I ALCOHOL IN SICKNESS. J At one of the London public hos pitals a speci.-.l point is made of eivint &lnnhol U tilt T:lTlinta na ? ! r . u lairiy nc ; eparely as possib.e; and each time ! that one of the physicians does so ht eubmits a special entry of the reasoni ihat actuated h:m. In tie tliirty-twc years of the extvnce of the hospita. ,Icohol has oa.y been given seventv jone times. Tne cases received a'rs xactly like those received by all the fcrther hospitals. For VMi they unm. tiered 13J7 in-patients only. Tlie jjdeatb-ratc among these was 7.3 pt. icent. For the same year the average Sdeath-rate uuiong the other London public hospitals was 9.1 per cent. iTherefore tne use of alcohol in siclt iies3 is not to be regarded as a neces sity. Although most phvsicinns pre jsenbe alcohol in solution with drugs for their patients there was one phv- jsician 01 national reputation who did Jnot believe in using alcohol. Many fyears ago when Dr. R. V. Pierce de' Scided to DUt ud his vnlnnhlo lrun.;n. tion " for the diseases of women in a "readv to use" f.irm ha ..t.i . solvent and nreservative rlipminn pure glycerine of proper strength, which is a hetter Milvnnt. nn t... jtive of the active medicinal principles o v 1. 1 iiiuiriiuua or Jnative plants than is alcohol. Dr A icic iuiw umi. me glycerine, oe- st . r muuuich, possesses fjintrinsio medicinal properties, of great rvalue. No woman who is suffering from .inflammation, from the pains and drains incident to womanhood can afford to be without Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. An honest medi tine which has the largest number of cures to its credit and a deserved popu larity for two score years all over the United States. Dr. Pierce tells you Just what is contained in his "Favorite ITS IVGREDIENT8 ARE Golden Seal root (Hydrastis Cnnn- densis), Lady's Slipper root (Cypri pedium Pubescens), Black Cohosh j-oot (Cimicifuga Kacemosa), Unicom jom (neionias uioicaj, bli Toot (Caulophvllum Tha ohosh ides), j Chemically Pure Glycerine. ji Among the prominent medical men j Jof the country who recommend the , above ingredients as superior remedies n jjfor nervous conditions depending upon D( disorders of the womanly system and tfor the cure of those catarrhal condi- tions in the affected parts are : Edwin M. Hale, M. D.; Professor of Materia i( Medica, at Hahnemann Medical Col j, -lege, Chicago; Prof. John King, M. D., J( 'Author of the American Dispensatory, j, -Woman and her Diseases; Professor ' 'John M. Scudder, Doctors Hale, Ives, ' Wood, Bartholow and others. Address j a postal card to Dr. Pierce for a com plete treatise on the subject sent to j you without cost. m J dr. pierci'b pleasant pellets T .'cure biliousness, tick and bilious head f -ache, dizziness, costiveness, or con- Btipation of the bowels, loss of appe tite, coated tongue, sour stomach, ivj windy belchings, "heartburn," pain ij I and distress after eating, and kindred 8 derangements ol the liver, stomach '.Sand bowels. . ;3 Persons who are subject to any of these troubles should never be without a Ivial ot tne "I'leasant renew at nana. In proof of their superior excellence it can truthfully Be saia mat tney are always adopted as a household remedy after the first trial. One little "Pellet" is a laxative, twe are cathartic. They regulate, invigor ate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. As a "dinner pill," to pronioU digestion, take one each day. To re lieve the distress arising from over eating, nothing equals one of thesi little "Pellets." They're tiny, sugar coated, anti-bilious granules, scarcelj larger than mustard seeds. r HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. How to live in health and happi ness is the general theme of Dr. Pierce s Uommon bense nieaicai ah viser. This great work on meaicinc and hygiene, containing over 100C pages and more than 700 illustrations, . ..;,. . . I atama tl rOV IS seni- iree uu rri:i-in. u BiuiufD y-j expense of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound volume, or only 21 stamps for thl book in paper covers. Mr mm I sig hour Route In connection with the L. S.&M. S.. N.Y.C4H. R B.&A, t and C. 4 0. Railways, Maintains the FINEST SERVICE between i ST LOUIS AND New York, Boiton, Philadelphia, Washington, The Mountain! of New Enttland I And The Eastern Seaside Resort. Address any Big Four Agent or H I D KFRN. OenlPass. Agt. Cincinnati, O. An Ounce ol Prevention, is worth a ponnd of cure. Tlieie are many poor snflVrers, consumptives who are hopeless of getting well who. If they had taken care of them selvet, would now be well. A coiiBh is the foundation of ConsuniptK.n. . EalhnVs Hon honnd Syrop wil' cur" that em-"h. Mr-. S. (ir-at ial.s Montana writes: "I have nse.l Lai- I Ja'd's l-.-.relmMii.l Sytop in my t-w-.i.y for ye.if-niv children never snt.er xrith cmiKliii. ' ror sale by National ( Drug Co. and li. A. Kotermi.nd. HVSSIASS DYIXG FROM FRIGHT. Revolutionary Crimes Work Havoc Among High Officials. Paris, Sept. 26. Professor Alex ander Ular, who is regarded in Paris as the mouthpiece of Count Witte. says that many of the higher Russian functionaries are dying from fright or are on the point of leaving the country. In these cases bombs and knives are no longer necessary. Professor Vlar says that General Skallon, Governor General of Poland, with the drums of both his ears de stroyed by the explosion of a bomb. Is In a state of imbecile collapse, and probably will be succeeded by Gener al Rennenkampf. Admiral Dubassoff, author of the horrors at Moscow, whose leg wrs blown off, has received a present of 1,000,000 roubles (1500,000) from the Czar In compensation, but his repressive zeal Is at an end and h has dectded to spend the rest of his life In foreign watering places. Ex-Minister of the Interior Durno vo took., refuge in Paris, but was practically expelled by M. Clemen ceau for trying to organize a Russian police system there. His where abouts are absolutely unknown. A WOMAN IS TORTURED ROBRKRS APPLY MATCHES TO HER FEET TO FORCE HER TO TELL WHERE MOSEY IS. Liberty, Ind., Sept. 28. A posse composed of Sheriff Charles Weldner, Marshal William Line, Deputy Mar shal Snyder and others is scouring the country about Liberty for two robbers who took $400 from the home of Mrs. Ora Miller last evening after torturing her by burning her feet and setting fire to her clothing in an effort to make her disclose the hiding place of the money. Mrs. Miller is in such a serious condition as a result of her aw.'il experience that she could not tell but little about her assailants to day. Mr. Miller had left the house but a few minutes when the two m-:n walked into the house. Mrs. Mll'ir says Bhe was dragged to the floor by her head, a revolver was thrust In her face, the robbers demanding that she tell where her husband had hid den his money, and warning her not to scream. She protested that her husband had left no money In the house. When they saw that she would not tell, the two men bound and gagged her. While one held her the other then applied matches to her feet. Though the pain was intense she refused to divulge anything. One of the men continued to torture her, choking her, twisting her wrists, burning her feet and limbs and setting fire to her gown. The other ransacked the house for the money. At last Mrs. Miller lost consciousness. When Bhe came to the robbers had gone. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. The magnificent me buildings ol the Harvard Medical School were dedicated yesterday. Washams & Curtis' salmon can neries at Blaln, Wash., were com pletely destroyed by fire yesterday morning. Loss, $40,000. Dr. Joseph Saivnac last night, at Ottawa, Kas., shot his wife and mother-in-law, Mrs. David Mitchell. Both women are in a serious condi tion. Charlemagne Tower, American Ambassador to German, was a pas senger on the steamer Kron Prnz Wilhelm, which arrived yesterday from Bremen. A boat containing 200 persons enp stzed in midstream while crossing the River Indus. The passengers were swept down the stream iind only thirty were saved. Several hundred men and women passengers In the Pennsylvania sta tion la New York, saw a locomotive run over and mangle Charles Tea bout, a colored porter, who tried to cross the track, yesterday, In front of the moving engine. The Mexiran Chamber of Deputies has appropriated $750,000 for the purpose of improving the line of ;h Vera Cruz Railway, a Government property. The Government has also appropriated $250,000 to complete the breakwater at the port of Man lanlllo, on the Pacific coast. MUs F;s!ry Pl'imb, a Goshen actress, formerly of South Bend, Ind., Is pre paring to enter suit against the West ern I'ntnn Tel. -raph Company Co: damages. The company failed : deliver a message snt by her to . th-atrie;.' .n.i.g'T, th-reby raws;:, her to ! an engagement with t !.,'.!:. . : ""!' The lntest in c.-iTirg cards at the Courier office. Job work at PortlanJ prices at the C'Urier office. ROGCB RIVER COURIER GRANTS WILL WED AND SHE LEGACY CATHERINE EMMERLING TO START WEST TO CARRY OUT rOVISION OF WILL. George Gregory Denies All Knowl edge of the Departure of Young Woman to Become Bride. Johnstown, Pa., Sept. 28. Georgi Gregory ot Cenerville, Cal., will not lose his legacy, although his father's will stipulates that he marry Cath erine Emmerllng of Johnstown, Pa., before he could Inherit the fortune. Although Gregory Sr. died but a month ago. Miss Emmerllng has al ready made up her mind to act Im mediately and will leave for Cali fornia tonight. Miss Emmerllng Is an accom plished society woman of this city and Is acting under the full consent ot her father, John Emmerllng, a wealthy brewer. At the Emmerllng mansion no defi nite statement will be given regard ing Miss Emmerllng's plans, and It was from one of her college friends that it was learned that she would go to California. Other members of the family are preparing for a trip and it is possible that her younger sister Stella will accompany her. From another source It Is stated that Miss Emmerllng is having an elaborate wedding trousseau pre pared. Oakland, Cal., Sept. 26. When asked today if he was aware that the bride picked for him by his father was on her way to the coast. George Gregory denied everything connected with the strange provi sions of his father's will, and event went so far as to suggest that lie would attempt to have the document aet aside. BADLY BEATEN FOR SIX CENTS. Man Brutally Rrats His Wife for Spending Six Cents. New York, Sept. 26. Because his wife spent six cents without his per mission William Leonard, of 91 Jer sey street, Paterson, N. J., attacked tho- woman, It Is alleged, and beat her savagely with an ax handle. She is In St. Joseph's Hospital, and ' said to be in a precarious condition. Leonard Ih under arrest. Only a few minutes before the as sault Leonard and two of his child ren were playing ball in the yard ot their home. Leonard went Into tb house and missed six cents he had left on a table. His wife explained that she had sent one of the children to buy some household article. Leon ard became furious, and nelghborr claim to have heard him say: "You produce that money or I'll kill you before the day is over." Weher Is to He Hanged. Sacramento, Sept. 26. Unle;i Governor Tardee intervenes, Adolpli Weber will be hanged at Folso. i prison tomorrow for the murder ol his father, mother, brother and sis ter. He was tried on only one charge. Governor Pardee was asked todtj if he would indicate what action h. will take on the petition for a com mutation of sentence and he replied that he would not discuss the ca.;e It is not believed the Governor will take any action whatever, thus per mitting the law to take Its course. Want Five Pilotage for River. Portland, Ore., Sept. 26. Fr- pilotage across the Columbia rlvni bar, the elimination of pilotage for coastwise vessels carrying a custor.it license, and free docks at Portland, where all craft may moor to dis charge and load cargoes, are featur" of the program for the next session of the Legislature. The granting of these concessions to marine commerce of the port f guaranteed by the Board of Trade. The Courier hat the largest corps of correspondent? of "' na-vr in South- Tne School that places i w m a vuuu rusrnon. La . EUSINTSS COLLEGE 1 -1 fj WAM. e TEMTM STS. JA PORTLAND. OREGON Wriu- direct to i'r;m;,j, itvuiu iu2. W TU0 ua Tw 1 af wwnwwto mm rWtwC) M PASS, OREGON, SEPTEMBER MANY DESERTERS. Carers at Mare Island Lose Men From Barracks. Washington, Sept. 26. Mariuca hive been deserting the barracks on Mare Island at a rate which made it L-icessat. for Brigadier General E. F. Elliott, commanding the Marin? Corps, to detail a second lieutenan' and several experienced enlisted men ai. a sqjd whose sole duty it Is to search San Francisco for deserters from the marine corps. So great has been the demand for laborers in San FranclBco that rep resentatives of labor agencies have been visiting Mare Island urging the rmrlnes to desert the servlco and engage In work In San Francisco, where able-bodied men are paid r. high at $5 a day for wheeling brick and mortar and doing other neces sary work to clean the city of debris. Appeals by the marine corps to the San Francisco police were futile. Th policemen refused to arrest marine" who deserted the service and en xaRed In work In San Francisco. Finally the situation became Eo desperate that the commandant a, Mare Island appealed to General El liott for assistance, and he author ised the creation of the squad, which is patrolling the city and picking up marine deserters. FORGER ADMITS GUILT STEXSLANI) TELLS NEW YORK POLICE HE ONLY TOOK HALF A MILLION. New York, Sept. 26. The discom fort of a night in a narrow and bed less cot which was expressed by Paul O. Stensland, the former president of the Milwaukee-avenue State Bans of Chicago, who was a passenger on the steamer, was followed by addi tional unpleasant details of police examination yesterday. Stensland was lined up at police headquarter with a score of alleged pickpocket' and others who nad been arrested during the night, and was subjected to the customary examination by th detective sergeants. This ordeal over, he was removed to the Identification bureau, where he was measured in accordance with the Bertllllon sys tem, and later his photograph wa taken to be placed on file at police headquarters. An early visitor was Stensland'f son, Theodore. The former bank president spent a sleepless night and was In a condition of seml-pro-tratlon. He tottered rather than walked from his cell to the various offices and leaned heavily upon the supporting arm of his son. Stensland during the night told one of the officers who was watching him that he wanted to go back tc Chicago, and would have done so had he not been arrested in Tangier. "I want to straighten out mat ters," said Stensland. "There Is a good deal behind this case, and I want to show the public that I am not the black sheep I have hoc. painted." Stensland made a voluntary stat" ment to Police Inspector McLaugh lin yesterday. Trembling with emo tion and tears rolling down hl cheeks, the cx-presldent of the bank said: "I made some bad investment" and they did not act as quickly as 1 thought they would. They were not paying. The man under me the cashier I mean took advantage ot the situation and he got more than 1 did. All I got was $500,000, but ! don't know what the other man grt The money I went away with wni i few thousand dollars that I made I a real estate speculation last sun nier. I had been always In hope of paying the money back, but I sup pose all is lost. I am Biifferlni? from asthma. I want to get back tr Chicago Just as quickly as possible." Army to Cook Without Fire. Washington, Sept. 26. I'nder the direction of Commissary General Sharp of tho army, experiments have been made at the practice camps thl summer and fall of a flreless cooker. The cooker has been used by th army for some time In an experi mental way but this fall It has be-:! tried under severe service conditions The results have been particularly satisfactory, both to the officers ot the Commissary Department and to the men In the field. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. f bottles. Does this record lw:lnvd with every r.l 28. 1906. Advance Sale at Smythe's Quality Shop We have just placed on sale an advanced showiug of HOLIDAY CHINA and GLASSWARE. You may think Xtnas is a long way in the future, but the wise shoppers are already beginning to look about them and make their purchases so as to distribute their expense over several months. We have not lost sight of our Staple Grocery, Tea and Coffee lines, and are better prepared than ever to fill your orders. Yours for Good Goods, SMYTHE-GAMBLE CO. 412 Front street. Hair-Riddlo SEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS The Grants Pass Bulletin It is illustrated with half-tone cuts of scenes in the Rogue River Valley and is full of descriptive matter. It Will Cost You Nothing. Just bring or send the names to me and I will mail it free of charge. W. B. SHERMAN The Real Estate Merchant List your property witu me and I will advertise it in the BULLETIN Iree of charge. THE FASH ON LIVE HY and SALE STABLES OILMORE & BOREN, Proprietors. II Ktreet between Fifth and Sixth 1'iioms 8H1 Grants Pass, Oregon Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic of merit appeal to you ? bottle is Tei Cent package of Grove's Phone 431. Miss China Lee You soon will see Is just as neat as she can be. The reason why You soon will spy: CHI-NAMEL is her old standby. CHI-NAM EL is a liquid finish for floors, interior woodwork and furniture that is far superior to any other made. It is used by the Chinese to give that fine brilliant finish to their bamboo and other wares, which withstand bending and banging, without cracking or mar ring the brilliant and glossy finish. It comes In all the hardwood finishes, such as Oak, Walnut, Cherry, Mahogany, Rosewood, Satinwood, etc., and will withstand hot and cold water and soap. We will boil it In water for you or pound it with a hammer, and will guarantee that what we sell you will stand the same test FOR SALE ONLY BY Hardware Co. . . . FEED No Cure. No Pay. iCc, tl Butrk Kwl Uer Mis.