
well as tbe melody of the song is car
rel d to the listeners. The tabernacle
chorus consists of abont 150 voices
and under the dominating influences
of Mr. Bilhorn, every voioe in chorus
and congregation is impelled to do
its "dead level belt" in the song ser
vice. Six or seven very small girls
always oooupy the front seat and ate
olteu called upon by Mr. Bilhorn to
sing a verse of a .hymn by themselves,
which they do with an energy aud
volume of tone which is surprising
and pleasing.
Thomas ts 0 Neill
Opposite the Flag Pole
Homes Furnished Complete
Col. Johnson Comes Up for Re
election, Haying Served
Ten, Terms.
City politics, In the conditions
which precede the regular annual
city election whioh occurs next Mon
day, are more or less confused on ao
count of several of the convention
candidates failing to qualify for the
nomination. H. V. Meade iu the
Second Ward, Henry Hiller in tbe
third ward and Frank Fetich in tbe
Fourth ward have not entered tbe
contest The Sjoond ward, bowaver,
haa an independent candidate in the
person of W. I. Sweetland.
The city ticket is as follows:
Mayor-L. B. Hall, Dr. J. O.
Treasurer Col. W. Johnson.
Firat Ward H. O. Klnne, Geo.
H. Durham.
Second ward Dennis H. Stovall,
W. L Sweetland.
Third ward Geo. W. Lwels.
Fourth ward W. T. Coburn.
The new charter will also be sub
mitted to the voters for their appro
val or rejection.
There being a general desire by the
voters of Grants Pass that they know
the position on the enforcement of tbe
ordinances and on the question of
publio Improvements of the two can
dldates for mayor a representative of
the Courier interviewed Dr. J. C.
Smith and L. B. Hall.
Dr. Smith was reluotant to make a
statement that Involved any promise
or pledge of what he would do were
he elected mayor. He would though
see that the town was orderly and he
would favor all progressive measures
within the limits of the city's finan
cial means.
Mr. Hall was more positive In his
declarations and as to the enforcement
of all ordinnoes passed by the oounoil
said: "I believe laws were made to
be obeyed and it will be my policy
to enforce all the laws and ordinances
of the city, irrespective of persons or
business affected." On the question
of publio improvements and muniolpal
economy Mr. Hall said: "I favor per
manent pnblio improvements aud an
eoonomioal business administration."
Hundreds of new illustrated Post
Cards just received at the Musio
Store. A good supply of the Grants
Pass and G. P. II. S. cards in leather.
The Courier has the largest corps of
correspondents of nnv paper in South
The latest in calling cards at the
Courier office.
Satisfaction guaranteed money
back II you want it. Everything
for the house.
of your life is
spent in bed.
Take a look
at our Mat
tresses from
$1.95 to $22.
All the be
tween prices.
vwub iar warenouse locate! on