Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 05, 1906, Image 1

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No. 27.
Recommends Th.t the County
Books Be Exported on Gen
eral Principles.
To the Honorable H. K. Hanna,
1 We. the grand jury for the County
t of Josephine, State of Oregon, drawn
for the Septembf r, 1900, term of the
circuit court, respectfully report:
That we have diligently inquired
into all cages in which defendants
were bound over to wait action of this
court, and returned trae bills where
! justifiable, and not true bills in the
other cases; that we have examined
Into many complaints brought by
private prosecutors, and returned true
bills where justifiable, and dismissed
the others.
We have examined the county rec
ords, and find them neatly kept. Lack
of time has prevented an examination
into aocounts, or the finances of the
county. As various complaints have
been made to us as to financial mat
ters of the county, the correctness of
which we have not had time to deter-
mine, and as the books of the oounty
have not been experted for more
than 10 years, we respectively suggest
that the oounty court appoint three
disinterested taxpayers to serve with
out pay, who shall recommend to the
county court one or more experts,
who shall be disinterested and oom
j petent, to examine into the financial
" affairs, records and proceedings of the
county and of the county court, and
respectfully ask that the county court
J contract for such work with some ex
" pert or experts to be chosen from the
Dumber recommended by said tax
pavera; that the experts examine care
fully into the financial affairs of the
county covering a period of 10 years
last past, that they examine into pub
lic matters touching the oounty as
transacted by county officials within
)t the said time, and that such exam!-
nation be made under the supervision
of snch taxpayers. That said experts
report from time to time to said tax
payers, for instructions as to matters
to be investigated, and follow the in
struuions of such taxpayers. That
they make final report as to their find
ings and as to the financial conditions
of the county, and the administratis
of its affairs during the 10 years last
past. This recommendation is made
'without reflection upon any public
officers or servants, but because we
believe that such investigations should
be made from time to time.
We respectfully recommend that the
county purchase a small farm of good
land near the county Be it to be used
' as a poor farm, where the county
shall keep all of its charges at all
times; that it employ a competent
physician at fair compensation, who
shall attend the county poor when fe-
quired, nnder annual contract. It
X has been the custom for years in this
1 1 Sell
-room house aud lotto F. M. Shrader $ 850.00 J
30 acres north town, well improved, to S. Smith 1,700.00
8 acres east of town, well improved, to W. Chase 2,500.00
6-room cottage aad lot on D street to Noah Day. 1,200.00
26 acres improvod bo-torn land to Louis Loeseh. . 2,600.00 '
If you want yourPROPERT Y SOLD why out list it with
- . II 1 I k.ra nn mAM than nlhar rnt. (K'
a man wno can "on i umo
ami do'not ask for the exclusive
W. L. IRELAND, "The Real Estate Man.'' K
i m r-..A wiw PniiriVr B.iUdirikT. Orants Pass. Ore. T
uiuuuw ..-
county to distribute numbers of the
connty charges in various parts of the
county, so that the expense of medical
attendance if greatly increased over
the expense of keeping the poor at o.'ie
place and caring for them by contract.
Because the county charges are at this
time in various parts of the conuty
v.e are nnable to visit them and to
ascertain their condition.
We Bad that attorneys and others
have been iu the past allowed to take
fiom the court house various public
record;, and have been negligent
about returning them, and wonld
respectfully suggest that an order be
made by the proper authority, per
mitting soch papers to he taken only
upon order of the proper judge, or
upon receipt given stating the time
within which return shall be made of
the papers, conditioned that failure to
return the papers at the time provided
in the receipt shall be abirtothe
party taking other papers from the
office of their keeping, until a penalty
provided in the order shall be com
plied with or that some other effective
plan suggested by the court be adopted
to prevent publio record from being
kept for an unreasonable time away
from the office povided for their safe
Having performed our duties, we re
respectfully ask to be dieoliarged.
Grants Pass, Ore., Septembe' 2 V, 1906.
JOHN D. FRY, Foreman.
National Convention Knights of
New Orleans, Louisiana. Ootober
16th, to 25th, 1906.
For the above occasion round trip
tickets will be on sale from Grants
Pass under the following conditions:
(a) Both ways via Southern Pa
cific and El Paso, $75.85.
(b) Both ways via Portland, Den
ver and Texllne, 89. 15.
(c) Both ways via Portland, Kan
sas Oity and St. Louis, or St. Paul
and St. Louis, 94.80.
(d) Both ways via Portland and
Chicago, $101.10
Going transit limit 10 days from
date of sale, final return limit No
vember 15th.
Stopovers will be granted in either
direction within limit of tickets at
points west of St. Louis, and Chicago.
Rates for tickets going via routes
B. C cr D, returning via California
or vice versa, will be $13.50 higher
than the Portland, rate via route
used. Win. McMCRRAY, G. P. A.
For Fire Insurance
The O. F. R. A. of McMinnvilie
are the cheapest and have 12 years
standing without a peer in Oregon
for settliug firo losses. That tells the
tale. Don't be deceived by other
agents who have selfish motives. In
no event will it cost you more than
the standard stock companies charge
per annum. H B. HENDRICKS.
Agt Grants Pass, Ore. 7-27 t
Real Estate
right or sale,
o ' - '
Charges of Burglary &nd Em
bezzlement Are Booked
Against Him.
W. E Wilson, who was tried in
the circuit court lxst week and sen
tenced to serve three years in the
penitentiary at Salem for issuing and
passing bogus checks the Saturday
previoos, is wanted by the sheriff of
Cass county, Minnesota, where he
operated under the name of W. E.
Babcock aud also at other points
under the name of W. E. Allen. On
Tuesday Sheriff Russell received
a circular from Sheriff Alex B. Rid
dle of Walker, Minn., giving a de
scription of Babcock which tallies
exactly and a photograph which is a
perfect likeness of Wilton although it
was taken nine years ago when Wil
son, alias Babcock, was wanted for
burglary in Douglas county, Minn.
The circular states that he is wanted
in Cass county for embezzlement.
Wilson is a man of middle aga, me
dium build and about 6 feet 1 inch
in height, is an expert penman and
likes to display it. While in the jail
bere he did some work with the pen,
one piece being the writing of the
Lord's Prayer in a space the size of
a dime y the card was also embellished
with fancy scroll won.
Sheriff Russell and Assessor Fallin
went north Tuesday night with Wil
son and Sam Cooper (colored) who
goes to Salem to serve a sentence of
one year for larceny. It is probahle
that on the expiration of Wilson's
term and his release he will be met
by the sheriff of Oass oounty, Minn.,
and taken hack there to face the
charge of embezzlement.
Fire Boys Make Practice Run.
The members of the Grants Pass
fire department were certainly "go
ing some" in their drill practioe last
Monday evening. The boys took the
hose cart from the house, made a run
to the hydrant at the corner of Dr.
Kremer's residence on F street, made
connection, turned on a stream of
water and were back at the hose
house with hose wound up in the re
markably short cpace of time of 9
minutes. This is pretty swift travel
ing with a cumbersome hose cart and
at this rate of speed there need be no
fear of our oily going up in smoke,
provided there is plenty of water
with sufficient pressure available.
The two club rooms belonging to
the firemen in the city IibII are being
thoroughly renovated and fitted up.
The rooms are being repapered and
new furniture added, while the walls
are adorned with beautiful pictures,
all combining to give a most iuvlting
and handsome appesrauce to the
place ,
Court Closed Its Lsvbors Thurs
day Evening Adourned
to January.
Circuit court for Josephine oounty
finished its labors Thursday night and
adjourned until the next regular
term, January, 1907. The jury cases
were completed and the jury dismissed
Monday and the court occupied the
remainder of the time with divorce
and civil cases.
The following cases were disposed
A Ambrose vs Southern Pacifio Co. ;
Viola Streuber vs Ludwig A Streu
ber, divorce; decree granted
O R Ray vi Lulu A Willis; dis
missed. State of Oregon vs Bert York, as
sault; jury trial guilty ; floed $125
aud costs.
Lester White vs Ideal Hydraolic
Gold Mining Co. Motion to quash
service refused ; referred to Nellie O .
Miller to take testimony and report
next term.
L A Lewis vs W J Russell as
sheriff; demurrer overruled.
Hattie Gross vs Henry Gross, di
vorce ; decree granted.
John Scballhorn vs August Fetacb
and E Mourmeister, dismissed.
F W Chausse vs J F Galbraith. part
ners as Chausse & Galbraith vi Jose
phine oounty; compromised and county
ordered to issue warrnat to satisfy the
claim allowed in the sum of f.K).
First National Bank vs Andrew
Frakes ; confirmation of sale.
R G Smith vs L A Lewis; confir
mation of sale.
Three Pines Timber Co vs A M
Cherry, et al; injunction granted.
Samuel Alderson vs Lee Bros; ob
jections sustained.
E Coron vs Southern Oregon Gen
eral Hospital, judgment for $00.05
John Larson vs O & R R Co suit
in equity; decree.
In the matter of the assignment of
W F Krenier assignor (ordered to make
fiinal report within 40 days.
W F Hathaway vs Rebecca Hatha
way, divorce; decree.
Minerva Glenn vs Golden Drift;
action for ejectment default set
aside and defendants allowed to file
their answer.
A K Kaiservs G W K earns, aotion
for money ; dismissed.
Alex Watts et al vs Messenger et al;
motion to modify deree ; denied.
Everett Hogue made a trip to
Grants Pass Saturday.
Freeland Sawyer made a business
trip to Kerby Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Christie now ocoopy
Hansen' bouw in Kerby.
G. S. Mathewson passed through
here Monday with a band of oattle.
Miss Ida Adams of Waldo is now
one of Kerby ' popular young ladies.
Charles Hanson and family are
spending a few days op in the valley.
The Kerby school is progressing
nicely under the care of Miss Allen
and Mrs. Deldrick.
Mr. aud Mrs. Austin spent Saturday
evening at a social dance at the Wood
man hall.
Johnnie Turner of this place, es
caped probably a severe runaway
Monday evening. Mr. Turner had been
working and left his team standing
and went in the saloon. Perhaps the.
horses got tired standing and started
Send the Courier to your friend, so
he can learn the facts in regard to the
famous Roaur River Valley.
I ..iSi,,-!') ll-l , ill.
Beautiful new Combina
tion Desks and BookCases
$15.00 to $30.00
Our new
Lino 1 e
uras are
on the
will ar
rive this
patterns, both inlaid and reg
ular prices right.
Our New Line of ROCKERS
and Dining Chairs
cannot be beat.
This fine Rattan
Rocker, no arms,
See the new goods.
Imperial Washer
Call in and examine the Easy Running New
Thomas (Si
Petitions For a Place on Ticket
Must be Filed by the 19th
of This Month.
The regular meeting of the city
conucil was held Thursday night,
October 4, 1006. Roll call showed all
present except Mayor Uood, Aldermen
Williams and Randle. Minutes read
and approved.
The matter of a city park was
brought op and discussed and report
made that the transfer of the property
would be made as soon as the papers
were signed.
Chausse and Williams, of the fire
and water committee, submitted a
report and recommended that certain
hydrants be dispensed with and also
recommended that a number of new
hydrants be put in. Report referred
back to the committee.
The matter of the oity election was
brought up and disoossed at length.
Deputy City Attorney O. S. Blanchard
submitted written opinion which ad
vised that primary eleotioo be held
in the oity of Grants Pass on Novem
ber 8. Petitions most be filed on the
10th of the present month. The
general election will be held on De
cember S.
Clerks and judges of eleotlon were
appointed as follows:
Ward No. 1. Judges J. E. Peter
son, H. C. Kinney, F. M. South;
clerks O. E. Maybee, O. II. Clements
W. T. Perry.
Ward No. 3. Judges J. (1. Camp
bell, H. A. Rotermund, N. B. Meade;
clerks A. B. Cornell, D. H. Stovall,
W. H. Fallin
Ward No. 8. Judges H. Zoller, H.
A. Congle, O. R. Swearinger; olerks
Linooln Savage, Henry Hiller, W.
E. Dean.
Ward No 4. Judges W. H. Alfred,
F. G. Burns, J. M. Chiles; clerks
W. S. Jewell, Nat Fees, N. O. Boyn
ton. It was moved and seconded that the
action of the oity treasurer in paying
for sewer construction out of the
sewer fund be ratified.
The ordinance regulating licenses
and repealing all previous ordinances
thereto was read the third time and
passed, all members present voting In
Homes Furnished Complete
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Money Back if You Wanth
Interesting prices on
CARPETS this week. A
lot more now patterns of
Rockers, Parlor Stands,
Tables, Music Cabinets,
Bachelor Shaving Cabinets,
. .T MR
easy price will Burely please
mt m ' - - -
O'Neill - CTtaJHouse Furnishers
favor of the ordinance. This ordi
nance refers to all licenses, one item
being the merry-go-rounds which
are to be charged $10 per day, $50 per
week or $150 per month.
Bid on the extension - to Seventh
street main sewer were opened and
read as follow: Grants Pass Hard
ware Co., $S75.50; R. G. Burns,
$022.50. On motion the contract
was awarded to the Grants Pass Hard
ware Co,, the lowest bidder.
A motion was "made, seoouded and
carried that the auditor and police
judge prepare registration books and
open iniine(.iate!.
The following t.illa were allowed:
R G Burns, construct sewer... $214 05
J L Shaska, construct sewer... 60S 85
K F Banks, meals for prisoners 8 55
Williams Brothers Door & L Co,
lumber 4 05
Grants Pass W L & P Co, flush
ing sewers 20 u
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co,mdse 8 50
Perkins & Hausen, sewer sur
veying 10 00
Remington Typewriter Co, tnds 8-1,'liO
Cramer Bros, uidse 87 83
H O Perkins, surveying 8 00
Robert Sexaner, assist surveyor 9 00
Grants Pass Fire Department)
alarm of Sept. 7 11 25
Grants Pass Fire Department,
alarm of Sept 23 8 00
Chas. A. rtoogle, oats 14 20
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co, mds 1V7 61
Hair-Riddle Hdw Co, mdse.... 187 68
Labor bills to amount of
The oouuoil adjourned to meet on
Tuesday, October 0, at 7 :8G o'olock
principally to discuss the charter.
Imported African Goat.
F. A. Pieros, the Merlin Angora
Goat raiser, has just received from G.
A. Hoerlean an imported South Afiioao
buck which meets all his expecta
tions and he says he is not afraid to
exhibit this book at any show la
competition with auy other buok in
the'state. Mr. Pieroe examined goats
at the Lewis & Clark fair and he
states that his new acquisition is
equal to any exhibited. He also has
13 nanuies whiob have taken first
prizes and kids secured from the beet
breeders in the state. This makes
him thtee different strains.
Mr. Pieroe says he hopes to see a
goat show in Southern Oregon next
year and to help the matter along
says he would be willing to make a
donation to help the cause along.
Placer and quarts location noteoa,
mine deeds, leases, etc, at the
Courier office.
A splendid array of taHty
patterns in Wall Papers
10 to 75c
SILVERWARE at less than
Knives aud Forks, per set,
$2 50.
Cake Moulds,
Pudding Moulds,
Patent Pie and
Cake Tins, alt kinds
Cake Spoons,
Egg Whips, all
kinds dover, 10c rv?
Kraut Cutters. i.-yJ
35c to $1.50 ' T - V
Imperial Washer
you, too.