VOL. XXII. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1906. No. 22. WILL FEAST ON MELONS AND FRUIT Visitor at Fruit Growers Matting. Have Opportunity to Test Rogue River Products. It is planned that Grants Para will entertain in a manner creditable to ( the town that is the commercial metropolis of Southern Oregon, the ' guests that will be In the city next Monday to attend the Frnit Growers meeting. There will be an unusual number of prominent persons from abroad in the city on that day. Among these will be Dr. James Withycombe, Prof. A. B. Cordley and Prof. C. I. Lewis of the State Agri cultural College; E. H. Shephard, manager of the Hood River Frnit Growers Unon, A. J. Mason, one of Hood River's, largest and most suc cessful orohardiits; H. E. Lounsbury, of Portland, district freight agent and H. A. Henahaw, traveling freight agent for the Southern Pacifio ; S. A. Herrio, of Portland, of the Amour Refrigerator Car Company; A. J. Leland, traveling agent for the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. From Ashland is expected President A. L. Irwin, Manager A. L. Kitchen and Secretary M. C. Lininger of the Ashland Frnit & Produce Association and from Medford President S. L. Bennett and Manager J. A. Perry, of the Rogoe River Fruit Growers Union, and J. D. dwell, the well known fruit raiser and bayer. C. E Haskins of Gold Hill, who has a state reputation as a scientific orobardist and originator of new varieties of cherries and other fruits will attend as will also a nnmber of other of the Jackson ooonty frnit raisers. The visitors will be given a gener ous treat of watermelons, cantaloups, oassabas, peaches and grapes to give them a demonstration of what Rogoe River Valley can prodooe in that line. And it is planned to have an exhibit of apples, . pears and other fruits both ripe and green at the meeting. As many farmers are not able to recognize the various pests an exhibit of them will be made and orobardists are expeoted to bring in samples of pests as well as of fruits and other things of interest to froit raisers. That the visitors may see that Rogoe River Valley is a land of flowers as well as of fruit, it is de sired that the ladies as'ist the recep tion committee in makiug a fine dis play of roses and other flowers. I The meeting will be held in the room of the Grants Pass Miners Asso ciation as it is well Baited for the purpose. There will be ample seatB for those attending and table space for holding the exhibits. There will be forenoon, afternoon and evening sessions and all who are interested in the froit industry are invited to attend. As fine fruit is of interest to the ladies they will be made wel come at the meeting and then there are many women who are successfully managing orchards. The develop ment of so profitable an industry as that of froit will be in this county with the increase of wealth that it will bring makes it a matter of im portance that the business men of Grants Pass give it every encourage ment possible and to that end they should attend the sessions Monday. From Grants Pass the speakers will go to Provolt where Tuesday a froit growers meeting will be held, with Wednesday at Murphy and Thorsdar at Wilderville. lhere will be evening sessions in addition to the day ses sions at Provolt and Murphy. Basket dinners will be held at the Murphy Sell Real Estate f and Wilderville meetings. The meet ing for Friday has been changed from Lee school boose to Woodville as hop picking is at its beighth in that dis trict. The business men of Woodville and the farmers about there are mak ing preparations for a meeting that will be well attended and the equal of any of the others. The series of meetings will be closed at Merlin where forenoon and afternoon sessions will be held Saturday and this meet ing will be a success too as the citi zens of that hustling town are makiog ample preparations for it. FRUIT-GROWERS TO HOLD MEETINGS At Six Plaices Next Week, the First to Be Held at Grants Pass. That the Hood River Froit Growers Union at their annual sale last week got $3 a box for their Spitzenbcrg ap ples and 12.25 for their Newtowns of this year's crop f. o. b. Hood River, has given a greater impetus to the fruit industry in Rogue River Val ley. Rogoe River growers will not get that price for trier apples this year though it is conceded by experts that apples can be grown here that folly equal those of Hood River in quality, color and keeping, for they are not up on raising or advertising their froit like those hustlers of the north. Bnt the time is not distant when Spitzenberg and Newtown apples can be sold at Grants Pass for Hood River prices for the growers of this county are awakening to the necessity of using more skill and care in grow iug the trees, pruning, thinning. picking, grading, paoking and in ad vertising their froit. It is with the object in view of educating the farmers of this seoiton of Rogoe River Valley in the art of raising apples and pears that will go as fanoy pack that the series of six fruit growers meetings were arranged for by tbe Grants Pass Froit Growers Union and whieb will be held nasi week under the joint aospioes of the Union and of the State Agrloultoral College. These meetings will be held at Grants Pass, Provolt, Mur phy, Wilderville, Woodville and Mer lin in the order Hatred that for Grants Pass being on Monday and Merlin on Saturday. The best array of talent will be at these meetings that ever was at a fruit glowers meeting in Southern Oregon. As the Rogue Rievr or chardists are particularly desiroax to learn the Hood River methods of srowing and marketing fruit the ad dresses of E. H. Shephard mauager of the hood River Froit Growers Union, and of A. J. Mason, one of the largest and moat successful orchardists of that famous district, will be of special interest. Then the very practical talks of Dr. Withycombe, Prof Cord ley and Prof. Lewis, from the Experi ment station of the Agricultural College, will be of valoe to every per son who is striving to raise high grade froit. Then it is expected that a number of prominent orchardists of Jackson county will be present to give their experience in rasiing Rogoe River froit. For Fire Insurance The O. F. R. A. of McMinnville are the cheapest and have 12 years standing without a peer in Oregon for settling fire losses. That tells the tale. Don't be deceived by other asenta who have selfish motives. In no event will it cost yoo more thao the standard stock companies charge per annum. H. B. HENDRICKS, Agt Grants Pass, Ore. 7-27 tf AND Y Rent Houses t W. L. IRELAND, UfQ Real Estate Man. Ground Floor, Courier Bldg. Grants Pass. - Oregon. t HOOD RIVER GETS $3.00 A BOX FOR APPLES Revises Fancy Fruit and Makes Big Profit, Rogue River Could Do Sevme. The Hood River Fruit Growers Union inaugurated three years ago the plan of sjlling their apple crop on a sale day to the highest bidder for cash f.o.b. Hood River station. Un der this plan the onion fixes a datfe on which its board of directors will open bids and award the sale of their froit and notices to that effect are sent to all the buyers of the world. This year the union set Monday, August 20, as the date for opening bids for their apples. Bid were filed by many large buyers and two of the biggest New York firms and who are the largest fruit dealers In the world, E. P. Loomis & Co. and Rau & Hatfield were represented by the heads of the firms who came to Hood Kiver to Inspect the orchards and then to bid on the fruit Loomis & Company were the success ful bidders and thsy pay for the apples a record breaking price and the pay ments are made as fast as the cars are loaded. Of the details of this record breaking sale of apples the following is from the Hood River Glacier and the subjoined article is by tbe Hood River correspondent of the Oregonian: "The superiority of the Hood River apple over that of other fruit has been fully demonstrated by tbe sales of Hood River froit which have taken place here in the last few days. While buyers who have been here to bid on Hood River fruit have bought fine quality Ben Davis apples in Missouri which tbey say can bo de livered in. Europe thij year for f2 a barrel a three bushel barrel at that Hood River frnit has sold for more than that for box froit containing one bushel. Buyers wbo have traveled the country over from coast to coast estimate the orop this year at 72,000 000 barrels as against 29,000,000 last y ear."- Larger they ' say than the fa moos orop of 1896 which year previous to this one broke all records for ap ples. Still they bave come west for apples and bave paid for them prices that exoeeded the expectations of the most sanguine. "While it cautiot be learned exactly what was paid for the crop of apples disposed of by the Apple Growers' Union Monday, those in a position to know say that it will average higher than last year which was the highest known in the history of apples grow ing in Hood River. Purchases made by buyers independent of the union in the lat few days -brought the top notch price of $3 per box for Spitzen bergs and 12.25 for Newtowns and it is said that the onion has received a higher price than this for these var ieties of apples. The union's fruit was bought by the firm of E. P. Loomis & Co. who were the highest bidder, winning oot over Rue & Hatfield, who last year handled the product of the uoion. The purchase of the Loomis company will iuclode about 65 cars of 40,000 boxes and Is the largest purchase of apples ever made by one firm at Hood River. This does not include the entire Pro duct of the Apple Growers' Union, bot when it is known that the entire production of the valley last year was only 60,000 boxes, it will readily be seen how moch more froit will be shipped from Hood River this year than last and how much greater the returns will be to growers. In fact it is estimated at dooble or aboot 120,000 boxes for all varieties. "Without tbe increase io price which growers are said to have re ceived this year, and taking tbe average price per box for last year's fruit the app'e crop of Hood River should be wortb 1 100, 000 more than it was then. 4 'Any Increase added to this will make the figures run op very rapidly and show a marked increase in the valley's revenue. "While the officers of the onion will not at present make any statement as to the exact prices received they say that the sale has been a most satis factory one, but that for business reasons tbey do not care to announce tbem as yet, but will do so later. "Tbe bidders will not make any statement in regard to tbeir bids as some of the unsocceeifnljones are still in the market for some of the Hood River fruit and naturally consider it bad business policy to make koown tbe amount oftheir bidswben they are still trying to purchase from In dependent growers. It can be stated however, on the authority of one of Hood River's most astute apple men that when the price Is known it will be the most conclusive evidence of the soperiority of Hood River apples that has ever been given and settles, he says, for all time the question as to the future of Hood River apples. " Predictions by applebuyers and growers that the price of Hood River's fancy fruit woold be lowered this year on account of the bumper apple orop, both io the East and tbe West were rudely upset when it became known that the highest price ever paid for the fruit was obtained here Monday. Just what the price is ' cannot be known as the direotiors of the Apple Growers' Union are not prepared at present to give it out. It is s'ated. however, that it is probably over 3 a box. The meeting of the direotors of tbe union to receive bids was not concluded nntil a very late hour Monday night aod while nothing could be learned from 'them exoept that the apples were sold, events that transpired during the day indicate that they brooght the record price. Early Monday, consternation was thrown into the ranks' of the apple bidders by the announcement that tbe Davidson Froit Company had bought several crops of applss for whiob they had paid as high as $3 a box. This caused other buyers to readjust tbeir bids and is said to have been the di rect cause of seodlng the price of Hood River apples to a higher price than they bave ever gone before, for New York buyers real lied that unless they made a higher price than the Davidson Company, the oontrul of Hood River's fancy froit might pass out of their bands. It is therefore said that the firm of E. P. Loomis & Co., who secured tbe froit, must have paid more than the price offered by the DavidBon Company. While the bidding requires that the bids must be tested, bidders are allowed to make any number of bids. So that Loomis & Co. , learning of the much higher price than' they had ex pected for the apples, boosted it to a figure high enough to secure tbem. The Davidson Fruit Company's par- chase was in tbe neighborhood of 1000 boxes for which they paid 3 per box for Spitzenbergs and 2.25 for Newtowns. George Rae, of the firm of Rae & Hatfield, who were the next highest bidders to Loomis & Co., and who handled the product of the Apple Growers Union last year, said that while lie regretted very moch that his firm did not get fie fruit, their hid was as high as his firm cared to go in view of the enormous apple crop in sight. When asked what maintained the extraordinarily high price for apples grown in the Hood River valley, when it was known that thora was so much fine froit in other localities this year, Mr. Kae said: "The keeping qualities of the Hood River apples Is what brings their big price. I have seen other apples in the West that looked just as good and tasted just as good as Hood River froit, bot they di not, as a rule, stand the test of time. That is tbe secret of their success. When other apples bave been all sold and shipped, the Hood River article is still in prime condition. I do not care to make kuown what my bid was this year. It is a matter of confidence and will remain unknown until announced by the Apple Growers Union." E. P. Loomis, who was the success ful bidder ior his firm, while very mocb pleased io having secured the union's apples said he did not oare to annonuce the price today. MORE GOOD ROADS TO BE BUILT Clatsop County Joins Ke Procts sion of Progress Josephine Soon Do Likewise. Clatsop county and Astoria bave taken op tbe work for good roads in a manner that assures highways for that county that will be passable for tbe entire year and give the city the benefit of an increased trade from the outlying districts. Clatsop county is heavily timbered aud in the wettest section of Oregon and road building is more of a problem thao here in Josephine ooonty, where nature has t done so much and man so little for securing roads that are not a canal of mod in the Winter and sifting bank of dost in the Sommer months. , Four years ago Clatsop coanty bought a large portable sawmill and with the plank it has oat a number of fine plank roads bare been built. Bot rock roads have been foond to be more economical where heavy travel is had and two years ago the ooonty bought a crusher. Bot a road covered with lcose rock left for the vehicles to pack down with the sorfaoe full of chnckholea and rots was foond to be an expensive effort a'id of little value as a modern highway. Re cently the city of Astoria itoruhased a 16-ton steam roller at a cost of I850O, that is a road roller, traction and stationary engine combined. Some firstclass road and street work is be ing done this Summer and within a few years Astoria will have streets and Clatsop ooonty roads that will be Thomas & O'H Homes Furnished Complete BalWsction juuaraniccai i- . Our Motto NOT CHEAP GOODS BDT GOOD GOODS CHEAP Bargain Values Again This Jeek-Come and see for yourself HOP-PICKERS IENTS and outfits XAVJr 4.UJ-jXVO Complete Utile prices rule. APPLE PARERS and SUCERS-Get our prices on Machine Parers pares, slices, cores and throws off the apple in ouly three turns of the crank; a fine one. Special Drive In GO-OART8 a 14.60 cart For $2 9 All prices up to $16.00. TKHNK8 A few to close 20 Disoouut 9.00 goods for $7.20 - . Table Oil f cloth White aud Colored. SINK STRAINERS 25c LU.iICH BASKETS all sizes lOo up to 40c L E M O N SQUEEZERS IOc GLASS HOWLS heavy Imitation cut 7 inch 13c nice big line Pickle Dishes no, Butter Dish 10c, 4 p loco Hots 40e, Jollies 10c. Vass, very pretty new stylos, lOo, 25c, H5o. - THIS STOVE $S.50 Our hui.eR are unsurpassed. Let us show you the best Range for tbe loiist money that can be had.-' A handsome GOLDEN OAK Finished ARM ROOKER, full saddle shaped soat, $1.98. You cannol afford to miss our Furniture Bargains. CARPET NEWS prompt attention, seldom offered, that room for a lit now ART BROS- fabric; wears like nT and greens. To Introduce these goods we offer them for 60c per yard, reg ularly 65c. A few patterns in short lengths, suitable to make rugs or squares of, 20 to 60 per cent off. We have the following Second-hand Goods to dispose of at prices to suit. They consist it part of : 1 Steel Range, 1 Desk, 2 Spring Mattresses, S Iron Beds, 2 Steel Cook fctovee, 2 Heating Stoves, Tubs, Oraultewaro, Fry Pans, I-aundry Irons, Kitchen Utensils, Stove Pipe and a lot of other articles Oil tf KAiU THOMAS The Store for permanent and be passable at all seasons of the year and which will attract the better class of settlers and bring in Investors who will add to the taxable wealth of the oouuty. When Josephine county gets a system of modern roads then will modern, proeperoos farms replaoe the hundreds of poverty stricken, ill kept places that now give proof to a belief that this is not an aglcol toral section, the fow good farms being confined to extra choice loca tions. Jackson county, which has Identically the same soil and climate aud no greater area of arable land than has Josephine county, is build ing a system of maoxduui rnnds that can not be exoelled and which are the leading faotor in bringing tbe pros perity to that county that Iihs given it au assessed valuation of 112,600,000 and made farm land sell readilv for 75 to $2U0 and orohard land f500 to l00(i au aore aod towns that are as thriving as any in Oregon. 1 Money Back. If You Want It TINWARE Speclal Double Boiler 60c, Cups 2 for 6c, Pie Plates 2 for 6c, Water Falls 15c and 20o. , A full line. Teaspoons lOodos Tablespoons 30c " Rolling Pins 10c Cake Tumors 10c .' Clothes Pins 1 oent for 1 dozen DC . HI Towol Arms lOo French Ctke or Egg Beater 20 and 2!o Wire Dish Covers l.ro to 25o Skimmers 3o or 2 for 6o ALARM CLOCKS 33 hours $1 00; good value. Leonard Cluan ahle, best made, 8 wulls Don't miss this If you need a Rof rlgerator 20i Discount to close the season. 8-qt White Mountain Freezers for $4.00 a burgalu. SILVER PLA- TED WAKE. Wo offer this week a trlplo-plutod Knife and Fork for $2.60 per set Teaspoons for 1.00 set Tablespoons for 2.00 set Dessert Spoons for 1 75 set A full line of beautiful new pat terns, exceptional values. worthy o f your A saving opportnnlty A chance to carp t tie money if bought SEIA, a brand new iron; 2 tone reds (EL O'NEILL Economic Buyers t