Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 16, 1906, Image 1

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VUL, JU11.
The Tidings Says
Willing to Take
Miners Are
It Out at
per Ton.
That it is a genuine nod permanent
coal mine which is being opened on
the Fnrrey place about six miles
northeast of Ashland, by the Blue
Ledge Copper Company, under direct
ion of Foreman R. P. Little, is be
coming apparent more and more daily
from the reports that are brought in
from the working! which are being
carried on steadily by a force of some
35 men.
Two tunnels 50 feet apart are now
into the mountain side for a distanoe
of nearly 800 feet and a orosacut is
being run to connect the two and
provide ventilation. In the tunneling
big bodies of the coal deposits have
been intersected and the further in
the better the prospects become, ac
cording to the reports of experienced
coal miners from this city who have
inspected the property within the
past day or two. Merchantable coal
of excellent quality ii now being
taken from the mine in considerable
quantity, and one lot of 100 tons has
been contracted the past week, $5 per
ton at the dump.
Tbe compny is now constructing a
coke oven at the mine and is planning
works of a permanent nature for de
veloping the property.
Tbe Tidings is reliably informed
that experienced miners who are
acquainted with the conditicns have
offered to take a contract to mine tbe
coal at 76o a ton, which gives a fair
idea of the apparent extent and ease
of access of the deposits.
Inasmuch as there are reputed to be
vast areas in this section offering
similar and equally as good oppor
tunities for developing coal mines up
on them, it is no wonder that the
people are elated over tbe prospect.
Sunday Councilman O. A. Eliason
and Mining Engineer C. W. Evans
went on a trip of inspection to the
coal mine, situated, seven miles
northwest of the city. The mine is
opened-up by two tunnels run parallel
about 70 feet apatt. These tunnels
are seven feet square in the clear aud
well timbered and logged. They ex
tend into the bill from the west to the
east, on a seven per cent grade in
cline. Tunnel No. 1, on tbe south,
is 280 feet in length, and tunnel No.
2, on the north, is 240 feet long. The
two tunnels are being connected by
cross-cuts every 75 feet, for ventilation
and to extract the coal.
Coal bins are being built, scales
erected and grizzlies and screens put
in place for screening and sorting the
coal. All this work has been aecom-1
plished within the last five weeks.
The mine is being opened up by R. F.
Little au experienced Eastern coiil
miner, recently of Ashland. He is
working night and day shifts in order
to puh development work as rapidly
as possible. He now has 25 men at
work and is putting on more. He
wants lumber and mine timbers. At
present the coal is sold at " per ton
at the mine.
The vein of coal is 18 feet thick,
wi'h a good slate floor and roof, and
lying at a dip of about '.0 pi r cent
eloping toward the northwest. There
are several grades of coal in the vein.
Besides the general heating coal there
is a fine quality of forge coal, and also
caniiHl coal, which makes tho best
gas coal. The coal is of a coking
quality. Numerous coke ovenB will
be built on the rim -rock below the
coal bins. Samples of the various
grades of the coal arc on exhibit at
V i)
Ground Floor. Courier Bailding, GrantsPass, Ore.
the mining office of C W. Evans, cor
rer Main and Water streets. David
D. Good and E. E. Phipps were aUo
over looking at tbe mine yesterday.
Mr. Little states that the has dis
covered a good quality of lubricating
oil a short distance west of the coal
mine. The only other place this
quality of oil is found in the United
States is in Indiana. Tidings.
Mr. Ebrman, of Monumental, who
works for J. N. Britten on the Hard
Luck Claim, was in Crescent City to
vote this week. He reports that they
struck the Udge at the 200 foot level
and that it is at leant seven feet wide.
Ihey had not gotten through the
ledge when he left. It is a very
promising gold mine with indications
of oopper at 200 foot depth. Orescent
City News.
A Tabernacle Seating 1300 has
Been Erected in Which to
Hold Meetings,
Next Tuesday evening will mark
tbe opening of an evangelisio cam
paign in Grants Pass to whioh the
Christian people of the oity are look
ing forward as a means of great good
to the community. Evangelist L E.
Honeywell of Harvey, and Singer P.
P. Bllhorn of Chicago, 111., have been
engaged lor the lour weeks cam'
paign. These gentlemen will arrive
in Grants Pass in time to hold the
first meeting on Tuesday evening.
November 20, at the end of their en
gagement will return East and take
up the work.
A large tabernacle 72i96 feet has
been erected at the corner of Fourth
and D streets and will soon be com
pleted and ready for services. The
main body of the tabernacle will
seat about 1100 and 200 can be aecom
panied in tbe choir. The building
is intended as a tempoiary structure,
constructed in soon a manner as to
leave the lumber in a merchantable
condition after the building has been
taken down. Sawdust will consti
tute the flooring, tbe seats bave backs
and the roof is rain proof, made so by
building paper. Four stoves will fur
nish the warmth and the electrio cur
rent will supply the lights. The cost
of erecting the tabernacle will run
from S500 to Y00 but the sale of lum
ber will probably bring down the ex
pense (200 or more.
Meetings will be held in the taber
nacle every night beginning at 7 :;)0.
Tbe mnsio will be in charge of Mr.
Bilhoro and will consist of a chorus
of 100 or more. Two pianos have
beeu engaged and will occupy posi
tions on opposite sides of the plat
form. Eesides these instruments will
be the organ which Mr. Billiorn car
ries with him wherever he goes on
evangelistic work, and on which he
plays his own acconipaiiinjeuts for
the solns.
Aside from the regular evening
meetings there will be afternoon meet
ings held at various times and neigh
borhood prarer meetings will be held
in the forenoons during the campaign.
For the past several weeks Christian
people have been preparing for the
meetings by holding special cottage
prayer meetings in various parts of
the city and nmnn Ihnrsriay evenin
prayer meetings held in some one
the churches.
Mr. Honeywell was for some time
au associate ot Evangelist Sunday,
who is known from one end of the
land to the other. From this meeting
he goes again to assist Mr. Sunday
in tilling his dates for meetings.
Tho-io who have heard Mr. Honey
well universally speak of him as in
tense Iy earnest, logical aud eloquent.
His mutings are always in some
place especially provided and the
place prepared is generally far too
small. Grants Pans is highly favored
in his coming.
Real Estate '
X5ha Real Estate Man.
IN GRANTS PASS in Interest and Largest in At
tendance of Any Ever Held
in Rogue River Valley.
The campaign of edooation that is
being carried on by the Grants Pass
Fruit Growers Union to teach the
farmers of Josephine county how to
grow fruit treds and care for their
orchards so that they may harvest 95
per cent of first class apples and
pears receievd a big impetus as a re
sult of the meeting that was held
Monday at the court house. The
large attendance of both farmers and
business men attested the fact that
the interest in tho fruit industry was
on tbe gain and the opinion was
freely expressed that fruit raising
would soon become the chief industry
of this section of Rogue River Valley.
At the forenoon session the large
circuit court room was well filled and
every seat was occupied for the after
noon, and Prof. A. B. Cordley, who
has attended every frnit growers
meeting beld in Rogue River Valley
stated that in both attendance and
lire interest this one was the best yet
beld in the Valley. Tbe meeting was
called to order at 10:30 a. m. by
Charles Meserve, secretary and mana
ger of the Grants Pass Fruit Growers
Union, who presided over the two
sessions. Mr. Meserve briefly outlined
the purpose of the meeting and gave
an encouraging outlook for. the frnit
industry in Josephine oounty. With
the certainty that Rogue River Val
ley won Id become one great orchard
yet sncb was the growth of the fopn
lation of tbe United States and tbe
other countries that could be reached
that there would always be a proflta
bis market for fruit. The posts were
making such havoc in the orchards
all over the United States that fruit
raising would hereafter be possible
only In the big commercial orchards,
and the day of cheap fruit was past
On the topic "How to Exterminate
the Pests We Have and How to Pre
vent the Introduction of New Kinds,"
Prof. A. B. Cordley, entcmologiat
at the Oregon Agricultural College,
gave a highly instructive talk. Prof.
Cordley fully explained how to eradi
cate the anthracnose, San Jose scale,
codlin moth, aud wooly apis, the most
dangerous pests iu Rogue River Val
ley. In spraying for San Jose scale
aud anthracnose, which should
be done in badly Infected orchards
this Fall as well as next Spring.
Prof. Cordley stated tbat extensive
trials had proven that salt was not a
necessary Ingredient in the solution
and that only lime and sulphur were
required. For the codliu moth he
recommended arsenate of lead. Many
questions were asked of the Professor
relative to pests and how to identify
and light them and several times dur
ing the day he was called on to ex
plain points brought out iu the dis
(Concluded next week.)
A Urnat Show Coming.
There is another treat In store for
the theatre patrons of Grants Pass
Next Monday evening. November
19th, Gordon & Bennett, the pro
ducers of "The Holy City" will offer
their other great play "A Royal
Slave." The events occurring in "A
Royal Slave" are supposed to h ive j
taken place during the reigu of the
ill-fated Empi ror Maximilliau the '
days when "Knighthood Was in
Flower." in old Mexico fully as much j
as in Europe centuries ago. The
leading characters of the play are of '
the proud old Castillian stock of the j
aristocrat lo families of Mexico, aud
tbe Royal Slave himself Is the last !
descendant of the Montezuma, the au- :
clent Azteo kings ot our sister re-
public. The scenery and costumes :
are especially beautiful. The scenery I
is built to fit any stage and it will j
all be used here. "A Royal Slave" j
is a really great play and tbe seating '
capacity of the opera boose should be !
tested next Monday night. The prices
have been reduoed to 75, 60 and 25
cents. Reserved seats are now on
1 1-10 It
During the past two weeks tbe
Courier received several fonts of new
type for commercial job work, new
card type and new poster type. We
also received a Bolton wire suJiTiTTT
the best machine on the tuarkei.
More new type will arrive withiiTtue
next week. We are now better than
ever prepared to do commercial print- .
ing. Call'usup by 'phone, No.'bul. I
At Ashland December 11-12 Jose
phine County Should Have
Big Delegation.
The annual convention of the Ore
gon State Dairymen's Association will
be held in Ashlaud December 11th,
13th. The matter was brought before
tbe executive committee of the Com
mercial Club by D. Perozzi of the
Ashlaud Creamery, the secretary of
the State AssociationiF. L. Kent,
having written Mr. Perrozzi a letter
outlining the meeting and making
suggestions in regard to the same.
From this letter it would appear
that on the first day there would be
afternoon and evening sessions and on
the second day morning and after
noon sessions. The secretary antici
pates an attendance of 300 delegates
and suggested that papers on local
subjects be prepared, one on" Southern
Oregon Dairy Foods" and "Jackson
Countv Cow Census. " Also tbe mat
ter of music.
The following committees were
appointed :
Reception oommittee : E. D. Brings,
J. H. Provost. L. A. Neil. W. N.
Grubb, V. H. Carter.
Musio O. W. Nims, F. R. NeiL D.
B. Grant.
Badges D. Perozzi.
This will be tbe first state conven
tion of the Oregon Dairymen's Asso
ciation ever held in Southern Oregon
and Ashland feels proud of the fact
that the representatives and leaders
of such an important and useful in
dustry should honor this place with
their aunual convention, especially
as It is located so far away from the
place of residence of the largest body
of its delegates and the matter of car
fare is considerable of an item. From
the manner In whiob the Commercial
Club took bold of the matter tbe
oitizens of Ashland can feel .are that
the rsoeption will be one that will
redound to the credit of tbe oity and
impress the delegates that Ashlaud
appr-ciates their visit. Record.
The annual meetings of the State
Dairy Association are largely attended
and this meeting at Ashland promises
to be no exception to the rule aud
many leading dairymen from all sec
tions of the state will be present
The program for the two days will
embrace addresses by tbe most uoted
dairy experts in Oregon. To the
beginner in dairying this meeting
will be a school to leain the practical
part of this oue of the niost profitable
industries in Oregon, aud the exper
ienced dairy nmu never fails to get
new ideas of value at these meetings.
As many of the farmers of Josephine
county are now engaged in dairying
The economic housewife will be
particularly Interested In our
Special Offering! this week.
big line, all
sizes. We of
fer an excep
tional bargain
in our Com
forts for $1.00.
We have some
beauties at
$4.50. All
the iKtween
Tapestry, reg
ular 75c, to
close 50c.
f s 4-r
1 1 fw
The finest Spring Mattress manufactured. We carry it in three different
weights for light weights, middle weights and heavy weights. The large
size takes the place of a Box Mattress; made of the highest grade carbon
steel and guaranteed for 5 years. Try one. Sleep on it for 30 days and if
it don't prove satisfactory in every particular we refund your money.
You arc Invited to Call an 1 See Our Immense Display of New China
SPECIAL SALE of Heating Stoves Cast Tops, Nickel trimmings, lined and air-tight, j'j
regular $7.50 and $6.75 Heaters for J4-75 and J4-00. ,.tj tiiM
Thomas (Q, O'Neill 'J??."??8.?01" iiousefurmsjrmgs.
they should make it a point to attend
this meeting and this county should
be represented by a bis delegation.
The Southern Pacific will give a one
and one-third fare to Ashland from
all Oregon points.
Jackson county now has three
oreameries in operation these being at
Ashland, Medford and Central Point.
and it is expected to have oue at Eagle
Point within the next year. Jose
phiue county has but oue creamery as
yet. it being located in the Illinois
alley near Eerby, but it is certain
within the near future creameries
will be put in at Grants Pass and
Provolt. There are large tracts of
flue alfalfa land along the Applegate
and Rogue Rivers and with creameries
to afford a nnarby and profitable mar
ket for cream dairying would soon
become one of the leading aud most
profitable industries In tbe county.
After Eight Years of Service the
Le.nd Freud Ferret
Will Retire.
President Roosevelt has aooepted tbe
resignation of Ethan Allen Hitoboock
as secretary of the interior, to take
effect March 4, 1007, and announced
his intention of appointing James R.
Garfield, commissioner of corpora
tions, as Hitchcock's successor. Com
missioner Richards, of tbe general
land oflioe, also tendered his resigns-
to take effect March 4.
Hitchcock's resignation is due to
age and failing health. For a year
past he bas been far from well, but he
desired to remain until tbe land
fraud 'prosecutions inaugurated Jby
him were finished. He entered the
cabinet December 31, 1803, serving
continuously for more than eight
years. He removed Binger Hermann
as land commissioner and inaugurated
the investigations and prosecutions of
land thieves which have startled the
country. In following this oourse he
antagonized many of the leadiug
politicians of the oonntry.
Though it is announced that Gar
field will contiune laud-fraud prose
cutions, there is general jubilation
among laud-fraud defendants, as it Is
felt that Garfield's mild " report
agaiust the beef trust does not indi
cate a disposition toward very re
lentless prosecution.
It is even rumored that with Hitch
cock oat of the way 'he cases against
Binger Hermann will lag and perhaps
be dropped, but this Is denied.
Now is the time for all good bus!
ness men and cottage owners to insure
agaiust fire in the Oregon Fire Relief
Association, with H. B. Hendricks.
agent for Josephine county. Olllce
opposite P. O., Grants Pass, Oregon.
Thomas Cr 0 Neill
Opposite the Flag Pole
Homes Furnished Complete
ti swm
vr? nrd w- -sy- v: rvr -roiv -Y'
w ifs-i :SV .T sv ro
No. 33.
Queen Victoria. Is Responsible
for the Introduction of Pip
pine In Europe.
In the first year of Queen Victoria's
reign Mr. Stevenson, at that time our
minister to Great Britain, gave her
majesty several barrels of pippins
from Albermarle oounty, Virgiuia,
where bis own residence was situated.
She liked them so much that she had
the import duty on this particular
kind of apple removed. Thus began
a trade In pippins, which has steadily
grown up to tlie proseut day, aud even
now they are so 'popular In Great
Britain that nearly the whole of onr
output is shipped thither annually,
such apples being on this account
quite scarce in the American market.
Now, the government bureau of
soils bas recently located by oareful
survey a "pippin belt," running
along the east slope of the Alleghaniea
In Virginia and North Carolina.
This belt has been so accurately de
fined, topographically, tbat It la pos
sible to draw a line .between areas on
whioh tbe apples will flourish and
adjacent areas where they will mot
do well. It is mainly a matter of soil,
a peculiar black "aud rich loam being
requried, and such loam is found
principally In the sheltered "coves"
and small valleys of the hills. Thus
the experienced farmer will commonly
plant oorn on his hilltops aud set out
pippin trees on the lower land and
abiut tbe bases of tbe bills.
These apples, looally known as Al
bemarle pippins, were originally from
cuttings brought In 17l5 from Penn
sylvania by Dr.riiouia Walker, la
surgeon of the Virginla'Troops with"
Braddock at , the timi? of his defeat.
He used " tbeouttlugs for grafting
trees on his estate TnAlbwuiarle
oounty. But tbe trees that "iwwl
the cuttings" were from jtoek derived
from Newtown, Long Islaud, aud so
it appears tbat tbe apples to question
whioh fetch prloos so much higher
in England that we cannot afford to
eat them here are actually Lthe ftt
mous Newtown plppinsT'colehratod
for more that a century.
Reception to Baptist Minister.
A reception was tendered Rev. F.
O. Lovett, the new pastor of the
Baptist churoh, at the ohuroh Monday
evening, which was well attended by
members and friends. Roy Haokett
welcomed the pastor ou behalf of the
churoh members; Rev. Clark Bower
on behalf of the churches of the city
aud T. P. Cramer on behalf of the
business men of the city. Theso ad
dresses were very pleasantly respoodod
to by Mr. Lovett, after which a social
hour was enjoyed.
Satisfaction guaranteed money
back If you want it. Everything
for the house.
of your life is
spent in bed.
Take a look
at our Mat
tresses from
$1.'J5 to $22.
All the be
tween prices.
i A m
-w ,v
- rror -o 1