' ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. SEPTEMBER 7, 190. g--,,,,MZ' ' WwiW I ! -ROGUE RIYDR COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates! One Tear, la advance, Six Months, Three Months, Bingle Copies, .78 .40 .06 Advertising Rate Famished on application at the office, or by mail. Obituaries and resolutions of con dolence will be charged for at Sc per line; card of thank 60c. A. E. VOORHIES, Pbopr. Entered at the post office at Grants Pass, Oregon, as second-clan mail matter. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1806. -BECAUSE OF CREAMERY VALLEY IS PROSPEROUS Illinois Vsvlley Cree-mery Com; pelted to Increase Equipment. CHURCH NOTICES. Newman M. E. Church. In tbe morning at II the pastor, O. O. Beckman, will receive tbe cum of probationers into fall membership. This will be preceded by a brief ad dress to the class. In tbe evening at 7 :30 tbe subject of the sermon will be "Near to tbe Goal" Tbe Sunday school meets at 10 a. m. Class meet ing 13 m. Junior League at 3 p. m. Epworth League at 8:80. Strangers and friends are ever welcome. ACCOMPLISHED DARING FKAT. That the Illinois Valley creamery la Increasing the number of its patrons is proven by tbe fact that 2T large cream cans were received at tbe depot bare Monday from Portland and billed to Matheson & Johnson, Kerby, who are the owners of this, the only creamery in Josephine county. I. was only two months ago that a previous shipment of cream cans was received by the Illinois Valley Creamery and that another lot was required so soon is proof that tbii creamery is a suc cess Matbeson & Johnson started their creamery last Spring and only had tbe ceram from a small number of cows, but the number baa steadily in creased and it Is certain that with the opening of next Spring that the cream from fully 300 cows will be bad. Many farmers are planning to be able to snpply cream to the creamery dur Ing the Winter months when tbey have more time to care for their cows and to deliver the cream, and the price is also better then than in the Spring and Summer. So far the 111! noia Valley Creamery baa not been able to send but little batter to the Grants Pass markets, the local de mand taking all that can be made, and at a good price. Rev. Travis Resigns. Rev. Joseph B. Travis, at tbe even ing service last Sunday announced bis resignation as pastor of tbe First Baptist church, to take effect October 1. He will then take month In rest and preparing to leave for San Fran cisco, where he baa accepted a call as superintendent of the Baptist city missions. This call was extended to Mr. Travis last November but at the time be declined, preferring to remain with the Church at Grants Pass. Since that time he has been continu ously urgel to accept and finally yielded to the appeals. Since the ac ceptance of the call he has received ao urgent call from Seattle to come to that field and take charge of the Bap tist city missionary work. Mr. Travis has been pastor of the Baptist church in Grauts Pass for over two years, preaching bis first sermon early in July, '0-4, ccniicg to this place from Rochester, N. Y., where he had been laboring in the Parcells Avenue church since lfiJ, from that time up to 1809 while studying in the Rochester theological seminary, and in May of that year Incoming its pastor. Since coming to (rant Pas Mr. Travis has Vei n able to aoctinplish a gnat work for bis dumb ami for the community at large, and liis h aving will ln a n grc t to all irrespictive i f creed or dcuoniit ation. This Summer lie completed building a handsome resilience on Seventh strict and he and his family have enjoyed living miller their own roof only a few in out lis. Tie Couriir cflice this week has lut'ii favored with fruit and water melons. E. V. Adams a few days ago brought iu a goodly numU-r of as Hue flavored peaches as it has been our good fi.riau" to late. Of tin ir keep ing iiuaiitiea, however, we are un able to sptak, inasmuch as they ouly laoted a part of one afternoon. As we go to press this week there repose on a shelf under the composing stone, two two-foot watermelons that will weigh in tbe neighborhood of 85 pouuds each. The melous will be carved w hen the paper is on the press and J. II. Lawton, and J. C Christie, the donors have our thanks. These melons and the one brought in by A Umphlette a few days ago, help'ua to realise that Rogue River melons are tbe best that can be grown. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, Blind.; Bleeding. Protrud ing Piles. Druggists are authorised to refund money if PAZO OINT MENT fails to cure in 6 to U days. ) entv Miners' blinks at the Conner office. Presbyterian Church. Next Sabbath tbe themes both morning and evening will be practi- oal, timely and bearing a vital educa tion to present day conditions. Evan P. Hughes, the Pan tor, will speak morning and evening. 11 a m tbeme "Tbe Greatest Truth of all Ages Tbe Utilisation of Waste Prodncts" :80 pTm. theme " Honest Speech and a Clean Straight Life." 10 a.m. the Sabbatb school, tinder tbe sup erintendency of H. O. Kinney; (1:80 p. m. Devotional Hoar of tbe Y. P. S. O. E. Servioes in this church are short, bright, helpful. Good mnsio always forms a prominent feature, and a hearty, cordial welcome awaits everyone, especially any strangers in tbe oity. Jurors For Sept. 1906 Term. O O Edwards, laborer, Grants Pass. O P Harvey, merchant. Grants Pass. J O Gibson, clork, Grants Pass. J D Fry, banker. Grants Pass. A O Ford, farmes, Merlin. Ed F Hathaway, fanner, Dryden. J W Leitb, farcer, Murphy. C E McLane, merchant, Grants Pass. Hank Parks, farmer, Eerby. Carl Johnson, farmer. Holland. P. P. Payne, farmer, Holland.. Albert Lovelace, farmer, Williams. Bert Adams, miner, Eerby. 8 A Carter, farmer, Eerby. M H Gates, farmer, Holland. James Hocking, farmer, Wilder ville. J D Drake, carpenter. Grants Pass. George S. Calhoun, merchant, Grants Pass. A M Buncb, farmer, Murphy. F E Barrett, farmer, Eerby. W O Anderson, farmer, Wilderville. Sherman Jees. farmer, Wilderville. T P Cramer, merchant. Grants Pass. David Brigga, miner, Holland. A. 8. Barnes, jeweler, Grants Pass. W R Nipper, real estate agent. Grants Pass. J L Pierce, farmer. Grants Pass. RP Cheshire, mill man, Grants Pass. , F M Miller, miner, Grants Pass. Joseph Rauch, blacksmith, Grants Pass. David Hoack, Jr., farmer, Holland. Advertised Letters. Tbe following is a list of litters re maining uncalled for in tbe post office at Grants Pass for the week ending September 1st, 1906. Parties calling for the same will please give date advertised. Adams, Oscar. Banard, A F. Hanberg, D G. Kinder..CeciL Laharty, Mrs. McKissick, Mrs. Newport, Roy. Oliver, MatMe. Oliencbain, Mrs. Pernell. Mrs Nancy. Sherman, H S (2). " Turck, G. Tot ten J J. C. E. HARMON, P. J R. geologists Climb to Crater of Mount Collma Volcano. City of Mexico, Sept , S. With Jhelr bodies severely burned by the fires of Mount Collma volcano, four teen adventurous delegates to the International Congress of Geologists, which meets In this city this week, reached here yesterday. The trip to the crater of the volcano was a peril ous oae. It had never been accomp lished before by anyone, although several attempts to scale the precipi tous mountain had been made. The members of the party of mountain climbers went about tbelr work methodically. They estab lished camps at different points on the ascent and made a certain amount of progress each day until tbe summit was finally reached. The volcano was pouring forth great vol umes of smoke, but this did not deter the erplorers from advancing to the very edge of the crater. A hot and sudden blast of fire from the depths below badly scorched the bodies of the men, and they beat a hurried retreat. Railway Company Big Loser by Fire. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. . Th loss on the power house of the Kan sas City and Leavenworth Railway Company at Wolcott, Kas., fifteen miles west of Kansas City, which was destroyed by fire last night, ta placed at $150,000. The Insurance la Tl per cent of the loss. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Hood River After Foreign Trade. Hood River not content with cap turing tbe markets of the Eastern States, England, France and tier many, getting the highest price paid for apples for their fancy pack of Spitzenbergs and Newtowns, is now after the Trans-Pacific trade in tbe big cities of Siberia, Japan and; China. Their latest scheme to build up tbelr sales in tboee countries is putting fancy printed labels instead ( of plain labels on tbe apples. A large shipment that is to go to a big firm in Vladivostok, Siberia, has on the wrapper for each apple printed in Russian a description of the apple and i where grown and the firms name and address that Is to sell tbe fruit When it comes to successfully ad-, vertising their fruit and pushing it tales the Hood River orcbardists lead tbe growers of the country and tbe fabulous prices tbey are now receiv ing for their apples proves that lit pays to advertise and to do it thor oughly. Why Fret and Worry when your child baa a severe cold. Yon need not fear pneumonia or other pulmonary disesea. Keep supplied with Ballard's Horehound Syrup positive core for Colds, Coughs, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Mrs. Hill of Sioux Falls, S. D., writes: "I have used your wonderful Ballard's Hore hound Syrup, on my children for five years. Its results have been wonder ful." Sold by National Drug Co., aod Ro term nod. 1. "T CLASSIFIED ADS. FALL SHOES ARE HERE The above illustration repre sents one of our new shoes for fall wear. It is a perfect fitter and never fails to give the best of satisfaction as to service. This Shoe is made of the best grade of patent colt, welt sole and medium military heel, button and lace. Many Other Styles for $3.50 I R.L.BARTLETT Howard Building Sixth Street Fine Shoe Repairing a Specialty. MISCELLANEOUS. MRS. H. W. STARKE at 423 E St., is prepared to do dressmaking ; will " also color and renovate old clothes ' at reasonable rates. 2t GE1 September prices srouDi. U'Dinets ana work at the New Front Street. on Family all portrait Pboto Studio, 9-7 2t i Rextee to Buffalo. International Convention of tits' Christian Church, Buffalo, N. Y., Oc tober 12th to 17th, 1906. For the above occasion round trip tickets will be on sale from Gruts Pass, nnder the following condition! One way through Portland, and out way through California, 98.00; botl FRANK BURNETT Upholstering, ways through Portland, $93.45. mission furniture made to order. STRAYED. Soldiers of Warsaw, Russia, last ! night killed four citizens and made wholesale arrests In different parts ot the town. Official announcement was made by Eagene E. Schmlti of San Fraoclsec yesterday that he was not a candi date for Governor, on the Republi can ticket. The west bound Los Angeles limit ed on the Union Pacific railroad, was wrecked yesterday morning at Red Butte, Wyoming. None of the pas sengers were Injured. r. Francis R. Beattle, one of the most wlijfly known ministers in the Presbyterian church, and President of the Presbyterian Theological Sem- FOR SALE. GOATS 60 Angora Goats. M. Braat, Grants Pass, near Wilderville. 9-7 2c FOR SALE OR RENT New 5-room cottage on A street near Second. Apply on premises. M. D. r'ollctt. 8-81 2t ! ESTRAY Six head of bogi came to my ranch, known as tne cnaosse place on Jerome prairie, about July 25. Sow marked with crop on left ear and double cut on right ear. Owner pay charges and -damages. Lee Simmons, P. O. box 66, Grants Pass, Ore. 8-10 5t 0. R. & N. TIME SAVER THOROUGHBRED hogs for sale. J. Wilderville. Poland Cbina j H. Robinson, : 8-81 tf Sale dates October 6th and 6'A Limits : Going transit limit ten din from date of sale, final return limit November 15tb, 1906. t M. McMURRAY. G. P. A. Underwood E. Voorbies. Typewriter agent-A. FOR SALE S-in Bain wagon and i single seat Studebaker buggy. Both nearly new. Address Box 600, Grants Pass, or call on F. J. Rosers ; on Wheeler place. 8-31 tf Chicago 17 Hours Nearer Via This Popular Route. FOR SALE Firstc lass Water fan, cost 12. Sell for to. Courier office. Inary. died suddenly yesterday at hU j FQR SALENew five.room honw and two lota, fence and outbuild ings, good residence; corner Walnnt aod Pine. No. 204. price (650. M. residence In Louisville, Ky A street car crashed into a heavy van yesterday, between Ulmer Park and Coney Island. Six were badly hurt, several of whom may die.' A score of others were severely Injured. Motorman Hanson says he did not see the truck. Floods have devastated a large sec tion of the Behar district la India. Whole villages have been obliterated. great areas of crops have been de-1 stroyed and the Indigo crop is ruined. j There are nine feet of water on the ; low lying lands. The inhabitants have sought refuge In the hills. j Neither Cans nor Nelson made I their appearance yesterday after j their terrible battle of Monday. Nel- j son Is badly battered and will stay j indoors until he can leave Ooldfield. ' Gans will go to San Francisco to coa-1 aider a theatrical engagement. Gans says that he was offered flB.000 to let Nelson win, but he wouM not say Who made the offer. Franklin was right when he said "Lost time is never found again." The O. R & N.. in addition to giv ing you 200 miles along the matchless Columbia river, saves you 17 hours to Chicago. It U the Short line to Lewiston. Short line to Palonse country. Short line to Spokane. fthnrt. linA frt tha Pianr A AlnnA 810 tf country. Shoit line to Salt Lake city. Short line to Denver. Short line to Kansas City. Short line to Omaha. Short line to Chicago. Short line to all points East. Three trains east daily, 9:15 a. m. ; 8:15 p. m. and 6:15 p. m. Tbe"Chica- ROOMS Two donble and two single ' go-Portland Special" is ai fine as tbe rooms newly furnished, with orjfinet. Every comfort of home, without board. Ida Hurt, 719 D j For particulars ask any agent of tbe stieet. 9-7 2t Southern Pacific Company or wvte ; ; WM. McMURRAY, general passenger FOR RENT The only hotel in Cen- agent, Portland, Or. 8-24-5t J. Young, P. O. box 178. GOATS Two thoroughbred Angora bncks, oney?arliog 7 lb clipper, and one 2-year-old 10 lb clipper, for sale at a bargain if taken soon ; address F. A. Pierce. Merlin. Ore. 8-24,tf Prescriptions FOR RENT. tral Point Oregon. Address Dr. C. R. Ray. Tolo, Oregon. 8-17 4t TYPEWRITER Almost new type writer for rent by the week or month. A. E. Voorbies. 810 tf Economy Jars and Caps, tbey are self sealing, for sale by Cramer Bros. OFFICE ROOM for or J. YT. Howard rent Courier 8-3 tf We State Morma.1 School. wibIi to commend the Normal THREE THINGS Honesty Accuracy Intelligence Are a part of every prescription it fill. The doctor doesn't write then down with the other ingredien! because of tacit understanding tlu they are to go in always, and In knows that they will go in who you bring his order to ns. Model DrugStoff Front Street. building. Apply to A. E. Voorhies school at Ashland to those desirine to fit themselves for teaching, for bosi- ness or to add to their general cnlture. ' FOR RENT The McDonough ranch of 500 acres, theO'Hara ranch of 280 The school is vigorous in tone, health ful in morals and effective in results. M. Account Oregon State Fair at Salem. September 10th, to 1.1th inclu sive, tickets will be ou sale to all points at one ami one-third fare for round trip on Sopteuibet Uth, 10th. Uth, I'Jlli. liltlt. Uth, and loth, with a An ul return limit of Sept uiber lrtth. Children of half fare age, one half of the iilnive rate. Wiu. McMURRAY, U. P. A. 8-10 f t National Convention Knights of Pythias. New Orleans, " Louisiana. October rth, to -.'Mb, 11KW. For the above occasion round trio tickets will tie cn sale from Grants Pass under the following conditions : (a) Both ways via Southern Pa cific and El Paso, f75.85. (b) Both ways via Portland, Den ver and Texline, 13. tc) Both ways via Portland, Kan sas City and St. I aid is, or St. Paul and St. Louis. flM.SO. (d) Both ways via Portland and Chicago, 1101.10 Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit No vember 15th. Stopovers will be granted in either direction within limit of tickets at points west of St. Louis.fruid Chicago. Rates fortickets goingvia routes B. C. cr D, returning via California or vice versa, will be 113.50 higher than tbe Portland, rate via route used. Wm. McMURRAY. O. P. A. Lights of I rlsco. Miss Grace Aylesworth, the talented young leading lady who will appear at the Opera House next Friday night in the big tcenio melodrama "Lights of Frisco," is sn actreai of more than ordinary ability. She is gifted with strong personal maKnetiaui and physi cal beauty. Miss Aylesworth has played many star pirta in big New York productions during the past six' seasons, and was especially engaged to play the part of "Rose, the flower girl," iu "Lights of Fris-o" this sea son. "I-ighto of Frisco" is a big, new scenic productii n. written by the well kiRiwu Eastern author, Joub P. Lockupy, and his plays are always interixtiug to lovers of mtlodrama. The principal scenes of "Lights of Frisco" are laid in tbn big Pacific Coast metropolis after nightfall, aud record the ftrans duincs of the peol iar Chiuatowu inhabitants alter dark. The appeal a lice of this attraction here will I one of the theatrical events of the season, and people who wish to see the prrfcraiaucs should secure their seats early. Reserved ' seats are on sale at Herman Horning's. acres and the Bardeo ranch of 804 acres, also smaller ranches. These ranches rank among the best in Southern Oregon and are adapted for alfalfa, grain and general farm ing and stock purposes. Address Dr. C. R. Ray, Tolo, Oregon. 8-17 4t WANTED. WANTED To rent for several mouths, larties' wheel iu good condition. Cull at Courier office. 8-31 3t WANTED Grain Sacks, Tools and other second-hand giola. Harrison Kros., Second hand-store, corner Sixth and J streets. 2-a tf C. L. -NOEL of Odsa wants lopjrers and timber cutters to deliver 2,oo0. ino feet of lops to null by contract before snow flics; short haul, level roads, cne 4 -horse teniii, two trucks, chaius, etc. furnished. Also left band 3-iians filter wanted. Write Last year thirty four young people graduated and are already engaged to teaching the schools of the state in de sirable positions. Next year should I rove the best f f the school's history. Large improvements are being made in the way of library, apparatus, wa ter system and heatinR plant amount ing to some ?S0O0.00. The training school is well equipped and the vari-, ous departments throughout presided over by specialists. Board cane had for i.50 per week. A catalogue can le had by addressing ! B. T. MULKEY. Preisdent, or W. T. VauScoy, Secretary. , Fruitgrowers of Rogue River Villey . ASHLAND Commercial College Ashland, Orcfon Complete and thorough training in the Commercial, Shorthand and English branches. Every New, Up-to-date Fea ture. Individual Instruction The expenses are the lowest and the advantages the best. Our graduates are employed and more demanded. Note Our Special Cffer 1 Students who enter Sept. 4, and secore a nine months' scholarship for too.Ot) will be entitled to at tend to July 1, HK)7. Address, Aihland Commercial Collect. or call at mill Odessa. Ore. 8 8 tf tnid the Courier of special interest HELP WANTED. HOP PICKERS WANrEI)-40pikers at the Rehkorf yard. Address J. T. Payne and Berry, Aplegate, Ore 8-3 ot ' 1 Children In Pain cry as do children HOP FICKERS-100 Tickers wanted at my yard, six miles down the river. Pick inn to commence Sect. . I. Addrers Mrs. M. Ranzaa. tt-3 ot WANTED First class farm band who also understands the care of orchard; good wages and steady job to right man. Dr. C.R.Ray. Tolo, Ore. 8-17 4t Grants Pass Feed Store C L. GILLETT,Propr. t All Kinds of Flour, Feed, Mill Feed, Hay, Grai , Poultrv Foods, Etc. LOST. never cry as do children who are suffering! from huoirer. Such is the cause of all babies who cry aod are GOLD WATCH-Ladies small site, jOT. 6th and T Sta . . .. : huntins cane, nraimnm T.W n- bunting: case, monogram LMV on 1 case. Return to Billiard hall and ' receive reward. g-8i tf ; treatea for -sickness,' when tbey really are suffering from hunger. This is ransel from thatr tiirtA nnt twin . - initiated but devoured by worms. A , FR,M 'r,1in, '..few "".'I below .Jnt8 few do of White's Cream Vermifuge i dil&.Zl will cause them to cease crying and che.-ks, etc Retorn to Mrs. Edwin ! begin to thrive at once. Get a trial 1 McCormick. rare ths paper and i For sale by National Drug Co, and ' re,ve reward. j Reterniund. SACKS AND HIDES BOUGHT Grants Pass, Or The Courier is the Josephine County. farmers' paper I TO EXCHANGE. 1 TO TRADE A fine horse, of pounds, for sheep P. O. Box 643, Gi 1650 or goata. Address JCH00L POOKJ School upplie urn GMBiii VL.L.I lUU