Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 05, 1906, Image 5

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We carry the leading kinds of fam
ily Flour, both in upring and No. 1
Hard Wheat. We have one lot to
close out at
8()e pet SSaek:
Those who have used it pronounce
it very good. Come in and we'll
tell you about it
Fresh Corn Meal, Graham Whole
Wheat ! lour.
BUCKWHEAT in this week.
CRESPO have you tried it? 10c
a package.
"Heinz" Pickling Vinegar will
pickle "memory" if you use it right.
Try it.
We are steadily increasing our
sales on Teas and Coffee
No prizes with Chase & San
born's Tea or Coffee Just QUAL
ITY. We can give you a good fair Eng
lish Breakfast Tea for 25c per pound
compare its quality with the 50
and 75c prize kind. Sample tor the
. UhQ
White House
Oct. 10, Wednesday, Chooolataire at
Presbyterian churoh parlors, by
Bethany Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 :S0 p. m.
Oct 12, Friday Elocutionary recital,
auspice Christian Y. P. S. O. E.,
Opera House. 9-28 2t
. Newman M E. Church.
The pastor, C. 0. Beckman, will
preach in the morning at 11. In the
evening at 7:30 this Churoh will unite
in a farewell service to Joseph B.
Travis, pastor of the Baptist Church,
held in Bethany Presbyterian Church.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Junior
Leaagne at 3 p. m. Epworth League
at 6 :30. Strangers and friends ever
Presbyterian Church.
"The Basis of the Spiritual Life"
will be the theme of the Address, be
fore Holy Communion, by Evan P.
Hughes, at the 11 a. m. wvice. 10
a. m., Sunday School, Supt., H !.
Kineny. 8:30 p. m. Devotionl Hour
of the Y. P. S. C. E. 7:30 p. m.
Union service will be held in the
nature of a farewell to Rev. Mr.
Travis, who will preach the sermon.
To all a cordial invitatiou to attend
these meetings is extended. ,
If yon want your farm sold, write
me what you have and yonr price as
soon as possible and I will include it
with my Fall list which will go to
the printer soon. I do not demand
exclusive Bale. W. L. Ireland, "The
Real Estate Man," Courier Building.
10 5 tf
LADIES I have"opeued up parlors
at the Rogue River Hopsital tor treat
mont of the scalp, massage of the faoe
and mauicuriug. I manufacture all
prepartions and guarantee them to be
twfeotlv Dure. Mrs. H. I. Reynolds,
telephone 473.
10-5 4t
UWIU. Vfigh nnrf menmre rreryihing
hut." Amirirnu Urocer.
At the Big Furniture Store, North Cth street
Is daily receiving a New Fall Stock of
New Styles, Lowest Prices, Good Quality.
Largest stock Furniture in the city. Sold
for cash or on the installment plan.
A lot of Tinware to close at '.Half. Price.
A. U. Bannard
GRANTS rflwp
j! Items of Personal '":
Interest. !j!
A. W. Spiker, a Glendale business
man, was in oar city Saturday.
Mrs. Andy Colvin wtnt to Mrytle
Creek Thursday to visit her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy McCarthy and
baby went to Roseburg Tuesday to
Miss Audrey Harknfss left Satur
day for Marysville, Cal., to visit
Snpt. Kinney of the Eurtka mine
mad a a business trip to Grants Pass
JF. B. Doerfus of Weed. Cal., I
visited over Sunday with Mrs. Doerfus i
in this city. . j
Samul Bowden, a mining man of
this rlaee, left last week for New
York on a business trip.
Miles Young has taken a position at
the H. C. Bobzien store, beginning
his duties Tuesday morning.
Elmer Wertz and Bart Mo Cone re
turned Sunday from a very successful
hunting trip at Swede Basin.
Alfred Letcher and B. W. Riggs
went to Prospect Sunday wbere they
expect to remain for several weeks on
a bunting trip.
Wm. Tbompson, a former resident
of Grants Pass, arrived here last
week from Alaska, where he has spent
the past three months.
Miss Lola Rehkopf returned to St.
Mary 'a Academy at Jacksonville
Saturday, after a few days' visit with
her mother in this city.
Mrs. J. R. Hyde left last week for
Coeui d'Aleoe, Idaho, where she will
spend a month with Mrs. Iua Chil
ooote, formerly of this place.
Mrs. C. A. Dickison went to Jack
sonville Sunday to spend several days
with her daughter Grace, who ia a
student at St. Mary's Aoademy.
Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Baber re
turned Sunday evening from Klamath
Falls, where they have spent the past
three weeks, attnudiag the races.
Miss Iva McArthur returned to
Grants Pass Tuesday from Rock
Point, where she was called by the
illness of her father, John MoArthnr.
Miss Frances Johnson of Cottage
Grove arrived in Grants Pass last
week to spend a few weeks visiting
with her friend, Miss Lizzie Yeatch.
Editor D. E. Vernon of the Oakland
Owl visited Grauts Pass Monday and
made a pleasant call at the Courier
office. He also made a trip to Med
ford for a day.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reymer returned
Saturday from Hood River where
they had spent two weeks with Mrs.
Reymer's sister, and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Firebsugh.
Mrs. Robert McLean will not return
to Porto Rico, as the climate of the
islands is too severe for her. She
leaves Portland this week for Iowa,
where she goes to visit a sister.
Mrs. Brit Williams returned Satur
day to Wendling, after spending a
week in this city. She was accom
panied home by her nephew. Claude
Trimble, who will work in the saw
mlil at that place.
Miss Elsie Ball, who has been in
the East for the greater part of the
Summer, retu'Ded to Grants Pass
Saturday. While away she visited a
sister in Wisconsin aud also spent some
time with friend in Minnesota.
Mrs. Alva Gunuell and Mrs. Evan
Reames came down from Jacksonville
Sunday evening for a short visit in
this citv. retaining home Tuesday
morning. MessrF. Reams and Gunnel
went un by team later in the day.
Frank Colvig came in town on busi-
ness Wednesday,
M.tnminir t ie same
day to Silver Creek, where he is
working for Mr. Metz on the big
R. R. H. Harrison and John Hecks
have returned from Jackson County,
after having spent several mouths in
roof painting.
Mrs. J. R. Casey of Ashland visited
with Grauts Pass friends over Wed
nesday, returning on Wednesday even
ing to ber home at Ashland.
C. A. Stockbidge, the Oliver type
' wriert man, spent a few days in town
this week sellliug typewriters. He
: was accompanied by his wife.
Mrs. S. Loeghridge and Miss Kittle
have been visiting in Portland and
; this week attended the annual state
' W. C. T. U. convention in session at
j Newberg, October 1-4.
" Miss Essie Hartman returned to
Grants Pass Wednesday evening from j
v,oeur a aiene, xaano, wnere ane naa
spout me past BBVirei nionins wun
her cousin, Mrs. Ina Chilcoote.
Attorney A. C. Hough left Satur
day evening for Detroit, Mich., where
he will spend several weeks visiting
relatives and friends. Mrs. Hough,
who has been in the East for several
months will return with Mr. Hough.
J. L. Lindley returned Friday from
St Johns, Wash., where he has been
for the past mouth attending to the
harvesting of the grain on his400-acre
wheat farm. Mr. Lindley reports
that the a heat averaged about 30
bushels to the acre.
Dr. Findley, W. M. Hair and Mrs.
H. Murray returned Monday from
Portland, where tbev were attending
the meeting of the Willamette Con
ference, the Doctor and Mr. Hair
being delegates to the lay conference.
Mrs. V. F. Hair, who was also in
Portland,-retnrued home Tuesday.
O. L. Leigh of Gatice was in
Grants Pass last week to meet his wife
on her return from a trip to Colorado
Friday. Mrs. Leigh has been away
about 10 weeks visitiug two daughters
and her mother at Florence, Colo.,
and also visiting at Denver and other
points. Mr. Leigh is engaged in
mining on Silver creek and is working
on the Old Discovery claim.
Mri. J. L. Atkinson of Portland
stopped off here Tuesday on her way
from Humboldt County, Cal., 'where
she has spent the Summer, to her
home. She was met here by her son-in-law,
A. B. Consin, who accom
panied her home after having stopped
off at Merlin to look over the oountry.
Mrs. Atkinson is one of the Hood
River fruit growers and was greatly
interested in the displays of fruit
shown here.
A very pleasant reoeption was given
Wednesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs.F. D. Newell on East Main street,
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. O. II. De
Puy, who leve next week for Chico,
Cal., to join their son, Dudley, who
is located at that place. The recept
ion was a very pleasant affair, and
was attended by a large number of
friends. Refreshments were served
and a most enjoyable afternoon spent
by all in attendance. Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. DePuy have been residents of
Grants Pass for the past 18 years, and
they have a large circle of friends
here who regret their departure from
this place.
Be Your Own Boaa
and don't give any agent a contract
on your property. W. L. Ireland
;"TheReal Estate Man" will sell it
without tying yon up. Write me
what you wish to seil as soon as possi
ble that I may get it on my Fall list
10-5 tr
We, the undersigned find there is a
flonr being sold under the name of
White Star, Made at Jefferson, Ore-
gon that has nl got a star on tne
sack. We make the only original and
oinn fMJun mcio i i"'
of Oregon aud have a prominent star
printed on the rack. Any other is an
10-0 4t
A number of the Presbyterian
friends of Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Travis
gathered at their home Wednesday
evening to spend an evening with
them before their departure for Sao
Francisco. A handsome cane Oi" na
tive woodi was presented to Mr.
Travis as a slight token of the es
teem in which he is held by the mem
bers of the Presbyterian church.
Rates to Buffalo.
International Convention of the
, Christian Church, Buffalo, N. Y., Oc
tober 12th to 17th, 1906.
! For the above occasion round trip
j tickets will be on sale from Grants
I Pass, under the following conditions.
I One way through Portland, and one
! way throuab California, 98.00; both
ways throughJPortland, f93.45.
Sale Jdatea October 6th; and 6th.
Limits f Going;transiHn'ittendayi
fromdateof sale, final returnlimit
NovemberlStb, 1906.
E. Yoorhies.
Typewriter agent A.
;ji A Brief Record off
Local Events. !;!
M. McLane of Greenback was in
town Tuesday in search of men to
work the Greenback mine. Mr. Mc
Lane was formerly foreman of this
mine but has now leased the property
and Is potting on a new force of men.
A man near Corvallis is one of
many who have proved the value of
spraying fruit trees. He has 2000
trees and heretofore almost all the
apples havft been wormy and were not
worth much. This year he sprayed
four times, at a cost of f.V) besides the
labor and 95 per cent of bis large ap-
j pe orop jg
sound and will command
a good price.
J. W. Taylor, the Southern Psciflo
right-of-way man, arrived from the
south Tnesday, going back as far as
the Klamath next -day. He is work
ing north from Humboldt connty and
has experienced no difficulty in pro
curing rights-of-way. The railroad
means a great deal to Del Norte
county and our people thonld en
courage tbs enterprise Crescent
City Record.
George Snow had a painfnl acci
dent last Saturday at the factory
where he is employed, caused by
stepping on a piece of timber in such
a manner that his ankle was thrown
out of place. A similar aooldeut oc
curred to Beit Fahs the day before
and these gentlemen have been forced
to navigate on crutches for several
days but have o far recovered that
they are now able to get around with
their usual activity.
Jasper Darneill brought to the
Courier office this week a sample of
Yellow Dent corn that would do credit
to Kansas. The stalks are 13 and 13
feet tall and ears nearly a foot long,
solid and fully matured. Mr. Dar
neill ia living on the Bunch plaoe,
above the school house at Murphy,
and has the place leased. He has
about eight acres of corn but only a
few rows of the big stalk corn, seed
for which he selected last Fall.
Why give any agent the exclusive
right to sell yonr property when you
can get W. L. Ireland "The Real Es
tate Man" to advertise and sell it on
a simple "privilege to sell?" 10-S tf
Special Saleof Grocery Supplies
for Cash from Oct. 1 to Oct. 15
$19.90 $19.90 $19.90
10 sacks of Flour,
1 sack best (Jranulated Sugar
10 11)8. of Breakfast Bacon
10 lt)3. White or Colored Beans
10 bars Soap, assorted to suit
20 lt)8. of Rolled Oats
5 Itm. Schillings Best Coffee
2 lt)8. " " Xea.
If the above assortment does not fit your wants they will be
changed to suit on the same basis of prices.
Yours truly,
EGnoey & Traax
5. 1906.
New Note F roon the Business
Men to R.edert.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician aud Dentist
Dr. M. C. Findley,
Oculist, Aorist, licensed optician.
Goto Corun for Plumbing.
M. Clement.. Preemption Druceist.
A splendid line of Roval Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron'i
State Maps OourierBuilding.
For a o'eau bed and a good meal
try the Western Hotel. ,
Maps of Oregon Washinton and
California at the Musio Store.
For first class wagon and carriage
work go to J. M. Newman, successor
to O. M. Caldwell. 9-23 tf
Dr. W. F. Kremer will hereafter be
in his office in the Courier building
from 7 to 8 o'clock each evening. 2-9tf
Get prices from Kinney & Truax
on yonr Fall aud Winter supplies.
Tbey can and will save you money.
Mrs. Waoghtal's Millinery Opening
will commence next Thursday, Octo
ber 4, and oontinue throughout the
week. Don't miss it. 9-28 It
Now Is the time for all good bust
nesa men and oottage owners to insure
againstfire In the Oregon Fire Relief
Association,"' with H. B. Hendricks
agent for Josephine county. Office
opposite P. O., Grants Pass, Oregon.
7-27 tf
Mrs. Earl V. Ingles, graduate of
College of Oratory ad Elocution, Drake
University, Des Moine, Iowa, will
give a recital at the Opera House,
Friday evening, October 12, under
auspices Y. P. S. O. E. Christian
church. Mrs. W. L. Ireland and Miss
Ethel Palmer also appear on the pro
gram. Popular prices.
The Bethany Y. P. S. C. E. will
give a Chooolataire in the church
parlors next Wednesday evening,
October 10, beginuing at 7:30. A
good program will be rendered.
Everybody cordially invited. No
admission will be oharged but those
who wish will have ohanoe to place
IRo in a plate to help along the Yonng
people's work.
Quarts blanks at the Courier office.
Fall Order for a Few Groceries:
your choice of four diflbrcnt
This Rill Complete lor
Economy Jar
Has the good points
which other jars lack,
and saves its difference
cost in
Theyare perfect for can
ning all kinds fo Meats,
Fish, Game Fowls,
Pickles, Soups, Jel
lies, Jams, Vegetables
and Fruits. They are
Self-Sealing, no rubber
ring required. Easy to
seal, easy to open, and
easy to clean. Examine
them at
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Block
Fruit Cant
Wax String
A Young Mother at 70.
"My mother has suddenly been
made yonng at 70. 20 years of intense
suffering from dyspepsia had entirely
disabled her, until six months bho,
when she began taking Electrio Bit
ters, which have completely on red her
and restored the strength and activity
he had in the prime of life," write!
Mrs. W. L. Gilpatrlck, of Dan forth,
Me. Greatest restorative medicine on
the globe. Sets Btomaoh, Liver an
Kidenya right, purifies the blood, an
cures Malaria, Biliousness and Weak
neaaess. Wonderful Nerve Tonio.
Price 50c. Guaranteed by all drug