Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 28, 1906, Image 4

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We are Strong on Strong Boy's and Girls' Shoes. Boy and 'girls
are hard on Shoes, no It take the strongest, toughest leather well put
together to stand the knooks. Oar Red School House and Steel
Shod Shoes for boys and girls, inado of the best calf with double
solos and qoilted bottoms are the best wearing shoes made. Also high
top shoes for little men in all sizes. '
R. L.
Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rates:
One Year, In advance,
till Month,
Three Months,
(jingle Copies,
Advertising Races
Furnished on application at the office, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at be per line;
card of thanks 60c.
A. E. VOORHIES, Propr.
Entered at the pout office at Grants 1'shs,
Oregon, as second-clans mail matter.
R. G. Smith Claims to Promote Ir
rigation leNot. ButWorlted for
a Fair Appropriation.
Editor Courier: I soo that R. G.
Smith luts soon lit to iitliick the
county court for allowing a portion
of my expense to the National Irriga
tion Congress, and to Incidentally
call in question my veracity concern
ing uiy warrant.
Ordinarily I jiiy no atetution to
such silly vaporings, hut being u ser
vant of tlio people, it may not be
aiuiHS to correct any wrong impres
sion that may have lu'en made. Mr.
Smith misrepresents me In intimating
that I promised to refund the money
on his interpretation of the law. I
did say that I could refund the fjl if
it was necessary. r I still say that; hot
Handsome China Dinner Set
You can become the proud possessor of a Handsome Imported 42
piece China Dinner Set worth $12.00. Let us tell you about it. licgin
ning Monday, October 1st, ending January 1. 1907, with every purchase
amounting to '25c, you will receive a ticket. When you have tickets to
the amount of $3:1.00, together with cash you will be entitled to
the full set, V2 pieces. These dishes are the Gol 'en Rule Store's direct
importation from "Johnson llros , England." These are not the cheap
dishes used as premiums, but each and every piece is guaranteed not to
check or crack.
no responsible tax-payer has made
any complaint yet. The real burden
bearers of this county are well pleased
with what Mr. Roy Walson and I did
to induce the government officials at
the congress to give early attention to
the claims of Josephine and Jackson
counties. We went in the interest of
the entire oounty and I unhesitatingly
say that 21 was never speut for a
better purpose. Irrigation of this
valley means comfortable homes for
many thousands of people, and it is
very unfortunate that oar country is
afllicted with a few men whose only
ambition seems to be to kick at every
honest effort to better the conditions
of the present time. Anything Is
legal that promotes the general wel
fare of the people.
Onr government donated millions to
the expositions at Philadelphia, New
Orleans, Chicago, St. Louis and Port
land and that, too, without one word
of written law on the subject. Jose
phine county gave $1700 to Lewis aud
and Clark fair and R. G. Smith ap
proved it. The city of Grants Pass
recently donated tlOOO to the city of
Shu Francisco, withont law or even
the advicn of K. G. Smith. And,
notwithstanding the importauce of
Mr. Smith as a legal advisor aud
general guardian of the people, I am
inclined to believe, that thiugs terres
trial would move along as nsnal,
even though he should conclude to lot
oilier people attend to their own
business without his aid.
Mr. Smith misrepresents iueaeiiu
when he says that I have "talked
much of grafting and extravagance. "
lu my recent canvass for county
judge, I suid repeatedly that if mis
takes had been uiude that they were
made lionet. tly that I bad no words
of censure for any county official.
As to the work of the present com
misHiouers court, it can be shown
that we have already saved several
'of dew
hundred dollars to the connty, and are
preparing to save several thousand
more by systematizing our pauper
expenditures aud onr road work. No
complaint has come from these who
know aod appreciate what we are
doing to bring Josephine county to
the front.
In conclusion, if Mr. Smith or any
other kicker at public improvement
will come to my office, I will pay him
his proportionate share of the t-1.
which will be abont one cent. I shall
not extend this offer to any others
because no others would accept it.
Those who sent me are not men of
small caliber.
Very respectfully, ' '
t Buck Takes Bl Trip.
Captain and Mrs. J. 8. Buck have
returned from an eating of business
and pleasure on upper Grave Creek,
sojourning while there with Mr. and
Mrs. G. H. Pease, who have a very
fine residence, quite a band of high
bred Jersey stock, also a fine garden
and meadows. In connection with
their ranch, Mr. Pease has a placer
mine of 40 acres fully equipped, that
he works during the Winter months,
returning to him a good profit. This
mine, in connection with his ranch,
gives them a good living, without
much hard work. This I can vouch
for as during our stay we lived on
the fat of the land, plenty of freih
meat, pigeons, quail and deer meat ;
good regular smoked bacon, not doped,
such as we generally find in the mar
ket; something eatable that makes
one smack their lips and wish for
mora ; lots of fresh vegetables from
the garden, also strawberries with
good, yellow cream from their Jersey
cows, all well cooked and seasoned by
the lady of the house. Our ouly re
gret was that we could not s;ay with
them longer.
The business part of my trip was to
look at the mining section and must
say that I found very much more good
looking prospects than expected.
Among those visitod wete H. Zitner
mon, 40 acres, plaoer ; Louis Conredon,
40 acres, will equipped; Luther
Schmucker, 40 acres well equipped
and in good working shape; Jack
Porter, 80 acres, good louking ground,
but no improvements; Sam Gibson,
280 acres, mine portion well equip
ptd, most of the laud covered with
heavy timber.
Thee properties all have good ear
marks and would be good producers
if worked in u systematical way. As
j uow worked they givo the owners a
I good liviug. That a pairs to be
! about all ihey require, and they can
do that during the pleasant weather in
the Winter months.
i Iu my opinion, if most of theso
properties could ne worueu in a wors
manlike mituuer by mining men. there
would soon bo a stampede to that
section. J. S. B.
FRANK BURNETT-Upholstering,
mission furniture made to order.
' :
Grants Pass Fruit Growers Union
Getting Up a Display of
Fruits end Nuts.
To show oor owj people and to
piove to strangers that Josephine
connty is a fruit district not excelled
bv any other connty of the state the
Grants Pass Fruit Growers Union will
make an exhibit that is to embrace
every variety of fruit grown in the
county aud now ripe aud also of nuts.
Space for the exhibit has been donated
by George S. Calhoun, the enterpris
ing clothing dealer, he giving for the
purpose the large and attractive dis
play window on the Sixth street side
of bis store.
The exhibit will be tastily arranged
and the name of each grower will be
attached to the specimen box or recep
tacle. Samples are wanted from every
grower and it is expected to have the
exhibit embrace all varieties of ap
ples, pears and peaches, grapes and all
other fraits now in season Samples
of walnuts, almonds and other nuts
are wanted. All samples are to be
left at the office of the Grants Pass
Fruit Growers Union and Secretary
Meserve will attend to their being
placed in the exhibit.
FOR SALE Improvements consisting
of eood bouse, barn, fencing on 50
acres, tools, garden crop, etc , on
lt!0 acres unsurveyed laud on Limpy
creek, for sale for $400. Inquire
Samuel Hawkins, Wilderville.
9-14 4t
hngs for sale. J.
Poland China
H. itohinson,
8-81 tf
FOR SALE 8'4-in Bain waRon aud
single seat Studebaker bnggy.
Both nearly new. Address Box 500,
Grants Pass, or call on F. J. Rogers
on Wheeler place. 8-31 tf
FOR SALE New five-room house
and two lots. fence aud outbuild
ings, good residence ; corner Walnut
and Pine, No. 204, price f.r.0. M.
J. Young, P. O. box 178. 8-10 tf
KLAMATH BASIN, where the United
States is building initiation works
to rec.Him 250,000 acres of land,
offers the chalice of a lifetime to
homeseekers and investors. Not
el'eap land, but good land cheap.
Farmers aie needed in Klamath
county and laud ciin be hud on
favorable terms. Write to Frank
Ira White, Klamath Falis, Oregon,
for further information. U-21 2t
OFFICE ROOM for rent Courier
building. Applv to A. E. Voorhies
or J. W. Howard. 8-S tf
FOR SALE OK RENT The property
known as the Downing Warehouse
in Grants Pass near depot. En
quire of J. H. Downing, Central
Point Ore. 9-28-2t
WANTED Wood in exchauge for
wagon aud carriage worn by J. M.
Newman, successor to G. M. Cald
well. 9H3 tf
WANTED Grain Sacks, Tools and
other second-hand goods. Harrison
Bros., Second hand-store, corner
Sixth and J streets. 2-9 tf
C. L. INiOEL of Odessa wants loggers
and timber cutters to deliver 2,000,
0(H) feet of logs to mill by coutract
before snow Hies; short haul, level
roads, one 4-horse team, two trucks,
chains, etc. furnished. Also left
hand 3-gang edger wanted. Write
or call at mill Odessa, Ore. 8 3 tf
LOS I' Child's white cassimere cloak
last Satnrday between P. O. aud
Jones Creek. Returu to Hotel West
ern. U-28 tf
GOLD WATCH Ladies small size,
limiting caei", monogram LMV on
case. Return to Billiard hall aud
receive reward. 8-ai tf
FOUND Key to house or store door.
Left at Courier office for owuer.
0-28 tf
WANTED Salesmen. Many Make
1100 to 130 per month; some even
more Stock clean ; grown on Reser
vation, far from old orchards. Cash
advanced weeklv. Choice of terri-
tory. Address Washiutgon Nursery
Company, Toppenish, Washington.
9-28 tf
NURSE Flrstclass nurse can he
found on L street, near 4th Mrs.
Alice Weiser. 9-21 4t
TO TRADE A fine horse, of KioO
pounds, for sheep or goats. Address
P. O. Pox 64.1, Grants Pass. 8-17 tf
wishing to learn Dressmaking
"should see Mrs. J. C. Clark 2H
Moss street, who teaches the Mc
Dowell system. 9-28 It
PIANO TUNING Leave orders at
the music store. D. F. Armstrong.
9-28 tf
tailoring, Mrs.
diessmakiug and;
T. O. Horr, 107 C !
9 14 tf :
Dutchess Trousers for Fall
We have this week received the complete
line of Trousers for Fall and Winter in those
nobby gray Stripes and Plaids. Some pat
terns are cut special, knee 21, 19 across the
shoe. Call and see them.
Also Schloss Clothing that can't be beat
for Style and Workmanship, regardless of
Prick $12.00 to 27.50.
Caterers to the
P. H Harth
Weather Reports for Farmers
The United States Weather Bureau,
with headquarters at Portland, has
arranged, with the co-operation of the
Pacific States Teh phone and Tele
graph company to furnish the farmer
subscribers of company daily weather
forecasts covering a period from 5 p.
in. of the day on which the forecast
is issued to'5 p. in. of the following
day. The Pacific States company is
transmitting the forecast free of
charge over their lines from Portland
to all sections of the country aud
farmer , subscribers may have the
benefit of weather forecasts by calling
their central office any time during
the day after 9 o'clock and requesting
the info'mation. This is something
new in the way of telephone service
and will undoubtedly prove popular
with the farmers. The United States
Weather Bureau service and the Pa
cific States Telephone and Telegraph
Company should be given credit for
introducing this valuable service.
Ashland Normal Flourishing
The enrollment of students from
home aud from abroad at the Ashland
Normal is more than twice that of
any previous September. The course
of traioiug has been strengthened
with the latest ideas in the line of
business education, revised text-books
have been adopted and np-to-date ap
pliances of every kind are used. The
total cost of securing a course in the
Ashland Commercial College is but
little more than half the expense in
the larger cities, while a no more
thorough or complete course isfgiven
anywhere. The instruction is mostly
individual which is of very great ad
vantage, to the student
Rates to Buffalo.
International Convention of the
Christian Church, Buffalo, N. Y., Oc
tober 12th to 17th, 1906.
For the above occasion round trip
tickets will be on sale from Grants
Pass, under the following conditions.
One way through Portland, and one
way through California, 98. 00; both
wavs through Portland, 193.43.
Z Sale datesj October 5th and 6th.
Limits: Going'transit limit ten days
from date of sale, final return limit
November. Kith, 11906.
The Courier is the farmers' paper
Underwood Typewriter agent. A.
E. Voorhies.
neat dressers.
& Son. Inc.
Notice is hereby given that all ub
paid taxes will become delinquent oo
October 1, 1 WOO, and if not paid by
that tinio the property will be adver
tised and sold for taxes. This also
applies to property on which the first
half of tax has been paid, the re
maining half doe and payable before
that time. After this date an addi
tional 1 per cent penalty will be added
on the first day of each month, to
the costs. W. J. RUSSELL,
The Board of Equalization fur
Josephine County, Oregon, will meet
at the office of the County Clerk, Mon
day, October 8. 1906, at 9 o'clock A.
M., aud will remain iu session each
succe.-sive day for one week. All
patties interested are requested to
appear and examine their assessments
for the year 1906 and have ah errors
corrected if any there be, as no cor
rections can be made after the ad
journment of said board.
Assessor of Josephine County, Orei
Grants Pass, Ore,, Sept. 18, 1906.
Chicago 17 Hours Nearer Via
Ihis Popular Route.
Franklin was right when he said
"Lost timn In nnvar fiMinri onain "
iuo j. n. ou in addition to giv
ing you 200 miles along the matchless
Columbia ri ver. futVM vnn 17 hnnw in
Chicago. It lb the
Short line to Lewiston. k
Short line to Palouse country. ' V
Short line to Spokane.
Short line to the Coeur d' Aleue. A
country. ;
Shoit line to Salt Lake City.
Short line to Denver.
Short line to Kansas City.
Short line to Omaha.
Short line to Chicago. v
Short line to all points East.
Three trains east daily, 9:15 a. in. ;
8:15 p. m. and 6:15 p. m. The"Chica-go-Portland
Spceial" is ai fine as the
finest. Every comfort of home.
For particulars ask any agent of the
Southern Pacific Company or write i
WM. McMURRAY, general passenger V
agent, Portland, Or. 8-24-5t
City Treasurer's Noticn.
There are funds in; the city treasury'
to redeem all outstanding warrants
protested to February' 1st. 1904. In
terest on same will cease after this
Dated at Grants Pass.Oregon,
September 15, 1906.
Tr; "'" : City Treasurer.