Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 02, 1906, Image 3

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26 - KINDS - 26
Balang Fmrder
Absolutely Pure
A wholesome cream of tartar
baking powder. Makes the finest,
lightest, best flavored biscuit, hot
breads, cake and pastry.
Alum and alum-phosphate
powders are injurious. Do not
use them. Examine the labeU
British Ex-Secretary or War Dead.
London, Oct. 31. Gathorne-G
thorne Hardie, first Earl of Can
brook, who was twice Secretary oi
War and President of the Council,
died yesterday at Hempstead Park.
He was born In 1814.
The Original.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and long
remedy, and ou arcouut of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered
for the genuine. Ask for Foley's
Honey and Tar and refase any substi
tute offered as no other preparation
will give the same saiisfaction. It is
mildly laxative. It contains no
opiates and is safest for children and
delioate persons. For sale by H. A.
Napoleon Bonaparte
showed, at the battle of Aasterlitz.
he was the greatest leader in the
world, Ballard's Snow Liniment has
shown the publio it is the best Lini
ment in the world. A qniok cure for
Rheumatism., Sprains, Barns, Cats,
etc., A. C. Pitts, Rodessa, La. says:
'I use Ballard's Snow Liniment in
my family and find it unexcelled for
sore client, headache, corns, in fact
for antyhing that can be reached by
liniment" For sale 'by National
Drag Co. and by Rotermnnd.
A Badly Burned Cirlr
or boy, man or woman, is quickly
out of pain if Buoklen's Arnica Salve
ii applied promptly. G. J. Welch, of
Tekonsha, Mich., says: "I use it in
my family for cuts, sores and ail skin
injuries, and find it perfeot." Quick
est Pile cure known. Best healing
salve made. 25o at all drag stores.
The pen with clip cap is the tool
of trade to which buyer and sales
man, clerk and employer point with
pride, as a faithful business assist
ant. Tt i easv to fill, easy to clean, re-1
quires no repairing, can always be
depended upon to write so long as
there is a drop of ink left; never
floods, never fails.
Vill you have one?
For sale by
Model Drugstore
Prescription Druggist.
Big Four
In connection with tht
L.S & M.S..N.Y.C. & H. R.. B.4A..
and C. & 0. Railways,
Maintain! the FINEST SERVICE btw i
Ntw York, Boston,
Philadelphia. Washington.
The Mountain, of New England
The Eastern Staide Resorti.
Address any Big Four Agent or
m I H KERN. P. Aat Cincinnati. O.
No Need of It When Hyomel Is
Used to Cure Catarrh.
Do not ty tocurecatanh of the head
by dosing the stomach. This is neither
common sense nor scientific, as the
lees mediolue one swallows the better.
To cure catarrhal troubles, breathe
the healing Hyomei and the medi
cation will go right to the spot, where
the catarrhal germs are present, and
free the system from all .catarrhal
Rotermnnd has seen so many cures
of catarrh 'made by Hyomei, some of
them chronic cases that he gives an
a two lute guarantee of cure or money
will be refunded with every outfit be
sells. The complete Hyomei outfit
oosts but $1, while extra bottles of
Hyomei if needed are but SO cents.
Captain of Steamer Spends One Horn
In Jail for Disrespect.
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 31. Judg
Nathan Ewing In the United District
Court yesterday sentenced Captain
Henry H. Kraft of the steamer BesBie
Smith to serve one hour In jftll as s
penalty for saying "To hell with th
President of the United States." Cap
tain Kraft entered the jail at 3
o'clock and an hour later was re
leased. About a month ago United States
Marshal Stone boarded Captain
Kraft's boat to serve a legal paper
and the captain threatened to throw
hlra overboard. The officer said he
represented the President, and the
captain, after making the remark
noted, started toward the marshal
who left hurriedly. The following
day Marshal Stone made an informa
tion against Captain Kraft, charging
him with obstructing a Federal of
ficer. Captain Kraft was repentant
and the extreme mercy of the court
Has shown him.
Lepers Ask Aid for Xew Church.
Honolulu, T. H., Oct. 31. Th
lepers at Kalaupapa have sent fort!
an appeal for financial aaslmance
They wish to build a new Catliollt
church. Their church was destroyet
by fire last Aupust, the fire orlglnat
lng from the censer. About $10,00(
will be required to rebuild the plact
of worship. When the disaster o
last April overtook San Francisco thi
lepers Immediately raised a relit
fund and tent their contribution for
Slayer of Six Persona Loomed.
San Jose, Cal., Oct. 31. SherlH
Ross today received a letter from
Deputy Sheriff C. V. Cooper of Cad
do County, Oklahoma, saying he ii
confident that James Dunham, whe
murdered six persons on the Me
Ollncy ranch, near Campbell, on thi
night of May 26, 1896, Is living li
that county, having gone there It
1897 and subsequently married.
Gored to Death by a Bull.
New York, Oct. 30. Mrs. .uagda
lena A. Berger, wife of Ova Berger
a farmer residing three miles fron
Port Jervls, in Pike County, Pa., wa:
gored to death by a bull on her farn
yesterday. She had gone for wood ii
a field in which the animal was graz
Rack Robber Executed.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 31. Elgin
persons arrester here In connectiot
with the robbery of $188,826 front
Cashier Hermans of the - Customi
House on October IT, were tried b)
Mart-martial and executed today.
Send the Courier to your friend, to
he can learn the facts in regard to the
' famous Rofffle River Valler.
Secretary of War N to Co to Islands
for Purpotic of Superintending
Formation of (iovernment.
W'ashington.Oct. 31. The Presi
dent is prenarlng to redeem his
promise to rbe Philippine people
through Sectary Taft that they
shall have a Parliament of their own,
conditioned upon their good behaviot
for a term of two years, and It It
understood that Secretary Taft him
self will proceed to the Philippine;
next spring to witness the Installa
tion of the new form of representa
tive government. Marca 27, 19j5,
the Philippine census was published
and consequently two years from
that date March 27, 1907 undoi
the terms of the act of Congress, tlu
President will direct the Philippine
Commission to call a general election
for the choice of delegates to what
will be known as the Philippine As
sembly. This body Is to take over all
legislative powers heretofore exer
cised by the Philippine Commission
in all parts of the archipelago not in
habited by Morot and non-Christian
As this date draws near the Phil
ippine people are showing signs ol
agitation and to the officials here it If
evident that they are expecting
some benefits that cannot at once be
realized. For Instance, the Assembly
of Provisional Governors, recently In
session In Manila, with the view ot
arranging the preliminaries for the
meeting of the Philippine Assembly,
is reported to have recommended
that the suffrage be widely extended.
It is pointed out here that this If
not possible for the reason that the
act of Congress under which the As
sembly will be convened expressly
states the qualifications of voters.
These, in brief are that the voter
must be at least 23 years of age, must
be able to read and write either
Spanish of English; must own a cer
tain small amount of property or
must have been in the past an office
holder under the Spanish . Govern
ment. The new Assembly will con
sist of two houses to be known as
the Philippines Commission and the
Philippine Assembly, the latter to
consist of not less than fifty nor more
than one hundred members. It If
probable that the present commis
sion will be merged In the upper
Frenchman Objects to Criticism ol
Wedding With California Girl.
New York, Oct. 31. Prince Kobert
de Broglie, whose marriage on Au
gust 14 at Chicago to Miss Estelle
Alexander of California Incurred the
displeasure of his family In Paris,
was indignant when he learnel today
of the attitude taken by his relatives
In connection with the alleged illegal
The family of the prince In a com
munication to the Paris edition of the
New York Herald, which has been
cabled here for publication, stated
that according to the laws of France
the marriage was not valid becaust
the Prince's divorce from his former
wife had not been approved and thai
his second marriage has not been re
corded according to the French laws.
Prince dp Hroglle said the marriage
is legal under the laws of Illinois and
showed a letter from the French
Vlce-Consmil at Chicago stating that
the marriage has been recorded with
his Government and was legal undoi
the French law.
Kill Murderer in Pistol Fight.
San Luis Obispo, Cal., Oct. 31.
Nat Hartnell, w ho attempted to mur
der Katie Hourihan at Nlporna yes
terday afternoon and aftcrwardf
eluded a posBe, waa located again
three miles below Santa Maria and
a desperate battle ensued. Finally.
Horn Bardin fired and killed Hart
nell, who It believed to have bees
Katie Hourihan was believed tc
have been mortally wounded, but ral
lied. One bullet struck her over tht
left eye and passed through the root
ot her mouth, while another enterec
her breast. Either are likely to prov
Ha Siihm (he TeM 2!i Year.
The old, original GROVES' Taste
less Chill Tonic. You know what you
are taking. It is I'on and quinine in
a tattles foroi. No core, no j ay. Mc.
Chicago, Oct. 31. Wedding belit
will ring only for those happy youii
per?oiis who succeed In passing i
Ptcte Inspection test, If the Ideas o.
the American Stock Breeders' Asso
ciation ure carried out. The assoeiu
tlon has turned for the moment frou
the consideration of cattle, sheep auv
hogs to the culture of humans, a:i.
It will be the ultimate buslues u
the; Committee of Eugenics, Just tip
pointed, to keep an eye out for li.
mated pairs. A marriage censorshti
may result If the Inspection ia-i
proves practicable.
Professor Charles R. Henderson 01
the University of Chicago soclologj
department Is a member of the com
m!t!ee,of which Dr.Alaxander Grahan
Bell is chairman. Cther members a
pointed by Secretary William M
Hayes of the Stock Breeders' Associ
ation are Dr. Charles Woodruff, C. M
Ward of New York, Dr. Pnvld S:n-t
Jordan of Stanford and Itev. .1. r;
Gilbert of Washington. To lmpr:m
the quality of humans Is to ba t.i
task of the Eugenics experts.
The Immediate object of the com
mittee, as explained yesterday dj
Professor Henderson, Is to spread in
formation In regard to the 111 ettecit
of the marriage of defective persons
Including "Imbeciles, idiots ann
feeble-minded." Insane persons, con
firmed drunkards and moral degener
ates are to be restrained In colomet
and kept from marrying.
Wants S.VH or Declares He Will Pols
ou Drinking Places of Animals.
Ogden, Utah, Oct. 31. Joseph S.
Peery, a wealthy young sheep man ol
this city Is in receipt ot a blackmail
ing letter sent through tae mall and
signed "Three." In this letter tht
writers demand $500 and threaten tt
kill Mr. Peery't sheep by poisoning
the watering places in case he falb
to comply with their demand, ac
companying the letter it a diagram
designating a certain spot on the
shore of the Great Salt Lake at
the place where the money it to b
left for them in a can. The lettet
was rudely printed with lead pencil
and furnished no clew by which iti
author may be detected. The envel
ope bears the postmark of the local
poslonVe. Officers are Investigating
the case and arrests are quite llkelj
to be mnde In the near future.
Blind Reader to Have Magazine.
New York, Oct. 31. A mugar.ln
for the blind, the first to be pub
lished in America, and the second
periodical of its kind in the world. It
the benefaction for which Mrs. Wil
liam Zlegler, widow of the baklni,
powder manufacturer, has supplier,
the funds.
Announcement of her charity wai
made yesterday by Walter G. Holmet
of 1931 Broadway, Into whose handt
Mrs. Zelgler has given the tank Ol
launching the magazine and distrib
uting It free to all blind persons.
The limited number of books thai
have been printed in the raised char
acters are so expensive as to be be
yond the reach of tne thousands ol
poor folk, whose poverty Is made th
more unbearable by the long night.
The magazine will contain thi
news oi the day, short stories reprint
ed by permission of the leading peri
odicals and contributions from tai
blind readers themselves.
Roosevelt ;)lng Deer Hunting.
Washington, Oct. 31. Preslden
Roosevelt will leave Washington to
day for Pine Knot, Va., where he wll
devote the remainder of the week U
hunting. Pine Knot Is the countrj
eat purchased by Mrs. Roosevelt
who will accompany the President
How's Thia 7
f We offer HK) Reward for any case
of Catrrb tliat cannot be coram by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY
& CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last IS years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions, and finan
cially able to curry out any obliga
tiuiuCiuade DT nl" Hrm- vValdiug,
Kinuan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and tnuco'is surfaces of the system.
Testimonial! sent free. Price, 75c
per bottle. Sold by all DruvftisU.
Take Hull's Family Pills for constipation.
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales
Dottles. Does this record
Enriove with every
: Soap for toilet use is made differ-
ently from that intended for the
i laundry and kitchen.
Now some folks like to use real
nice soap on their person, we have
it in Goethings Roses of Eden or
Violets of Eden Soap at two bits
per bar or six bits per box. also
Pacific Coast Borax Co's. Boraxo
at two bits per pkg.
that is too much why not try
our Goethings 10c 3 for 25c toilet
Soap, we have six scents to choose
from. Then we have Ivory and
Trilby at 10c per bar.
Our Sc line of Toilet Soaps com
prises Floating Borax America,
Mysa, True Blue Tar and Cuda
hy's Pine Tar.
Now for the kitchen and laundry
we have White Borax, Naptha,
Golden Star, 20 Mule Team
Botax, A. & B. Naptha, Diamond
C. Old Dutch Cleanser, Giant Lye,
Pyramid Soap Powder, 20 Mule
Team Borax in Cartoons and lift
ing Top Cans.
Be clean and happy it don't cost
much, try it, for Sale at
Smythe-dimbia Company
Why Stove
An Expensive Stove
ftJT the joints don't fit, daub little
X ttove putty in 'em." r
That's tlie policy of most stove
manufacturers, because it costs them lest.
But it costs you more.
Every time a -piece of thia putty
shrinks, and drops out, there's a crack
to suck in air. Half of the heating power
of soft coal and a great portion of hard
coal, wood and lighter fuel, is gas.
These valuable gaset which should be
burned, and a big part of the heat go up
the chimney wasted.
From f ioo to f soo lost In fuel during
the life of the stove.
To say nothing of the discomfort and
unsatisfactory heating of the house.
Here you can tee Low stoves are put
In the ordinary stove there is an open
ingof about one-eighth inch between the
top and aides. The teams are filled with
stove putty, and the parts are bolted to
gether. After a few months' use the putty driet
up and fulls out, leaving thia one-eighth
inch crack all around the top, which in an
1 8-inch stove means seifn square inches of
leakage. The eight or ten other joints
in the stove are fastened together in
the tame way, so the, total air-leakage
The Grants Pass Bulletin
It is illustrated with half-tone cuts
of scenes in the Rogue River Valley
and is full of descriptive matter.
It Will Cost You Nothing.
Just bring or send the names to me
and I will mail it free of charge.
The Real i:.-tate k.vhas:'.
List your property witn me and I wi.i
advertise it in the BULLETIN Jree of charge.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
or merit appeal to you I
bottle U Ten Cent pedmgt of Grove's
Phone 431
Putty Makes
toon become! very large.
But by the Cole Method the
aheet steel sides are "flared,"
and the smoothly ground edges
of the cast iron top are forced to
fit to closely under a screw press,
that not a particle of stove putty
is necessary to make a tight
fitting top.
The same airtight construe
tlon it used in fitting every joint.
Thus, all the air it forced
through the proper drafts, and
the gates and fuel held back
until they are entirely consumed.
The smoke-proof feed door in
top doet away with an air-leak-ing
door frame on the tide; the
patented tteel collar connection
joining the ash-door casting to
Lie body, the patented com
pound hinge for the ath door
(which makes it water tight like
a pump valve), the ttralght
tteel jacket and water tiht
tteel bottom all make the use
of ttove putty unnecessary in
Cole's Air-tight Wood Stovei
and Hot Mast Coal Stoves.
Cole's Hot Want bums Hard
. Coal, Soft Coal, Slack, Lignite
or Wood. Cole't Air-tight Wood
Stoves burn wood or lighter fuel.
They hold fire so well that fuel
put in the night before will heat
tht- rooms for 2 or 3 hours the next
morning. Come in and see these
wonderfully economical ttovts.
Hardware Co.
over One and a Half 2L2oa
No Cure, no Fay. dust
Rtock Root, Liver PUU.