Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 19, 1906, Image 4

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SC 1
We are Strong on Strong Boy's and Girls' Shous. Boys and girls
are bard on Shout, so it taken thb strongest, toughest leather well put
together to grand the knocks. Our Red School House and Sieel
Shod Shoos for boys and girK made of the bust calf with double
solus and quilted bottoms are the best wearing shoes made. Also high
top shoes for little iuu in all sizes.
Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rates:
One Year, in advance,
Six Months,
Three Months,
Single CuiiHf
Advertising Rates
Furnished on application at the office, or
by mail.
Obituaries snd resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at 6c per line;
card of thanks 60o.
Entered at the pout office at Grants Vim,
Oregon, as second-clam mail matter.
(Continued from page Ono. )
apples were conceded by visiting ex
perts to be one of the finest ever held
in the United States by groweis,
. Eaoh grower had a space allotted to
him and they vied with eaoh other in
making their exhibits attractive.
Most of the orchards are named and
over many exhibits was placed the
name of the orchard, the name of
the grower and artlstlo eiubelish
ments. The display of A. I. Mason,
whom many of the Rogue River Val
ley farmers remember for the very
practical addresses he gave at the
eerie. of fruit growers meetings that
Dr. Withyeonibe conducted in this
county in September, was conceded
to be the finest in the fair and the
different judges so held that opinion
and gave him more awards than was
secured by any other exhibitor. The
exhibit coveriid a spaoe 10x13 feet aud
above the boxes aud plates of apple
that were perfect in their coloring
and symmetry was placed a handsome
sign" besriug "Lilterty Home Farm"
A. I. Miihoii, proprietor and by each
side of it were large photographs of
views of his orchard and home aud
the handsome park that adjoins his
yard and is a grove of native and im
ported trees with a brook and an ar
tificial hike to give an artistic effect
for Hood Hlver farmer hnve parks
and other beautiful things like other
people who are making money. About
the entire exhibit was draped bunting
entwlued with evergreeus giving a
must artiHtic effect.
The attendance at the fair was large
and there were many fruit miners
present from all over the Northwest,
though Hngtio River Valley was ouly
represented by two orchartlists, M.
L. Pellet t, the big pear and apple
grower of Talent, and A. D. Helms
who Iihs a fine orchard neir Ashland.
Many prominent men, including
Senator O. V. Fulton, visited the fair
aud a number of the big Portland and
other papers hid representatives'there.
fTis safe to say that Hood River will
get out of their fair advertising that
If litid in cash would cost ft(H).
TiTefruit exhibits were all bought by
visitors most of the Jjboxes of j apples
being sent east to friends of the pur
chasers. A box of Winter Banana
apples was purchased by Manager
Tom Richardson, of the ' Portland
Commercial OulOo'lie sent to Presi
dent Roosevelt. These apples were
so large tat there were but 4"i in the
box and they were so uniform in
si.e that they did nof vary a ' 16th of
an inch in iliani"ier They were' of a
rich, golden color and ImcTa dclicnto
aroina s ni.nvhat like a banana, hence
their inline Ftily IHl per cent of the
apple exhibits were Spitenlietvs
anil Nevt"wn-, thosn being the tip
ples glow u Ht Hood River fer the
luaike's. While the display of tin so
fine ii ,'es was gcod yet the Kiyne
River f.i ' 'm could easily equal it
did tl.ev i x"rolso the smue cure in
cultivation, riming, thinning hiu!
picking and packing that is done by
the Hood River orcharding. It
would be a most profitable trip to
the Rogue River growers if they
would visit the Hood River orchards
and note the methods employed bv
thoso progressive orchardists.
The leading factor in the prosperity
of the Hood River fruit raisers is the
Hood River Apple Grower Union.
This union was organized four years
ago and the first year the members
got 85 cunts per box for their apples.
The Union each year since has se
cured increasing prices until this
year when the entire apple crop was
sold to a New York firm at from
$2.25 to 3. 15 a box f. o. b. Hood
River. And this extraordinary price
was secured in competition with one
of the biggest apple crops ever known
in the United States. The high
quality of the applet and the honest,
perfect packing baa much to do in
getting these record breaking prices
but advertising is a big factor and is
liberally used by those hustling
people. Sample boxes of apples are
sent eaoh year to all the big buyers
of America and Europe and apples are
given away by the box and by the
car load as was done at the St. Louis,
Portland and other worlds fairs.
Apples were everywhere Id evidence
at Hood River during their fair.
Store windows were full of them and
offices were festooned with them aud
the visitors were given all the apples
they could eat. The Hood River
badge at the fair was both unique
and handsome for it represented big
red apple. The badge was of leather
and on the center was pasted a perfect
repieseutatiou of Spitzenberg apple
while about the border were the
words: A "Hood River Apple, The
Best in the World," the letters
being burned into the leather.
The Union owns a warehouse that
is 4(1x100 feet of two stories, it being
on a hillside so both floors are accessi
ble to teams in delivering apples. The
building is of wood with double walls,
doors and windows to keep the rooms
cool in Summer and warm in Winter.
The lower floor is of concete. On
the scooud floor is a suite of two well
furnished office rooms aud the entire
warehouse is perfect in its equipment.
The apple packing is all done at
the orchards. All the packing Is doue
by packers in the employ of the Union
and a foreman is in charge of each
crew and docs all the grading for the
packers. The grower at'ends to the
wiping of the apples aud the uailing
of the boxes. Two sizes of boxes are
used, the special one for the large ap
ples of the throe tier pack. Only
blank boxes are used aud at the or
chard the fore in an puts on with a
stencil the growers name aud number,
his own number aud the name of the
wpple aud the number the box con
tains. At the warehouse when the
apples are to be loaded on the car the
handsome lithographed Union label
is pasted on the other end of the box.
This Fame rule is carried out with
strawberries and so large.ia the ship
ments of the Uuion that during the
rush season the (). R. - N. railroHil
has a switch cngiuo placed at the ser
vice of the Union so that carl may be
moved on the siding as they are loaded
at the warehouse. The entire man
agement of th packing crews and
the force at the warehouse and the
selling snd shipping of the fruit is
done by K. II, Shepsrd who with his
capable assistant, K. A. Fran, and a
stouograi her have tlie.r time fully
occupied and the union's otln e is as
busy a place as is found in Hood
River. That Mr. Shepsrd is a most
caimhle. energetic manager is proven
by fi e fact that the business of tie
I'n ion h is Nt'-adily inert iced since he
assumed charge and be lias ln'ii able
to command for Hood River apples a
lnglnr pi ice than is bad by any other
I'mon in the United States
Manager Shcpnrd and the Union's
bookee tr Mr. l-'rin., gave Mr. Me
serve llie fullest. "information as to all
the (It tails connected with thepsik-
ing, loading and marketing of fruit as
carried on by the Union and they
also fully explained the syttem of
keeping the accounts and records
which they have so simplified that it
is quite perfect and prevents errors
or misunderstanding from arising.
These gentlemen are also te editors
of Better Fruit the only strictly fruit
growers paper on the Paciflo Coast.
While it wis only last July that the
publication of Better Froit was begun
yet it so fills the demand for a paper
devted to Pacific Coast method of
fruit raising that it is meeting with
the strongest support and its sob-S'-rietion
list is gaining at a very
rapid rate. Each number is a text
book on horticulture and contains ar
ticles on fruit raising and marketing
that alone'are worth the price of the
year's subscription. Every peson
who plants fruit trees as a financial
venture should take Better Fruit and
read it carefully and then put into
practice the very ' practical ideas that
It contains.
County Clerk's Semi-Ann vial
County Clerk's senii-anooal report,
showing the amount of claims allowed
by the County Court of Josephine
County, Oregon, for what allowed,
the amount of warrants oostanding
and unpaid from the first day of
April, 1900, to the first day of Octo
ber, 1906:
Warrants outstanding April
1st, lfi06 1104,856 81
Warrants issued from April
1st to Oct 1st, 1900:
County Court and commis
sioners' Balary 696 60
Circuit Court, jurors, wit
nesses, bailiffs, etc 3,713 35
Justice courts, jurors, wit
nesses, constable and jus
tice fees 527 80
Sheriff s office, sheriff &
deputy 1,459 96
Clork's offloe, clerk, dnp, etc 1,451 48
Treasurer's office, sal 300 00
Coroner's office, cor, jur,
wit, etc 168 20
School supt office, ail, etc. . 370 55
Stock inspector, sal 75 00
Assessor's office, assessor and
dep 1,121 46
Assessment and collection of
taxes 1,131 CO
Tax rebate 68 19
Current expense, printing,
books, postage, eto 874 97
Court house, Janitor, water,
light, fuel, eto 717 95
Jail, board prisoners, build
ing new jail, etc 8,419 02
Care of poor, med attend, etc 2, 2114 87
Indigent soldiers 60 00
Insane, exam aud expense. . . ft 00
Reform school, commit.... 30 80
Election, primary and June
elect 2,083 51
Roads, lum, labor, sop, eto 7,763 83
Lewis & Clark exhibit ... 3 25
County Board of health, sal
of secy, etc 137 90
Onunty High school..; 1,200 00
Estimated accrued interest 9,000 00
Total 1143,620 98
Warrants cancelled from
April 1st to Oct 1st, 1906 t 29,419 10
Cash in hands of treasurer
Oct 1st, 1906... 12,976 05
Taxes unpaid 11108 Roll ... . 9,09187
Amount due County from
tax sales 2,784 72
Net liabilities 89,246 74
Total 1143,620 98
State of Oregon )
County of Josephine j
I. 8. F. Cheshire, County Clerk of
the County of .Tosepine, State of Ore
gon, do hereby certify that the fore
going is a true and correct statement j
of the number and amount of claims'
allowed by the County Court of said
County for the six months ending !
October 1st, 1006, on what account the 1
fame are allowed and the amount of I
WHrrants drawn, and amount of war-!
rants oustanding and unpaid as the j
same appears upon the records in my 1
olllce and in my official custody. !
Witness my hand and official teal :
this tOth day of October, A. 1)., I'.KSi. !
County Treasurer' Semi
Annual Report. j
County Treasurer's report fcr six
months, ending September HOth, 11)06: !
To Balance from lat report. 8,0:19 40
Uash from Slierff on tuxes.. 32,081 41 !
Cash from sheriff on poll tax 2N3 00
Warrants receved on taxes 10.8115 77
County clerk fees , 1.743 28 1
Cemetery lots . . 63 00 ;
Liquor license 1,600 00'
Fines ill! 90
Sheriff fees . Mil 80
Total H9,7!5 oil:
By amt transferred to countv
school fund t . JISS 58
State taxe 5,625 00
Warrants caiicellel 2,',4l!l 26
Interest on ssm 3 970 45
Balance on hand.... 112.740 27
Total . . 19, 785 56
To balance from last report.. 1,937 OS
From general fund Co. appor
tionment . I.98S 5S
Stat" school fund 5,060 90
Institute fund H 33 00
City tax 2,824 0?
Estate fund 5 65
Si hool districts, special tax 9. P'O'JS districts . ,. 4 ."J4 41
Total 25,503 00
Amt pool on Co school orders I 9s 5S
Amt paid on slate school
orders 4,' ,H 00
Institute fin d 1 1 00
Paul I'ity Treasurer .. 2,797 23
! slate fund. . i;.,
School ilitric;s special tax . 9 .V I 77
Koad districts 4,515 ,"N
Pultun e on hai d 2 035 !9
lolal 25.563 00
I. J. T. Taylor, do hen by certify
that the ton-going is a true ard cor
rect statement of the amounts received,
paid out and remaining on hand in
the county treasury of said county for
the six months ending September 30th, ;
Witness my hand this 15th day of
Ooctber A. D., 1906.
Countv Treasurer.
FOR SALE Improvements consisting
of good house, barn, fencing on 5U
acres, tools, garden (rop. etc., on
160 acres uneurveyed land on Limpy
creek, for sale for 400. Inquire
Samnel Hawkins. Wilderville. 9-14 4t
hogs for Bale. J.
Poland China
H. Robinson.
8-81 tf
OFFICE ROOM for rent Courier
building. Apply to A. E. Voorhies
or J. W. Howard. 8-3 tf
WANTED A steam boiler, 25 to
60 H. P. State price. Address Mt
Pitt Mining Co., Grants Pass, Ore
1012 2t
WANTED Wood in exchange for
wagon aud carriage worts by J. M.
Newman, successor to G. M. Cald
well. 9-22 tf
WANTED Grain Sacks, Tools and
other serond-haud gocds. Harrison
Bros., Second hand-store, corner
Sixth and J streets. 2-9 tf
WANTED Relinquishments on sev
eral good, well located timber
claims. State particulars and price.
Lock Box 68, Park Rapids, Minn.
10-19 2t
C. L. aOELof Odessa wants loggers
and timber cutters to deliver 2,000,
000 feet of logs to mill by contract
before snow flies; short haul, level
roads, one 4-horee team, two trucks,
chains, etc. furnished. Also left
hand 3-gang edger wanted. Write
or call at mill Odessa, Ore. 8 8 tf
LOST. ' "
LOST Nugget pin on the street last
week. Finder leave at this office
and receive reward. 10-12 2t
BOY'S COAT. 13-jear-old size, grey
mixed, Earth's mark inside. Re
ward at Courier Office. 10-5 tf
EASTMAN KODAK, No. 8 with case
on Limpy creek bridge, September
30. Finder leave at Courier office.
10 5 2t
FOUND Overcoat, man's size.
Owner can have the fame by prov
ing property. Call at the Courier
office. 10-5 tf
TRAVELER for established House.
12 per week. Expenses advanced.
References. Address, with stamp,
Jos. A. Alexander, Grants Pass,
Ore. 10-19 It
GIRL WANTED A school girl who
is able to cook and assist in light
housework can get a pleasant place
to stay by writing' Box 468. Grants
Pass. Work is very light. Oolv
two in family. Close to' high
school. 10-19 tf
WANTED Salesmen. Many Make
100 to 150 per month ; some even
more Stock clean ; grown on Reser
vation, far from old orchards. Cash
advanced weeklv. Choice of terri
tory. Address Washintgon Nursery
Company, Toppenish, Washington.
9-2H tf
NURSE Flrstclass nurse can be
found on L street, near 4th Mrs.
Alice Weiser. 9-21 4t
ART SCHOOL of Grants Pass, room
5, Masonio Tempi". Day classes in
painting in oil colors, water colors,
psatels, tapestry, etc., evening
classes Monday and Thursday.
Drawing Free hand and mechan
ical, architecture, perspective, etc.
Call at Studio for particulars all day
Saturday or Monday, or Thursday
evenings. Prof. Geo. O'Brien.
FARMERS! If yon went your farm
sold, write me what you have and
your price as soon as possible aud I
w II include it with my Fall list
which will go to the priuter soon.
I do not demand exclusive tale. W.
L. Irelaud, "The Real Estate
Man," Courier Building. 10-5 tf
PI A NO TUNING Leave orders at
the music store. D. F. irmstronn.
9-28 tf
FASHIONABLE dies'innking and
tailoring. Mrs. T. O. Horr, 107 C
street. 914 tf
FRANK BURNKTT-Upholstering,
mission f iruiture made to order.
Disease Most Prevalent in the
Fall Months Simple
way to Cure.
At the first warning of catarrh, oue
should begin using Hvoniei. There
is no stomach dosing with this treat
ment. Die mediratiou of its healing
nils and ha'sam is taken iu witli
the nir yon br. athe m that it reaches
tie mist rnuote oils cf the ucse,
throat ami lungs, killing the catarrh
g ru s wherever i resent, and smithing
li iiritatious iu the mucous mem
hrw. Yon mu no risk in paying Roter
mund 1 U'T a Hyemei "outfit as hit
givei his personal guarantee that if
the remedy do, s not afford relief,
your morev will to r funded at cnee
Kvtrn tvt'K'S of Hyomei, if reeled,
co-t but 50 cents, unking it the most
ee nouiical treatment for catarrh as
well as the only cue that is sold ou
guarant 'e.
Dutchess Trousers for Fall
We have thi week received the complete
line "f Trousers for Fall and Winter in those
nobby gray Stripes and Plaids. Some pat
terns are cut special, knee 21, 19 across the
shoe. Call and see them.
Als Schloss Clothing that can't be beat
for Style and Workmanship, regardless of
Prick $12.00 to $27.50.
Caterers to the neat dressers.
P. i! Harth & Son. Inc.
Fruit a.nd Dairy Farms a Speci
alty With a New Grants Pass
Real Estate Firm.
The newest real estate firm for
Grants Pass is Meserve & Meade,
who have opened an office in -room
three on the second floor of the
t Courier block. The Ann is made up
of Charles Meserve, for the last two
1 years on the editorial staff of the
Rogne River Courier, and who is
now secretary and manager of the
Grants Pass Fruit Growers Union,
and froit inspector for Josephine
couuty. and H. V. Meade, for the last
, four years foreman of the Courier's
composing room and a resideut of
Grants Pass for the past 1 1 years.
I Both Mr. Meserve and Mr. Meade
are well known in this county and
I have a good standing for interglty'
and business ability. They will
make a specialty of haudling fruit I
and dairy lauds and they expect to ;
push the development of the fruit
and dairy industries. Mr. Meserve
' by his thorough knowledge of this
i section of Rogue River Valley, gained
through his connection with the fruit
industry and in the various series of
j farmers institutes and fruit growers
meetings that he has assisted In hold-!
ing, will be able to give prospective
buyers full information as to the var
ious kinds of lands that are fouud in
, this Valley. The soil aud formation
of Rogue River Valley is extremely
variable and on a single section may
be found laud the Burface indications
of which is very much the same to a
stranger yet one part may be best
adapted to apples, another to reais, to
gripes, to peaches, or to alfilf..
While to grow either of these on land
not adapted to them would bring at
least a partial failure of the crop.
In probably no other section of the
Pacific Coast is land fo variable in
surface soil, subsoil, formation and as it is in Rogue Rivr
Valley, and it is due to this
that so msuy persons make snch dis
ustrous failures in attempting to raise
fruit and other crops in this comity.
To give Im-ndiug purchasers the
fullest infonnaMoti possible as to
where can t e had the land r specially
ad.ipted to tlu crop they propose to
grow will he the rule of Messrs Me
serve & Meade and the man who de
sires to gro.v apples will Uot be in-
fluencad to buy red bill land, where
only grapes can best be grown, nor
black, wet bottom land adapted only
to alfalfa, nor granite land the
horns of the peach. The rule will
be to so treat customers that they will
have no occasion to rue their dealing
with the firm, but will feel disposed
to commend them to their friends.
Notice is hereby given that all un
paid taxes will become delinquent on
October 1, 1908, and if not paid by
that time the property will be adver
tised and sold for taxes. This also
applies to property on which the first
half of tax has been paid, the re
maining half doe and payable before
that time. After this date an addi
tional 1 per cent peualty will be added
on the first day of each month, to
the costs. W. J. RUSSELL,
City Treasurer's Noticn.
There are funds in; the city treasury
to redeem all outstanding warrants
protested to February 1st. 1904. In
terest oo same will cease after this
Dated at Grants Pass, 'Oregon,
September 15, 1906.
City Treasurer.
A Young Mother at 70.
"My mother Ins suddenly been
made yonng at 70. 20 years of intense
suffering from dyspepsia had entirely
disabled her, until six months aao,
when she began taking Electrio Bit
ters, which have completely cured her
anA .... .. 1 .L . . 1 . . .
nun ,cbiuibu me Bireugm ana acuvur
fhe had in the prime of life." writes
Mrs. W. L. Gilpatrick, of Daufortti, ,
Me. Greatest restorative medicine oti
the globe. Sets Stomach, Liver and
Kidenys right, purifies the blood, and
cures Malaria, Biliousness and Weak
nessess Wonderful Nerve Tonic.
Price 50c. Guaranteed by all drug
Julius Caesar
was a man of nerve, but sicknres left
its mark and he be came aged before
his time. Sickness is olten caused by
a torpid liver Herbine will regolate
yonr liver and give yon health. Mrs.
Carrie Austin, Hollon, Kansas,
writes: "I consider Herbine the best
medicnie I ever heard of. I am never
without it." For sale by Natioual
Drug Co. and by Rotermund.
For Fire Insurance
-T!'ft-ClrPR , A. ot McMlnnvillft
are the, cheapest' aiid" 'have years
standing without a peer" in Oregon
for settling firel(7sss;That t-lls the
tale. Don't " be 3eceived "by' other
agents who have" selflsh"motiv!8. In
no event will it cost you more than
the staudard stock companies charge
per annum. H.B.HENDRICKS,
Agt Grants Pass, Ore. 7-27 tf