Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 19, 1906, Image 3

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jACKins ruovE great shots.
Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely from
grapes, refined to absolute purity, is the active
principle of every pound of Royal Baking
Hence it is that Royal Baking Powder
renders the food remarkable both for its fine
flavor and healthfulness.
No alum, no phosphate which are the
principal elements of the so-called cheap
baking powders -and which are derived
from bones, rock and sulphuric acid.
Last Moments of Aged Woman Wit
nessed by Relatives, Who Were
Summoned to Bedside.
The Original.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and long
remedy, and oo anconnt of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered
for the genuine. Ask for Foley's
Honey and Tar and refoee any sal sti
tate offered as no other prepaiation
will Rive the same satisfaction. It is
mildly laxative. It contains no
opiates and is safest for children and
delicate persons. For sale by H. A.
Napoleon Bonapart
showed, at the battle of Austerlitz.
be was the greatest leader in the
world. Ballard's Snow Liniment has
shown the pablio it is the best Liol
ment in the world. 'A quick cure for
Rheumatism., Sprains, Barns, Cats,
eta, A. C. Pitts, Rodessa, La. says:
'I use Ballard's Snow Liniment in
my family and find it unexcelled for
sore chest, headache, corns, in fact
for antyhing that can be reached by a
liniment." For sale by National
Drag Co. and by Rotermnnd.
Lest We
forget-Baby is restless,
Don't You Want a Keen Appetite
and Perfect Health Once More.
can't sleep at
Cream Vermi
night, won t eat, cries s
A bottle of White's
fage never fails to care. Every
mother should Rive her baby White's
Cream Vermifuge. So many times
when the baby is pale and fretful, the
mother does not know what to do. A
bottle of this medicine would bring
color to his cheeks and laughter to
his eyes. Give it a trial. Sold by
National Drag Co. and by Rotermnnd.
Has Stood the Test 25 Years.
The old, original GROVES' Taste
less Chill Tonic. Yon know what you
are taking. It is i-on and quinine in
tastless form. No core, no pay. 50o.
The latest in calling cards at the
Courier office.
It is a positive crime to suffer
with the ills of indigestion, such as
headache, backache, sleeplessness,
nausea, and and distress after eating,
with despondency and nervousness,
now tiitbt the guaranteed Mi-o-na
stomach tablets can be obtained from
Uso this remedy, and keen appetite,
vigorous digestiou, strong heart act
ion, pare blond, nerves of steel and
natural streugtb and health will be
restored to vou quickly.
Mi-o-na is entirely different from
all other remedies that are recom
mended for the core ,of indigestion,
for it strengthens all the digestive or
gans and is not a mere digestive.
Ask Rotermuod to show yoa the
guarantee be gives with every 50 oent
box of Mi-o-na. The remedy will not
cost a penny unless it oures.
Six Killed In an Explosion.
Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 17. The
Dawson steamer Columbia, bound
from Whltehorse to Dawson, Is a
total wreck at Tantalus.
The vessel carried as part of her
cargo three tons of black powder,
which exploded, Are following.
Five men were burned beyond
recognition. Mate Welsh was
drowned and one fireman is mlBsing.
Others were badly Injured.
. New York, Oct. 17. Mrs. Jeffer
son Davis, widow of the President of
the Confederacy, who had been ill for
a week at the Hotel Majestic in this
city, died at 10:25 o'clock last night.
Death was due to pneumonia, in
duced by a severe cold which Mrs.
Davis contracted upon her return
from the Adirondacks, where she had
pent the summer months.
Although grave fears were felt
from the first, Mrs. Dafis' wonderful
vitality, which brought her safely
through a similar attack a year ago,
gave hope of ultimate recovery until
last night, when a decided change
for the worse was evident, and the
attending physicians announced that
the end was near. It was then be
lieved that Mrs. Davis could not sur
vive the night, but she rallied slight
ly during the early hours of yester
day. Shortly after 7 o'clock yester
day morning she had a similar spell
and the Rev. Nathan A. Slegle, restor
of St. Stephens' Protestant Episco
pal Church, was hurriedly summoned
to give religious comfort to the
patient in her last moments of con
sciousness. The clergyman remained
some time, and an hour later it was
announced that Mrs. Davis had
lapsed into a state of coma. The
period of unconsciousness continued
to the end.
At the bedside when death came
were Mrs. J. Addison Hayes of New
ark, N. J., the only surviving daugh
ter of Mrs. Davis; Jefferson Davis
Hayes, a grandson, who Is a student
at Princeton University; Mrs. Chat.
E. Batesmsn, a niece; Dr. and Mrs.
Gustav A. Webb, the latter a grand
daughter, and Dr. W. A. Wylle, who
with Dr. Webb cared for Mrs. Davis
throughout her illness.
Mrs. Davis has tor some years
made her home In this city, where
he had a wide circle of friends.
The pen with clip cap is the tool
of trade to which buyer and sales
man, clerk and employer point with
pride, as a faithful business assist
ant. It is easy to fill, easy to clean, re
quires no repairing, can always be
depended upon to write so long as
there is a drop of ink left; never
floods, never fails.
Will you have oue?
For sale by
Model Drugstore
Prescription Druggist,
Leather Garments Are the Vogue.
New York, Oct. 17. London ad
vices say fashionable women, especi
ally the devotees of outdoor sports,
are having Many of their winter gar
ments made of leather. Smart red
leather gclring coals, striped with
black, are among the latest develop
ments. They are worn with red
leather motor caps, fixed with leath
er-headed hatpins.
Leather motoring coats, lined with
fur, are In great demand. Narro
pliable leather neckties and leather
straps for trimming felt hats are
among the numerous leather articles
n....,n..n. imiA im Portland. Ortfoa.
ofltra anaarpautd facllltln lot tba cal-
tart ud adacatioa oi romi womta. Svtcm
pportaslHaa Is Mailc. Art. UDrf ,d,L,"T
tin. WllqlDprtPhTticlaaChteU
ntortM. Harbartvai and Mmral Cabiaat. Ta
kvfat us oldtlt UdlM' Stmlntrr ' Um
NortkwMt. It aajon eatloai) rtpatauaa
ur4. A. Lri hKimI BMtll ui MTV traJa-
bm aas dmloptat tra woatnsoe. I1
odaUr aad adaeatloealla lor tin awat aaaltas
turlN. Caafars AcadinK u Colltftaia Datjaas
to Stata Aalbarttv. lattrftract b eaerlcnaee
al aM-Catkolk Is acnpalawW
ft. i.kJ u lunirtaa nu Ma
am fecial aaaortaaltias n avallebje
k a attar dtr aa Ida Caaat. Balldlon lata aaf
taaaadloaa. allllabfad. btatad " ""
i. i a .Dallas ta al
odan caataataacaa. Tba laaBtattaa bJ Bbaral
ad pntnwtln itboat aamactaa tba taararter
ad traditioaa al at aad KW.aMt i"
adaat. Satittactorr "tojncnnW
aaaaaacaaaal aooklat. Board aad
Mr. Addraaa Sittar Sapanor. St Mar, Aeadaair
Lack Power to Investigate.
Columbus, O., Ort. 17. The Drake
Investigating Committee, created by
the Legislature last winter, is with
out nower in a leeal sense. The com
mittee was created to probe the af
fairs of Hamilton County and Cin
cinnati, and the committee held
meetings In Cincinnati several times
and also in this city. The case came
to the Supreme Court through the
caBe brought by the Robertson Realty
Company of Cincinnati, who sued the
State Auditor to compel him to issue
a warrant on the State Treasurer In
payment for rooms occupied by the
committee while In Cincinnati.
Mexican Agitators Arrested.
San Antonio, Tex., Oct. 17. Unit
ed States Marshals yesterday arrest
ed at Del Rio, Tex., Pedro Gonzales,
Dementrla CaBtro, Crescencla Mar
quez and T. Garcia, charged with fo
menting a revolution and supplying
arms to the revolutionists who re
cently captured the officers of Jim-
Inez, Mexico, and held the city until
driven out by troops.
The prisoners were at the head ol
a plot to overthrow the Mexican Gov
Chinese Jint Arrives at Kan Pedro,
San Pedro, Cal., Oct. 17. The
Chinese Juuk, Whang Ho, arrived
yesterday, 7 7 days out from Van Die
man's straits to the south of Japan
Captain Hans Birg died on board the
seventh day out and the first officer,
Walter Lobger, brought the vessel to
this port. She was not provisioned
for so long a trip and the crew was
on short rations for several days.
The Juuk Is said to be over 100
years old, nad is built of teakwood,
with a copper bottom.
rnmr!sble Work lone from Unttl
sl.ip MkIhc nt 4.tit)0 Yards.
Barnsiatile, Mass., Oct. 17. Some
remarkable shooting on board the
battleship Maine, the flagship of Kear
Admiral Eva is. is reported.
Tho .Maine's forward turret, com
manded by Lieutenant Roger Wil-
tu- p'.eMed eleven twelve-inch
shot, in a siace 10x10 feet, at 4,00 J
yards, uurui'asured range. A six-
Inch ii."t:evy, commanded by Ensign
L. R. 1 a '.iy, firing volleys at 4,000
rr.rd3, made the center of the targe!
it ok like a pepper sive. Hear A
rilrst Evans said short range shoot
ing had. established the American
fleet as lenders In that practice, and
lifter wa!Mi!ng the long-range shoot
ing he felt sure no enemy could hit
his ship? as often as they could hit
the enemy.
biits to coxi)r',:x i:k;:it op
i!i-:;i x ag.u::st hill.
For Teas, Coffees, Grocery Specialties
Tea is the only beverage of which the
United States guarantees the quality
and purity.
Our Teas are always Al quality and
the prioes are right.
A fresh supply of NEW CROP Spider
Leg, Gunpowder, Pan Fired and Green
Oylou Tea just placed ou sale. OUR
Black and Colored Teas are always in
the lead, aud you have a full Hue of
English Breikfast, Oolong and Ceylon
to choose from.
Try Suivthe's Quality Shop brands of
Coffee they are winners at 20o, 35, 80,
85 and 40o per pouud.
Our line of Cereals aud H O goods Is
Yon will hive to get a hump on if
yoa want to select China or glass from
onr present stock ; it ia goina fast
We have not told yon about our line
of silverware bnt it is "fine and dan
dy" see it, and get prices.
Smythe-tiamble Company I
412 Front St. KESTERSON BLOCK Phone 431 I
Seattle, Yi'ash., Oct. 17. A new
move was inude yesterday by repre
sentatives of E. H. Harrlman In their
effort to secure entrance to Seattle
and to property owned by the Oregon
& Washington Railroad (Union Pa
cific) when condemnation suits were
Bled for a ninety-foot right of way
through nearly twelve blocks of tide
lands in the southern part of the city.
The length of this strip is nearly
10,000 feet and crosses almost 2,000
feet owned by the Seattle and Mon
tana Railway Company, belonging to
the Great Northern.
A plan submitted by J. J. Hill, of
the Great Northern, and approved by
the City Council, was recently reject
ed by Harrlman. This plan embodied
the donation of a strip 60 feet wide
through the property in question, the
Inner 30 feet to be occupied by 28
through ruuulng tracks of the Union
Pacific and the outer 15 feet on each
side to contain switching tracks of
the Great Northern, on which Harrl
man was to have common use and
privilege. '
Harrlman is attempting to reach
the site on which he will build his
station In this city.
Lawson Will Sell His Wooded Horse
Boston, Mass., Oct. 17 Announc
ment was made yesterday that the
blooded stock at the Thomas Lawson
extensive farm known as Dreamwold,
located in the little town of Egypt, a
few miles south of Boston, would be
old at "the Old Glory" sale at New
Tork next month.
Among the few famous animals
which Mr. Lawson will keep will be
Boralma, tho trotter which won tho
Kentucky Futurity and the Transyl
vania. Dare Devil, which has a rec
ord of 2:09 and Is the son of Mam
brlno King, for which Mr. Lawson
paid $50,000, together with sonie of
the most noted brood mares in the
country and registered cattle, dogs
and even fancy birds, all are to be
held at public auction.
Does the
Want to know why a stove with puttied joints
----- is expensive?
"IT THEN a stove manufacturer
doesn't know how, or doesn't
want to spend the money necessary
to make an air-tight stove, he plugs
up the cracks with stove putty.
Oh yes, that stove will heat as
good as sny of them for a few weeks,
It isn't long, though, before the
putty dries up, contracts and falU out.
Then you have a chink or crevice,
open to the suction from the chimney.
The valuable gases, which should
be burned, are forced up along with
the smoke.
So is most of the heat
If you want to see a stove that is
air-tight throughout, and which will
save you enough on fuel the first
winter to pay for itself, come in and
examine Cole's Original Air-tight
Stove for wood, and Cole's Original
Hot Blast for coal.
Made without putty, and guar
ranteed to remain air-tight during
the entire life of the stove.
Cole's Air-tight Wood Stoves bum
wood or lighter fuel.
Cole's Hot Blast burns Hard Coal,
Soft Coal, Slack, Lignite or Wood.
Fire is never out with either front
time stove is set up in fall until taken
down in the spring.
Xurae of Roosevelt's Mother Iea
New York, Oct. 17. Nannie Jack
son, the colored nurse of President
Roosevelt's mother, is dead at Ever
green, L. I. She was 94 years old.
She was brought to Connectlout a
lave by Stephen Bullock, the Presi
dent's maternal grandfather.
Touches Live Wire.
Santa Rosa C,al., Oct IT. 8t
fltn Gamble, the superintendent of
the Sebastopol Lighting Works,
eame In contact with a live wire yes
terday while at the top of a pole. He
was rendered unconscious, but nu
trap prevented him from falling to
the ground.
To Cre a Oold In One Day
ine Tablets. Druggists refund money
if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE 8
signature is on each box. 35a
.Senator Chirk Nntls for Home.
Los AnKeles, Oct. 17.- Senator
William A. Clark of Montana, who
recently wa Injured in an automo
bile accldctu In France, will bail from
Liverpool for America t.xlay, accord
ing to advices received by his broth
er, J. Ross Clark of this city. Sena
tor Clark will arrive In New York on
October 2i.
AttenduiitH Murder Put lent in Prison.
Lexington, Ky., Oct. 17. As a re
sult of an investigation of charges
that Fred Ketterer, a patient In the
prison, has been murdered by at
tendants, the Grand Jury here today
returned three indictments. Fred P.
Harris was arrested. The two other,
whose names have not been given
out, have not been located.
Mrs. Holmes Adjudged Insane.
New York, Oct. 17. Mrs. Eliza
beth M. Helmes, wife of William M.
Holmes of Brooklyn, who was arrest
d In Washington last January while
attempting to secure an Interview
with President Roosevelt, was today
ordered by Judge Crane of Brooklyn
to be committed to Blooming dais
Asylum as a paranoiac.
Miners Rescued.
Darham, England, Oct. 17. Al
the miners who were entombed ai
the result of an explosion in th
Wlneette colliery near her hav.
ha resetted.
Boy Returns After Twelve Years.
Toledo, O., Oct. 17 After a search
of twelve years Thomas Young, 17
years of age, has come home to the
mother who had lost all track of him
since his early Infancy. Through the
death of Young's father, fifteen years
ago, his mother was compelled 10
work for a living and placed him In
the children's home. When the boj
was S years old his mother suffered a
severe Illness and was unable to pay
his board at the home, and he was
placed In other hands. His mother
lost track of h!m. A few days ago
he went to visit a boy friend and
discovered that he was his cousin.
through a scar Inflicted on his foot
when scarcely able to toddle.
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
The Grants Pass Bulletin
It is illustrated with half-tone cuts
of scenes in the Rogue River Valley
and is full of descriptive matter.
It Will Cost You Nothing.
Just bring or send the namea to me
ard I will mail it fret of charge.
The Real listatc Merchasit
List your property witii tn-; and I will
advertise it in the BULLETIN Iree of charge.
How's Thle?
We offer 100 Reward for any case
of Catrrh that cannot be corsod by
Hall's Catarrh Core. F. J. CHENEY
& CO., Toledo, O.
We, the nndersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions, and finan
cially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by his firm. Waldiog,
Kinuan & Marvin, Wholesale Drog
gists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure if taken inter
nally, acting directly opon the blood
and mooons surfaces of the system.
Testimonials seot free. Price, 73c
per bottle. Sold by all Drungiirts.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
OILMOEE k BOKEN, Proprietary
H Street between Fifth and Sixth Phom 881 GranU Pass, Oregon
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
has stood the test 25 yetvrs. Average Annual Sate over One md aHstf 1Z!S3
tattle. IktstrtOrotBim?lioycnie no wore, rw ry,
I wttt aWy ixHtH) 1 ff faffsfc MMegf) W tTJVw fssa '