ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON, AtJGUST 24, 1906. SIX FRUIT GROWERS MEETINGS TO BE HELD Vnder Autplcea of St'&ta Agricul tural College and Fruil Urowen Vnion. Tbe orchards that caD be seen la num ber! in Josephine connty in which the trees are diseased and dying and the froit inferior aud fail of blemishes and worms and covered with scale is proof that the farmers of this county are badly in need of education in the art of horticulture, tbat they may be able to make their orcharls a profit to themelvea, instead of a loss as so many are. With this end in tiew the Grants Pass Frnit Growers' Union has arranged in connection with the State Argiculture ' College to hold a series of farmers' institutes and frnit growers' meetings In Josephine oonuty I ho first week in September. Td arrange and bare charge cf the de tails for these meetings the Frnit Growers' Union appointed a com mittee of three at each place. Ihe following is the schedale of the places and date of meeting and the names of the committeemen : Grants Pass, Mon lay, September 8, in the Opera bonse; committee, II. C. Bobtlen, Charles Meserve and Joseph Moss. Provolt, Toeiday, September 4, in the chorch bulldiug ; committee, K, N. Provolt, E. Badger and R. F. Lewman. Murphy, Wednesday, September 8, at the school hoaie; committee, A H. Carson, J. W. Gilmors and H. S, Wynant. Wildurville, Thorsday, September 8, in tbe church ; committee, . J. H. Uobinnou, R M. ftobinsou and C. V. Lovelace, Lee District, Friday, September ?, in tlie school home ; ooiumittee R. A. IT. Koytners, Samuel Christie and H J. Reed. Merlin, Saturday, Heptohiber 8, in Rosenbaum's hall I committee, A. S. Rouen ha o in, . Obarlos . Crow and Chaa, Dora. These meetings will have the best array of talent ever at a frnit grow ers meeting in Rogne River Valley and the instructions that orohardlsts will receive on all phases of their business that embraces selecting the right soil for an orchard, choice of varities, manner of planting, cutliva tlng, . pruning, spraying, thinning, picking, grading, packing and market ing will be from specialists, each thorough in bit line of work. It wooold not be possible to gtt the practical pointers oo fruit raising that can be had at these meetings at the cost of bat one day's time spent in attending, even though a person should spend $25 for books and paper and spend 30 days in hard study. From the interest that is being shown and with tbe effort that is being made by the Frnit Growers' Union these meetings promise to be the largest attended of any farmer gathering ever held in Southern Oregon. At Grants Pass, Provolt, and probably Morphy, Wllderville and Lee district evening sessions may be held in addition to tbe morning and afternoon sessions. This matter will be decided in the near future by tbe local committees. At Provolt, Murphy, Wilderville and Lee district, basket dinners will be had, so that farmors and their wives may attend tbe fall boars of each session. Then it is tbe plan to have a social hoar at noon that the far mers and their wives may know each other better and to talk over the points thev bave heard in the meeting. A question box will be a strong fea ture in tbe program. How Hood River bas become so famous as a froit district as to be better known to some people in the East than the state of Oregon aBd its frnit land should sejl from 1250 to $1000 an acre is a matter tbat Rogne River frnit growers are interested in. Two of tbe leading Hood River or ohardlsts bave been secured as speak ers at the Josephine county meetings. E. H. Sbepard is tbe manager of the Hood River Growers' Union and will tell bow tbey oonduot their union, one of the most stioeeesfal in the United States, aud how they market their froit in New York, London and othor big markets at prices that seem fabulous to farmers who have only dealt ' wltb commission men Mr. Bhepard id also one of the pub iUllbrS of Better Froit, published at Hood River, conceded by orchar dista to be the best all around fruit paper in the United States. A. J. Mason,' the other speaker, will tell how they grow the famous Hood River froit, and as their methods are thoroughly np to date and Mr. M .son a practioal orchardist tbe fruit grow er's here will find bis addresses of great value. The Agriculture College will be represented by Dr. James Withy combe, diruotor of the oollege ex perimental station. Prof. A. B. Cord ley, entomologist and Prof. C. I. Lewis, horticulturist. Dr. Witby- oomybe, well known to tbe farmers of this county as a practical man, up-to-date on all farm methods, will talk on the specialist as exemplified in the unsuccessful fruit raiser and be will also Ml of tbe world's markets tbat ever expanding will take all the fruit that ever can be raised in Rogue River Valley. Prof. Cordley is author ity of national repnlation on froit peats, will tell of all the latest meth ods . in fighting tbese destroyers of the orchard, and bo will tell of the now pests tbat bave appeared in tbe United States. Prof Lewis is author ity on soils and on the work connected witb growing an orchard and his ad dress will be of great value to every fruit grower. It is expected that Prof. A. P. Stover of tbe bureau of irrigation of tbe Department of Ariontlure, will be at them meetings to tell tbe farm ers how to get the best results when irrigating thin lands and bow 'to make the water do the greatest ser vice possible. Prof. Stover is an irrigation expert of national standing and he is an authority on all that pertains to irrigation. State of Ohio, City cf Toledo, Lucas County j 88 -' Frauk J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for eaob and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cored by the pge of Hall's Catarrh Core. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A, D. 188fl. (Seal) A, W, GLEA60N, . Notary Public. Hall Catarrh Core is taken inter baity, ttbd acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free ' E. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Drnggists, 76o. Take Halls Family Pills for consti pation. i . In Self Detente Major Hamm, editor and manager o the Constitntionalist, Eminence, Ky., when he was fiercely attacked four years ago, by Piles, bought a box of Bocklen's Arnica Sale, of whloh hesavs: "It cnrd ma 4n in ,!,,. and no trouble since. " Quickest healer cf Burns, sores, cuts and wounds. 25o at all druggists. : WOOpVILLE I B. 'F. Carter made a .trip to Bybee Springs last Friday. Mrs. J. B. Hair went to Grants Pa-s Saturday evening to spend a few days witb friends and relatives. Aitken & Leverioh's nay baler is in this neighborhood now, having ar rived at A. Shindler's Sunday evening. C. E. Sams is busy picking pears and packing Gravenstein apples fur shipment He reports a good froit crop. There is to be a Sonday school picnic at tbe spring near the tbe ranch next Friday. All are cordially invited and a pleasant time is anticipated. Fred Dodge and tbe others who were hunting on upper Evans creek returned Monday. They report the slaying of seven deer, aud a good time In general. Pbil Simpkins came down from Cen tral Point last week witb a load of watermelons for market most of tbem were disposal of at the saw mills above here. S. S. Myers bnoght the land recently owned by J. W. Wimer and ha9 part of tbe material on the gronnd for tbe erection of a cottage, which he and bis family will occupy as soon as it is completed. 1 t Arrangements are benjg made for tbe painting of the Inside of the school house. It will be done before time for the opening of tbe tall term, and other necessary improvements will al so be made. Tbe board has secured a principal, Jas. Martin, and as primary teacher, Mi?" C!r9 TetT'U- T-e latter taught here last spring, giving excel lent satisfaction, and Mr. Martin comes highly recommended. War Against Consumption. L All nations are endeavoring to check the, ravages of consumption, the "white plague" tbat claims so many victims each year. Foley's Honey and Tar cores coughs aod colds perfectly "and you are in no danger of consumption. Do not risk yonr health by taking some unknown preparation when Foley's Honey and Tsr is safe aud certain in results. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and insist up on having it. ' For sale by H. A. Rotermnnd. Send the Courier to your friend, so he can learn tbe facts in regard to the famous Roane River Vallev New Mill at Braden Mine. Tbe new ten stamp mill at the Braden mine began running on Wed nesday morning. Operations have been delayed for some time, owing to the non-arirval of belts aud ether parts of the mill. The Braden mill is the newest, aud most up to-date mill in Southern Oregon and in a later issue we will gir$ a more detailed ac count of tbe mine and its equip ment. Gold Hill News. . The mine was acquired last winter by J. W. Opp, aod associates, who have equipped it, and it bids fair to become as big a gold producer as the Opp mine of Jacksonville, that was formerly owned by Mr. Opp. Children in Pain never cty as . do children who are suffering from hunger. Such is the cause of all babies who cry and are treated for sickness, when they really are suffering from hunger. This is caused from their food not being as similated bot devoured by worms. A few doses of White's Cream Vermifuge will cause them to cease crying and begin to thrive at once. Get a trial. For sale by National Drog Co. and Rotermund. Keduced Round Trip Rates East ern Points Season 1906. On and September 8th and 10th, 1906, Round Trip tickets will be on sale to points named under the fol lowing conditions Both ways through Portland, to Chicago, $S0.45; St. Louis, $76.45 Milwaukee, $78.65; St. Paul and Minneapolis, $118,65; Omaha, Council Bluffs, Sioox City, St. Joseph, Atch ingoc; Leavpn" worth Rod Kansas City, $68.95. One way through Portland, and one way througn California, to Chicago, $85; St. Louis, Mil waukee, $33.20; St. Paol And Minne apolis, $81.40; Omaha, Cooucn Bluffs, Sioox City, St. Joseph, Leavenswortb and Kansas City, $73.50. Tickets will be sold to Milwaukee, only on August 7th, 8th and 9th. Limits: Going, 19 . days; tickets must be used going on date of sale; final return limit 90 davs from date of sale but not beyond October, 81, 1906. Stopovers: Stopovers will be i rant ed in either direction within the transit limits, . west of Missouri River, St. Paul, and Minneapolis, also New Orleans, when through that point, except that no stopovers will be permitted in California on going trip. WM. McMURRAY, G. P. A. I GOLDEN I Tht-re is no sickness to report. Oscar Kennedy is working for Mr. Ruble of Golden. Mrs. Kennedy of Golden is work ing at Wolf Creek. . Mrs. Marie Hoxie is working-for Mrs. Penny of Grave Creek, Ore. Miss Mamie Miller of Golden made Mies Hazel Perkins of Wolf Creek a. visit. ' . ' - We are having some hot and smoky weather here. A little lain would do th ings good. George W. Hoxie came home from Kennet, Cailf., but left for Cottage, Grove Oregon to work. Say Wide-awake what has become of your girls? . I was down that way and did not see one. HEAT CLAIMS VICTIJIX V ii Brvcn Are ihhu in nii-ugu r ronv- Prostrations. is Phtcneo. Aue. 23. Seven nennlp t dead and twenty prostrated as a re sult of .the intense humidity; Is the record for the twenty-four hours end ing at 2 a. m. today. The thermome ter only reached 91 yesterday, bur the humidity stood at 83 per cent fot the day and was the chief cause ol the suffering and discomfort. Thou sands sought relief from, the intense heat at tbe various lake resorta and swimming pools in the city, and the ponce estimate that 25,000 peopjlt went in bathing by alectrlo light last nlgnt.s The End of the Wk5 Of troubles that robbed E. HVWolfeV of Bar Grove, la , of . all usefulness,, dame when he began taking Electric Bitters. He writes: "Two years ago Kidney trouble caused me great suffer ing, which I would never have sur vived had I not taken - Electric Bit- ; L ters. They also cured me of General Debijity. " Sure cure for all Stom ach, Liver and Kidney complaints, Blood diseases, Headache, Dizziness 'and Weakness or bodily decline. Price 50c. Guaranteed by all drng stores. H A Guaranteed Cure for Pitem. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrud ing Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINT MENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days.. SCV i n . - - . . Til I After Supper Jinrgatn No. 1 t lot 25, 50, 75c and $ 1.00 ' Pillow Tops one only to each person l()c Placed on Sale Sat. night 7 to 10 1 '.S .iT DON'T FORGET SATURDAY NIGHT THE LAST CALL TO SUPPER ONE SOLID WEEK OF UNPARALLELED IJARGAIN SENSATIONS. FEAST OF GOOD THINGS. A LITERAL Next Saturday we shall begin the last xveck of our great August" Bargair Sale. Every vest age of Summer Goods must go. Loads of new Fall Goods are now crowding in upon us and we want the room. U.o following list will give you but a very limited idea of what's going to happen at the Rig Store during this, the last week of our great August Bargain Sale (come and see) The store is topsy-turvy because of the great crowds congregating at the Big Store early and late- every one is kept on the jump from tho time the doors are open .until they close. If you have not yet taken advantages of this great bargain event you alone aro the looser. Only One Week More-Next Saturday wo open the last week of our great August Bargain Sale. Everyone, rich and poor alike, profit by this sale. Don't miss this, tho last week of the Bi- Store s great August Bargain Event. Wo don't tell all wo know about them and many other bar gains now on sale, but assure you that every department of tho Big Store is crowded with bargains and buyers. After Supper Bargain No. 2 1 lot Men's 12c Black Socks Seamles -Double Heel and Toes 4 pr only to each person 614C P laced on Sale Sat. night 7 to 10 - nrrrnai ) R. L S5 l After Supper Bargain No. 3 1 lot 12,'a and 15c Mt -inch Silkolinc SVac Tlaced on Sale Sat. night 7 to 10 I I 3r COE & COM PAN Y 25 pieces all wool Tricot Waistings plaids ami stripes, wool Liui-y .-Minings, quick wool satin liurher This is the biggest bargain we ever bought in dress OK goods at iOU 1 lot about 2000 yards Summer ilress Goods', Lawns, Silk rimamas, Silk Dotteil Mulls and Swises, wool fin ished Check and Stripe Suitings, 12,'jc Ginghams, Waistings aud Cretons.regular Uc.l.xMc 25c goods! This is a great bunch of bargains think of Ql the price Any piece in the lot at. OC 1 lot Kxtra Heavy Kcru Vests and Pants, ladies and cuuureu s 25c 1 lot Hoys' Wool Suits Big Bargain at 98c, $1.48, $1.98 1 lot Ladies' 1 2 ' j cSeatnless Hose, fast black, at. . . . .' . 8!c T H E S I G S T O R E 1 lot Men's and Boys' Felt Hats, regular prices 50c to $2.50 August Bargain Sate ptices. . . wOC 1 lot Light and Dark Colored Outing Flannels. 5c 1 lot Children's heavy Seamless Hose, all sizes Ql . 8!c Shoes I For Ladies For Men For Children Beginning next Saturday and continuing until the fol lowing Friday night we shall place on sale some Shoe Bargains that will give some people, at least, the cheapest .footwear they ever wore. Come in and look over the Shoe Bargain Counters at .. 49c, 79c '98c, $1.48 AFTER SUPP ER SALE '1 - IS m After Supper Bargaii No. 4 1 lot Boys' Long rant ' Cove rtSu its 49c Placed on Sale Sat. night 7 to 10