k a Hyomel Treatment Four Time a Day and be Cured. , Hyomei has performed almost incuiuus uuios ouu la wuay reCOg- ized by leading members of the euiuni jjuicbbiuu ae Hie OOiJ BU- irrined reined far thin Hiaanaa tv,d m be relied npon to do just what it lima. Until recently yoor physician would ive saiu me onjy way to cure tarrh wonld be to have a change of imate, but now with Hyomei yon n carry a health-giving climate iu ur vest pocket and by breathing a few minutes four times a day, re yourself. rhe Hyomei treatment is simple d easy to nse. It destroys all ca--rh germs in the air passages and riches and purifies the blood with ne. When osiog Hyomei the air a breathe will seem like that on ) moontainB, high above the sea el. a. complete Hyomei outfit costs but 00, extra bottles. 50o If it dues BHNKe-ALKR ft bind T ttllir t BV5INCS5 COLLGC 6nrolhnnl. Au (3.lioo4 -Aut5.1io. lA?; mnsk wiMTg tot cmaioQuc 61 HdBeHNK arlt- Photo & Music Store COURIER BUILDING FAfullj stock of Kodaks and'Photo Supplies, MusicalJGoods, SheetJMusic, Talking Machines Kodaks in stock $5 to 20 00 Brownie Cameras $1 and 2 00 4x5 Film Pack Camera 6 50 Developing Machine 2 00 Tank Developers $2 50 to 6 00 Kodak Albums 15c to 2 00 Post Card Albums $1 to 1 75 Edison Phonographs $10 and 20 00 Edison Gold Moulded Records 35 Leather Music Rolls $1 to 3 50 Fountain Pen Ink 25 Artists Paints 10 and 15 Souvenir Post Cards, 150 designs, 2 for 5c, per doz. . . 25 Leather Post Cards, 50 styles 10 Tank Developers Call and see them. SPECIALS 5x7 Plate Camera, cost $17 $ 7 50 4x5 Cycle Poco Camera, cost $12 6 00 $50 New Home Sewing Machine (if taken this month) 30 00 SEPTEAIBER MUSIC We receive advance copies of new music from the Eastern music publishers and during September we received nearly 30 pieces Call and look them over. The complete mothly additions of Edison Phonograph Records will be in stock in a few days. hotoSLIusic Store .GUB RIvbk, CUAia,K, oivrthTS PASS, wen-OCTOBER 5, 1906. SIMPLE CATARRH RFMFnYl00 b too satisfctio.,. iw J i . .. , . .J, ' will refund your mener Yo E MAINAULMENT OF SERVANTS VI-i. 1 TxL n rgTftRy$ tow - viiiuo, irtffom, tarm mmA -J Z lor tft Cl uw rauLii nn OI iahh. r- . ratorlss. H.rb.riun and Mineral Cabinet Th. North.... u ""aw s"n"rr ' th. Pacife h?.?)"",'""!l.i:'pui,'io ' In. a. T ' ' ana mcrml train- tar and delop,n- tm womanhood. Equip I non-C,tholic. u tcnipalouilr avoided. Academe to Ideally located, imid impirinr Kenie .d.an tagee. Social opportunitie. iuch u are available to no other cit or ih rn.. n...i.i; . . . .... uuiiuiiig large ana commodioui. well-lighted, heated and ventilated: -uimuuMM ana private rooma aupplied with all modern conveniences. The institution it liberal and progressiva without KarrifiH,,. h. k. and traditions of age and achievement. Terms modest. Satisfactory references required. Write for announcement booklet. Board and tuition $180 per Tear. Address Sister Suinor. St. Mary't Academj PORTLAND, OREGON, U.S.A. 336 PORTLAND, 0R6 quipmcnf ttf.OOO",. unsurpassed west of Chicago enrollment AuUpoj-AuLipoe, 681 pupils Chav onfile.opplicoiiona from business men 5pt.l,ioc5 toAul.poa , 607 Pupils placed in lucrative positions durinxi this time, 287 Grndualea all employed we vill not only equip you fop life vork but Trill place yov in a poatf ion Mrhcn competent You need us as a school and vre need you as a pupil Nov is the time to act ! To Cure a O11 ?a One rt . . . rake .uaxauve uromo yuimne Seven Mfflon Ik mM in pa months. This Signature, How t Eagaia a Maid aa laatraei Her Intelllareailr. When enpaglng a servant be cartful to explain her work to her; also show her that the work must be done in rour way and not hers or the way her former mistress had It done. When she iloes well In her work encourage hor by a few words of praise. Never reprove her In the presence of others ami above all while she is serving a men I, says the New York Journal. Ketaln your temper at all times. (!'n-a j-our orders for each day as early 03 possible, and if It seems necessary write them down very distinctly and clearly on a piece of paper and fasten It up In the pantry, kitchen or some otlur convenient place. Sea that she Is extremely neat In her tlross. hair neatly and simply aminced, no jewelry worn, a perfectly cloan lipron. collar, cuffs and cap and a spotless gown. It is well to give strict orders in regard to the hours wheu the servants are allowed to have visitors. Tell the maid who opens the (Ivor never to let the visitors stand In the hull, but to show them Immediately Into the drawing room. Instruct her carefully what she must say In reply to messages left at the door or when persons who call are uot to be ad mitted. Most persons prefer to have the mijUl say that "Mrs. Brown is not nt homa," meaning that she Is not nt home t.i callers. It Is nurclr a nmtter.nf fnr-i and Is not considered an untruth. However, some persons are scrupulous In this matter and prefer to have the maid say, "Mrs. Brown begs to be x- cusea mis afternoon." How to Clean Malting!. To cleau matting It should lie flr. ' wept thoroughly with a stiff broo:r.. following the grain of the straw, the:: swept across the grain with a soft broom that has been dipped In warm water, says the New York Telegram. Then wash thoroughly In warm wa:er In which a handful of salt has been dissolved. Nothing brightens colored matting so much as the salt, and, moreover. It goes far to prevent It fad ing. The light colored matting should be washed In water In which borax has been dissolved. If any grease spots are noticed liefore the matting Is cleansed eorer them with a mixture of prepared chalk wet vt Ith turpentine, which after being allowed to remain on for two days should lie removed with a stiff brush. In the event of the grease having sunken In about one eighth of washing soda added to the mixture will be effectual. Sweet milk Is said to keep the mutling In a good state of preservation, aud it is only necessary to ust the application about once a year. How in Cnre Inaomnla. There are sn enil common sense ways of olitaliiiu sleep. One of them Is the applicati'in of cold wet cloths to the back of the bead and ueck. This treatment will uot be followed by a reaction if It t continued for a number of minutes, and it ofte.a works surpris ingly well, mys a writer In World's Work. Another way of solving the problem Is to soik the feet In a hot bath until the lns become dilated with blood, or tun whole body up to the hips in i.v be given a hot soak. With some people a two or three min ute hip bath Is tliij mosit effective rem edy. Others find help In a few slow exercises which do not Jnr or excite the system, 1" nt simply bring some fa tigue to the big muscles of the trunk aud limbs. Friction of the skin, espe cially of the lower part of the body, Is another means. How to Care For a Moiling- Canary. In handling n molting canary keep It very warm, at ltlst at 0 degrees, and carefully protected from drafts. A bird tonic, purchasable from nny good drug gist, should be given until the little pet recovers health najl spirits. Usual ly a bird stops niiiglng through this period, and the rest Is beneficial. Heavier food should be given, such as hard boiled yolk of an egg, with finely powdered cracker crumbs and a little cayenne pepper or a whole hard boiled egg chopped very finely and a little pulverized sugar. Opportunity to bathe every day should be given and the chill first taken from the water. How to Make Lemon Sherbet. For lemon sherbet put to boll In a clean basin two scant quarts of water and one pint of sugar, says the New York Telegram. Cook until clear, skim ming if necessary. Meanwhile squeeze six lemons and grate a little of the yel low peel Into the Juice. Dissolve a ta- blespoonful of gelatin In a quarter cup of cold water, heating It over the teakettle. When the sirup Is clear pour into the lemon Juice, add the gel atin, cool and freeze. The beaten whites of two eggs may le used In stead of the gelatin to give the ice body If preferred. How to Malca Homemade Paata. A homemade paste that never sours or dries up Is made by adding to one pint of smooth, thick very thick paste, which has been thoroughly rooked, one teaspoonful of powdwed ilum and ten drops of ollrt oil. Day A Core Crte In Two Days. mrj or. every D0X.Z3C. AGAINST THI Ladies' Home Journal. Sending truth after lie. It Is an old maxim that "a lie will travel seven leagues while truth Is getting its boots on," and no doubt hundreds of thousand of good people read the unwarranted anil malicious attack upon Dr. R. V. Pierce and h is " Favorite Prescrl ptlon " publ ished In the May iwni number of the Ladies' Home Journal, with Its great black dis play headings, who never saw the hum ble, groveling retraction, with its incon spicuous heading, published two months later. It was boldly charged In the sland erous and libelous article that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, for the cure of woman's weaknesses and ailments, con tained alcohol and other harmful Ingredi ents. Dr. Pierce promptly brought suit against the publishers of the Ladies' Home Journal, for k'OO.OOO.OO damages. Dr. Pierce alleged that Mr. Bok, the editor, maliciously published the article containing such false and defamatory matter wit the Intent of Injuring hit busincsrfiirthermore. that no almhnl nt other Viurlous. 'or habit-formi er were, contained in bis "Fa I'sufi ptlon": that said medlrlnp , . UQH frfin native medirlnnl rrvin onH no harmful Inirrpdi Pllta urhnt. id that Mr llnb't malltln,,. eaA tvprp Whlkllw a4 I., f-t..-' ly I .milCM r.Kt ion printed hv S:li. .InqrnjJ Qri ''.'re luived to ackuov. ledire tlpil tli.Ty had !'ta i nedanalvscs nt "r'aviir J. timitjoiifnjm eminent chemists, all of v. hum TtiMnTTnat it .1 i.l mil. .lijW.ijT: :ojiuiuymnL.nie alleged liarmfid drugs' These facta were also niuven in the trial of the action In thn Siiitr.,nia fi.,.. Il.it I, business of lr. Pierce was greatly Injured by the publication of tli llbeloua article with Its great display headings, while hundreds of thousands who read the wickedly defamatory article never saw the humble groveling re traction, set In small U lK' and made as Incon spicuous as iKwsilila The matter was. how ever brought before a Jury In the Supreme Court of New York State which promptly rendered a verdict In the Doctor's favor. Thus his traducers came to grluf and their base slanders were refuted. SUMMONS - - In the county court of the State of Oregon, for Josephine Cow y. John Herges, Plaintiff, vs. A. Richard, "gra IJelendant. I io.A. Richard, the above named de feudant : In the name of the State of Orenron yon are hereby required to appear and auBwer tna complaint tiled against yoo in the above entitled cmrt and cause within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which said date is October 5, 11106 to-wit on or before the tilth day of November, 1006 and if yon fail so to answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judgment against yoo for the sum of Fifty Dollar, as specified in his com plaiut, and for his costs aud disburse ments in this action and will at the same time apply to said oourt for an order of salo of the real property tierein attactiea to-wit: Lot six (u) in Block Fitty-five (.V) original town site of the town of Grants Past, Jose phine county, Oregon, and that the proceeds of said sale be applied in payment and satisfaction of said judg ment. This summons is publu-hed pursunat to an order of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, Judge of the county court of the State of Oregon, for Josephine county, made October 4, 1101, order ing said summons to be publislitd in the Rogue River Courier for six sue-te-sive weeks from date of the first publication hereof. OLIVER S. BROWN, Attorney for the plaiutliff. KXECUIORS' SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice is hereby given that pur ant to an order of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, county Judge for Josephine (Inntitl- llFHffiin itiuita ami milarail August 28, 1U0", iu the matter of the estate of James Lyttle, deceased, di recting the sale of the real projwrty I eteinufter described, and providing aud specifying the terms and con ditions thereof, that we, the under signed, t e executors of the lust will aud of the estate of James Lyttle, de ceased, will, after Friday, September 28, m(S, sell at private sale to the highest aud bett bidder, for terms cash iu baud, or for one-half rasii balance on time not exceeding three years, beariug interest at eight Der cent per anuum, aud sscored by first mortgage on said real estate all the right, title and interest of said estate iu and to the following described premises to-wit: the S. W. if of Sec. 14 Twp. 40 S, R 8 W of Will. 1 atnette Meridian also the S. ! of the I N. E. J4-, the N of the S. E. M, the I S. E. 4 of the N. W. i aud lots 3 and 4 Sec. 16, Twp. 41 8, R 9 W. of , Willamette Meridiau all n Josephine Couuty, Oregou ; subject to confirms-! tioa by the court. ! PETTES P. PAYNE, I HENRY KLOPPER, I Executors residing at Kerby, Jose-: phine county, Oregon. Contumptlvu Made Comfortable. j Incipient consumption is cured by Foley's Honey and Tar, but we do not hold out false hopes to consumptives by claiming that it will cure this drtad disease in the advanced stages; but if the lungs are not too far goue Foley's Honey and Tar will effect a care, as it stops the racking cough and soothes the inflamed air passages giving them a chauoe to heal, aud even in the advanced stages it always gives comfort and relief A. A. Her rn. of Finch, Ark., writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar is the best preparation for couligs and lung trouble. I know that it has cored consumption in the first stages." For sale by H. A. Rotermund. A Badly Burntd Girlr or boy, man or woman, is quickly out of pain if Bucklen's Arnica Salve ta applied promptly. G. J. Welch, of Tekouslia, Mich., .says: "I use it in my family for cuts, sores aud all skin injuries, and find it perfect." oik est Pile core known. Best healing salve made. 20c at all drug stores. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, la the County Court for Josephine jounty, uregon. In the Matter of the") Estate of Margaret Hughes, Deceased. J Notice is hereby given, that Mar soerttte Kiddle has been appointed administratrix of the Estate of Mar garet Hughes, deceased, by order of the County Court for Josephine county, uregon, made on September 3D, 1906, and all persons caving claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly vert And to the said administratrix within six months from the date of the first pub lication of this notice, at the law offloe of H. D. Norton in the City of grants rass, joaepnine Uornty, Ure gon. Date of first publication October S, 11)06. MARGUERITTE RIDDLE, Administratrix. NOITCE TO CRLDITORS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregou for Josephine County. In the Matter of the AsO signmeut of the South ern Oregon General Hospital, a Charitable Corporation. J Notice is hereby give that the Southern Oregon General Hospital Charitable Corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Ore gon, has made an assignment to the undersigned J. K. Peterson, for the benefit of all of its creditors, and all persons having claims against said insolvent corporation are herbeby notified to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned assignee, at the law office of H. D. Norton, at Oranti Pass, Josephine Ooauty, Oregon, within three months from the date of this notice. Dated October 6, 1906. J. E. PETERSON, Assignee for the Southern Oregon General Hospital, a Corporation. NOTICE TO CERDITORS. In the matter of) the Estate of I Marie Redmaa Deceased. J Notioe is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of the etsate of Marie Redman, deceased, and duly qualified as the same, therefore notice is hereby given to the creditors of and all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them, with the 1 ecessary vouchers within six months after the first publication of this notice, to said administrattix at her resideuce at Kerby, Josephine county, Oregon. Dated this 1st day of Septomber, 1906. ANNIE M. FIBSTER, Administratrix. J. H. Austin, Attorney for the estate. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, by virtue of an order of sale made by the County Court of Douglas County. Oregon, will on and after the liOtb aay of October, 1900, soil at private sale for cash in hand, the lollowing deecribed real property belonging to the estate of E. I.. Gray, deceased, to-wit: Lots 7, 8 and 9, or Block 62 in Grants Pass, Oregon. Inquire at ofiice of Joseph Moss. Dated this 2'ith day of September, 1006. J. A. BUCHANAN. Administrator of the Estate of E. L. Gray, Deceased. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jose phine. Ire J. Ball, Plaintiff, vs. Michigan Mining and Milling Com pauy, Dfendaut. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a writ of execution, duly issued cut or, and under the seal of the (Jir cult Court in aud for the County of Josephine, State of Oregon, and to uie directed aud duly attested by the Clerk of said court on the gt'.th day of April, a. u. luun, upon a decree and judgment, duly rendered, ent red of record and docketed in the office of the clerk of raid Circuit Court, on the 1st day of May, 1U0H, in a certain suit tliea pending in said court where in Ire J. Ball was plaintiff, aud the Michigan Mioing and Milling Com paoy, defendants, in the sum of One Hundred Sixty-three aud 44-100 (116.1 44) Dollars, with Interest there on from said SOth day of April, 1906, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum aud Fifty (toO.OO) Dollars attorney's fee, commanding me to uitke sale of the following described real prop erty situate, lying and being iu the County of Josephine, State of Oregou, and described as follows, to-wit: The 8' of the SW of Section 16, Tap. 87 K, H 5 W of thn Willamette Meridian in Josephine County, Ore gon, together with the tenements, hereditaments aud appurtenances. Now therefore, by the virtue of said execution, judgment, order and decree and compliance with the oommaudi of said writ, I will on Saturday, October V, 1906, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m , at the front door of the County Court Hoase in the city of Grants Pass, said County and State, sell at public auo tiou, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for United H ates gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title aud intereat which the above named defendants bad or now have in and to the above described real property or any part thereof to satisfy said execu tion, judgment, order, decree, inter est, costs and all accruing costs Dated Grauts Pass, Uregou, Septem ber IS, 1906. W. J. RUSSELL, Sheriff of Josephine Couuty, Oregon. First Insertion, September 11. Last insertion, October 12. It pays to advertise a useful article. Nine times out of 10 there'll be a buyer before the (nk is dry. Try it. The Courier is a clean, family paper. Xil v . . rfi TV Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Cive Satisfaction. GIVES RCLICr" AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, her.ls, and protects ths diseased uioinbmne. It cures OiitnrrU and ttnvesawtty a Oold iu thn Head quieklr. ltestores the Senses of Taste anil SmelL Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied iulo tlio n.wt-ils mi l absorbed. Large Sire, M rents at I 'moists r by mail: Trial Sue, lilce- Js I.v 1 .nil. El Y BROTHERS, f- ' " V. "To Cure a Ftlon" says Sam Kendall, of rfhlllipsbnrg, Kan., "just cover it over with Buck leu 'a Arnica Salve and the Salve will do the rest." Quickost cure for aurns, Boils, Sores, Scalds, Wounds, Piles, Eczema, Salt Rheotti, Chapped Haunds, Sore Feet aud Sore Eves. T)uly 25o at all drug stores. House Moving If you have a building that you want moved, raised or leveled up, call on or address A. E. Holloway. Residence 2 miles west of city, north side of river. F. G. ROPER Faatlaloxaltltle TAILORllNCr Harmon Blk up stairs SUITS MADE TO ORDER Promptly and ol the best material and in the latest style. CLEANING AND REPAIRING Southern Oregon Contract ing & Construction Co. Estimates and bids fusnished on -Ditches, Dams, Bridges, Tunnels, etc. Office, Room 3 Masonic Temple. GRANTS PASS, . OREGON" GRANTS PASS WALL PAPER and PAINT SHOP W.P.Sharman and E.F.LeMisux SOUTH SIXTH STREET, NEAR J Full stock of Wall Paper all designs quality and prices. Paints, Varnlshos, Oils, Brushes nB'i vil Artists a'lnpl'e. Mall orders promptly filled. Palace Barber Shop BATES & WILLIAMS, Proprs. Shaving, Hair Cutting Uaths, Etc. Everything neat and clean and a work Hrst-Class. E. A. WADE Dry Goods, Underwear, Notions, Ktc. Front Street west Palace hotel GRANTS PASS, OREGON, No sensational or questionable mat ter allowed in the Courier. S Dr. William.' Indian Pile ointment will cure lllliut llleeuln aud luiUluf Plica, llabaoruatbeluiuura. allays tbe lltulun at once, acts aa a DoullLce. fflvna luttaot re lief. Ur. Wllllama' Indian File Oint ment la prepared for 11 lee and iu n. Ing of the private part. V.'rry boi Is warranted. Bv druirfUUI. br mall on re. aiu of price. M nnuia and fl.Ott. wUllfMS NiicsrTiiRjiiK tn . vrops.. JlevelUid Ou MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS 5 a. fa aud rellivble, thay overcome waavknaaa. In crsaee vigor, banish palna. No remedy aaucvla OK. J MOTIS PKNNVkOYAL PILL J Sold b? Druasiiia and Dr. Molts Cb:mira i Cleveland Oblb. 10)11 E I la u I D u r- r