KUGUB RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON.. NOVEMBER 16. 1906. A tlATTEH OF HEALTH POUDEE. AbsrlutelvPurn A Crearr. -f Tartar Powder, free fit a alum or phos prtatle acid tIAS KO SUBSTITUTE HARMFULSTOMACH DOSING No Need of It When Hyomel Is Used to Cure Catarrh. Do Dot ty to care catarrh of the bead by dosiDg the stomach. This is neither common tense nor scientific, as the less medicine one swallows the better. To cure catarrhal troubles, breathe the healing Hyomei and the medi cation will go right to the spot where the catarrhal germs are present, and free the system from all catarrhal poison. Rotermund has seen so many cares of catarrh made by Hyomei, some of them chronic caees that he give an absolute guarantee of core or money will be refunded with every outfit he sella. The complete Hyomei outfit costs bnt $1, while extra bottles of Hfomei if needed are bat 60 cents. WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN. The pen with clip cap is the tool of trade to which buyer and sales man, clerk and employer point with pride, as a faithful business assist ant. It is easy to fill, easy to clean, re quires no repairing, can always be depended upon to write so long as there is a drop of ink left; never floods, never fails. Will you have one? For sale by Model Drugstore Prescription Druggist. How to Make the Hair Crow. To stimulate the growth of the hair bold the bristles of rather a soft brush close to the head, touching It In this position work the handle about in a circular direction, keeping the bristles in the same place and pressing lightly on the skin of the head. Move the brush from place to place and continue the action. The stimulating effect la felt at once, and the hair is afterward fluffy and easily dressed. How to Make Ojitfr Curry. Hent two level tabli-spoonfuls each of butter nnd Hour and a rounding table Bpoonful of tlncly minced onion, one cup of oyster liquor ami u level tea spoonful of ourry together. When It bolls up, skim well. Cook live minutes, add oysters, let tueui boll up ouce, sea son well with n little salt and serve. Borne tustes may like more curry. How to Han In "lothe. Hang up clothes by the thickest part, waist or neckbands, etc., because if hung up by the thinner part the water would run Into the thick part, lodge there and take lougcr to dry. Hang ev erything wrong side out, so that any accidental soil will not do so much damage as If It appeared on the right side. ' How to Waik Glanware. In washing glassware beware of niacin? It In hot water bottom down, for that is the time that an ominous sound will tell of a crack from sudden expansion. Very hot water will not hurt any piece of glassware If only the inside as well as the outside comes into contact with the water. How to Remove CaBTee Stalae. Even when there is cream In the cof fee the stain of It may be removed from silk and other delicate fabrics by brushing the spots with pure glycerin. The glycerin most then be rinsed out In lukewarm water and the spot press ed on the wrong side with a warm Iron. How to Preierre Silverware, To prevent articles of silverware from uni.hiiiK warm them when well clean ed and paint them over with a thin so- - .ji I- .lMthnt iudnr a wide soft brush for the purpose. A tides so treated moat be wiped only wttb dry cloths. ,LS FOR IRRIGATION OOVERXMKNT EXPECTS 8TATB ARID LAXI c-AX HE IRR1 GATED BY WELLS. Water in Great Quantities Await Tapping Vnder Xow Worth ies Acres. Washington, Nov. 14. The hydro jraphic branch of the United States Geologicaal Survey has uider way an investigation of the ground waters of the San Joaquin Valley, and al though the field work is not com plete, enough has been done to Indi cate that results of great value to the residents of the region will be obtained. The 12,000 square miles of this valley constitute about two thirds of the wide interior plain known as the great valley of Cali fornia and Is the granary of the en tire Southwest, the quantity of staple food products raised within its bor ders exceeding that produced In any similar area soiuh of the Oregon line and west of the Colorado river. In the past irrigation within this are has depended almost entirely up on water brought to the valley border by the great streams that rise in the Sierras and flow down their western slopes, except in a few loca tions; yet the work of the survey In dicates that one of the largest ar tesian basins In the Southwest lies along the axis of this valley and that about its borders are zones in which ground waters are available with but moderate pumping. The utilization of these ground waters will benefit the valley not only directly through the Irrigation affected by them, but directly by draining lands which have become alkaline through excessive nse of the surface waters. It is hoped that by calling attention to the wide distribution and great accessibility of the artesian waters, an impulse will be given to the colonization of lands now uncultivated because gravity waters are aot available for use upon them. Growth of this char acter would result in very material Increase to the general wealth of the State. In certain areas the artesian wells yield waters so highly charged with alts of various kinds that they are unfit for use either for domestic sup plies or for irrigation. Such areas will be outlined so that those who contemplate the development of the agricultural possibilities of the val ley may be warned away from them. Other ground waters occur beneath lands much too alkaline, under pres ent conditions, for plant growth. In these cases the problem will be to develop the waters, perhaps eventu ally draining the alkaline lands and bringing them Into such condition that they can be reclaimed for agri culture. Injured Con's Milk Kill Children. Long Heach, Cal., Nov. 14. Twc small children of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Redburn of this city are dead and a third Is In danger of death from what Is believed to have been the re sult of drinking the milk of a de formed cuw. Thw animal was In jured by an electric car about a year ago, but It was thought her milk wai still fit for use by the family. Mary, one of the children, died last Sunday, and Dalbert, another child, died on Monday. Physicians ascribed the cause to cholera Infantum. Walter, the third child, is now very low of a disease ol similar symptoms. CuNtro Xearing the End. Wlllemstad. Island of Curacao, Nov. 14. The latest advices rwcelved here from Caracas confirm prevlout reports to the effect that President Castro's Illness Is approaching a climax, aad that his physicians be lieve It is Impossible for him to re cover. The Venezuela rebel leader, Mon tllla, Is again in arms, has twice de feated Government troops and hat threatened to pillage the town ol Barquislmeto. Serious disturbances, tt Is still asserted, are feared In can f Castro' "!!. There's Ne Um talking, yon can't beat Herbine for the liver. The greatest regulator ever offered to suffering humanity. If you suffer from lirer Complaint, if yoo am hilinni and fretful, its yonr liver. ' and Herbine will pot it in its proper 'condition. A positive cure for Con 'stination. Biliousness, Dyspewia and i ...... . . . :j T- . - j all ills due to a torpid liver. Try a r! bottle and yon will never nse any- , UVkllD m J - 0 ' thing else. For sale by National Drug Store and Rotermnnd. AH I RKBATERS ARE INDICTED. True Hills Are Found Against Ship pers and Railway Agent. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 14. In dictments returned here yesterday by the Federal Grand Jury are as fol lows: Against David H. Kresky of Kan sas City, a freight broker, charging eonsplracy to violate the Interstate Commerce Act In securing conces sions on export shipments of flour sold by the J. A. Howard Milling Company of Wichita, Kas., to A. F. Roberts & Co. of New York for ex port, and which were shipped from Wichita to Kansas City over the Mis souri Pacific, from Kansas City to Chicago over the Chicago & Alton, and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroads, and from Chicago to New York over the Nickel Plats Line. Against W. A. McGovern, agent at Kansas City of the Nickel Plate Fast Freight Line (the New York, Chica go & St. Louis Railroad Company) for conspiracy with Kresky to violate the Interstate Commerce Act In granting concessions on shipments of flour destined from Wichita to foreign ports. Against Harry S. Hartley of Kan sas City, a dealer In cottonseed meal, charging acceptance of com missions and rebates on shipments made from Rolf, I. T., to Tankio, Mo., and Piano, Iowa, over the St. Louis & San Francisco and tha Chi cago, Burlington & Qulncy railroads. NEEDLE CAUSES DEATH POLICE INVESTIGATE STRANGE FATALITY AXD HOLD YOUNG WOMAN IXNOCEXT. Scranton, Pa., Nov. 14. Last night, after a day spent In Investigat ing the death of Thomas Dougherty of Dunmore, who was killed by be ing pierced in the heart by a long needle, the local police and County Detective Phillips decided to with draw the warrant that had been Is sued for the arreat of MIbs Kittle Burke, the girl who was suspected of having caused Dougherty's death. The authorities are of the opinion that the girl Is Innocent of murder ous intent. She says that she had been mend ing her brother's clothinng with a long needle, used hereabouts in mending miner's heavy outer cloth ing, and that on going down town In the evening she stuck the needle In the bosom of her dress. Dougherty, who had been her sweetheart, hailed her and asked her to take a walk with him. He attempted to embrace her, and the point of the needle that was In her dress caught In his vest, while the "eye" or blunt end rested against her corset. In the embrace the needle was forced Into his body, through the fifth rib and Into the cavity between the perlcordlum and the heart. Hemorrhages resulted that caused death. KAILS TO GET MEDAL. Lose $1(1.000 Because He Was Ex hibited by Tht-iitrirul Manager. Seattle, Nov. 14. John Segalos, the Greek fireman, who made five In effectual attempts to swim ashore with a life line from the steamer Valencia Just before she went to pieces on Vancouver Island rocks last January, and who has since been hailed as a hero and given ten med als by various associations and churches of this city, has been re fused participation in the Carnegie hero fund. The sum of $10,000 was recom mended by Special Agent Crapsey, but the Carnegie commission refused on the ground that Segalos had al lowed himself to be exhibited by a theatrical manager after the wreck. He has been a physical wreck for the past six months, but rerelving his first pay the other day Immediately sent half of it to his aged mother In Greece. New Company in Armor I'lutr Field. Norrlstown, Pa., Nov. 14. The Alan Wood, Iron & Steel Company of Conshohocken has decided to enter the armour plate field and bid for armor plate contracts against tb ether companies now furnishing ta Material to the navies of the world. The company has purchased tbi realty of the Conshohocken Quarry Company, Including the village ol Connoughtown, and will erect an armor plate mill on the newly ac quired land. Has Stood the Teat 25 Years. The old, original GROVES' Taste less Chill Tonlo. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in s tnstless form. No core, no pay. 60o. The Courier is a clean, family paper. TELEGRAPBfO BREVITIES. Commander Robert E. Peary, the Arctic explorer, will make another attempt to reach the North. Pols in 1907. Captain Mlzumo, commanding the Japanese steamer Chiusa, says that the immigration companies of Japan are prepared to send 20,000 laborers to the Hawaiian ,, Islands ..by next June. Governor-elect Hughes of Ne-v York Is reruperatlns In the Adiron dack?, and has ta!;en the precaution to wcht a bright .red hat' so as not to be mUtnl'n for a .eer by.the many hunters which are in tha mountains. Three robbers at Walker,. Mo., last night escaped with the contents of the safe of the Bank of Walker. The safe and front portion, of the bank building were wrecked by the ex plosion of a heavy charge of dyna mite. The BrUIrh ship Galent went ashore yesterday morning on Clatsop Beach, near Ator!a, Oregon, and within a few miles south of where the Peter Iredale went ashore two weeks ago. The officers and crew all came ashoro safely. Tl:e Greatest pathTlng of mem bers of the Natlornl Fox Hunters' Association ever nuembled on a sim ilar occasion aro at Purdatown, Ky . for the njinse, which began ear!' this morning. The weather Is col and c!rr The New York Yacht Club Is wll Ing to accept a challenge for a ra In 1908 under the new rules u' measurement. Sir Thomas Llpton will arrange for another race In an endeavor to secure the America cup. The fall catch of whalebone will ot exceed 20,000 pounds, according to advlees received from the Arctic fleet. Up to date the full catch for the year amounts to but Bins whsJss among six ships. Send the Courier to yonr friend, so he can learn the facts in regard to the famous Roaoe River Valle. THE PUTTY QUESTION t . Coles Hot Coal Stoves and Air Tight Wood Stoves Save all Fuel and Heat Wasted by Other Heating Stoves. 1 ' joint Arm v I - - rurrv joimt L I joinT JOni --r . Joit CUT No. s. Shows air leaking putty Joint conitruciloa ot otber (lovu. Wood Stoves which combine to make them the most economical heating stoves in the world. W are Exclusive Agentsavoid Imitations. flVf $50 00 tn $200 00 , . ennot orJ "'u,"v lu putty ioints. and when vou stop to in fuel during the life of the stove, iuiiuiih'u move mi a mue Other style stove and all imitations of Cole's Original Hot lilast ami i Hjui oiuvci wmtu uuiu me jusi as wen ana are just as economical in luel alter years ol nse as the first day they are put op. ' 50LD BY HAIR-RIDDLE HARDWARE CO. has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? Enclosed vtft svsry -. ". . ! Cbmawa The New Stock of China has arrived. Come in and look it over. SMYTHE'S QUALITY SHOP Smythe-Gsmbls Company 412 Front St. KESTERSON BLOCK Phons 431 JO Up the Chimney is Where Halt Your Fuel Money Goes When the Ordinary Stove is Used Stove putty is universally used by stove manufacturers for making tight joints in heating stoves. While the stove is brand new the putty does the work asked of it. A hot fire for a few months cracks the putty, it drops out of place, leaving the stove full of air leaking cracks, allowing the gases in the fuel and a big part of the heat generated to be sucked up the chimney and thus wasted. More than one-half of all the fuel you put into the putty jointed stove is lost in this way. If your old stove eats up more fuel and does not keep fire as well as it did at first, the reason is the stove putty has rirnnned nut of th inint 1 I 4 Original Blast No stove putty is used in the construction of these economical stoves; it is not necessary, owing to the patented construction which makes the stove practically jointless. Cole's Hot Wast Coal Stoves and Air-Tight Wood Stoves are the only heating stoves in the world which are guaranteed to remain always air-tight. On account of the absolutely air-tiht construction of these patented Stoves, all gases in the furl are hchl back until they are consumed and Ixith gases ami heat which escape up the chimney with other stoves are thus saved to your profit anl comfort soft coal is half gas. As a result of this saving the fire is never out and the rooms are heateil for two or three hours in the morning with the fuel put in these wonderfully economical Stoves the night before. Scientific Construction . .. ntnc uic sinusal urn jiimri encasing (lie ncavy Cast iron fire box inside, and the guaranteed smoke-proof feed door placed at the front of the top in Cole's Hot blast Stove, shown by cut No. I, doing away with sir-leaking putty joints at top and bottom of fire pot and around the door frame on other stoves as shown by cut No. l. The water-tight steel liottom and patented comnound hinge for ash door, also the patented steel collar for joining the ash door frame to the heavy steel ody so that it cannot be loosened tiy action of the fiercest heat, while of only technical interest, are special features in both the OriirWI II. mi iVwl n,l ir .T,.,v, u,uu imitation stove at a little not lilast and think that t.oe saved on the first cost of the stove means the loss of fyj to tioo you will readily see the advantage of buying the Original Hot Blast, and Air- Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic kottle Is Ten Cent, packag of Osovrt ' . ." "" L m ll''lwur-vjl II' f Shnwi Coll'sVLirf, In if. Mot Hint AJF . . FfVJmr turning Mtal to yourself, "My old stove or an ics price Air-Tiirht lrsannr will hv An tV,,. wlm., Air - Tiijht Stoves are made with stove over One and a Half No Cure. No Pav. gg-y Bock Root, Uw PUs, " " ' 'UPSiwu-.v-j-HtssssI