Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 12, 1906, Image 5

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    Count, weigh and mrarurt rtrrything you
V nmrrimn ttrntet'.
Ve carry the leading kinds of fam
ily Flour, both in Spring and No. 1
Hard Wheat. We have one lot to
close out at
SOc per fSneli
Those who have used it pronounce
it very good. Come in and we'll
tell you about it
Fresh Corn Meal. Graham Whole
Wheat Mour.
BUCKWHEAT in this week.
CRESPO have you tried it? 10c
a package.
"Heinz" Pickling Vinegar will
pickle "memory" if you use it right.
Try it.
We are 'steadily increasing our
sales on Teas and Coffee
No prizes with Chase & San
born's Tea or Coffee Just QUAL
ITY. We can give you a good fair Eng
lish Breakfast Tea for 25c per pound
compare its quality with the 50
and 75c prize kind. Sample tor the
Uhe -
White House
October 17, Wednesday Dan re at
Clemens' ball by Lady Maccabees.
Oct. 81, Wednesday Halloween So
oial at Presbyterian chorob parlors.
Newman N E. Church.
There will be the usual serrloeg at
the usual hours. In the morning at
11 the pastor, C. O. Beck man. will
speak on "As It Was io tbe Begin
ning. " In the evening at 7 :30 tbe
subjeot will be "Abiding in Chirst."
Sunday School at 10 a. m. Class
meeting at 13 m. Junior League at
3 P. M. Epwortli League at 8:30.
Strangers and fi lends ever welcome.
Christian Church.
Bible School at 10 a. m. Mem log
Worship at 11 a. m. with an address
No. 1 of a series on "Tbe Book we
Use Why WeU se It, " and tbe regn
ral observance of the Lord's supper.
Junior C. E. at 3 p. m. Y. P. S.
O. E. at 6:?0. Evening Worship, 7:30
p. m. Sermon No. 4 in the series on
"Four Fools." Yon are earnestly
invited and will be heartily welcomed
at all meetings.
Presbyterian Church.
Next Sabbath Bethany Church em
phasizes in an appropriate manner
the importance and work of her grow
ing and prospering Sabbath School
11 a. m. will take place the Grand
Rally. Songs, recitations speeches
and a "Service to Children," by
Evan P. Hughes will constitute this
service. 7:80 r. m. theme: "To
thine own self be true, and it must
follow, a the night the day, thou
canst cot then be false to any man."
6 30 :p. m. the Devotional Hour of
the Y. P. S. O. E. Remember that
in this church there are always two
things: splendid music and a cordial
welcome for you.
At the Big Furniture Store, North Cth Street
Is daily receiving a New Fall Stock of
New Styles, Lowest Prices, Good Quality.
Largest stock Furniture in the city. Sold
for cash or on the installment plan.
A lot of Tinware to close at ;HalfPrice.
A. U. Bannard
'?. Items of Personal i
I; Interest.
Herbert Smith spent Monday at
Medford on business.
Ed Tryer and wife spent Sunday at
Medford with Mr. Tryer's mother.
Clarence Presley went to Galice
Sunday to spend several dajs deer
Mrs. Alice Mallory left Saturday for
Portland were she will spend the Win
ter at Sunn? side.
Mrs D. A. Grimes arrived from
Upton, Cal., Saturday to visit her
mother, Mrs Agee.
Dr. and Mrs. Strieker and baby aud
Mr and Mrs. O. S. Blanchard spent
Sunday at Woodville.
B. C. Wood, proprietor of Hotel
Leland at Leland, was in Grants Pass
Wednesday on business.
John Wells of Eerby returned Satur
day from HillBt.oro, where he has
been visiting a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. DePuy leave
Saturday for Chico, Cal. , where they
will make their future home.
Miss Ida RobinBon left Wednesday
for Portland, here she goes to reside
with her sister at that place.
Mrs. Wm. Carroll arrived here
Saturday from Eugene to join her
husband who is drug c'.erk at Clemens'
drug store.
Tiny Thomas returned to Grants
Pass last week, after several months
spent in visiting at Portland and other
northern points.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thornton of
Dunsmuir, Cal., arrived bere last
Friday to visit Mr. Thornton's sister,
Mrs Kittie Grey.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rader, who have
been spending the past several months
at the Blue Ledge mine, returned to
Grants Pass Friday.
Chas Paine, for the past two years
blacksmith at the Granite Hill mine,
has resigned his position and Monday
evening left for Portland.
E. G. Hoi man spent the past two
week on Powells creek doing some
work on the Powells Creek mine, in
which he is a part owner.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bock, of
Silverton, arrived here Wednesday to
spend two weeks visiting with Mrs.
Bock's father, J. F. Galbraitb.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lee and Clyde
Lee returned Monday evening to Red
dng, Cal., after attending the funeral
of Edmund Lee, held bere Snnday.
Mrs. Fiekert of Grants Pass, who
has been visiting her son, Charles
Fiekert at Days Creek, is the guest
of Mrs. Adam Weaver. Canyonville
Echo. ' " ' '
Mrs. Amos Schrimpf returned Mon
day to her home at Santa Panla, Cal.,
after spending seven weeks with ber
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watts.
She was be accompanied by her
brother, Ben Watts.
A,. N. Halbert lias just shipped a
car containing 93 head of corn fed
hogs to Grants Pass which were sold
to Gus Earner. These hogs average
247 pounds in weight.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jennings returned
to Grants Pass Tuesday after having
spent the Summer at their Newport
home. They 8int the past two weeks
visiting in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Harkuess left
Wednesday for Wilbur, Ore., where
Mr. Harkness will take charge of the
J. H. Booth stock farm. This farm
consists of some 1000 acres and is de
voted to the raising of high-grade
horses, cattle and sheep.
Mrs. M. L. Clark arrived Tuesday
from Berkeley, Cal., to spend two
weeks with her son, R. W. Clark, and
family. Mrs. Clark is delighted
with the weather she found here,
having left Berkeley with very disa
greeable weather.
H. C. Einuey is at Newport this
week attending the meeting of the
Synod of Oregon. He also attended
the Presbytery of Southern Oregon
, meeting held at Roseburg the first of
the week. Evan P. Hughes, pastor
of BethaDy church, also attended the
Presbytery meeting at Roseburg.
J. W. Howard lei't Tuesday for a
' tour of the East covering several
months; lie will also sjieud some time
at Latour, Mo. Mr. Howard has heen
in Grants Pass f. r the past two wee.
or more looking after his property in
terests. Mrs. Howard and Miss Eula
1 will remaiu in San Francieoo, where
. Mifs Eula will continue her musical
' studies.
I Tom Cook with his family passed
i through on town Friday on their
way to we place ne bought uear
Grants Pass. We know of no one but
what hated to see them leaving yet
our loss will be Grants Pass' gain.
However, we might say that we think
tbey are leaving here just on the eve
of a great boom, yet we wish them
all the good luck that one can wish
for another, and they justly deserve it
too. Gold Beach Globe.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sherer of Long
Beach, Cal., are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. J. Carl. Mr. Sherer is a con
tractor and plasterer of Long Beach
but wishes to change vrcation and
location and they have come here
with a view to locating. Other
friends from Long Beach were visit
ing Mr. Carl a few weeks ago and
they were so favorably impressed
with this country that they will re
turn in a few days and wi Improbably
invest in property here.
Consul-General H. B. Miller ar
rived in Grants Pass this week an 1
will spend two weeks here resting np
and looking after his property inter
ests. His stay in the United States
will be several weeks longer, when he
will return to his station at Yokaha
ma, Japan, which is one of the most
important positions in the United
States oonsular service, and one which
Mr. Miller has held with credit to
himself and to the nation b repre
sents, and be has also won the esteem
and confidence of the Japanese govern
ment rive Hundred" Season Opened.
The first of the season's popular
"Five Hundred" parties was given
Monday evening by Mesdames W. E.
Dean and E. O. Dixon at the home
of tbe latter on North Sixth street
About 80 invitations were Issued
and 65 of those invited responded to
the call and gathered at the Dixon
home, whiob was beautifully decorat
ed with autnmn leaves and roses.
The first prizes were won by Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Lister and the conso
lation prizes were awarded to C. L.
Clevenger and Mrs. Herbert 8ampson.
Dainty refreshments, consisting of
sandwiches, cake, pickles, coffee and
older were served and a delightful
evening spent op to the hour of 1
o'clock, when the players dispersed
to their several homes well pleased
with the opening event of the "Five
Hundred" season.
Wednesday evening Mesdames Don
nell, Chaosse and Clevenger enter
tained between 75 and 1G0 guests at
the Woodman hall, Five Hundred
being the order of the evening. The
hall resembled a gorgeous foreft in
Autumn, so tastefully had it been
: decorated in the beautiful, many
colored Autumn leaves and eren the
j dainty score cards were fashioned to
represent Autumn leaves. The guests
' were served during the evening with
fruit punch, while the refreshments
consisted of maple frappe, icecream
I and cake. The champion players at
this party were Mrs. Starr and A. P.
Harth, they receiving first prizes,
while Fred Cheshire and Mrs. Cal-
i houn, received the consolation prizes.
This delightful and thnronghly suc
cessful event closed with several vocal
t solos rendered by Mrs. Starr and Mr.
;Beck, which were highly appreciated
, by all present .
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ellis and son,
Floyd, left yesterday for their new
home in Grants Pass, where Mr. Ellis
has purchased one of the leading drug
stores of the city. It is with deep
regret that the people of Dallas part
with this estimable family. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis have long been
prominently identified with all that is
best in Dallas' social life, and they
will be missed in cborcb and society
circles. Mr. Ellis' business record
bas been of the highest character for
honor and integrity, and be fully
deserves tbe snocess he has achieved.
Dallas owes its enviable position as a
live business town and manufacturing
center to men like Mr. Ellis, who
have given freely of their means and
worked unceasingly to secure import
ant industries and publio improve
ments. Fortunate indeed is the town
or city wbose business interests are
in the hands of men of this character.
Tbe Observer joins with the many
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ellison wish
ing them the greatest prospertiy in
their new home. Polk County Observer.
A Brief Record of
Local Events.
The Lady Maccabees will give a
dance at Clemens hall Wednesday
night. Everybody invited. 10-12 It
National Drug Store wants to fill
prescriptions that you are most par
ticular about M. D. Ellis, proprie
tor; James Slover, prescription clerk.
Last week the Courier annoonoed
the birth of a son in the Edgerton
family. However, in the item the
initials of the father were given
wrong and should have been A. L.
Instead C. L. Edgerton. C. L. , how
ever, comes in for a share of the
honor, as it gives him another grand
child. Monday evening while the official
board of the Newmau M. E. church
were holding their regular meeting,
they were agreeably surprised by their
wives arriving at just tbe right time,
well supplied with a tempting lunch.
After the business had been dispensed
with, the refreshments were served
and the evening closed with a social
good time.
L. S. Jacobs, assistant cashier of
the Jackson county bank, of Medford,
was in Grants Pass Monday ' ou an offi
cial visit to Takllma Tribe No. 29,
Imp. Order of Redmen, Mr. Jacobs
being the great sachem of the state of
Oregon. Mr. Jacobs says that Med
ford will send a big delegation bere
on November 17th to help in the adop
tion of palefaces ou that date. Tbe
local tribe is hard at work making ar
rangements for the event
To head-on oollisons occurred on the
8. P. road Saturday night within an
bonr of eaoh other. An extra South
bound train, fortunately running at
low speed, and in charge of Conductor
Feikert collided with an extra North
bound friegbt, In charge of Conductor
Patrick, and standing still, a short
distanoe north of Drain. One engine
was slightly daniased. At Junction,
a gravel train ran into an engine on
the main track. Both engines lost
tbeir pilots. No one was injured.
Gene Good, who is with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Good at La
Grnde, received a painfnl injury to
his shoulder last week while playing
"blaokman" at school. He was taken
immediately to a physician for treat
ment and It was thought that the
shoalder was only sprained, bnt as the
injured member oontlnued very pain
fnl, a more thorough examination
was made, disclosing the faot that the
bone was broken and it was feared he
would have to be taken to Portland
for an operation, but later examina
tions by the aid of an X-Ray, proved
that the bone had gone back to Its
normal condition and Gene is now
improving rapidly.
The last load of copper matte for
this season was hauled to Grants Pass
this week, the Tasilma smelter hav
ing shut down in September after a
run of only one month. The run,
however, was very satisfactory.
Capt. J. M. Mclntyre, who has had
the coke and matte hanling contract,
will now devote his entire attention to
the Elamath hauling nntil the Win
ter season when he will bring his
stock, some 150 head, to Josephine '
county and Winter them on the Ap-1
plegate. Miss Myrtle Mclntyre, who
has had charge of the transportation 1
company's books and attended to the I
weighing of the coke and matte and 1
the loading of cars, leaves this week j
for a visit at Portland, after which
she will go to San Diego to spend the
Winter. !
M. E Church South Appoint- j
The annual conference of the Meth
odist Episcopal Church Sooth, in ses-!
sion at Corvallis came to aa end Mon
day. The list of appointments for '
the year was announced by Bishop
Atkins and is as follows :
Willamettedistriot Presiding elder, j
C. L. McCausland; Portland. E. h.
Mowre; LewUville, R. A. Reagan;'
Lebanon, T. P. Haynes, supply; Al- I
bany. W. H. Martin; Tangent, D..
B. Jones: Corvallis, G. H. Gibbs;'
Peoria and McFarland, J. A. Elleson;
HarrUborg, W. N. Lyon; Junotion
City. E. P. D. Gardner; Roseburg,
C. A. Rexrood ; Myrtle Creek, A. J.
Starner; Coquille and Bandon. H. M.
Branham; Myrtle Point, w. B.
Smith, supply; Grants Pass, George
M. Gardner, supply; Medford, w. T.
Goulder; Williams, H. N. Rooser;
transferred to Mississippi conference,
H. C. Brown ; transferred to Pacifio
conference, H. O. Ollen.
Men' Bible
The Men's Bible Class of the Bap
tist Snnday School meets in a separate
department in the social room or tbe
hurch. Topio for discussion next
Sonday, "An Al Rating." We try
to make these topics of special inter
est to men. A cordial welcome will
be given to all meo. Class meets at
IS m. R. K. HACKETT, Leader.
Underwood Typewriter agent A.
K. Voorblee.
12. 1906.
News Notes From the Business
Men to Headers.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician aud Dentist.
Goto Corun for Plumbing.
M. Clement. Prescription Druggist.
A splendid line ui Koval Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron't
State Maps ConrierBuilding.
For a e'eau bed and a good meal
try the Western Hotel.
Maps of Oregon Washinton and
California at the Mnsio Store.
For firstclasa wagon and oarriage
work go to J. M. Newman, successor
to G. M. Caldwell. 9-23 tf
I have in stock now over 50 differ
ent styles of Bracelets from . rolled
plate to solid gold. A. LETCHER.
Dr. W. F. Kremer will hereafter be
in his office in the Courier bnilding
from 7 to 8 o'clock each evening. 8-0tf
The ladles of Bethany Presbyteriau
church will give a Halloween social
in the chnrch parlors Wednesday even
ing, October HI, Prepare to attend.
Remember that you run no risk in
bu-ing goods from me as I guarantee
all goods aa represented and I am re
sponsible to yon for the amount.
Why give any agent the exclusive
right to sell your property when you
can get W. L. Ireland "The Real Es
tate Man" to advertise and sell it on
a simple "privilege to sell?" 10-5 tf
All my Fall goods are now in ; the
largest stock of watches and Jewelry
In Southern Orgeon. Don't send
away for your watches until you have
seen my goods and got my prices.
Now Is the time for all good bust
ness men and cottage owners to insure
against'fire in the Oregon Fire Relief
Association, "with H. B. Hendricks
agent for Josephine county. Office
opposite P. 0 Grants Pass, Oregon.
7-27 tf
LADIES I have opened np parlors
at the Rogue River Hopsital tor treat
ment of tbe scalp, massage of the' face
and manicuring. I manufacture all
prepartions and guarantee them to be
perfectly pure. Mrs. H. L Reynolds,
telephone 47S. 10-8 it
" The recital given by Mrs. May Gib
bons Cooper at the Presbyterian
chnrch last Friday evening was well
attended and thoroughly enjoyed by
those whose privilege it was to be
present. Tbe programme included
organ selections by Mrs. Cooper who
also played the accompaniments for
the vocalists. Mrs. Cooper's select
ions were greatly enjoyed. Mesdames
Barnes, Ireland and Teatoh and
Messrs. T. P. and Geo. Cramer, T. J.
Harrison and J. W. Wharton also ap
peared on the programme with enjoy
able selections.
W tints Malls Regularly.
Our people are gettiag weary of
having mail every other day instead
of every day from across the mount
ains. The trouble lies'with the tiain
service, the mail trains not reaching
Grants Pass in time to make connect
ions with the mail stages for this
place. Coast people are patient and
overlook small mat ten, but delayed
mails in good weather is bound to
cause grumbling. A petition should
be sent to the postoftioe department
protesting against the railroad com
pany carrying the mails as has been
done for the past month Crsoent City
Oriental Kugs.
New arrival at Grants Pass N. S.
Sa'eh arrived today with a large stock
of Oriental Rugs. He is representing
the firm of Atiyeh Bros, at 84 Wash
ington Street, Portland. Tbey are
direct importers of Oriental rugs.
Mr. Selah will exhibit his handsome
rogs at Thomas & O'Neill's furniture
store on G street. He will remain
In Grants Pass nntil Wednesday. It
will be of great interest to the ad
mirers and thote wishes the purchase
of Oriental rugs, which never wear
out; it is well worth tbe time of any
person as to how these magnificent
ruirs are made. 10-12 It
Be Your Own Boss
and don't give any agent a contract
on your property. W. L. Ireland
'The Real Estate Man" will sell it
without tying yoo up. Write me
what you wish to sell aa soon as possl
ble that I may get it on my Fall list
10-5 tt
We, tbe undersigned find there Is a
floor being sold under the name of
White Star, Made at Jefferson, Ore
gon that bas not got a star on the
sack. We make the only original and
STAR FLOUR there is in tbe state
of Oregon and have a prominent star
Minted on the sack. Any other is an
10-5 4t
Economy Jar
Has the good points
which other jars lack,
and saves its difference
in cost in on! season.
They are perfect for can
ning all kinds of Meats,
Fish, Game Fowls,
Pickles, Soups, Jel
lies, Jams, Vegetables
and Fruits. They are
Self-Sealing, no rubber
ring required. Easy to
seal, easy to open, and
easy to clean. Examine
them at
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Block
Fruit Cans Wax String
W. E. Gage brought to tbe Courier
office Wednesday morning two boxes
of strawberries, large, juicy and lus
cious berries that would be a credit
to any country in the height of the
strawberry season. But oonilng as
they do nearly the middle of October
makes these berries of unusual in
terest Mr. Gage, who is part owner
of the Forest Queen mine, says that
be has 191 strawberry vines and has
picked from them this season 187.95
worth of berries, a considerable part
of the berries were sold at the stores
in town, but those nsed by tbe family
were Ago red in at the ruling store
price. The vines are now full of
blossoms and berries in all stages of
growth, and Mr. Gage has promised
tbe Courier man strawberries for bis
Christmas dinner. Berries at tbls
season of the year are eagerly sought
for by tbe towns people bnt Mr. Gage
considers them wortb too mnob to sell
bnt prefers to supply his own table.
Onions are also a good crop in his
garden. He has about one-twelfth of
an acre and be has grown more than a
ton of ouious, many of them of ex
tremely large size.
Real Estate Transfers.
John II. Williams to Erio Chailsun,
Lots I and S in Block 84, R. R. Ad
Joseph Moss to W. W. Wilcox, one
acre with cottage in Judson's A ddl-
The above sales were made through
the Real Eetate Agency of Joseph
Mobs. 10-13 II
You are most cordially invited to
Mr. Saleh will be pleased to show
you these beautiful goods.
The housefurnlshers.
Oct. 15 & 16
Mr. Lee Willard
and Company
Management Arthur C. Fox
The Beautiful aud Romantic
"Monte Mo"
The Play that will live forever.
The Celebrated and
Wonderful Dramatization of
"Dr. Jekyll and
llr. Hyde"
Children, - - 35c
Adults, - 50c & 75c
NOTE Mr Willard starred two sea
sons ego through the West in 'The
Christian" as John Storm.