Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 09, 1906, Image 3

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Avoid alum and alum phos
phate baking powders. The
label law requires that all
the ingredients be named
on the labels. Look out
for the alum compounds.
NOTE. Safety lies in buying only
Royal Baking Powder, which is a
pure, cream of tartar baking powder,
and the best that can be made.
Robbers With $7,0(10 Flight Posse ot
Farmers nnrt Catch a Tniin.
Ottawa, 111., Nov. 7. The two rob
bers who secured $7,000 from the
Farmers' and Miners' Bank at Ladd,
made their eacape last night after ao
exciting chase of forty miles, and
after numerous battles with farmers,
who attempted to Intercept them.
After holding up the bank the rob
bers drove to Peru, and at the point
Of a revolver compelled the liveryman
to furnlHh another rig. The robbers
drove through four county towns
with the posse with rifles in close
pursuit. In Wallace township a live
ly exchange of shots took place, but
the robbers secured a new team and
escaped to Sherlrlan, where they
abandoned the horses and caught a
train for Chicago.
Loses Reason Over Shooting Mother
New York, Nov. 7. Vvhlle taklni
apart his revolver so that It could d(
no barm In the house,' Henry Sted
ner, 18 years of age, of College Point
L. I., accidentally shot his mother
She Is dying, and the boy will lose bii
reason as a result of the tragi'
"Hi. Master'. Voice."
The Photo and Music House has
been appointed selling agent for
Joseuhinejunty for the Victor Talk
ing Machine and a fall stock of ma
chines and records will be in stock
early next week. Come in and hear
"His Master's Voice."
Send the Courier to your friend, to
he can learn the facts in regard to the
famous Rone River Vallev.
The pen with clip cap is the tool
of trade to which buyer and sales
man, clerk and employer point with
pride, as a faithful business assist
ant. It is easy to fill, easy to clean, re
quires no repairing, can always be
depended upon to write so long as
there is a drop of ink left; never
floods, never fails.
Will you have one?
For sale by
Model Drugstore
Prescription Druggist.
Big Four
In connection with the
L. S.&M.S.. N.Y.C.iH. E, B.fcA,
and C. k 0. Railways,
MainUlnthtflNEST SERVICE between
New York, Boston,
Philadelphia. Washington.
,The Mountain! of New Enlind
The Eastern Seaside Resorts.
Address any Big Fonr A get 6r
H. J. R. KERN,
Oenl Pass. Agt Cincinnati, 0.
No Need of It When Hyomel Is
Used to Cure Catarrh.
Do not ty toenrecatanh of the head
by dosing the stomach. This is neither
common sense nor scientific, as the
less medicine one swallows the better.
To cure catarrhal troubles, breathe
the healing Hyomei and the medi
cation will go right to the spot where
the catarrhal germs are present, and
free the system from all catarrhal
Rotermund has seen so many cures
of catarrh mad hv TTtrnma
them ohronio cases that he gives an
absolute ffnarsntPA nf nnm np mnnA
will be refunded with every outfit be
sells. The complete Hyomei outfit
oosts but $1, while extra 'bottles of
Hyomel if needed are but oOJoents.
Mayor of Memphis Removes Chief
for Disobeying Orders.
Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 7. Mayor
Malone yesterday suspended Chief of
Police George T. O'Haver for insub
ordination. Under the city charter
the Mayor has the right to assign
the police to various duties, providing
that in his Judgment trouble is
feared. There has been much bitter
ness between local factions In the
contest for the legislative ticket,
and Mayor Malone yesterday made
rearrangements of the police force.
Vice-Mayor Walsh and Chief O'Haver
instructed the men to remain where
they had been first assigned. The
Mayor thereupon suspended the Chief
and temporarily appointed Sergeant
Hayes to act as Chief of Police.
It Is said that the majority of the
patrolmen took the assignments
given out by O'Haver.
Trains in Hearton Collision.
Helena, Mont., Nov. 7 Report hai
been reclved here of a head-on col
lision last night twenty-one mllei
east of Glendlve, between the North
em Pacific's Nor. Coast Llmite
train, eaBt bound, and a freight train
The engineer of the passenger trail
Is reported severely injured. Thi
track was torn up for a consljerabli
Paris Agog Over American Klcellons
Paris, Nov. 7. Never before, e
cept In a Presidential contest, has at
election in the t'nlted States attract
ed as much attention as the electora
struggle of yester'l;iy. The Krencl
papers are filled with accounts of th(
canvass of the candidal aud the is
sues, and the result of the polling li
New York Is awaited with great In
Pays 200,000 for a Itanch.
Holllster. Nov. 7. The Cieneja ds
los Palclnes ranch, containing about
10.000 acres, was sold yesterday by
a local corporation to H. J. and K.
MacConiber of Pasadena, who will
otierate It as a hih-class stock breed
ing farm. The purchase price waa
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as thy cannot
reach the difeMed portion of the ear.
There is only one way to core deaf
ness, and that is by constitutional re
medies Deafness is cansed by an
inflauiel couditition of the mucous
lining of the Eustachian Tobe. When
this tube is inflamed von have a
rambling sonnd or imperfect hearing,
and when it is entirely closed, Deaf
ners is the result, and unless the in
flammation can be taken out and this
tobe restored to its normal condition,
bearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out of 10 are caused by
Catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
tares. ...
We will dive ft r "J
Deafness cand (by "tarrln that
cannot be cured by Hall s Catarrh
I Cure. Send for circulars, free.
! F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold bv Drug-gUt.
. Take flail's family Pills for oonsti
i pation.
Chutes Are I'nfastoned and Grain
Runs Into St rift, Releasing the
Italy of the I'nfortuuate.
New York, Nov. 7. Patrick Dolan,
foreman of the grain handlers in the
elevator of the William Blaird Com
pany, Brooklyn, fell into a pit con
taining 30,000 bushels of grain yes
terday. The little kernals, rolling against
one another like myriad cogs of a
great machine, gripped his feet, his
ankles, his legs, his knees, crowding
each other like honey cells, held him
fast and drew him down with a power
that was irresistible. Dolan plunged
this way and then that, and with
every step the quick-sands gripped
him more firmly. He called for help
and Petro Amazlo, a fellow worker,
went to his assistance. He threw a
rope to Dolan which the latter
seized so desperately that he threw
Amazlo into the pit.
Other workmen, who had been to
lunch, now heard the outcries, but
both men had disappeared when they
reached the scene. A rush was made
for the chutes through which the
grain Is unloaded, and unfastening
the covers the men let the wheat run
into the street. Soon Amazlo's body
shot down the chute and Dolan's fol
lowed. The latter was dead, having
been smothered, but Amazlo was still
alive and will recover.
Sultan Makes Amends for Attack on
Boat from Cruiser at Tangier.
Paris, Nov. 7. the foreign office
yesterday announced that Mahom
med el Torres, the representative of
the Sultan of Morocco at Tangier, hat
apologized for the action of natlvet
yesterday in stoning the crew of a
small boat belonging to the French
cruiser Gallllee in the harbor of Tan
gier and that Mohammed el Torrei
had taken measures to prevent a re
currence of such incidents.
The French Government is more
concerned about the encounter which
occurred October 26 th, near Dakar,
between a detachment of French
sharpshooters and a band of Arabs,
during which many of the sharp
shooters and 150 Arabs were killed,
as showing the extent of the agitation
among the Arabs. A special dispatch
from Dakar to the Echo de Paris says
that the arms were supplied to the
Arabs by a German adventurer al
Mogador, Morocco.
lieciiiaii of Pepsin Gum Fume Dies,
Cbveland, O., Nov. 7. Dr. Edwlo
E. Bucinan, one of the best known
men of this city, died yesterday.
Twenty-five years ago Dr. Ueemuo
quit the practice of medicine to entei
upon the manufacture of chewing
gum, and later he was associated
with W. J. White, now of New York.
Dr. Beeman made a fortune of sev
eral million dollurs, as did Mr.
Girl Won't Get dinner for Support,
Chicago, Nov. 7 Miss Alice Court
right of 3212 Wabash avenue, whos
father is a retired clergyman living in
Oakland, Cal., who brought an uctlor
In the courts a few days ago to com
pel her family to support her anil wht
threatened to bring charges agalnsl
the Presbyterian Ministry in Chicago
will not be given a hearing by the
Presbytery, ns she requested. The
Rev. John Halcom Shaw today, wher
questioned on the subject, said that
the girl is mentally unbalanced.
Pii ned lii Wreck of Aulo.
Paris, Nov. 7. Justus C. Straw
bridge of Philadelphia, who was in
Jured in an automobile accident neai
Biarritz yesterday, was pinned undei
the machine for two hours, owing tt
the delay In obtaln'ig assistance
causing him to suffer greatly before
being released.
Peary to Sail for Home.
Lenox, Mass., Nov. 7. Two tele
grams from Commodore Robert E
Peary were received here today bj
Morris K. Jessup, president of th
Peary Arctic Club, stating that thi
explorer had obtained coal at Battk
Harbor, N. but was delayed b)
galea. He hopes to sail today.
Has Blood the Test 25 Years.
The old, original GROVES' Taste
less Chill Tonio. You know what yon
are taking. It is iron and quinine In
1 stA4tltsi form. No care, no pay. 60o.
Atlantic Cl'y, N. J., Nov. 7.-In-stead
of making me of tha safe ol
t'.ie Ho'pl Brookhurst, a sr.ia., hoj
le; on Virginia avenue, Mrs. John
B".l of New York, who ha been
h?r- for a two months' visit with he
husband, secreted h?r diamonds be
tween the mattres3?s of th.? bed In
her room.
The Jewels were vplued by their
nncr at $5,000, hut in the hurry o'
Hacking for departure Mrs. Boyd for
cot then, and they were bft reosinis
under tie bidding wh-'u the couple
hoarded a train for New York.
A maid who cleaned the room wax
'he f.rst to discover the gems, and im
mediately reported the find. In lb"
meantime the owner had discovered
h:?r Iosj, and returned a shirt tin"
after the jewels had b?cn found. The
maid received a liberal reward.
Fatal Fire In Chic ;o Threaten
Other, Rut Five Are Rescued.
Chicago, Nov. 7. An aged mr
died from the effects of a Are Inst
night at 16 Paulina street, and five
other persons 'were rescued from the
burning building. Of these, four
were nearly as old as the victim of
the fire, one was blind and another
The victim was William Ogden, 70
years old. He died while being
taken to the County Hospital in a
police ambulance after he had been
carried unconscious from the building.
Wants $10,000 for His Skin.
Cincinnati, O , Nov. 7. William O.
Doll, who alleges that an amount ol
cuticle much greater than bargained
lor was taken from him under a
akin-grafting contract, entered ault
today for $10,000 damages against
J. S. Atkins, George A. Fackler and
John C. Oliver, the latter two prom
inent Cincinnati physicians and sur
geons. The plaintiff says he agreed that
strip of skin one by six inches should
be taken from his leg, but while he
was under the influence of an anaes
thetic skin was cut from both legs to
the extent of forty-two Inches. The
case grows out of an automobile ac
cident in which Atkins was Injured
and it was for his benefit the skin
was taken.
"Rlnck Hand" at Work Again.
New York. Nov. 7. Shaken by a
terrific explosion soon after mid
night, a score of tenement houses In
the blocks adjoining Mlnetta and
Bleel "r streets poured their occu
pants Into the streets scantily clnd.
An explosive had been hurled at
one-story grocery store, 2 Mlnotts
street, owned by Salvntore Bartho
lomew. The whole front of the build
ing was blown In and windows were
shattered for half a block. The police
believe It to be a "black hand" outrage.
Iowa rajs 9,1,000 for a Joke.
Des Moines, la., Nov. 1. Because
several Hundred persons signed hli
petition, "Just for a Joke," the nami
of Andrew Townsend Hlsey of Tama
county was put upon the Iowa offlcla'
ballot as the "Secular Government
candidate for Governor.
Hisey Is a 'harmless crank who
with a wheelbarrow, travels fntr
town to town and expounds fantastii
theories of government on the strew
corners. Ills name necessitated at
extra column on the nallot and wll
cost the State $5,000.
President Will Hear I'te Complaint
Washington, Nov. 7. Preslden
Roosevelt has approved the arrange
ment made by Colonel Rodgers fo'
the settlement of the grievances o
the I'te Indians. He has Instructed
the officials of the War Departmen
to Inform the Indian chiefs that h
will give them an audience at th
White House on his retnrn Iron
There's No Use
talking, yon can't beat Herblne for
the liver. The greatest regulator ever
offered to suffering humanity. If you
suffer from liver Complaint, if yon
are bilious and fretful, its your liver,
and Herblne will pot it in its proper
condition. A positive cure for Con
stipation, Biliousness, Dyspepsia and
all ills dne to a torpid liver. Try a
bottle and von will never nse any
thing else. For sale by .National
urug atoro uu x.oturiuuuu.
The New Stock of China
has arrived. Come in
and look it over.
Smythe-Gsmble Company
Phone 431
Think what this (rest saving means.
It will furnlHh two or Hi rue 'rooms in
your home In elegant atria.
It will repaint and repair jour house
and barn, or build an add I lion to either.
It will buy the txwt piano made, or wind
your son or daughter ui collca-a for a year.
You know the ordinary move cannot he
made proof asalnHt alr-leaka. becauae the
Jul n la are l lame red with atove putty.
im noon aa me
pulty dries up.
and falli out, the
air is Mucked In
through cracks
and the gaaca
which should be
burned, and a
lamu part of the
heat M-ape up
the chimney.
IVxir radiating
surface and leaky
JolnlH mean manv
dnllni' unsttUx fdirh priced fuel.
Inirf-t comtMi-tlon means a loss of
the liest healing half of soft coal, the
Can Half.
Cole's Original Hot Blast Ptovea and
Alr-Tlght WikhI Hlove nave all waited
with other atovea.
Twelve years' contlnuoua experimenting
baa developed Cole'a Hot lllaal a auivu
Coles Original
Hot Blast
and Air -Tight Stoves
Hair-Kiddle Hurdwaro Co.
Up The Chimney is Where
Half Your Fuel Money Goes
You Can Save $100 to $300 In
The Next Three to Five Years
which burns any kind of fuel, and saves
all the heat.
If you have wood only, Cole's Original
Alr-Tlght Wood Htove will Siva you better
latlnfartloo than any other stove on the
Like the Hot Itlaat atovo. It la made with
out putty Jolnta. and la guaranteed to
remain always air-tight.
liualdua the economy thnrn stoves pro
duce, tnecomrort
of a heater In
which the lira la
never out ahould
b e connldered.
Your roonm are
always warm aud
Avoid Imitations
none of them
have the patented
Air Tight t-on-
Ktriicttnii, the pat-
AnU-,1 Hl,utl f 'jill.-
Connectlun for the elluw canting to
auivu body, making an everlaatlng
tight joint which cannot open by action
of the ttcrcnit heat; the palented com
pound hinge for aah door i the smoke
proof feed door and other patented
feature which am essential to the sua
cea of theae stores.
The Grants Pass Bulletin
It is illustrated with half-tone cuts
of scenes in the RoRiie River Valley
and is full of descriptive matter.
It Will Cost You Nothing.
Just bring or send the names to me
and I will mail it fret of charge.
The Real I-state Merchant
List your property witii m and I will
advertise it in the BULLETIN Iree of charge.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
I has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a
bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to yog ? No Cure, No Pay. 203.
Eftdo4 whh twry totu. a Tot Qtmt, ptxagt of Crovwl Block Hoot, Uvjr FUix.