ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON, NOVEMBER 9, 1906. "The Satisfaction Line" I Can Show You : Sold On Meryt fa OZ Pi T " J-A.Folger&C-? QoldenGate kip,. ..itf Iking powJ OOLDEN IANII1A ft . coffee J.A.F0LGOUC" High brad W spicEsy "Sold on Merit" CEYLON J. A. Folger & Co., San Francisco FORtST RESERVE LANDS SUBJECT TO SETTLEMENT (Con tinned from page One. ) appears these items which are of general Interest to the publio: 1. Only lands chiefly valuable for agriculture and not needed for ad ministrative purposes by the forest aervioe or for some other publio ase will be classified and listed nnder the act. 3. Lands covered with a merchant able growth of timber will not be de clared agricultural eioept npoo the strongest evidence of its value for ag ricultural purposes, both aa to pro ductiveness and accessibility to a market. 8. Areas koown to have been oc cupied by actual settlers prior to January 1, 1906, will be examined first, and when such areas are tonod chiefly valuable for agriculture they Will bfc listed, in order that the oc cupant may make entry nnder the act The mere fact that a man baa settled upon the land will, however, not in fluence the decision with respeot to its agricultural character. ' ' ' 4. Application for classification -and listing nnder the act most be for warded by mail to the forester, Washington, D. 0. 5. All applications must give the name of the forest reserve and describe the land, examination of which is re quested, by legal subdivisions, if sur veyed; but if unsurveyed, by refer noe to natural objects, streams, or improvements, with suflloient accur acy lo identify the land, and when convenient by a sketch map. ft. No examination of more than one quarter section will be ordered on the application of the same person ; but if an application is withdrawn or rejected, a second application may be made for other land. 7. The question of prior right to laud applied for can be determined by the department of the interior only, and the forest service will not investigate to determine whether such land is appropriated by a prior right. The applicant should satisfy hiniHclf upon this point for his own protection. a The Brut, application received In Waxtiingtou for any new tract is the une on which examination will be made, and all applications received in the tiiuiiu nun I will tie treated as NiniultiinentiM. Not ire will lie given of all simultaneous and roiitlicting applications. U. The allowance of entries and the issuaiK e of patent1! upon them, nnder the net, are entirely within the juris diction of t'.e secretary of the inteior. 111. Special at tint ion is called to section i of the act, which provides that nothing therein contained shall be hrlil to authorize any sett lenient lifter Hu-eiiihcr ill, llUVi, on any lauds within forest reserve until mien, lauds have Ih'i'ii opened to settlement as provided in the act. II. Settlement after Heceinher 81, l'.Ui.'i, and in advance of opening by the secretary of the interior, will ecu fer no right and will constitute tres pass. Such trespassers will be ejected. Alwiyi Wu Siik. When a iiihu savs he always was Hick troubled with a cotiirh that lasted all Winter what would you think if he should say lie never was sick since using llallard's llorchouud Syrup. Such a man exists. Mr. J. O Clark, Denver, Colorado, writes: "For years I was troubled with a severe cough that would last all Win ter. This cough left me iu a miser able condition. 1 tried Mallard's Horeliound Syrup and have not had a sick day since. That's what it did forme." For sale by National Drug Store and Koteriuund. Fimoul Strike Brtakcrs. The most famous strike breaker iu the land am Dr. King's New Life l'ills. When liver ami bowels go on strike, they quickly settle the trouble, amid the purifying work goes right ou. Hest cure for constipation, liead-i ache and diiizuess. i!."o at all drug I stores. g Insurance Kate Raisers. The following article taken from the Roseburg Spokesman is timely and to the point Grants Pass has the same complaint, but what's the use? Following is the article: "This is about all that is necessary to say in regard to the periodical visits from a lot of insurance in spectors who come around to inspect and find fault or a chance or apparent reason to raise the rates that are al ready too high. One man couids along and represents himself to be an inspector and requires that oertain changes be made in the wiring of buildings and in about sis months another one tramps into town and condemns what his predecessor has reoommsnded and says that changes must be made or else rates will be raised. In some instances the changes recommended are not feasible or possi ble to be made with the result that another chance is found to cause a raise in insurance rates. This seems to be about the real object '4hese perlodioal visitors have in view, and they always succeed in accomplishing their object , "The wiring of. Rosoburg was made under the supervision of in spectors and with their approval but these later days we find there are those who are wiser in their own es timation and so what was done in the years gone by is Improper and must now be done over. The whole thing is one of those disgusting grafts that cause people unnecessary expense and trouble." i A Ycsr of Blood. The year 1908 will long be remem bered In the home of F. N. .Tacket, of Alliance, Ky. , as a year of blood which flowed so ooplously from Mr. Tacket 's lungs that death seemed very near. He writes: "Severe bleeding from the lungs and a frightful cough had brought me at death's door, when 1 began taking Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, with the astonishing result that after taking four bottles I was completely re stored and as time has proven per manently cured." Guaranteed for Sore Lungs, Coughs and Colds at all drug stores. Prioe AOo and fl.OO. Trial bottle free. .; W.C.T.U. COLUMN. Teaching Agriculture, Elementary Agriculture is one of the subjects just now demanding con sideration at the bauds of educators. In order that the pupils of the Med ford publio school may have some practical rending matter along this line, i'rof. Signs lias secured from the U. S. Bureau of Agriculture the following bulletins, which will lie used for supplementary rending and study iu the Sixth and Seventh grades. The Homo Fruit Gardes, How to Htiild Small Irrigation Ditches. The Control of the Codling Moth, A I'rimer of Forestry, The Sugar Beet, Fowls Care and Feeding, Asparagus Culture, Some Common Birds, Mar keting Farm Produce, Potato Di seases, and Toatiuent, The Apple and I low to Grow It, G iod Roads for Farmers, Irrigation in Field and Gar den, Detection of Oleomargarine and Renovated Butter, The Angora Goat, Practical Suggestions for Farm Build ings, Orchard Enemies, Celery Cul ture, Strawberries, Kaspherrit s, In cubation and Incnltators, The Lawn, Feeding Farm Animals, Standard Varieties of Chickens, Poultry Rais ing, Pruning, Weeds, Ho to Kill Them, Weeds Used iu Medicine, Au ual Flowering Plants. Had s Clou Csll "A dangerous surgical operation, involving the removal of a malignant ulcer, as large as my baud, from my daughter's hip, was preveuted by tlie application of Bucklen's Arnica Salve," says A. O. Stickel. of Mile tus, W. Va., "Persistent use of the Salve completely cured it." Cures Cuts, Burns and Injuries. '.'.V at all drug stores. I bl inks at the Courier office. All matter for this column Is supplied by the Josephine County Woman's ( taris tian Temperance Union, Y. and L. T. L 15 ranches. Scientific Temperance Instruction meeting at Baptist church (this) Friday, November 9, 1906, 7:30 p. m. Don't miss Rev. Beckman's address. Merlin W. C. T. U. met at usual boor in M. E. church, October 26, 1906. Program consisted of select readings on temperance and woman suffrage. Mother's - Temperance Poem. Special prayer was offered for the mother and children of Merlin. Mrs. D. W. Mitchell, Press Snpt. Mrs. Lanterman, President of Mer lin Union reports them ready to or ganize Y and L. T. L. branches. County T seoreatry, Mrs. Savage, and others will go to Merlin to assist in th e work. Y ORGANIZER COMING. "At the State Convention it was ar ranged for Mrs. Henkle, of Grants Pass, State Secretary, to plan a trip for Miss Clara Ansorge, National Associate of the " Y" branch. Her terms are easy t) meet. Write to Mrs. Henkle for further informa tion, "-W. R. Review. GRANTS PAS Y. . The regular monthly business meet ing of the ;Y. P. C T. TT. was held In the Presbyterian church parlors, Friday evening, November 2. After the regular business was transacted, the following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Kittle Loughridge; vice-president at large, Ioez Howard; vice-president,' Presby teriau oburch, Harold O'Neill ; vice president Baptist church. Roy Hackett; vice-president, Christian church, Amy Isaacs; vice president Methodist church, George Harper; fecretary, Errcl Gilkey ; correspond ing secretary, Anna V. Harmon; treasurer, George Birdesye; organist, Emma Loughridge. The executive committee met and the following superintendents were appointed : Superintendent press de partment, Robert Kemp; superin tendent evangelistic department, George Birdseye; superintendent publio meetings, Wllna Gilkey; super intendent socials and entertainments, Amy Isaacs; superintendent floer misslou, Electa Chspman; superin tendent prison purity and physical culture, Mrs C. O. link man; super intendent n'ietitilic temperance in struction, Ella Savage; Miperintetid ent parliamentary work, George Harper; superintendent Sahhath ob s rvanco, Eugene Scovill; snperinti ml ent good citi.culisip and legislation, Hoy Hackett. Errol Gilkev, Press reporter ro teiu. L. T. h. Mrs. Jane M. Donaldson, State secre tary, !Ul) Fremont street, Portland Mrs. Myrtle Cowdrey secretary of Grants Pass L. T. L., will meet the children, who are interest' d in the work, at the Baptist church, Friday afternoon, November 16, iu mediately after school. A short program will be giveu, also a physical culture null by Mr. Clements. Regular course will be followed as found iu the tem perance "Lesson Manuals." Girls and boys are iurited to attend the meeting. This branch, through its junior and entor grades aims, by a regular course of study, scientific, ethical and govern mental, to make our boys and girls intelligent abstainers; to develop, bv thorough organization, business meth ods and practical helpfulness, an army of disciplined temperance workers aud enthusiastic temperance givers; to ideutify its members through their' payment of dues and consequent representation in State and National convention, and through their drill in department work with the interests of the W. 0. T. U. present and future. Its Normal Grade aims to deve'op W. C. T. U. leaders and teachers for the L. T. L. MY BOY. " Don 't send my boy where your girls can't go, And say, 'there's no danger for boys yon know, Because they all have their wild oats to sow, ' There is no mure excuse for my boy to be low Than your girl, then please don't tell him so. Don't send my boy where your girl can't go, For a boy or girl, sin is sin, you know, And my baby boy's bands are as clean and white,- And his heart as pore as your girl's tonight. "-W. R. R. The special work of the Purity in Literature and Art Department of W. 0. T.' U. of Grants Pass for the year will be to erect a drinking fount. ain. At last meeting the committee made a favorable report and a goodly sum was subscribed by those present MRS. HATTIE I. C. CALVERT, Press Snpt ' Men Put Sixty in Dinger. More than half of mankind over 60 years of age suffer from kidney and bladder disorders, usually enlarge. ment of prottate gland. This is both painful and dangerous, and Foley's Kidney Cure should be taken at the hrst sign of danger as it corrects ir regularities and has cured many old men of this disease. Mr. Rodney Beurnett. Rock Port. Mo., writes: "I suffered with enlarged prostate gland and kidney trouble for years aud after taking two bottles of r-oley's Kidney Cure I feel better than I have for ao years although I am now 91 years old." For sale by H. A. Kotermnud. Copper Mining. The miuing of copper at the rrefeut time is somewhat different from what it was a few years ago Not many years aao copper was selling from II to 14 ceuts per pound. At tiresen it is worth 22 cents a pouud in New ork City. The increase in the sell ing rrice simply meuiiB so much ad ditional profit for the producers, for there is no increase in the cost of production. Iu fact the cost of pro duciug cooper is considerably cheape: thu it was a uuuiber of vears aim because of the improved methods aud machinery. Ihe importance of tl present high prices of copper can be mote readily sren by putting two au two together; for instance, a l.t pe rent copper ere, such ns is produce in the Oregou copper mines iu the southwestern part of the state, con tains !I00 pounds of copper to the tou Thus making the ore worth, at tin present price of oopper, I'itt per tou just double what it was worth at the old price of 11 cents a nouud. But the $:!) a tou Increase is all clear gaiu. This means an iucrease clear profit of fit", 000 a month to a com psuy producing 100 tons of ore per day. Counterfeiting the Genuine. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated nouev auu lar as a throat ami lung remelT. Hllil nn ueemtnr rt ... nr..... merit aud popularity of Foley's Honey mm ir uiaiiv imitations are ottered for the genuine. Afk for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any substi tute offered as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is millllv Ulrttil-W It rnnliin, T... j w i vii iw iua t-i J (tl and refuse anv unhfttltnra nttaroA no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mlidly laxa tive, ll contains no opiates and is .... t ..... rwn-oi lor cniuireu ana delicate per sons. For sale by H. A. Rotermuud. Job work at Portland price at the courier oiiicc. The Courier it the farmer paper A Better Bargain in Farm Lands and Citv Property Than you could find in a year by yourself JOSEPH MOSS, The Real Estate Man Hello 393 Office, 611 Residence. 516 Street Grants Pass. Ore. St. Paul Minneapolis Chicago St. Louis Ijfiiiriifcjiiii. They are bound together by the fast and comfortable service of the Burlington Route. Superb trains via the Burlington's Mississippi River Scenic Line! No other way as satisfactory ! If planning a journey via the Twin Cities you can get from us information of value to you. Postal card inquiries receine careful attention. R. W. FOSTER, Passenger aad Ticket Agent, Burlington Ronte, Cor. 8rd& Stark Sts., Portland, Or. Photo & Music Store COURIER BUILDING A full stock of Kodaks and Photo Supplies, Musical Goods, Sheet Music, Talking Machines A Gift Worth While The money siient for trinkets by the arorajfe family at Christmas time would buy an Edison Phonograph The trinkets last about as long an t hrlctmaa does. The Edison Phonograph affords enjoyment day after day and yar aft.-r year The trinkets please only the indi vidual recipients. I he Edison Phouograph offers a continuos round of pleasure for the whole family. It is the greatest music-maker of the age. It brings into the home circle all of the world's music, rendering with wonderful faith fulness whatever song, instrumental piece, or orehestral selection is uesireil. Make this Christmas the merriest of all by having for its chief feature au EDISON PHONOGRAPH euiei Victor Graphopbone "hi Tin's vaier I Photo Ik Music Store 4 i'. '