Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 09, 1906, Image 5

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Firta. bicauae we believe it to be the best and Hoest Ooffes on the
Seoood, because it is always uniform in quality.
Third, becnnse Seal Coffee is ahsolately net weight and what it is
represented to be.
. We bave SIX grades and Varieties all of them Freah.
Onr 20 cent Coffee will easily hold its own with most of the 25 and
30 cent kinds elsewhere. A trial will convineo you.
Tost arrievd and new
Silver thread "Sout Krant," 10 cents quart.
Home Grown Mince Meat, 15 cents a poaod.
Olivet in bulk.
Sweet end Sour Pickles
New Seeded Raisins and Currants foil weight 12 cent.
Uye White House Grocery
Chain's Parker has so far recovered
from typhoid fever that be was able
to returned home from Eugene San
day night.
Miss Lorile Horr has returned to
Washington after having spent the
Summer and Fall with her patents in
Grants Pass.
Miss Irma Silsby has resigned her
position as stenographer for R. G.
Smith, and leaves next week for Sau
Jose, Cal., to spend the Winter with
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams enter
tained about SO of their friends at
their home on Seventh and A street
last Friday evening the event being
to celebratedd their 1Mb wedding an
niversary. Five Hundred was the
amusement of the evening. Refresh-
ments were served aud a pleasant,
social time enjoyed.
A Brief Record of!
Local Events.
i Grant Pasa May Have a. Big
j Log Structure Furniture of
Horn Manufacture.
Nov. 12, Monday Fruit growers
meeting in Grants Pass. Addresses
. by Profs. Cordley and Lewis and
fruit grower and business men.
November 12, Monday Adjourned
meeting of the county court.
November 14-16, Wednesday to Fri
day, Teachers' Institute at Grants
November 17, Saturday Redmen Day.
Nov. 22, Thurday Ward Conven
tions. Nov. 23, Friday, City Nominating
December 8, Monday Grants Pass
city election.
Books for School Libraries).
County School Superintendent
Savage has received 687 books to be
divided among the 49 school districts
of the county to form nuoleus for a
library or to add to the library al
ready started.
The state law provides the collection
of a tax of at least 10 cents per pupil
in each district per year, for the
general school library fund fur the
county and this money is spent for
library books which are in charge of
the school officers of. the district and
in the care of a librarian appointed
by the county superintendent. The
selection of books rests wi'h the di
rectors of the district, with the aid of
the teacher but if tliey neglect 'to
make the selection it rests with the
county school superintendent or the
state library commission
Superintendent S.ivnge now has the
ordeis of the various districts segre
gated and the booss are ready for de
livery as soon as the librarians have
been appointed and confirmed. The
proportion of books for the Grants
Pbhs schools auionuts to somethting
like 300, which will nine a splendid
addition to the pra-ent library.
The secretary of the library com
mission, Miss Cornelia Marvin, of
Salem, will be in Grants Pass next
week in attendance at the Teachers
To Cur a Oold In One Day
ine Tablets. Druggists refund money
if it fails to cure. K. W. GROVE'S
signature is on each box. 25c.
;! Items of Personal
Evan P. Hushes made a trip to
Medford this week, returning borne
F. W. Chausse left Thursday even
ing for Portland, to be absent about
three weeks on business. '
Vr. and Mrs. John Kanzao returned
Thursday from Portland where they
had been on a boslnees trip.'
Fred Gnmpert baa bought the Dr.
A. P. Hartn residence on North A
street and will move into the place
next week.
Misses Cora and Ella Chapman of
River Falls, Wis., arrived Saturday
on a short visit to the family of Will
John Howell left Thunday for
Prineville where be will take charge
of the jewelry store belonging to J. L.
MoCulloch. He expects to be absent
during the Winter.
Fred Smith of the Courier force, re
turned to Grants Pass Saturday even
ing, after an extended visit with rela
tives at Madelia, Minn., and other!
Eastern points.
Rev. F. C. Lovett, the new pastor
of the Baptist church of this place is
expected to arrive this Friday evening
from Wheaton, Minn., his former
home. Rev. Lovett will conduct ser
vices in the Baptist church next Sun
day. Willard Denison and wife (nee Miss
Lillian Hogan) passed through Grants
Pass Saturday night en route to Long
Beach, Cal., where they will make
their home. Mr. Denison will have
charge of the dry goods department in
a large store.
Mrs. Ellen Peckham of Albany,
Wis., arrived in Grants Pass last
week to spend the Winter with her
sister, Mrs H E. Brown. Mrs.
Peckham has been through Grants
Pass many times on the train but
never before visited here.
That Grants Pass is to have erected
next year a four-tory modern hotel
with the best equipment and service
of any hoetle; v in the state outside of
Portland is the firm conviction of
those directly interested in the move
ment Plans of tbe structure have
been received and are on exhibition
at Rotermund's.
Tbe site selected is the block
bounded by E and F, and Eighth and
Ninth streets, with the front entrance
on Eighth street. The building as
planued ia to be 106x184 feet, which
includes an 18-foot veranda. This
veranda will extend around the four
sides of the building and the entire
four stories, and the structure is to
occupy the center of the block 56 feet
from tbe sidewalk on all sides, this
space to be iu lawn with trees and
shrubbery. The novel feature is that
tbe building will be constructed of
logs surfaced oo three sides but the
outside wlil have tbe appearanoe of a
log structure. TbeJ furnishings are to
be in the Mission style and all of the
furniture is to be manufactured in
Grants Pass. The first floor will con
tain office, lobby, grill, kitchen and
several suites : tbe second floor suites
and tbe third and fourth floors single
rooms, of whioh there will be about
80 in all.
The promoters of the enterprise say
that it is a certainty as a large por
tion of the necessary 140,000 or 50,000
has been promised and tby have an
offer for a 10 year lease at a good
figure with a guarantee of netting
tbe stockholders at least 8 per cent on
their investment.
It would be hard to estimate the
value of such a building to Grants
Pass as an advertisement, but some
idea can be formed when it is remem
bered that the most imposing build
ing at the Lewis & Clarke fair aud
the one which attracted the greatest
attention was the forestry bui'ding,
constructed entirely of logs. Grants
Pasa needs greater hotel accommoda
tions as even at this seasou of the
year the hotels are crowded and have
to seek accommodations for their
guests at private and rooming houses.
Work on the Cooklin three-storv
j brick is progressing nicely and Mr
Conklin is premised possession of
some of the down stairs rooms by
December 1st
j A publio reception preceded by a
short address by Hon. H. B. Miller
j will be tendered Mr. Miller by the
, business men of trie city at the opera
; house Friday, November 16 at 8
j o clock.
Tbe Sheriff's office has received a
Burroughs adding machine of the
latest model which is prov.led with
a column release. There has been an
adding machine in the offioe on trial
for many months past and it has been
so useful as to become a necessity.
The experience social on Wednesday
evening given by the Ladies Aid So
oiety of the Newman M. E. oburch
was a success both socially and finan
cially. The program rendered was
exceptionally good. As the roll was
called each member came forward
with ber dollar and told her exper
ience in earning it, some of them be
ing quite funny.
George G. Peil returned Wednesday
from Portland, where he had been to
purchase larger mangle for his
laundry. The next day the mangle
arrived and it is a machiue weighing
five tons, capable of turning out an
immense amount of work. It speaks
well for the city of Grants Pass and
hows that good business is done
here. Mr. Peil intends to Increase his
plant from time to time as work war
rants, placing the Grants Pass Steam
laundry second to none this side of
That apples can be successfully
grown and be a profitable crop in this
Valley has been demonstrated ry
Elsmann Bros. To further increase
their output of fruit they recently
purchased the Conway, plaoe of 70
acres, adjoining the borne plaoe, pay
ing $8900 for it This will give them
over 200 acres of land, 160 of which
will be planted to apples. The boys
mean to keep abreast of the times
and In the handling of their fruit mid
cultivating and taking care of the r
cliard the latest improved machineiy
will be used. When every car load i
apples means 11800 it orrtainly is an
incentive to grow that fruit.
Is made in both Chilled and 'Steel. Tbj
time has come to use plows, and a full
stock of both kinds is on hand. The
"Oliver" stands the wear and tear better
than nny plow made, and is, therefore,
the cheapest and best.
We have plows adapted to all the
soils found in this county.
SOME BARGAIN POINTERS1 We crr th0 ee-try our
uoiuen uaie-J. rardee,
Sheet Musio at 5c, 10o aud 15o at
the Musio Store next week.
Hundreds of new illustrated Post
Cards just received at (he Musio
Store A good supply of the Grants
Pass and G. P. H. S. oards in leather.
News Notes From the Business
Men to R.e'vdere.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
M. Clement., frescnption DruitKist.
Sheet Musio sale at the Musio Store.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges atCoron't
State Maps CourierBnilding.
For a o'eau bed and good meal
try the Western Hotel.
Edison and Victor Talking Machines
at the Musio Store.
Maps of Oregon Washinton and
California at the Musio Store.
For firstclas wagon and oarriage
work go to J M. Newman, successor
to G. M. Caldwell. 9-23 tf
1 have lu stock now over CO differ-
eut styles of Bracelets from rolled
plate to solid gold. A. LETCHER.
Report oards for school nse are on
sale at the Musio Store.
Victor Talking Munhliioa nil
ords at the Musio store.
All my Fall goods are now in ; the
largest stock of watches and Jewelry
in Southern Orgeon. Don't send
away for your watches until you bave
seen my goods and got my prices.
Now is the time for all good bust
neas men and oottage owners to Insure
against fire in tbe Oregon Fire Relief
Association, with H. B. Heudricks,
agent for Josephine county. Office
opposite P. O., Grants Pass, Oregon.
LADIES I have opened np parlors
at the Komi River Hnnattal In, trmut.
1 ment of the scalp, massage of the face
land manicuring. I manufacture all
prenartions and guarantee them to be
perfectly pure. Mrs. H. L Reynolds,
telephone 473. 10-0 it
It pays to advertise a useful article.
Nine times out of 10 there'll be a
buyer before the Ink Is dry. Try It. Z
Newman M E. Church.
Preaching in the morning at 11.
"A Chriktian's Greatest Privilege."
Class meeting at 12 M. Junior
League at 3 P. M. Epworth Leagoe
at 6:30. Iu the evening there will
not be any evening service but in
stead a union meetiug of the churches
in Bethany Presbyterian Church
preparatory to the evangelistic meet
ings to commence November 20th.
A cordial invitation is extended to all
to attend these services.
At the Big Furniture Store, North 6th Street
Is daily receiving a New Fall Stock of
New Styles, Lowest Prices, Good Quality.
Largest stock Furniture inthe city. Sold
for cash or on tbe installment plan.
A lotof Tinware'tocloBeaCHalfJjPrice.
"AetU. Bannard
Presbyterian Church.
' 'The Coming Campaign : How Can
We make sure its Success?" historic
ally illustrated, will be the theme
npon which Evan PJ Hoghes, the
Pastor of Bethany Cburob, will speak
at 11 a. m. the coming Sunday. 7:.'i0
p. m. a union service of preparation
for the Campaign, in the conduct of
which the churches of Grants Pasa
co-operate, will be conducted with
Rev. C. O. Beckman as speaker of the
evening. 10 a. tn., Bible School,
H. C. Kinney superintendent. 6 :30 p.
id. the Devotional hour of the V. P.
S. C. E. Inspiring music, the glad
hand of cordial weclome an an
uplifting, life-helping message await
your entraooe into this church.
Doctors Clara Bushaa of Spokane,
Wash., nd Annette Beck with of
Hattiesburg, Miss., osteopaths, have
located in Grants Pass and for the
present bave rooms at Mrs. Johnson's,
ooraer Fifth and D streets, but as
soon as office rooms are available they
will open offices in a permanent loca- !
tion. Both ladies are graduates of
American School of Osteopathy, Kirks-'
ville Missouri, and have been very j
successful in their line. .
If' 4 li r f
' '' ' '''''
When You Try You Will Know Why I Should Be Your
Rough Dry and Flat Work 25c per dozen.
Careful work, prompt service at living prices is ray motto.
A trial will convince you. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Phone 373
Pass Steam Laundry
Geo. G. and F. A. Peil, Proprs.