m i. . ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON, NOVEMBER 9, 190. I : I ! Iff Heavy Shoes J for Hard Service We liave just received another shipment of Men's High Cut Shoes. The stock is complete and we are aUe to give you anything in the lino cf HEAVY SHOES. Miners know the Strong & Garfield Shoe to be the best Water Proof shoe made. Other makes from $4.00 to $6.50. R. L. HOWARD BUILDING ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rateai One Year, In advance, fiix Months, Three Monthi, Bingle Copien, $1.60 .76 .40 .05 Advertising Rates FurnlHbed on application at the " or by mail. Obituaries and resolutions c. con dolence will be charged for at 6c per line; card of thanks 60o. A. E. VOOBHIES, Propr. Entered at the rout office at Oranta Fsss, Oregon, a second-clan mall matter. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1906. COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER REPORTS Birth Greatly Exceed Deevthe Few Cases of Contagious Deseaee. D. P. Love, health offioer of the coouty board this week turned io bia report for the mouth of October show ing that In Josephine county there were four deaths, of these two were adult and two oh i Idem ; 14 births, eight male and six female. Several oases of contagious diseases were re ported, a number of them having come here from outside districts for treatment. There were 30 marriages reported during October but the number of Lumber Wanted. 4.00 per H. $ ELEVEN MILE HAUL Iowa Lumber 3Ieclfoitl, STRONG AND GARFIELD No other boot has as many Water Proof Qualities, 10-in. $8.00. 14-in. $9.00. FN W? BARTLETT SIXTH STREET oeremonies preformed during the month was 10, the other 10 having been performed previously but not reported by the person officiating. Altbongh the law provides that all returns must be filed with the county clerk within 80 days. The penalty for failure to com ply y with this law Is a fine of not less than 110 nor more than $50 for each action for every five days of saoh failure to file returns. Man of of the returns were not made nntil 60 or 90 days, while some of them dated back as far as April and Mar. The clerk is making an effort to have this law oomplied with. Advertised Letters. Letters remaining in the Postoffloe at Grants Pass, Ore., for the week ending November 10, 1900. A charge of one cent will be made npon de livery of same. On calling for same please give the date advertised : Andrews, Lelsnd. Allen, Wm H. Bunayrd, D J. Browne, M C. Brawn, Mrs I B. Boosey, E A. Bingamon, J F. Bllton, Grants (3) Clark, O H. Clark, Fred. Carter, Will. Carey Sam'l. Davis, Cbas. Deg, Jim. Everett, Miss Louise. Fuller, James O. Fowler, Miss Edoa (3) Hog, Frank. Jewell, B L. McAntire, Earl. MoLaughlln, Thomas. MoElroy, J. Nelson, N J (V L Herriman.) Speck Felix G. Simmons C. Walker, Mrs J J. Wilson, Mrs. R. A C. E. HARMON, P. M. Haulers & Box Co., Orejfon Teachers Institute. The Josephine coouty teachers an aoal institute will be held in Grants Pass November 14-16 and promineDt educators of the state will be present, among them being J. H. Ackennan, state superintendent of schools; B. K. Malkey, president of the Normal at Ashland ; R. F. Robinson, superin tendent of Maltnomati county; P. H. Daily, superintendent of Jackson county; Cornelia Marvin, secretary of State Library Commission ; Prof. Sweetser, of University of Oregon, and Chas. H. Jones, editor of the Oregon Teachers Monthly, who will lead the singing. The publio is cordially invited to attend the sessions of the institote which will be held in ssembly room of the High School. Following is the program : WEDENSDAY, 9.-00 A. M. "Home Oeorgaphy" Mr. Molkey "Development of Nature Study In the Schools" Mr. Sweetser RECESS "School Libraries" MissMarvin "Spelling" Mr. Mulkey 1 :15 P. M. Musio "PractloalWork in Nature Study" Mr. Sweetser Mr. Mulkey RECESS "Teachers' Reading". . .Mr. Sweetser Questions and Discussion 8:00 Lecture, Selected, High School Assembly room B. F. Mulkey THURSDAY. 9:00 A. M. Musio "Langnage" Mr. Robinson "School Librar.es" Miss Marvin RECESS Selected Mr. Ackerman "Georgaphy" Mr. Molkey 1 :1S P. M. Mosio "Language".... Mr RoMnson "Reading" Mr. Mulkey RECESS Selected Mr. Ackerman Questions and Discussions 8:00 Address, High School As sembly room . .Superintendent J. H. Ackerman FRIDAY, 9 :00 A. M. Music Physiology Mr. Mulkey Civics (Treaties and the Treaty Power) Mr. Robinson RECESS Arithmetic Mr. Ackerman Mr. Daily 1 :00 P. M. Musio Civics (Initiative and Referen dum) Mr Robinson Selected iP. ....... Mr. Molkey ' RE ""ESS "Mud Pies" Mr. Robinson Questions, Discussions and Reports. The Cold Storace delivery borte on Monday evening dashed down Sixth street and across the railroad tracks driverless but he was stopped at the Calhonn corner by Owen Thomas who roshed out of the store and grab bed the horse just as it was slowing up to turn the corner. Ia crossing the tracks the horse jast escape' I being ran down by a freight train that was being backed up, the wagon clearing the track about two feet ahead of the cap. For Golden Gate Coffee go to J. Pardee. BORN. HOLMES At Grmts Pass, Ore., Sunday, October, lltofl to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Holmes, a daughter. MOORE At Grants Hues, Oregon, Sunday, October, HMMI, to Mr. and .Mrs. iiarvey Moore, a sou. Rl'SH At GrantB Pass, Oregon, Sunriav, October, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. Waller Hush, a son. LAW TON At Grams Pbks, Oregon, Saturday, October IS. llHMi, to Mr. aud Mrs. H. C. Lawtou, a son. McBRIDE At Grants Pass, Oregon, lUfNdiiy, October 16 HUM), to Mr. and Mrs. John M. MeKnde, a son. COE At Grants Pass, Oregon, Thurs day, November S, HKliS, to .Mr ami ' Mrs. Albert Coe, a son. SILL At Granite Hill, Oregon, Thursday, October IS, tiloii, to Mr. and Mrs. lilenu O. Sill, a daunhter. FIELD At Provolt, Oregon. Satur- i day, October 20, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Field, a daughter. KNIGHT At Grants P.ss, Oregon. ! Sunday. October 21, 1906, to Air. ' aud Mrs. W. Knight, a son. WILSON At Wonder, Oregou, Thurs- nay, ucioier im, r.itiii, to. Mr. and , Mrs. Wm. Wilson, a daogliier. MARRIED. G K A H A M - FIT. M I LLE R A t t he 1'rerbvterian Mmi'-e, Wednesday, November 7. HUM, Thomas W. Gra ham of Woodviile and Margaret A. Fitziniller of Los Angeles, Evau P. Huiihes officiating. JENNINGS DAY-At Applcgate, Or., Wednesday. November 7, ItHMi, Mvron A Jennings sud Miss Dorothy Day, Rev. C. O. Beckmau, officiating. " The young coopls will make their future home in this city. CURTIS-MASSIK-At the home of the bride's parents, at Merlin, Ore., Wednesday, November 7, 06, Arthur & Curtis aud Mary I. Mas sie. Rev. C. O. Beokman officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Cortis will make their home in Stockton, Cal. DIED. LOWELL-At Woodviile, Ore., Sun day, November 4th. 190H, Ruth Lillian daughter of Mr. aud Mra , B. A. Lowell, aged 15 years. Salvation Army Newt. Major Frank Walte, District Officer j for;the Oregon & Washington Division I of the Paciflo province, will visit Grants Pass on Friday, November 16th to conduct a special meeting in the Salvation Army halL The major is a good singer and musician ; those who hear him sing and play always come again. c. McDonald, Capt. j Attorney A. U. Hough retoroed Sunday from his eastern trip; Mrs. Hough and little daughter are still . in Detroit owing to the fact that Mrs. Hoogh's health would not permit ! taking the jonrney. While in New i York Mr. Hongh secured a relio that : is of great interest, being a notice to the sheriff of Montgomery county at Albany to call a jury for the purpose of presenting a case at law. The document is a genuine parchment and bearing date of April 17, 1790. 1 The qualification for juror as set forth I in the doenment is "free and law j fal man who shall have in his own right or in trust, or in his wife's : right the value of 66 pounds, free from debt or incumberaace." CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE. FOR SALE 14715 takes 10 acres of well improved land, with good buildings, close to city, inns' be sold before December 1st, 1906, this is a rare bargain. See Joseph Moss, the Real Estate Man, Office 516 E street. 11-9 It FOR SALE Four year old mare one boggy and harness. Lewis Livery Barn. 1036 THOROUGHBRED Poland China hogs for sale. J. H. Robinson, Wildervlile. 8-81 tf FOR SALE 1 bock of Pasha stock, clips l pounds; 1 bock of Cape Town stock, clips 10 pounds; 1 grade buck, clips 7 pounds; very cheap if taken soon. F. A. Pierce, dealer in Pure Bred Angora Goats ; flock headed by South African Buck. 10-36 t.f. FOR SALE By E. Steele at 2d ware house west cold storage plant Sugar Pine Shakes, Plymouth Rock Cockerels, Fruit, Vegetables, all kinds, fresh ocean fish, crabs, shrimps, clams, oysters by the pint, quart and Halloa, also in cans. Cash paid for fruit and produce. E. Steele. 11-2 tf WANTED. WANTED Two or three furnished housekeeping rooms. Address L box 658, Grants Pats. 11 9 2t WANTED Wood in exchange for Wftcrnn and rarrtnirn arnrfc hv .T T Newman, successor to G. M. Cald well. 9-22 tf WANTED Grain Sacks, Tools and other second-hand goods. Harrison Bros., Second hand-store, corner Sixth and J streets. 8-9 tf C. L. AOEL of Odessa wants loggers and timber cutters to deliver 2,000,. 000 feet of logs to mill by contract before snow flies; short baul, level roads, one 4-horse team, two trucks, chains, etc. furnished. Also left hand 8-gang edger wanted. Write or call at mill Odessa, Ore. 8 8 tf LOST. LOST Thursday, Ootober 25, 80 head of weathers with a round hole 1 punched in right ear, two pops, 8la ! mouths old, one bitch, body while, head blue or mouse color with a white streak iu fornheid, body white, a spot of bine or mouse color on his hind leg.age 3 mo. and 8 weeks; goals aud dogs last seen ou the divide be tween Merlin aud Grave creek ; tinder will notify F. A. Pierce, Mer lin, Oregon, aud receive reward 112 It BOY'S COAT, 13-year-old size, grey mixed, Harth 's mark inside. Re ward at Courier Office. 10-5 tf FOUND. FOUND Ladies waist, left at Hart ley's Shoe store. Owner call at Conrier office. 11-9 It HELP WANTED. WOOD chopper W. L. Courier building. Ireland, 11-9 tf GIRL WAMED A school girl who is able to cook aud assist in light housework can get a pleasant place to stay by writing Box 4i8, Grants Pas. Work is very light. Only two iu family. Close to high s.-hool. 1019 tf I WANTED Salesrren. Many Make 100 to 150 per mouth ; some even more Stock clean ; growH on Reser-1 vation, far from old orchards. Cash , advanced weeklv. Choice of terri-' tory. Address Washintgon NnrserV ' Company, Toppenish, Washington." 9-2H tf MISCELLANEOUS. j FASHIONABLE! Dressmaking and 1 Ladies Iailoriug at reasonable' Trices. D street. 4th from bridge! ou right side. 11-2 4t ART SCHOOL of Grants Pass, room I a, .Masonic leinple. Day classes in painting in oil colors, water colors, pastels, tapestry, etc., evening classes Monday and Thursday. Drawing Free hand and mechan ical, architecture, perspective, eta. Call at Studio for particulars all day Saturday or Monday, or Thursday evenings. Prof. Geo. O'Brien. PIANO TUNING Leave orders at i the musio store. D. F. Armstrong. 9-28 tf FASHIONABLE dressmaking and tailoring, Mrs. T. O. Horr, 107 C street. 9.14 tf FRANK BURNKTT-rpholstering, mission furniture made to order. KEEP Robber A oi (Ming We have our usual complete supply of Rubber Foot-wear, Gold Seal Boots in Rubber and Leather soles. Woonsocket Boots Rubber and Leather soled, also the cheaper grades in all sizes and lengths, Rub ber Coats and all kinds of Oil Cloth ing. If you are going to be in Ore gon this winter don't fail to call and 6ee our line. The most complete Prices that are Right. P. H. Harth & Son. Inc. Exclusive Men's and Boys' Outfitters. If you are going to be in the mud try a pair of our Ottowas. -The. Holy City." "The Holy City" Clarence Ben nett's great play was given at the opera hoas' on Monday evening and was attended by a very large and ience. As it is seldom that a Grants Pass aulienoe has the opportunity of listening to so fine a production as j this, the progress of the play was j followed with keen appreciation j which wonld, however, have been considerably enhanced by a supply of programs which we:e for sime reason ' lacking. During the progress of the play I some very beautiful sceniu effects are produced and the tragic parts are impressively thrilling. One of the most noteworthy things of the play is the ability of each actor to impress ; the audience with the character of the personage represented. Thus the play s'iows King Herod weak and helpless among his scheming couuselors; Pontius Pilate, a politician without scruple; Judas Iscairot, avaricious, unscruplous aud yet vaccillating; ; Marias the patrician, a atrong, clean i enaraoter in the midst of corruption. The leading part is that of Salome, impersonated by Luella Morey, who portarys with wonderful skill the ; passions and traits which dominate an d inuke op the formidable character ot tnis semi-Kavage princess. The tone of the play is elevating and the purity of the new religion of: Christ is set in sharp contrast with ! the barbarity, fierceness and corrupt- i ion of the age. JCflOOL DOOKJ SCHOOL JVIPPLlEf CLEflENJ THE FASHION LIVERY MP SALE STABLES :GILMOREtBORH.:ropriUr.; H Street betweenifth andixth Phom 881 K'.Granto Pass.Oregon DRY Goods Patent on Bicycle Attachment Jodd Taylor has recently received notice of the granting of Patent No. 838,649 on a bicycle attachment, which was filed Maroh 14, 1906, and patent issued October 16, one-half in terest in the patent being assigned to W. A. Paddock. , The attachment is for the purpose of converting a rigid frame bicycle into a cushion frame, and cm be readily attached to any bicyole. Mr. Taylor has been riding a wheel equipped with the spring attachment for some months past and has demon strated its practicability and value not only to his own satisfaction but to the satisfaction ot everyone who has ridden the wheel. By the addi tion of this appliance rough places are made smooth and a corduroy road woold be hailed with delight by the wheelman. These geutlemen have not yet de cided whether to dispose of the right or to enter the manufactoring field themsel ves. J. E. PETERSON (pioneer) FIRL, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENT Still doing' business at the old stand. Cor. Sixth and ll streets. Gbants Pass, - . Okkqon. . . . FEED r' T U. 1