Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 09, 1906, Image 7

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With Talking Machines and Jack Knives, and he
going to continue unloading them at 25 discount
A $45.00 Talking
A 35.00 "
A 2500 "
A 20.00 "
A 17.50 "
Grants Pass, Oregon
Grants Pass Feed Store
C. L. GILLETT, Propr
All Kinds of Flour, Feed,
Cor. 6th and J. Sts.
4 Throogh Trains Daily From Portland to the East 4
Make it a point to try the
The only Electric Lighted first-class Train from Portland to the East.
Pullman First-Class and Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars.
Dining Car night and day and Observation Car.
It is the train of little luxuries hot baths, barber's services, library,
private smoking compartment, clothes pressing service, all the little things
that add to the comfort of a journey. Its beautiful observation car is a reve
lation. The dining car service is superior; the menu varied and satisfying.
From end to end it is pleasing, comfortable and beautiful a train which
makes friends and keeps them.,
Leave Portland daily running via Tacoina, Seattle, over
the Cascades, through the Yakima Valley, thence to Spokane,
along Lake Pend d 'Oreille and over the Kooky Mouutains to
Helena, Butte, Livingstou, the diverging point for Hie
thence to Minneapolis, Duluth, St. Paul and the East.
Wonderland 1906 can be had for the asking,
or by mail for six cents postage.
Insist on ticket agent routing you via Portland and Northern Pacific
For any Information call on or write
Assistant General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
BGHNK6-0AUO. ffc fading.
BU5ING55 COLLGC 3, pa&M.dS
fffafquipmcnf $000" t unsurpassed
J!fcg west of Chicago
6rrollmenf,AuU904-Ai;l,t9q5, 483 pupils'
enroilmentAuLioc3-Au$.1.ioo. 681 pupfa
Ci3havs on fil, applications from bunnta men
SepUiooy oAv.$oa , 607 .
Pupils placed in lucrative positions during
this time. Z87
Graduates all employed
Oc vill not only equip you for life rork
but will place yov in a position V hen cotnpeteof
founeed us as a school and we need you,
as a pupil Nov the time lo act
TOnta for catalog; 1
- -m
Take Laxative Bromo mmne t.
loin. kM soli! in DO' 12
..MM-VM -
Machine for $33.75
" 26 ''S
" 18.75
" 15.oo
12 is
Bicycle Den.
Mill Feed, Hay, Grain,
Foods, Etc.
Grants Pass, Ore.
Tr TiirA a b One Day
moron. a "'O- -
New York, Nov. 7. Made helples
by rheumatism, Mrs. Mary Donne-
gan of Brooklyn sat starving beside
the body of her mother since last
Friday afternoon, unable to attract
the attention of passers-by until yes
terday. For three days and nights her In
firmities held her a prisoner in the
room with the dead woman. The only
person she succeeded In calling be
fore yesterday, heartlessly or drunk
enly, went away and left her to her
terrible virgil.
Yesterday afternoon a tenant of
the building reported to the Adams
street police station that there was
a dead woman on the top floor. De
tectives Robertson and Hynes discov
ered Mrs. Donnegan helpless In a
rocking-chair beside the body of her
mother, Mrs. Katherine Evan.
Horse Hulks on Railroad Track.
Oakland, Cal., Nov. 7. While J.
N. Jacobs, a teamster In the employ
of an Alameda contracting firm, was
bringing a load of material from the
Island city for the new County Jail In
Oakland yesterday, his horse balked
Just as the wagon was on the South
ern Pacific tracks at First and Broad
way, and a local train struck him.
Jacobs was hurled Into the air, fortu
nately falling to one side of the
tracks, and his wagon was knocked
Into kindling wood. .
The driver was badly cut and
bnilsorl nmn tbo hnriv. "P"
stubborn horse was not hurt, but wai
completely cured of his balkiness by
the smashing ot tne wagon behind
Lieutenant Appears for Court-Mart lal
New York, Nov. 7. The court
martial of Lieutenant John 3. Hamil
ton, Twelfth Infantry, U. 8. A., for
absence without leave began on Gov
ernor's Island yesterday. Hamilton
is the officer who disappeared from
the concentration camp at Mount
Gretna, Pa., nearly three months ago,
and who later wrote a letter to Gen
eral Bell, the chief of the general
staff, telling that officer that he was
going to commit suicide.
About ten days ago Hamilton sur
rendered to General Carter In Chi
cago. General Carter sent him to
be court-martialed. The trial Is be
ing held behind closed doors at the
request of Hamilton's counsel.
Decline to (inuit Raise.
Chicago, Nov. 7. General man
agers of twenty-three railroads enter
ing Chicago tave declined to grant
the demands of the Swltchtuen't
Union for an Increase of wages. The
railroads renewed their offer of twe
rents an hour increase, but declined
to go beyond that.
The switchmen last night decldeo
to demand ten cents nn hour and
their request was accompanied by 8
practical threat of a strike If their
demands were not grunted.
Itimi I'l ins a Counter Move.
Paris, Nov. 7. Sensational devel
opments are anticipated at the hear
ing of the case of the Castellane di
vorce suit today. Conv' 1 taut all
hope of a reconciliation-;... - gone for
ever, It apparently Is the Intention ol
the count's attorneys to open a vic
ious attack on the countess' wit
nesses. The hearing will be private
Helen Gould Is here giving support
and comfort to ner suster during tb
Rotormund Give Some Good Ad
vice to Reader of the Courier.
Many people in Grants Pass are a
burden not only to themselves but to
others because of indigestion and its
resulting ailments.
The backaches, headaches, distress
after eating, loss of appetite, gulping
np of undigested food and gases, can
all be overcome by the use of Mi-o-na
stomach tablets.
This remedy is not a mere digestive,
it is a positive strangthener of he
digestive organs, putting them in
stiape so tiiat they can digest any food
that is eaten. Mi-o-na is used before
meals and so strengthens the digestive
organs, while other remedies are taken
after meals simply to digest the food
without giving permanent relief.
Kotermnnd sells Mi-o-na in 50c boxes
under a positive guaranty that it will
cure or money will be refunded.
Caret Crip
ia Two Days.
They Stand Alone.
Standing out In bold relief, aa nkma,
and as a conspicuous example of open,
frank and honest dealing with the sick
and afllicted, are Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription for weak, over-worked, de
bilitated, nervous, run-down pain
racked women, and Dr. Pierre's Golden
Medical Discovery, the famous remedy
for weak stomach, ludicrstion, or dys
pepsia, torpid liver, or biliousness, all
catarrhal affections whether of the
stomach, bowels, kidneys, bladder, nasal
passagos, throat, bronchia, or other mu
cous passages, also as an effective remedy
for all diseases arising from thin, watery
or Impure blood, as scrofulous and skin
Each bottle of the above medicines
bears upon iu wrapper a badge of hon
esty In the full list of Ingredient com
posing It printed in plain Enqlith.
This frank and open publicity places
these medicines in a cUttt all ly them
tclivit, atui is the best guaranty of their
merits. They cannot lie classed as patent
nor secret medicines for they are neither
brfrifl of kninrn comioifm.
Dr. Pierce feels that he ran afford to
take the afflicted Into his full conlidenco
and lay all the Ingredients of his medi
cines freely beforo them because these
ingredients aro such as are endorsed and
most strongly praised by scores i the
most eminent medical writers as cures
for the. diseases for which these medi
cines are recommended. Therefore, the
sflliou-d do not have to rely alone upon
Dr. Pierce's roconiniendutiion as to the
curative value of his medicines for cer
tain easily recognized diseases.
A glance at the printed formula on
each bottle w ill show that no alcohol and
no harmful or habit-forming drugs enter
Into Dr. Pierce's medicines, they being
wholly compounded of glyceric extracts
of the roots f native, American forest
plants. These are best and safest for
the cure of most lingering, chronic dis
eases. Dr. R. V. Pierce cun be consulted
FRRE, by addressing him at lluffulo,
N. Y., and all communications are re
garded as sacredly confidential.
It is as easy to be well as 111 and
much more comfortable. Constipation Is
the cause of many forms of Illness. Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa
tion. They are tiny, sugar-coated gran
ules. One little Pellet" Is a gentle laxa
tive, two a mild cathartic All dealers in
medicines tell them.
There It No Rtaion
why your baby should be thin, and
fretful during the night. Worms are
the cause of thin, sickly babies. It ia
natural that a healhty babv should be
fat and sleep well. If your baby does
not retain its food, don't experiment
with oolio cures and other medloine,
but try a bottle of White' Cream
Vermifuge, and you will soou sea your
baby have color and laugh as it
should. For sale by National Drug
Co., and Kotermnnd.
A Card.
This la to certify that all druggists
are authorized to refund your money
if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure
your cough or cold It stops the
cough and heals the lungs. Prevents
pneumonia aud will cure incipient
consumption. Contains no opiates
and is Bnfest for Childieu. Ask for
Foley's Honey and Tar and Insist
upon having it. Stops the cough
and heals the lungs, t or sale by H.
A. Rotermond.
Tn School that Placcs
tov in a coob Position.
Write direct to Principal. Raom UI.
In the County Court for Josephine
County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the I
Estate of Nicliolua
Thoss, Deceased. J
Notice is hereby given that the
nndersignnd has been appointed ad
ministrator ol the bIkivh entitled
estate with the will annexed, bv order
of the above entitled court dated Oc
tober 111, I'.lOU, and all persons having
claims against sittd estate are heiehy
notified lo pre-ent the same to the
undcrsigni-d at the law otlice of 11. D.
Norton at Grants Pass, Josephine
Comity, Oregon, verified as by law
required, on or before six n onths
from the date of this notice.
Dated October 2tt, 1'JlHI.
Notice is hereby given that I will
on Saturday, the 17th day of Novem
ber, lit1'', at the hour of 3 o'clock p.
m. at the front door of the Court
House in Grants Pass, Oregon, sell
so ouch as rema ns unsold at said
date of the hereinaf ter described real
aud perso-jal property, to the highest
bidder, for cash iu hand, to-wit: The
Northwest quarter of Section 8, Town
ship 84 South, Range 8 West, W. M , I
containing J 52. 41 ares; the South-!
west quarter of Section 34, Township
31! South, Range 4 West, W. M., con-:
taining I HO acres, the foregoing being
timber lands situate in jaukaou
County, Oregon. Also the undivided
one-half interest in aud to the North- ;
west quarter of the Norhtwest quarter
of Section SH, Township 3.1 South, !
Range 5 West, being mineral land
situate In Josephine County, Ore-;
gun. The foregoing described real
property has lieen patented by the j
United States. Also all the notes
aud book accounts uncollected.
The toregoiog real and personal
property is the property formerly
owned by W. F. Kremer, an insolvent,
and conveyed to uie by deed as as
signee ef said estate; expressly re
serving the right to reject any and all
bids for any aud all of said property,
and the right to sell any or all of
said property at private sale prior
to the sale hereby advertised.
Assiugee for the Estate of W. F.
Kremer, an Insolvent.; Jj 10-19 6t
In the County Court for Josephine
uouncy, uregon.
In the Matter of the")
Estate of Margaret
Hughee. Deceased. J -
Notice ia hereby . given, that Mar
gueritte Kiddle has been appointed
administratrix or the Estate of Mar
garet Hughes, deceased, by order of
the County Court for Josephine
County, Oregon, made on September
va, law, ana all persons Having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present the same duly verified to
the said administratrix within six
months from the date of the first pub
lication of this notice, at the law
oftioe of H. D. Norton in the City of
Grants Pass. Josephine Connty, Ore
gon. Date of first publication October 6.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Josephine County.
In the Matter of the As--)
signment of the South
ern Oregon General
Hospital, a Charitable
Corporation. J
Notice is hereby give that the
Southern Oregon Geueral Hospital,
a Charitable Corporation, organized
under the laws of the State of Ore
gou, lias made an assignment to the
undersigned, J. E. Peterson, for the
beueflt of all ot its creditors, and all
persons having claims against said
insolvent corporation are herbeby
notified to present the same, properly
verified, to the undersigned assiguee,
at the law ohioe of H. D. Norton, at
Grants Pass, Josephine County,
Oregon, within three months from the
date of this notice.
Dated Ootober 5, 1906.
Assignee for the Southern Oregon
Geueral Hospital, Corporation.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878.
United States Land Otlice.
Roeeburg, Oregon, Oct. 9, 1900,
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act (er the aale ol timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Public Land States by act of Au
gust 4, 18112.
of Pomeroy, County of Garflold, State
of Wabington has this day filed in this
office his sworn statement No. 7161) for
the purchase of the SW or EW of
SWJ$ and lots 8 and 4, of section No.
18 in Township 84 South, Range No.
8 W, aud will offer proof to show that
the land fought is more valuable for
ita timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his
olaim to said land before John M.
Booth, United States Commissioner,
at his office at Grants Pais, Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 8th dav of January, 1907.
He names as witnesses:
Wesley B. Sherman, of Grant Pass,
Oregon; John Hillis, of Wimer, Ore
gon , Mary Thompson of Tacouia,
Wash., and 8. Rlanohard of
Grants Pass, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversel
the above-described lands are requested
to file their claims in this otlice on or be
lore said 8tb day of January, HM.I7.
Bknjahin L. Eddy, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Ullicn.
Roseburg. Oregon, Sept 10, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"Xn act for the sale of timber lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4, I Hill!,
of Marietta, County oi Lancaster,
State of Pennsylvania, has this day
tiled in this ofiice bis sworn statement
No. 701111, for the purchase of Lota tl,
7 and 8 and SW4 NWii, NE'4' SW;4'
of Section No. 10 in Towushlp No.
35 South, Kuiige No. 7 West, aud wil'
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stouu than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to
aid laud before Arthur Conklin,
United States CoiiimisHionei, at his
oilioe at Grants Pass, Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 8th day of Jaunary, 1907.
He namel as witnesses : George
R. Ileisey of Marietta, Pennsylvania;
Willard Green of Grants Pasr, Ore
gon ; Wesley B. Sherman, of Grants
Pass, Oregon, and II. Adolph Koter
mnnd of Grants Pass, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested
lo file their claims in this ollice on or be
before said 8th day of January, lllt7.
Hknjami:. L. Eddy, Register.
In the County Court for Josephine
County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the Eh-
tate of Newton M.
Jennings, Deceased. J
Notice is hereby given that J. Mar
tin Moody, the administrator of the
above entitled estate, has filed his
final account of his administration,
and the said Court has fixed Mouday,
November 211, 1901, at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M. at the court house at
Grauta Pass iu Jospehine County,
Oregon, as the time and place for
settling said account, and all persons
are hereby notified to file or present
their objections to said account on or
before the date last above stated.
Dated October 2, IttOfl.
Be Charitable
to your horse as well ai to yourself.
You need not suffer from pains of any
sort your horse need not suffer. Try
a bottle of Ballard' Snow Liniment.
It cure all pain. J. M. Roberts,
Bakerstleld, Mo., writes: "I have
ned your liniment for 10 years aud
find it to lie the best I have ever used
for man "or beat. " For sale by
National Drug Co., and Rotermnnd.
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy I a Specific,
Sure to Give) Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
diseased luouibruue. It cures Catarrh and
drives a Cold in the Head quickl-..
Hestores the Senses of Tnste and SmetL
Knsy to uso. Contains no injurious ilmcs.
Applied into tho nostrils end itlwr rtied.
Large Sir.e, RO cents at Dr'tint:; or ley
milili Trial Size, 10 ce-its hv mail.
Favored by Both Pirtiti.
Republioana aud Democrats alike
praise Foley' Honey and Tar for
oougha, colds and all throat and lung
diseases, as no other remedy can com
pare with It. It is safe and sure. IT,
T. Slater, merchant, 171 Main St.,
Gloucester, Mass., writes: "Foley's
Honey and Tar cured me or a very
bad oongb which I had for three
month though other remedies failed
to benefit me. I can highly recom
mend it for coughs and cold. "For
aale by H. A. Rotermnnd.
Notioe i hereby given that - the
undersigned, by virtue of an order of
sale made by the County Court of
Douglas Connty, Oregon, will on and
after the 30tn day of Ootober, 1906,
sell at private sale lor cash in band,
the following described real property
belonging to the estate of E. L, Gray,
deceased, to-wit: Lots 7, 8 and S,
of Block 63 in Grant Pas, Oregon.
Inquire at ofiice of Joseph Moss.
Dated this 20th day of September,
Administrator of the Estate of E. L.
Gray, Deceased.
House Moving
If you have a building
that you want moved,
raised or leveled up,
call on or address
A. E. Hollo way.
Residence 2 miles west of
city, north side of river.
JL m. -M. M-d W ji . A -VJST
Harmon Blk up stairs
Promptly and of the best material
and in the latest style.
W.P.Sharman and E.F.LeMiaux
Full stock of Wall Papor ail design
quality and prices.
Paints, Varnbihoa, oils. Brushes
nB'i I'd rist.s 'inpt'o.
Mall orders promptly flllod.
Palace Barber Shop
Shaving, Hair Cutting
Maths, Ltc.
Everything net and clean and a
work Klrst-Clasa.
Dry Woods, Underwear,
Notions, Etc.
Front Street
west Palace hotel
We collect everywhere aw make
no charge unless collection is made.
We please our clieuts.
Morgan Mercantile Co.,
Fentou lildg., - Portland, Oregon