Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 24, 1906, Image 1

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No. 21.
?V. Oran
Hood River Grower Will Sell
Their Entire Crop to the
Highest Bidder.
The following interview iu the Fort
land Journal, given by O. L. Vander-
ilt, a leading froit raUer of Hood
iver, oontaioa much information that
value to the membership of the
Grants Pass Froit Grower! Associa
"From offers already received the
impression prevails at Hood River
that prices for Oregon apples thia
year will be about the same as last
year, when the highest prices ever
known were paid and the entire Hood
River crop was shipped to Eastern and
European market. The crop In the
valley this year is variously estimated
from 100,000 to 130,000 boxes, nearly
doable the amount of last year's crop.
' 'Already Eastern and European buy
ers have visited the valley. The Ap
plegrowera Association has not made
any contracts and has fixed upon Au
gust 20 as the date When the crop will
be sold to the highest bidder. Sealed
bids will be reoeived by the cashier of
the First National bank of Hood River
and opened by the bank's directors.
' 'The association represents 90 per
cent of the apple growers of the valley
and numbers about 128 men. No
grower is allowed, under the rigidly
enforced rules, to pack his own apples.
"This work is done by experts em
loyed by the associtaion'. A crew con
sists of four packers and an inspector.
Every apple is inspected before being
placed in the box. An association
wrapper and box label has been copy
righted and is nsed exclusively by the
organization fox protection of buyers
and consumers from apples that are
grown elsewhere and labeled Hoed
River applos.
"This year for the first time the
Hood River Valley grower has sold
bis Gravensteins, Kings and Wealtbles,
early varieties, to the European mar
ket. Of these there will be seven car
loads from this valley. Two cars are
from Beulablaod, the largest apple
ranch in the valley. Oscar Vanderbilt,
owner of Beulahland, who was in
Portland today, said :
" 'Conditions in the valley at pres
ent are almost perfect for the apple
buisDesg. The three early varieties
now sold to Europe will be picked and
hipped In about three weeks. Pick
ing of other varieties will begin in
October. This year is the third in
which the association has followed the
plan of selling the Hood River apple
crop to the highest bidder. It has
worked successfully and this year the
growers will realize the benefits of
both a large crop and a good price.' .
"Mr. Vanderbilt said the increased
acreage planted this year is not large,
but a number of good Bales have been
made. Some of these are at prloes
that people might regard as fancy.
But when compared with prices and
earning capacity of Colorado orchards
and elsewhere, Hood River prices are
still conservative. Colorado apple or
chards bring from $1000 to 0 per
acre, while the Hood River prices do
not range at half those figures, al
MY SALES for the past 30 DAYS
Elizabeth Jones to Fred Knight, cottage and lot.
Edward Gouin to J. M. Newman, 3. acres of orchard with 5-
rCT.0F.UOrorton to Julia Pardee, S lots, 8-room modern cottage.
Rose Weidman to Samuel Provolt, 1 lot, 5-room cottage.
Lincoln Savage to Hattia Miaer, lots. 6-room cottage.
F. M. Miner to Lincoln Savage, 1 unimproved lot.
10 lots in Portland for Rose Weidman.
I NEED MOKE fKurtun iu slll.
though the lattet oroharda have shown
the greater earning power. In a num
ber of Hood River orchards a single
acre has been known to yield as much
as flOOO gross in a year.
"Mr. Vandrebilt has purchased SO
acres known as the Valhalla or
chard, now in . full bearing, and
added it to bis Beulahland. This
farm now consists of about 145 acres,
and its bearing acreage is the largest
in the valley. Last year the original
farm yielded between 4000 and 6000
boxes. The ranch is cultivated to a
high degree, bearing trees loaded with
perfectly formed apples, the young
trees looking thrifty. Every tree is
trimmed and sprayed scrupulously.
The land is cultivated and harrowed,
and not a wed to be seen between all
the long rows of trees.
'This year's crop of Beulahland is
estimated at 14,000 boxes. The apples
from this farm sold last year at $1.75
as the lowest and $3 the highest price
per box. These priecs amaze eastern
apple growers, most of whom get less
money for a barrel than Hood River
growers receive for a bushel of apples.
With the acreage of young trees that
will come into bearing in the next two
or three years the yield of Beulahland
will be increased to upwards of 25,000
boxes annually. The entire farm is
susceptible of irrigation, and has
water at hand, but irrigation is little
utilized at the present time."
Doe'e Protected Vutil Sept
Elk Protected Until
19 0 7.
Commencing Aug. 15 it is lawful to
kill buck deer in Oregon until De
cember 1 next. The season for does
ends at the same time, but does not
open until Sept. 1, at which time also
it will be lawful to kill pheasants.
The grouse eeason opened on the first
of this month. . It clones December 1,
as does 'J""jbeasant -season. The
open season' for quail is from Sept 1 to
Dec, 1. ,Elk are protected until 1907.
The season for trout, which opened
April 1, closes Nov. 1. The following
brevities, extracted from the Oregon
game lawf, will be of interest to
sportsman. It is.
To sell any game
To kill mom than 10 pheasants, grouse
or quail in 1 day
To catch trout less than 5 inches
To catch trout other than with hook
and line
To catch trout by night fishing
To hun; deer at night
To hunt deer with dogs
To kill more than 5 deer in one season
To bunt game animals or birds with
out license except upon your own
Black Bass No law. Snipe No law.
J. W. Talhnadge who resides on
Rogue River avenue has left at the
Courier office a sample of timothy
that would do credit to Illinois, the
gieat hay state. The stems in this
bunch of grass are from four to above
five feet long and the heads are from
six to ten inches in length.
Real Estate
Rent Houses
X5h9 Real Estate Man.
Ground Floor, Courier Bldg.
Grants Pass, - Oregon.
County Officers Cannot Giv
. Paper Aftet Sept. 27th,
. ThU Year.
An act was passed during last ses
sion of congress establishing a bureau
of naturalization and immigration
and to provide a uniform rule for
the naturalization of aliens through
out the United States.
The bureau is under the department
of commerce and labor and the clerks
of the several couVts must procure all
the blanks required for naturaliza
tion from that source.
The attorney general of this state
was notified by the commissioner
general yesterday, through the gover
nor's office, to advise the courts of
this state that on and after September
27, tiia year, their naturalization
jurisdiction will cease nnless they
comply with the terms of the act.
According to the act only the fol
lowing oourts are given jurisdiction
over naturalization.
"United States circuit and district
oourts now existing or which may
hereafter be established by congress
in any state; United States district
oourts in the territories; the supreme
court of the District of Columbia and
the United State oourts of records in
any state or territory now existing,
or wbioh may hereafter be created,
having a seal, a clerk, and jurisdic
tion in action at law or equity, or law
and equity, in which the amonct in
controversy is unlimited."
Aocording to this the county court
in Oregon will have no power here
after to issue final papers of citizen
ship. The fees to be paid for naturali
zation papers are to be divided, one-
half kept by the clerk of the court in
which the naturalization is perfected
and the other half to be sent to the
naturalization bureau at Washington.
The work of "justifying" for nat
uralization will not be so easy under
this law as it has been in the past.
No perosn who is opposed to organized
government or who teaches that kind
of doctrine can be admitted to citizen
ship and all applicants who have not
declared their intentions prior to the
enactment of this law, must be able to
speak the English language before be
ing naturalized, unless they should
settle on government land and make
their home thereon.
The apparent latent of this latter
provison is to encourage the foreigners,
so that they may not accumulate in
congested groups in the large cities,
with the evil results which follow iu
many ways, Llie foreigner who gets
out on a farm is not liable to beoouie
an anarchist, but soon learns the lan
guage of the country and becomes a
good American.
There are luaiiy other provisions of
the law intended to protect the citi
zenship of the oountry from undesir
able and undeserving members of the
ballot box form those who do not un
derstand or appreciate its meaning
and its legitimate uses.
Naturalization papers cannot be is
sued during the period of thirty days
prior to a general election in the state
in which they are applied for.
Fruit Growers Arranging to Show
the Good and B(vd of Their
Tbe Grants Pass Fruit Growers
Union will make a shipment of Bart'
lett pears East about next Wednesday
and will accept merchantable pears
for three boxes np, delivered in Grants
Pass from growers whether members
of the Union or not. Call at the
Secretary's office io Courier build
ing or on President Reymers for an
acceptance and for rules for picking
and hauling. 8-10 It
At the fruit growers meeting in
Grants Pass on Monday, September liT,
there will be present from abroad, in
addition to tbe speakers, many strang
ers as well as frnit growers from Jack
son county and other sections of South
ernOregoo. It has been the current
belief all over Oregoa that Josephnie
county was only a mining and tiuibxr
section and that the fruit growing sec
tion of Rogue River Valley was all in
Jackson county. To prove to those at-
tending tbe fruit growers meeting from
;ed I stance that this section of Rogue
River Valler is one of the banner dis
tricts of Oregon for growing high class
fruit it is the plan of the Grants Pass
Fruit Growers Union to have a com
plete exhibit at the meeting of all
fruits that are in season in September.
Even those not yet ripe are wanted as
they will show the fruit men quite as
well as ripe friut their condition.
As many farmers do not know how
to recognize even so general a pest as
the San Jose scale it is desired that or-
chardists bring in specimens of every
kind of diseased trees, fruit vegetables,
plants, etc., that they can find. These
pests will be identified by Prof. Cord
ley, entomologist at the State Agrul
tural College, who will be present and
tell the farmers how to reognize the
pests and how to successfully fight
them. Thousands of boxes of fine ap
ples and pears are annually lost; in this
county because the farmers do not know
how to keep the pests off their trees.
At these fruit growers meetings or
chardists will get more practical knowl
edge and bow to combat the pests than
oould be learned in six months spent
inj-eadiog on the subject. It will pay
every farmer who has even a dozen
fruit trees to attend this meeting and
learn bow to grow fruit that will
bring a profitable prloe in tbe market
instead of being only fit for bog feed.
Fine commercial
Courier office.
printing at the
Telle Ashland Fruit Growers As
sociation How to Destroy
Fungus Disease.
A new fungus disease has appeared
to a limited extent with peach or
chards about Ashland, and fearing
fat it might be a serious pest the
Ashland Fruit & Produce Association
sent a lot of the peaches to Prof. A.
B. Cordley, entomoloigst at the State
Agricultural college, for him to iden
tify and to report as to its chaiacter.
The following is Porf. Obrdley's re
ply to trie Ashland Association, which
was published in the Ashland papers
and the Courier herewith published it
for the information of Josephine
county peach grower:
Oorvallis, Ore., Aug. 16, 1906.
i The Ashland Fruit & Produce As
sociation. Ashland, Oregon.
Dear Sirs : In answer to your let
ter of tbe 2nd, which accompanied
the letter are Infested with the fnng
us disease known as peach fruit spot!
which is caused by the fungus'Heliu-
inthosporium Carpophilum, and also
by the larva of the peach twig miner,
Anarsia Lineatella. The presence of
the fungus causing the spots opon
the peach, which resemble those pro
duced by San Jose scale should not in
my estimation, be cause for condemn
iug the fruit since it does not so far as
known, injure the tree at all and does
no particular injury to the fruit.
The larva of the peach twig moth
wiuters in small burrows which it
makes In the bark of the tree, usually
about the crotches of the limbs.
Just as the Kaf buds start in spriug
the larvae leave their winter quarters
and burrow into tbe tips of the twigs
where the first generation develops.
From these larvae are produced small,
grayish moths which deposit eggs for
the second generation, the worms
which are now attacking the peaches.
The best method of fighting this
pest has been found to be to spray the
trees in spring, shortly before the
blossom buds begin to swell, with
the lime, sulphur salt spray. This
application would also serve as the
first one for controlling tlie fungus
snd if this were supplemented with
one or two sprayings with weak Bor
deaux mixture, tbe first, say a week
or ten days after the blossoms have
fallen and the second two weeks later,
tbe three applications would un
doubtedly check both troubles.
Very truly your,
Mrs. A. J.
needay from
spend about
parents, Mr.
Schrimpf arrived Wed
Santa Paula. CaL, to
six weeks visiting her
and Mrs. Alex Watts.
8lie will also visit her brother George
Elliott, and sister, Mrs. Harrington,
st Myrtle Point before returning home.
Mr. Schrimpf, who while here was en
gaged in farming is now engaged in
masonry work at big wages, as ever
since the San Francisco disaster ma
sons have been io big demand.
The Courier has the laregst circula
tion of any paper in Southern Oregon.
Clouds of Dust on Capitol Streets
May Be Eliminated
Sprinkling the Salem streets with
oil has actually begun, says the Salem
Journal of August 17. . Portions of
Court street and Liberty street in front
of the property of Dr. J. H. Brewer,
was treated to a coating of crude petro
leum this morning. So far, the in
dications are that it is a success. '
The work attracted a great deal of
interest and hundreds of citizens passed
around that way to watch lhe men lay
tbe dust and greaie the road.
The experiment may solve the prob
lem of Salem's dusty streets, and the
success of tbe effort will lead
other property owners to adopt the
same methods.
The oil was spread by means of the
water sprinkler, and did not spread as
it will when a regular sprnikler is oon'
struoted for the experiment to be oon'
ducted around the court bouse prop
erty tomorrow. The oil was foroed
directly oo to the street by the sprink
ler, and then the road was raked to as
to spread the oil In better shape. Tbe
sxpetiment was made on an area of
80x24 feet on one street 60x30 on the
Dr. Brewer has estimated that it
would cost about $8 to thoroughly
sprinkle the distance of one block, and
that an application of three barrels of
oil would do tbe work on the streets
This Tumbler
$1.35 to $1.73
per dozen
Thomas & O'Neill H
I Motto I The House Furilishers X
I Quality and prices make thia store the economical n
SOME Specially Interesting Pricos" 'on Seasonable jj
Goods This Week: (
2 'the'''besl rHI "is ftni'B0m8 Rpd X
CTs Leonard V Rockor In nuraa
4f I C loanable jl .IL ty'8j no arm, spo- Jf
' Mi ad" stabta 'iIIeS ial " 1
flflt 1 shulves. r,i ; S9 W
1 Vul I Thl".weelt M
1 jPzitJ' Discount. JL--Mrw.JU Lace Curtuln Jf
' i 'lv IT Stretohors
' 'JftdSfr sa.7s. 3.50 1
--g.-js 1 1 1 Hsmmocki ,u fl
IT tosOe T"P Muhogany Corner
J I irarjfijr" ; 1tivI 'Ohalr, upholsUired
2 SkdjQj 1 V u d o r J
1 fc4 Get our
prions. Vffw F r e n o h Dressing
flfvJl Stands, solid quar-
to red oak, French !
Water StU f I ', bevelod mirrors,
fl 7 pieces W 7 ' regularly 119.75,
V!Vyk I i Special $16.30.
Aml r-u,arl' 850 .
3321' Special 65c r ,.,-,,,,, " Some big
! -ir'-Vi -' in
1 li3j-i,)J!51l',rt Dining
f Water Tumblers ' ' 3 Tables
, iVtrAxTPv Ask to see '
15c Hot tjpj&Bfi Yh o u r new-'
usually 30c 1 LXwLj '''Vh' ?1 e1 '
fuart Glass Pitchers I" ... $12 75
fine heavy fire pol- ' .
lahod- f . Some es
20c t ft pecially
Wire Vegetable and 'j'"'1'
' CjW" 2TtoUo0
J packages for
' fgT 8 qt White Mountain JjW A most ex-
TJ VrVWrt In cellent selec-
' 'ySJ $4.00 Ul tlonof beautl-
This only a sample of what we're doing all along the line
io Furniture, Carpets, Rugs everything in Housefurnishings.
THOMAS & O'NEILL, The Housefurnishcrs
adjoining his property. Judge Soott,
too, is optimistic at the interest mani
fested. Thia experiment will be watobed
with interest for if it is a success in
Salem oil will bo tried on the streets
of Grants Pass. A seotion of granite
sand sid.walk will likely be given a
trial of a coating of oil to try the effect
of giving it a smooth surface and of
eliminate the white glare it has from
the bright son, m
Will Instruct Farmere.
C. E. 8tewart of Cottage Grove,
formerly of Bedford, has been engaged
by the Horticultural Society of On
tario, Canada, to instruct the fruit
growers of that country in Oregon
methods of frail packing. Mr. Stewart
is well fitted by his long experience
as a fruit grower to give the neoesaary
instructions and has already lett for
the scene of his labors. He will be
there about three months.
Mr Stewart is the son of the late
J. H. Stewart of Medford, who planted
tbe first big orchard in Rogue River
Valley and demonstrated that frnit
raising when scientifically carried on
was one of the most profitable indus
tries for the farmer of this Valley.
Mr. Stewart bad a fine orchard near
Medford, wbtob he sold for $15,000.
three years ago, when be moved to
Cottage Gsove to engage in business.
Eastern orohardists and Eastern deal
ers concede that the Oregon fruit rais
ers lead the world in advanced meth
ods in raising and packing fruit and
for several years past Oregon apples
and pears have brought a much higher
price in tbe markets of New York and
other- Eastern cities than the same
fruit from other states.
mail ttU iotoTic I
gFlten ,C double roll, j