J ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON, AUGUST 17, 1906. t I DAVIDSON The weather still stays bot and smoky. Mrs. J. W. York and son Chester paid joor city visit Saturday. John Bailey and Bertie Davidson paid Grants Pass a business visit Sat urday. Jas. J. McFadden, Witlard Hannnm and L. W. Oarson were visitors from bere to Grants Pass Tuesday. Miss Elsie McFadden, who has been visiting in Grants Pass this week, re turned to heir bome Saturday. W. B. York took some more cattle to Grayback Thursday. He has most all of his cattle on the range now. Mr. Retalio, who has been sick for the last year and who has been staying at the hospital, is not improving very fast. The bot weather is making the al falfa grow fine at the present and the prospects for a good third orop are fav orable with the abundant supply of water that we have. Jacob Slagle, who has the Ruch ranch rented, is busy hauling hay this week and is still killing a few rattle snakes. He reports having killed an other large one this week. W. 8. Bailey returned from Wilder vile Thursday where he has been on business connected with the Sheehan state, a he Is one of the appraisers. Mrs. Bailey ao:ompanied him. Marshal Wagner, who has been vis iting at the bome of Mr. Hannom's this week, left for Sohua Monday where he goes to work for the interests of the Modurn Woodmen of America. Thomas Petersuo, formerly of this place but now a fireman on the S. P. R. It., was seen ou the busy streets of Davidson Suturday. He lias just re turned from a vacation at Saorainunto. J. H. Tompkins reports having seen large elk near his famous "Glen Al ta" farm Wednesday . He was work ing in bis garden when he heard a crashing in the bruHh and just got out of the way in time to keep from beiug run over by him. That is the first lk reported beiug seen in this vioinity for several years There Is some talk of trying to get a R. F. D. mall route up this side of the river and up to the Apple gate bridge and down the other side by Laurel Grove. It would be a fine thing as most all of our mail is on day late, if we get that route and the telephone system that is being talked of it will not be long before we can start little daily paper called the "Davidson News." MONTY. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ( Lucas County Frauk J. Cheney makes oath that be is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cared by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter' nally, and acts directly on the blood and muoous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free E. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75a Take Halls Family Pills fof consti pation. Believe In Spraying. County Fruit Inspector Ingram re turned Saturday from a business trip to the White Salmon neighborhood. In an interview Mr. Ingram states that the White Salmon fruit raisers are loud in their praises of the arsenate of lead spray. Their returns from their worst orchards, so far, is about 95 per cent clean fruit. Everybody is spray ing this week for the second crop of codlin moth. They, to a man, are dropping everything else to do their spraying on time and count on big re turns this year. A great many say that they would not go back into the old way and raise wormy fruit. Thej think that the. satisfaction of jnst look ing at their fine apples pays for all work and expense, acd their fruit is all profit. The torn to crop is almost a failure. The first crop of blossoms were blighted with cold and the third blossoms were blighted with heat. So all that they can count upon is the seoond bloom. Klickitat Agriculturist. In Self Defense Major Hamra, editor aud manager ol the Constitutionalist, Eminence, ny., when he was fiercely attacked four years ago, by Piles, bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Sale, of whiob be says: "It cured me in 10 days and no trouble sinoe. " Quickest healor cf Burns, sores, outs and wounds. 2r)C at all druggists. NOW IS JHE TIME. Summer Is Best See. son to Cure Catarrh Hyomel Sold Un der Gje.re.ntee. Summer is the best time in the whole year for the treatment of catarrhal troubles, and Rotermund urges every reader of the Courier to use Hyomei now and be permanently oored. Unlike the ordinary treatment for catarrh, there is no stomaob dosing when using Hyomei. The remedy is breathed through a neat pocket in haler that comes in every outfit, and its balsamio healing ail penetrates to the most remote parts of the nose, throat and lungs, searches out and kills the catarrh germs, in all parts of the respiratory organs and soothes and heals any irritation there may be in the mucous membrane. Hyomei is not alone the only natural treatment for catarrh, but it is the only one sold under an absolute guar antee to refund the money unless it gives satisfaction. It kills all disease germs and restores the mucous mem brane of the throat, nose and lungs to perfectly healthy condition. The complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1, extra bottles, 60o. Roter mund sells Hyomei under an absolute guarantee to refund the money if it does not give satisfaction. You run no risk at all in buying this guaran teed remedy. Children In Pain , never cry as do children who are suffering from hunger. Such is the cause of all babies who cry and are treatea for sickness, when they really are suffering from hunger. This is caused from their food not being as similated bnt devoured by worms. A few doses of White's Cream Vermifuge will cause them to cease crying and hegin to thrive at once. Get a trial For sale by National Drug Co. and Rotermund. Wat in Poor Health for Yean. Ira W. Kelley, of Mansfield, Pa., writes: "I was in poor health for two years, sufferina from kiduev and bladder trouble, and spent consider able money consulting physicians without obtaining any marked bene fit, but was cured by Foley's Kid ney Uure, and I desire to add niv testimony that it mar be the cause of restoring the health of others. " Refuse substitues. For sale by H. A. Rotermund. ... I H UODV1LLL ; A goodly number of our citizens visited Grants Pass Saturday evening. Miss Bertha Cox has returned to Ashland after spending a few days with Mrs. Schindler. Master Robert and Miss Katie Tweed, of A'hland, spent last week with Woodville friends. Roy Seaman, who wsa acoidently shot throughtbe leg recently, is get ting along nioely aud no bad results are feared. Dr. Lougbridge was called last Sun day to prescribe for Mr. Rubl, who is seriously ill We hope to hear of bis speedy recovery. Mrs. M. J. Ames, a missionary, has returned to San Francisco after a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. O. W. Hot ton. of this place. Miss Nellie Carter, who has been in poor health for sometime, has gone to Ashland for medical treatment sad is the guest of her sister Mrs. F. M. Cates. Fred Dodge and some friends came down from Ashland Monday and got B. F. Carter to take them for a week or ten days' bunt in the Battle Moun tain country. Mrs. M. E. Whipple has returned from an extended visit with relatives and old time friends in Trenton, Mich. She also visited at Cleveland, Ohio, aud Helena, Mont., and reports an enjoyable time. Sherman . Esteli, Oren Train and James Breeding are out for a short rest and reoretaion. They will stop at Pelican Bay and Crater Lake on their way to Klamath Falls where Mr. Breed! ug will remain for sometime, probably all winter. Last Saturday about fifteen friends of Lucrctia Horton were invited to help the young lady celebrate her seventh birthday anniversary. Many and various games were played, after which refreshments were sorved and the little folks came home having greatly enjoyed the afternoon. Work oo the foot bridge has been snxpended for a time on account of Mr Helms' . absence in Portland, but we hope to see it finished soon. The Woodvillians are making a great complaint about the dust, but so far, have devised no means of lessen ing it. A good rain is badly needed. State Maps CourierBuildiug. Ste-le Weather Summery. The long spell of dry weather was broken by showers in the Willamette Valley on Sunday and Monday, which were heaviest in the neighborhood of the Blue Mountains. The raiufall in the Willamette Valley was very light, and barely sufficient to lay the dust Forpot fires increased during the wees, and the atmosphere in the west and north portions of the State became verv smokv. The rain were not heavy enough to extinguish the fires, but they cleared ths atmosphere oi smoke and made it harder for the fires to spresd. The mornings in the coast counties, as a rule, were either cloudy or foggy, and the afternoons were nlnar Elsewhere ud to the beginning of the rains fair weather prevailed,' with onusoally high temperatures. Friday and Saturday were very warm days, and in the interior of the State the maximum temperature ranged be tween ninety and one hundred degrees. The prevailing winds were north westerly. SOUTHERN OREGON. Grants Pass Exceedingly warm weather continued until Sunday when it was cloudy and oool, continuing cloudy Monday. Fires have been pre valent enough to leave the atmosphere smoky, but no damaging fires exist near here. Crops all in tine condition and outlook for a big hop and fruit orop. Kerby The days were warm and the sky cloudless, while the nights were cool and pleasant. North winds pre vailed. Drian Couinued warm and dry weather prevailed during the week, the heat being the most intense cn Fri day and Saturday. It was also quite smoky on those days, initiating forest fires in the vicinity. On Suuday a change in the weather occurred, clouds coming up from the west, which cooled the air. Rosebnrg Dry and clear weather prevailed during the week. Tempera tures were above the normal. I .. : , -1 , War Against Consumption. All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption, the "white "plague" that clainiB so many victims each year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures c'onghs and colds perfectly and you are in no danger of consumption. Do not risk your health by taking some unknown preparation when Foley's Honey and Tar is safe and certain in results. Ask for Foley's Honey aud Tar aud insist up on having it. For sale by H. A. Rotermund. "' IMP OF INDIGESTION. How to Get the Better of Thia C&usv of Misery. A scieuliflo writer upon stomach troubles says: "If you have ever suffered from indigestion and who has not? your imagination has probably pistored a ferocious little imp dancing in the pit of your stomach, oausing that organ to neglect all of its duties, with a result that is not only paintul, but fills you with misery from day to day." This writer certainly had suffered with in digestion, for there is no more disa greeable, nerve-racking and slck-sll-over disease than indigestion. A great many people who have been treated for years for diseases of the heart, liver or kidneys, when they used Miona stomaoh tablets found that not only did Miona cure the stomach disorder, bot it made them well all over aud the other troublea were also cured. If you suffer with nervousness, sleeplessness, indigestion, sick or ner vous headache, pains in the back or sides, get a 60c box of Miona from Rotermund and take one of the little tablets before each meal. It will do you a world of good and you will soon be well and free from indiges tion, and its symptoms. Rotermund has so much faith in this medicine that he gives an absolute guarantee with every box. Ask him to show you this guarantee. 1 1- i - 1 The End of the World of troubles that robbed E. H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, la , of all usefulness, came when he b?gan taking Electric Bitters. He writes: "Two years ago Kidney trouble canned me (treat suffer ing, which I would never have sur vived had I not taken Eleotrio Bit ters. They also cured me of General Debility." Sure cure for all Stom ach, Liver and Kidney complaints, Blood diseases, Headache, Dizziness and Weakness or bodily decline. Price 50o. Guaranteed by all drug stores. A Guaranteed Cure for Ptt. y Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrud ing Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINT- . MENT fails to oure in 6 to 14 days. Send the Courier to your friend, to he can learn the facts in regard to the femous Rnmie River Vallev. f This week they have us "COMING"' after bargnins with business. J Pl business. R. L. COE & CO. BIG STORE ...BIG... R. L. COE & CO. BIG STORE AUGUST BARGAIN SAL Still Drawing Crowds of People SATURDAY'S BUDGET OF BARGAINS Will bo j.laccd on sale Saturday morning at 1) o'clock and continued until the close of the month. 1 lot Ladies' $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Black, Drab and White Corsets. This is a bargain that you Q will appreciate O JO 25 pieces of Wool Suitings, worth from 55 to 75c, all Wool ana mixed Minings ana Waistmgs. r.very Qfr pattern a bargain that will sell on sight. 1 lot Men's and Boys' 50c, 75c and $1.00 Wool Hats. Remember it is coming Fall and you will OK need them (COG I lot Wool-Hnished Waistings and Suitings, Licht and V.UIUIUIH3. tic ii sen iuciii oaiuraay at Ql- vjiv; less than manufacturers prices Last week they bad us "GOING" after business with bargains. I VM' " ' 1 11 25c ''''an lk Vd '''' VvfVPl2kVU lV 'J Colors, riaid and Change- Ribbon, 3.' 2. 4 and 5 inches M yjmrSii jyCXjl able effects, 18 to 36 inches 011 wide, ou sale Saturday night III ySS 1 lot Boys' 50c and 75c Moth- flf"C fCXt rO Crs" Friend Waists, on sale 3 jX$t&KSM ZZS&JwZf Satu fda v trie ht 7 to l n n..l v .t UU MVV tJ 1 lot Hooks, all of the st.in.lnr.i I Shirts, on sale Saturday Jl 1 lot Hooks, all of the standard woiks of Fiction, Poetical, Historical ami a large selec tion of Juvenile Works, on sale Saturday night 7 to 10 only, at HALF TRICE 1 lot Fancy Baskets Hampers Waste Baskets and Sewing Baskets tn sale 7 to 10 onlv HALF Va TRICE 1 lot Men's 50 and 75c Golf Shirts, on sale Saturday night, 7 to 10 only, at 1 lot Ladies' Hemstitched, 20c extra fiue all Ture Lineu Handkerchiefs, on sale Satur day night 7 to 10 only, at ... . 9' August 11 a r g a i n Sale SHOES N o v or Never 1 lot Ladies'. Men's, Misses, and Bovs' $2 SO, $3.00 and $3.50 Douglas, Tingree and Hamilton Brown Shoes to be dumped on our counter Saturday morning at 9 o'clock at. $1.48 1 lot Ladies', Misses' and Children's Tan aud Black $1 00- $1 25 and $1.50 Ribbon San-'al and Oxford Tie Shoes to be dumped ou our counter Saturday morning at 9 o'clock 'J'Qq 1 lot Boys' $1.50 medium and light weight Black Shoes, sizes 1 to 5 You'll buy them on sight now is the no time to buy tOC Children's ond Misses' White Canvas Shoes; all sizes to close out tome eany ana get a pair tor they wont last lone at " 59c 1 lot Ladies Heavy Fleeced Ribbed Underwear. Come and com pare it with goods that you have been buying else- O K where at 33 to 40c. One of our fortunate buys 30C 1 lot of Boys' School Suits; just what you'll be looking for and after this lot is sold you will pay QQn bl!Q (Si HO V, more for the same goods. iOU tpJL.'xO CplVO 1 i