Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 24, 1906, Image 4

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Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rate:
One Year, in advance,
Bin Month,
Three Months,
Single Copies,
II. 80
Advertising Rate
Furnished on application at the office, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at 6c per line;
cam 01 mania auc.
v A. E. VOORHIES, Phopk.
Entered at the post office at Grants Fast,
Oregon, aa second-clasa mall matter.
FRIDAY. AUGUST 24, 190fl.
Ella Dattoo of this place is visiting
Placer this week.
Elmer Perkins of Golden passed
through Ibis place Saturday.
Enoch Irwin of the Martha made this
place a visit Saturday evening.
Rev. Mr, Long visited Greenback
Sunday, holding services in the sohool
Miss Myrtle Irwin of Placer visited
friends at Greenback Saturday evening
nd Sunday.
Misses Inez Williams and Anna Har
riman of Placer visited friends at the
Martha Sunday.
Ed Blalock is a "lucky fellow." He
won the $40 phonograph which was
ladled off at the Greenback store Sat
urday evening.
We are all in deep sympathy for Mr.
Strickland and family of this place.
Their little 8-year-old girl was burned
to death Sunday, August 18. She was
playing with caudle when her dress
caught Are. She was very badly
horned. The reuiaius were buried in
the Placer cemetery Monday afternoon.
George MoCollum killed a large
wildcat a few days ago,
' We learn that Mr, and Mrs. Thoss
i are quite sick ac present.
t We are hearing the hum of the
r threshing machine this week.
I We hear of several rattlesnakes being
'(-Ill -ill ... -
aiiieu m me neighborhood the past
few Weeks,
If Emmet .Conger made trip to the
f Taklluia Mine with a load of his
' lusolous peaches.
The baler has been through this
neighborhood and baled quite a lot of
hay for different ones.
' Rev. Clark made trip to the Kerby
country Saturday of laHt week, preach
ing on Sunday, the 10th.
Rev. George Iloxle of Williams Crock
Is to preach at Wildorvillo in the after
noon of Sunday the 2rtth.
While foedipg the threshcr'Monday
of this week Mr. ISouhiuhii got two
fingers cut but not seriously.
Rev. Clark's little babe full In a tub
of water recently aud if not noitced at
the time it likely would of been
Mr. Erleksnn received word recently
that their sou Arthur, near Port hind,
while working in a well was overcome
with damp air ami had to lie hauled
out of the well 'more dead than alive,
but was better wheu laHt heard from.
Tuesday of this week while logging
for the Williams mill Charles McCaun
had the misfortune of letting a log roll
off the wagon and cripple otto of Mm
horses so seriously it had to be shot.
Charier seems rather unlucky this
Hummer, aa he Is still lame from get
ting his ankle hurt about two mouths
James Hocking received the sad news
Sunday last of an accident to his sou
James in Cauada. He hasn't learned
the full particulars at this writing, but
it appears that a team attached to a
mowing machiue ran away, and he is
now confined iu the hospital. Word
came that bis right , elbow and heel
were out quite badly aud the right hip
nd left arm were hurt, but no bones
broken. "
Th following presons successfully
passed the 'examination for teacher
helJ by Superintendent Lincoln Savage
at the court house last week :
E. S. Stevens. Holland ; Jasper N.
Miller. Agate; David O. Hayes,
Grants Pass; Iaes M. Kitchlu, Ash
land! Slna Lowe, Graata Pass; Leila
L. Prim. Jacksonville ) Victor Dickey,
Kuhll ; Loci M. George, . Grant
Pass. . """ " 5S
Seooad " grade Ruth W. SoovilL
Grant Pas.
Third grade Elsie Kohler; Jose
phine Hath way; Ressie MoColta, Au
gusta Parker.
We have been having some very
smoky weather this week.
Manly Rexford, an enterprising far
mer and berry grower paid your city a
visit Friday.
J. T. Cook and wife and Win. Mes-
ke'were visitors from here to Grants
Pass Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. L G. Roberts paid
Grants Pass a visit Thursday return
ing Friday.
Al Mathes of Laurel Grove was seen
on the busy streets of Davidson one
day this week. He has just got through
hauling lumber.
There was a social dance at Mr. Hab
erman's near Laural Grove Saturday
night and everyone that I saw report
having had a good time.
The 8rd crop of hay is growing fine
and some of it will be ready to cut in
two weeks. The smoky weather is
good for hay that i growing bnt
makes it hard to cure when cut.
Word was reoeived from Joe McFad
den who went to Nome, Alaska, this
summer that work is scarce in that
plaoe this summer and that they have
not had any summer rains at all so far
and if it does not rain the mines will
do nothing much this season.
Applegate River is the lowest this
summer that it has been for many
years owing to the many ditches that
are taken out of it . It will not be
many years before it will be entirely
dry and then you will begin to hear
them quarrel about one another taking
more than their share.
We are all looking forward tor the
Rural Route np this side of the river
and hope that the proper number of
names on be got on the petition. It
requires the hada of 100 families on
the petition before they will grant us
a route. We have tried several other
kinds of petitions but so far have failed
to have any of them granted.
0 11A V E
Geo. Corder has returned from Sa
lem. Haratia Cushing is iu Grants Pass
S. B. Pettengill made Grants Pass
a visit last week.
Miss Dora Penny made a visit to
Grave last Monday.
A. L Penwell is doing some car
penter work for E. M. Light
Misses Valentine Penwell and Beryl
Light were guests of Misses Golda
and Sylvia Duncan last Sunday.
Geo. Farlelgh is hauling baied hay
al the Lvland sawmill and Mr. Geo.
Light Is hauling hay to Placer.
Miss Lotta Farleigh, who has been
visiting her parents, Mr. aud Mrs.
Geo. Farleigh of Grave, has returned
to her work at Cottage Grove.
John Lewis is having the pipe line
that is near D. R. Pennys farm, taken
up and will move It the upper mine
where he will begiu mining with a
full force this winter.
Mrs. Mary E. Light and daughter
Adah, of Grave were guests of Mr,
aud Mrs. Jos. Phillyss, who run the
board i iik house at Wert's saw mill ong
mile and a half above Leland.
The people, of Grave have passed the
years immortalized by Lord Byron
when ho worth, "The days of our
youth, are the days of onr glory, and
the myrtle and Ivy of sweet two anil
twenty are worth all our laurals,
though ever so plenty."
School will begin at Grave the 1st
Mouday in September. Ming Pearl E.
Lewis of Wildorvillo will be teacher
again. Stewart Kspey who has been
visiting friends at Grave ha gone to
Klamath Falls. Will Light is build
ing a dam aKive the Grave Creek
bridge at Grave, to chaugo the roure
of the water.
The Greenback is wauting 19 more
men we hear.
We have a new clork at onr store in
Wolf creek as Mls Agnes La ban is
clerking for Mr. WiUou.
Theodore Kennedy has made a visit
to Grants Pass on Wednesday and is
going soon to Rossburg.
Say, what has oouie of the charming
young man of Wolf Creek of whom all
the young ladle was struck on?
The stage driver of the Greenback
stage report that all along the road
in front of Mr. Perkins and Mr. Hox
iet all on Are and it make it smoker.
Rev, Mark C Munson was In town
Friday on his way bv motor oto1 to
northern California and the Klamath
country in the interest of the Congre
gational Sunday school work.
P It 0 V 0 L T
The prunes and pears are more then
average this season and many trees are
breaking down. Peaches are scarce
owing to the neglect of spraying in re
cent years. There will be many young
trees planted and peaches again will
be plentifuL
The hop crop at Provolt is good this
season owing to the favorable weather
during the spring. Hops will be first
class if tbd lice and rust bold off a lit
tle longer. The raiser are all glad to
see hop come to 20 cent per - pound.
It also makes it better for the laboring
men as there will be more work in the
The apple crop this season is large
and the fruit is first class in quality.
E. N. Provolt is one of the largest ap
ple grower in Southern Josephine
connty and he repot that hi orohad
this season is clean of scale and moth.
Mr. Provolt will have between 80 and
100 boxes this season of the very best
of apples.
J. McFadden and L. Carson of Mis
souri Flat were at Applegate and Pro
volt this week getting signer for a
rural mail route in the valley. A
rural mail route would be convenient
for many, but let's work at one thing
at a time. We have started to estab
lish a rural telephone line in the Ap
plegate Valley. Let' shove the enter
prise to the front and don't get mixed
np with other lines until the rural tel
ephone is a suooess, and then shove the
rural mail route to the front. J.
Goodrich has secured the 25 members
along the line aud phones will, later
be placed at the homes of the members.
Provolt is the banner district of the
valley for the product of corn and
fruits this season. Corn Is the heavi
est yield this season than it has been
in years, which wili remind the old
corn raisers who come up the valley
of Iowa or Missouri, the famous corn
states of tl union. J. A. Lewman
and sons, f.ue a small patch of three
acres which stands from six to 13 feet
in height and was planted from colled
seed. This corn is grown on heavy
clay soil which in frrzen weather runs
together like lava or the slimes of a
tailing dump from muddy water. The
stalks each contains from two to six
ears and a'e large and well formed.
E. M. Spencer also has a large patch
of corn which will equal any raised in
the state. It is average size in height
and good quality. Provolt has a floe
olimate but is very warm in snmmer
which piake it a good corn growing
The sick are all improving at this
Mr and Mrs. Davis of the Selnia
hotel are going to leave aoon, we are
sorry to hear.
For nice clean beds and good ac
commodations go to the Enterprise
while at Seluia. j
Moroings are growing chilly here
now and we will snon have to move
our heating stoves in.
A. V. Sohmitt is tryiug to dispose
of his property here to he can move to 1
Crescent City, as his wife's health is
Homer Moore aud Miis Grace Wil-1
son were united iu marriage one day
last week. Hear dem bi lls, dont' you
hear dem l'l In.
A. Shoemake has the new Sulma
school house nearly completed. He j
has Archie Wiuier and Carl Churchill
paintiiu the roof j
The Sien Pay Adventists have
do?ed their nit etings here. Grandpa
and Cirauduia Rateu united with the.
church and were baptised last Sunday. :
Marshal Wagner will soon leave for'
Murphy where he will assist Dr. Sea
ton in oragnizing a Modern Woodmen
lodge. We are sorry to lose Marshal
from the Enterprise as he in a floe
dishwasher. j
State .Norme.1 School. j
We wish to couimeud the Normal j
school at Ashland to these desiring to
fit themselves for teaching, for busi
ness or to add to their general culture, j
The school is vigorous in tone, health
ful In morals and effective in result.
Last year thtity four young people
graduated and are already engaged to
teaching the school of the state io de
sirable position. Next year should
rove the best of ibe school's history.
Large improvement are being made
in the way of library, apparatus, wa
ter system and heating plant amount
ing to some 13000.00. The training
school is well equipped and the vari
ous department throughout presided
over by specialist. JBoard oanbe bad
for' 13. 60 per week. A catalogue can
be had by addressing
B. K. MULKEY. Preiedeot, or
W. T. YanScoy. Secretory.
Fruitgrowers of Rogue River Valley
find the Courier of special interest
FOR SALE Firetclas Water fan,
cost $13. Sell for (5. Courier office.
MAJJDOLIN A 30 Washburn man
dolin for sale at 20 Call at the
Musio Store. 8-10 tf
FRUIT JARS 2-quarts 5o perdoz;
1 -quart 60o per dozen at Moore's
Second hand store. 7-27 tf
FOR SALE Secondhand motor
cycle, good a new will sell for
one-third actual cost. For informa-
tion apply to Carl Gentner or Pad
dock's Bicycle den. 8-10 4t
FOR 8ALE New five-room house
and two lot. ' fence and outbuild
ings, good residence; corner Walnut
and Pine, No. 204, price fCfiO. M.
J. Young, P O. box 17i 8-10 tf
GOATS Two thoroughbred Angora
bucks, ooeyaarliug 7 alb clipper, and
one 2-year-old 10 lb clipper, for sale
at a bargain if taken soon ; address
F. A. Pierce. Merlin. Ore. 8-24, tf
FOR RENT The only hotel in Cen
tral Point, Oregon. Address Dr. O.
R. Ray, Tolo, Oregon. 8-17 4t
TYPEWRITER Almost new type
writer for rent by the week or
month. A. E. Voorbies. 8 10 tf
OFFICE ROOM for rent Courier
building. Apply to A. E. Voorhies
or J. W. Howard. 8-8 tf
FOR RENT The MoDonough ranch
of 600 acres, the O'Hura ranch of 280
acres and the Barden ranch of 804
s acres, also smaller ranches. These
ranches rank among the best In
Southern Oregon and are adapted
for alfalfa, grain and general farm
ing and stock purposes. Address
Dr. O. R. Ray. Tolo. Oregon. 817 4t
WANTED Grain Sacks, Tools and
other second-haud goods. Harrison
Bros.v Second haud-store, corner
Sixth and J streets, 2-D tf
C. L. JNOEL of Odessa wauta loggers
and timber cutters to deliver 2,000,
000 feet of logs to mill by contract
before snow flics; short haul, levl
roads, one 4-horse team, two trucks,
chains, etc. furnished. Also left
hand 8-gang edger wanted. Write
or call at mill Odessa, Ore. 8 3 tf
BOY Wanted at the Courier office.
HOP PICKERS wanted at my yard
three miles west of Grants Pass.
R. A. N. Reymeis. 8-8 4t
at the Rehkopf yard. Address J. T. I
Payne and Berry, Aplegate, Ore.
8-8 5t
HOP PICKERS wanted at n y yard
six miles west of Grant Pass.
Yard in prime condition and 100
acres. John Ranzau. 8-8 tf
HOP PICKERS 100 pickers Wanted
at my yard, six miles down the
river. Picking to commence Sept
1. Address Mr. M. Ranzau. 8-8 6t
S A MILL aud lumber yard laborers, i
$2.25 per day. Woodsmen $2.25 to (3.
Steady work. Apply to Booth-Kelly
Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore.
WANTED First class farm hand who
also understands the care of orchard ;
good wages and steady job to right
wan. Dr. C.R.Ray. Tolo, Ore. 8-17 4t
HOP PICKERS-wanted at my yard
2 miles west of Grants Pass. Thurs
day, August 80, will start early on
account of heavy crop W. T. S.
Patton. 8-24-lt
FOUND On street, gold rim specta
cles. Owner prove property and pay
for ad 8-17 tf
FOUND Roys and girls coats on
streets of Grants Pas. Call at
Ccurie' office, describe propertv,
pay for ad and net them. 015 tf
TO TRADE A fine hore. of 1(150
poundH. for sheep or goats. Address
P. O. Box 613, Gram Pass. 8-17 tf
HALF CARIKETS Photos, fourposi
. tions at 50 cents per dozen, ratixfac
, tion guaranteed or no pav, New Photo
Studio. Front St.. cor 2d. 8-24-tf
FRANK BURNETT-Upholstering, :
mission furniture made to order.
ESTRAY Six head of hgs came
to my ranch, known as the Chausse
place on Jerome prairie, about July
25. Sow marked with crop on left
ear and double cut on right ear.
Owner pa? charges and damages.
Lee Simmons, P. O. box 66, Urants
Pass, Ore. 8-10 6t
Trie Opportunity of Your Life.
Special atteotiou is invited to Ibe
unprecedented offer of the Ashland
Commercial College. AH students who
enter on September 4th and secure 9
months' scholarship for 155 will be en
titled to attend until July 1st, 1907.
This gives ample time for the bright.
Intelligent student to complete the
combined course, commercial, abort
hand and English, and as a business
training is unsurpassed.
The graduates of this institution
are employed and more demanded than
oan be supplied. 8-17 8t
Real Estate Transfers.
Francis H. Miller et al to Geo. C.
anTjohn W. MoCaslin 240 ecres1n
Twp. 86.
The above sale was made through
the Real Estate Agency of Joseph
Mom. See him for bargains. - No.
6i "E" street. Phone 893.
With purchases 01
One Pair Will Bring You Back for Another.
Howard Building Sixth Street
Fine Shoe Repairing a Specialty.
Chicago 17 Houre Nearer VlaThl
Popular Route.
Franklin was right when he said
"Lost time is never found again."
The O. R & N.. in addition to giv
ing you 200 miles along the matchless
Columbia river, saves you 17 hours to
Chicago. It ii the
Short line to Lewiston.
Short line to Palouse country.
Short line to Spokane.
Short line to the Coeur d'
Shoit line to Salt Lake City.
Short line to Denver.
Short line to Kansas City.
Short line to Omaha.
Short line to Chicago.
Short line to all points East.
Three trains east daily, 9:15 a. tn. ;
8:15 p. m. aud 6:15 p. m. The" Chicago-Portland
Spceial" is a fine as the
fine't. Every comfort of home.
For particulars ask any agent of the
Southern Pacific Company or write
WM. MoMURRAY, general passenger
agent, Portland, Or. 8-24-5t
Fishing tackle and the right kind for
Rogue River at Cramer Bros.
Commercial College
Athlind, - Oregon
Complete and thorough
training in the Commercial,
Shorthand and English
Every New, Up-to-date Fea
ture. Individual Instruction
The expenses are the lowest
and the advantages the best.
Our graduates are employed
and more demanded.
Note Our Special Offer !
Students who enter Sept. 4, and
secure a nine months' scholarship
for 155.00 will be entitled to at
tend to July 1, 1007.
Ashland Commercial College.
Conducted by Prof. Geo. O'Brien
Thorough -course .of instruction in all branches of Fine and Industrial Art, to the methods n vogue iu the large Eastern Academies i Drawing
Paintiug, Modbliug, Architecture, etc Awtuouiies. rawing.
Class Tuition 25c and Upwards.
For further particulars apply at Room 5. Masonio Temple, from 9 to 12a.m.
Is via Puget Sound,
.the Burlington's picturesque Missis
sippi River Scenic Line to Chicago or
St Louis.
There it no better summer route,
no matter where you are troinp eaat.
R. W.
r,. ,, .
Cor. IrdA
When your purchases for Girls and.
Boys Shoes amounts to $10.00 we are
giving you a nickel watch. BESIDES
the Watch we ate giving the very
best values in Children's Shoes that
can be found in Grants Pass.
or i ire insurance x.
The O. F. R. A. of McMinnville
are the cheapest and have 12 years
standing without a peer in Oregon
for settling fire losses. That tells the
tale. Don't be deoeived by other
agents who have selfish motives. In
no event will it cost you more than
the standard stock companies charge
per annum. H. B. HENDRICKS,
Agt Grants Pass, Ore. 7-27 tf
Preserving kettles for patting up
rait at Cramer Bros,
House Moving
If you have a building
that you want moved,
raised or leveled up,
call on or address
A. E. Holloway.
Residence 2 miles west of
city, north side of river.
Intelligence '
Are a part of every prescription we
fill. The doctor doesn't write them
down with the other ingredients
because of tacit understanding that
they are to go in always, and he
knows that they will go in when
you bring his order to us.
Model Drugstore
Front Street.
any direct line to
Passenger and Ticket Agent, -
"ugwa route,
stark Su., Portland. Ore.