TRADE A 25 Reduction - ON TALKING felACMNES Lasting 30 days, beginning October 1st, at .Paddock's Bicycle Den. i Can Show You A Better Bargain in " farm Lands and Citv Property Than you could find in a year by yourself JOSEPH The Real Estate Man Hello 393 Office, 611 Residence. 516 E Street Grants Pass. Ore. Grants Pass Feed Store & L. GILLETT, Propr. All Kinds of Flour, Feed, Mill Feed, Hay, Grain, Pou'trv Foods, Etc. SACKS AND Cor. 6th and J. Sts. JCttOOL&OOKJ 25 SCHOOL iUPPLIEJ CLEflENJ BGHNKG-0ALKGR fhe leading BUSINESS COLLGGG quipraenf $u.00OMt invsvrpassed wcsl of Chicago enrollment, Au.li904-A71,t9t5, ?ni.onTnertAudLlOP5 - Ctfchavc on fik, applications from business men SpU,i95 toAi1.oo , 607 Pupib plactcd in lucrative positions during this ti. 287 ; : Graduates alt employed kk vill not only equip yoofor hfe rork but will place you in a position jr ran cowpoew bunecd uj as a school and we need y ou( as a bupU Nov is the fa Wit for cntalogu in in i m- Take Laxative Bromo Quimne Tablets. Seven MOBon boxes sold at 1 MARK - MOSSJ HIDES BOUGHT Grants Pass, Ore. -3TAR K ST 336 POKl LAND, OWJ 483 pupils AwJ.l,19oe. 681 pupils To Cure aOw "n One Day nsmui o DESPERADOES SLIP Gl AKi)3. tong-TImew Escape From an Alask n Ship on the Way to Jnll. Eagle City, Alaska. Oct. 10. Thornton and Hendrlckson, two ol the most" desperate criminals Alaska has ever had to contend with, mads their escape last evening oft the La vrlie Young, while she was takine on ood at Nation, fifty miles below Eagle. I I'oth men were convicted Septem '"r l. 1906, to serve fifteen years, Mich at McNeil's Island on charges of assaulting their jailers In a previous fight for freedom, at which time they ! escaped from the Fairbanks jail. ! Overland Limited Wrecked. Evanston, Wyo., Oct. 10. The east bound overland limited on the Union Pacific was wrecked a. half mile west of this place last night at about 7 o'clock. Four coaches. In cluding the diner, are off the track and partially turned over. No one was seriously injured, though many have painful cuts and bruises. RATIONS FIGHT FLOOD, COMPLICATIONS MAY DEVELOP j IN SALTON SEA, NOW COVER ING 200 SQL-ARE MILES. Washington, Oct. 10. Who is re sponsible for the creation of the Sal ton Sea In Southern California, which! already covers an area of 400 square miles and threatens to spread over 2,000 square miles if some means of diverting the Colorado river cannot be devised. Both the United States and Mexico are bending every effort to check the river which has been accidentally turned from Its course through the efforts of the California Development Company to irrigate lands in Northern Mexico and South ern California. Again and again, the Southern Pa cific railroad has been compelled to move its tracks which ran through the Salton sink, and has been forced on to the foothills surrounding the great basin which is being converted into a sea. Several small towns are now beneath the waters which the Colorado has poured Into the basla, and in many places only the tops of telegraph poles indicate where the roadbed formerly was. In the lowest part of the sink, the water is now 70 feet deep. For a time the water from the Colorado raised the sea at the rate of six In ches a day and it has been estimated that granting the failure of engineers to check the river In forty years, all the basin located beneath the main course of the Colorado will be cov ered with water. A part of this basin is In Mexico, and a failure to control the river would give this country and Mexico a lake comparable to the great lakes separating the United States and Canada. At present the lake is great er than any body of water wholly within the United States except Salt Lake and Lake Michigan. International complications have developed, growing out of the fact that existing treaties provide that the Colorado shall be maintained as a navigable stream, which Is not now the case because it has been com pletely diverted from the Gulf of Cal ifornia into the great sink. Child Is Enticed From Home. Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 10. Susie Becker, 3 years old, the daughter of Fred Becker, is believed to be In the hands of kidnapers. Yesterday after noon while Susie and her brother were on Main street, about a block from their home, the girl was ap proached by a woman who asked her to go for a walk. The child readily accompanied the woman, expecting the usual reward of candy. At sup per time, when the parents discov ered that Susie was missing, the po lice were notified. The only descrip tion the lad could give of the strange woman was that she was dressed In gray. Protection From Disease. Washington, Oct. 10. Brigadier General Elliott, commanding the ma rine corps, has begun a vigorous campaign to protect his men in Cuba from yellow fever. Ten barrels of oil f citronella have been ordered sent to Cuba immediately and every ma rine on guard duty will be supplied with a bottle of this oil to be used in protecting himself from mosquito bites. Cares Crip la Two Days. w oii 2very box. 25c. FIRE DEVOIRS BIO FORTCXB. Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Bulldltig Consumed. Los Angeles. Oot. 10 The Iom'?"" Sn hand or or one-half rasb frnm r. i. ii,. . . from fhe Bre In the Chamber of Com- merce building last night is esUmated at $65,000, all but $5,000 or which is the property of tenants In the hn,n- w.u. . u.ului ui ine unam- vumiNcrcB ud me second nooriaeo. 14 iwp. 40 S, K 8 w of will were not materially damaged. The cause of the fire has not been learned, but it is believed to have been caused by the careless use of a match or from a cigar stub, Missing Youth Returned to Parents. New York. Oct. 10 Willie La Bar bara, the 4-year-old Italian boy who has been missing from his home for more than two weeks and who was believed to have been kidnaped, was restored to his parents today. The little fellow was found wandering about the streets at the Brooklyn end of the Brooklyn bridge Saturday night and taken to the rooms of the Children's Society. He was identified today. Advertising Men Meet in Convention, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 10. The annu al coaventlon of the National Feder ation of Advertising Clubs begat here today with delegates present from all over the country. The larg est delegation is from Chicago, head ed by Hugh W. Montgomery, actlni president of the Federation. Mrs. Jefferson Davis 111. Colorado Springs, Col.; Oct. 10. Mrs. J. A. Hayes left Colorado Springs last night for New York city, called by the announcement of tha serious illness of her mother, Mrs. 'Jefferson Davit, widow of the presi dent of the Confederate State. What Ails Tout Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have t nil neii t headaches, coated tongtio, bitter or bad taste in morning, "heart burn," belching of gas, acid risings in throat uftor eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul hreaih, dlgzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms? If yoTNiave any considerable number of thesahovefjsjiMoms you are suffering fronijillousMaNrpId liver with Indl tcstlonNiOdfcVepiiw Pr. Pierce OnMen Medlp plyrnverv s m:tle lip of the ninvtl valpa hie meilicinal nri ncliiles known to meiliral si-lence for the perm:tiiept cure i Hich abiioriiKil conditions It i a iiuisT efiicicnt liver invigorator. stomach tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strnngthencr. The "tiolden Medical Discovery " is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full list of Its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at Its formula will show that It contains no alcohol, or harmful habit-forming drugs. It Is a fluid extract made, with pure, trlplo-rofined glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of the follow Inn native American forest plants, viz.. Golden Seal root. Stone root, Black Chorrybark, Queen's root, Hloodroot, and Mandrake root. The following leading medical authorities, among a ho!.t of others, exlol Die foregoing roots for the cure of Just surh ailments as tl atHivesyniptomslnd Irate: TroMC. itartholow. M. P.. of .lelTi-rson Mi-1. Oil lege, I'lilla ; I'mf. H.C W001I. M. l)..of I Hlv.of I'a.: l'rof K.clwln M. Male. M. 11.. of Hahnemann Med. College, (iilcago; l'rof, John King. M. I). Author of American lilsis-nsatorv; Prof. Jno. M. Ncud der. M. !.. Autlioruf SiierlHc Medicines; l'rof. Laurence Johnson. M. 11.. Med. Iiept. Tnlv. of N. V.: l'rof. I inlcy Klllngwood, M. I).. Author of Materia Medieaand l'rof. In Iteunetl Medi cal College. Chicago. Send name and ad dress on I'ostal Card to lir. It. V. I'leree. Buf falo. N. V and receive trtt. booklet giving extracts from writings of all the atsive medi cal authors and many others endorsing. In ths strongest possible terms, each and every In gredient of which "Oolden Medical Illacov ery" Is i-nmnost'd. f lir. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate stomat-h. liver and liowels. They mav Is- used 'n conjunction with "Oolden Medical IMsmvery " If Isiwels are much con atlnated. They're tiny and sugar-coated. Consumptives Made Comfortable. Incipient consumption is cured by Foley's Honey and Tar, but we do not hold out false hopes to consumptives by claiming that it will cure this dread disease in the advanced stages; but if the lungs are not too far gone Foley's Honey and Tar will effect a core, as it stops the rackiog con nh aud soothes the in flamed air passages giving them a chance to heal, aud even in the advanced stages it always gives comfort and relief A. A. Her- ren. or r inch, Ark., writes: ' foley s llouey aud Tar is the best preparation or couhgs and long trouble. I know that it has cured consumption iu the first stages." For Bale by H. A. Rotermnnd. A Badly Burned Girlr or boy, man or woman, is quickly out of pain if Bucklen's Arnica halve is applied promptly, G. J. Welch, of Tekousha, Mich., says: "I use it in my fatuily for cuts, sores and all skin injuries, and find it perfect." Quick est Pile core known. Best healing salve made. 2oo at all drug stores. Has Himid the Teat 2(i Years. The old. original GROVES' Taste less Chill Tonic. Yon know what yon are Inking. It is iron and quinine in a tastless form. o core, no pay, 50o. RFAT. nsuAU EXECUTORS' SALE OF ".ESTATE. Notioe is hereby given that pur suant to an order of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, couuty judge for Josephine County, Oregon, made and entered August 28, 1WR, in the matter of the estate of James Lyttle, deceased, di recting the sale of the real property I ereinafter described, and providing and eptcifying the turina and con ditions thereof, that we, the nuder- signed, t e executors of the last will ad of the estate of James Lyttle, de ceased, will, after Friday, September 23, 1906, sell at private sale to the 'highest and best bidder, for terms i Miance on time not exceeding three years, bearing interest at eight per . cent per anunui, and secured by first mortgage on said real estate all the ! f'i11!" 8",d lV ' m,ia iJ to the following described premises to-wit: the S. W. hi of aniette Meridian also the S. 4 of the l?8i K '?.? S'. E- -V .the j. ... 74 m , uo a, n, mm iois o ana 4 CH'O. IO, iwp. 41 D, IV tf W. 01 Willamette Meridian all in Josephine bounty, Oregon; subject to oontiriua tiou by the court. PETTES P. PAYNE, HENRY KLOPPER, Executors residing at Kerby, Jose' phiue county, Oregou. SUMMONS. In the county conrt of the State of Oregon, for Josephine Couuly. John Hergps, 1 Plaiutiff, vs. v A. Richard, Defendant. J To A. Richard, the above uaoied de fendant : Iu the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and auswer the complaint filed against yon in the above entitled orurt and cause within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which said date is October 5, loot! to-wit on or before the lth day of November, 1U06 and if yon fail so to answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof, the plaiutiff will take iudgment against yon for the sum of 'ifty Dollars as speoifled in his com plaint, and for his costs and disburse ments in this action and will at the same time apply to said oourt for an order of sale of the real property herein attached to-wit: Lot six (tl) in Block Fifty-five (So) original town site of the town of Grants Pass, Jose phine county, Oregon, and that the prooeeds of said sale be applied in payment and satisfaction of said judg ment. This summons is published pursunat to an order of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, Jndge of the county court of the Btate of Oregon, for Josephine county, made October 4, 1000, order ing said summons to be published In the Rogue River Courier for six suc cessive weeks from date of the first publication hereof. OLIVER 8. BROWN, Attorney for the plaintiiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Coonty Court for Josephine County, Oregon. In the Matter of the1) Estate of Margaret Hughes, Deceased. J Notice is hereby given, that Mar gueritte Riddle hat been appointed administratrix of the Estate of Mar garet Hughes, deceased, by order of the Connty Court for Josephine Coonty, Oregon, made on September 20, 1000, and all persons having olaims against said estate - are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to the said administratrix within six months from the date of the first pub lication of this notice, at the law office of H. D. Norton in the City of (Jrants Pass, Josephine Connty, Ore gon. Date of first publication October S, laoti. MARGUERITTE RIDDLE, Administratrix. NOITCE TO CREDITORS. Io the Circuit Court of the State of Oregou for Jocephlue County. In the Matter of the As signment of the South ern Oregon General Hospital, a Charitable Corporation. I Notioe is hereby give Southern Oregou Geueral a Charitable Corporation, that the Hospital, organized under the laws of gou, lias made an the State of Ore- aKsigument to the undersigned, J. E. Peterson, for the benefit of all of its oreditors, and all persons having claims against said insolvent corporation are herbeby notified to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned asNiguee, at the law olllce of H. D. Norton, at Urauti Pass, Josephine Couuty, Oregon, within three mouths from the date of this notice. Dated October ft, 1900. J. E. PETERSON, Assignee for the Hootliern Oregon Geueral Hospital, a Corporation. NOTICE TO CERDITORS. In the matter of 1 the Estate of I Marie Redman Deceased. J Notioe is hereby g'ven t h it the undersigned has been dulv ai point d administratrix of the etsa ul Murie Uedmau, deceased, and duly qualified as the same, therefore notice is htitt by given to the creditors of and all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them, with the 1 ecessary vouchers within six months after the first publication of this notice, to said administratrix at her residence at Kerby, Josephine connty, Oregon. Dated this 1st day of September, 1900. ANNIE M. FIESTER, Administratrix. J. H. Austin, Attorney for the estate. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that the ondersigned, by virtue of an order of UK14 ttoontr. Oregon, will on and ftrthe UOtb day of October, ltfofl, I aell at nri viiIm .ul h In. ,H ul, tn I. .... , IMS IO UJOrin UY UiO (JUUI1LT LrOUri OI I A . ...In W. . t 1 i 1 1 . . M mo loiiowing rieeerlbed real projierty oeionging to the estate of K. L. Oray, deceased, to-wit: Lots 7. 8 and 0. of Block fii in Grants Pass, Oregon. Inquire at office of Joseph Moss. Dated this a.Hh day of September, lOOfl. J. A. BUCHANAN. Administrator of the Estate of E. L. Gray, Deceased. t' K'.y. s ,.-i 1 VaS - -jav' m Ely's Cream Balu This Remedy la a Specific, Sure to Clve Satisfaction. OIVIS RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, henls, and protects ths diseased uieuibnmn. Jt c-ires Catarrh auj drives awuy a Oold in t!i. Ilmui quickly. Itestores the Senses of Tn-'e and Smell. Easy to use. Cont ii-is m, I I -ri. .in. Applied into the nost-i1- nil iIsi.-1hL Large Size, fid cents ut 1 ; 1 .-isi - hy mail; Trial Sue, Id ( 1 v 1 t..'l. ELY BROThTRS. r" "To Cure a Felon" says ham Kendall, of ; Phillipsburg, Kan., "just cover it over with Bunk- leu's Arnica Salve and the Salve will do the rest." Quickest cure for Burns, Boils, Sores, Scalds, Wounda, Piles, Eczema. Salt Rheum. Chapped Haunds, Sore Feet aud Sore Evea. Only 26o at all drug stores. House Moving If you have a building 1 that you want moved, raised or leveled up, call on or address A. E. Hollo way. Residence 2 miles west of city, north side of river. F. G. ROPER ITtiisHaoniittle jbl m .m. .JLJ -v JL X 'SJ suar Harmon Blk up stairs SUITS HADE TO OBDEK Promptly and ol the best material and in the latest style. CLEANING AND REPAIRING. Southern Oregon Contract ing & Construction Co. Estimates and bids fusnished ost Ditches, Dams, Bridges, Tunnels, etc. Office, Room 3 Masonic Temple. GRANTS PASS, OREGON GRANTS PASS WALL PAPER and PAINT SHOP W.P.Shsrmsn and E.F.LeMleux SOUTH SIXTH STREET, NEAR J Full stock of Wall Paper all doslgot quality and prices. Paints. VarnUhoa, Oils, Brushes rtu. i,m Atit.t.a allt.nlfna Mall ordors promptly filled. Palace Barber Shop BATES & WILLIAMS, Proprs. Shaving, Hair Cutting Ha ths, Etc. Everything nest and clean and a woric r irsi-iaasa. E. A. WADE Dry (Joods, Underwear, Notions, Etc. Front Street west Palace hotel GRANTS PASS, OREGON, No sensational or questionable mat ter allowed in the Courier. Dr. William.1 Indian PIU jP 1 I L Nointmaiil will cure IIIIimI, I II I I n wUIh1Iii and luiuluc JI m I fcwl'tlea. U absorb. iha tumors. anaya ma iicdiuk at uuce, acta as s poulilrs, gives Insiant re lief. Lir. Williams''lleOloW U- mmit is prepared for Piles and lu-a-Inf of the private parts. Every boi Is aiL of prlef. M coots and f WIUIAMf KtlmciKTiictiNQ rn . Pmna, .llevsleid" -Vt roTT PENNYROYAL PILLS Stvfa Sk.nd rallswbU. ovoroorn wesvkness, irv. cress vigor, banish palna. Ho remedy equavl lH. MOTIS Cb.NNVBOV AL PIIXS ' Sold by DruKKi.ti and Dr. Muus CUamirai Co CUvelaod Oulu ft 1 v f f staarai 1 t