Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 10, 1906, Image 3

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That you send
away for and pay
$11.75 cash. We
are closing .them
out at ' ,
We have watches
from $1.00 up.
East of Depot.
W.P.Sharman and E.F.LeMieux
Full stock of Wall Paper all designs
quality and prices.
Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Brushes
Pa' i vrl rtii-t. inr''e.
Mall orders promptly filled. .
Palace Barber Shop
Shaving, Hair Cutting
Baths, Etc.
Everything neat and clean and a
work First-Class.
Dry Goods, Underwear,
Notions, Etc.
Front Street
west Palace hcel
We pay 4 on time deposits, current
rales on savings accounts, receive deposits
subjed to check, and do general bank
ing business..
You can haw the advantage ol a
strong bank at your very door by using
the mails.
Send us your deposits. Acknowledg
ment will be sent you by return mail.
Savings accounts received from one
dollar up.
Open an account with us and note
how rapidly it will grow.
W. H FEAR. Str
(Trust (fotnpami
Trust Olatnoanu rJ
247Wasm.St. Portland. Oct
S fflPTTTi-pocrf .S50OOf
Bicycle Den
Corn and alfalfa are growing fine
Milt it is hot and dry and very
dusty, .
Hay baling will, soon commenoe in
our valley.
George Vining is suffering from
another attack of the chills.
Fred Knox is out buying horses
again for the Frisco market.
All we naed now is a farmers phone
line and a first-class creamery.
Mr. Haberman made a flying trip
to your city Saturday, also Alonzo
Hyde. . r
We are having a big campmeeting
at Murphy, preisded over by Elder
Goode. ' .
I think Wide Awake had better stay
where he is for a rolling stone gathers
no moss.
Elza Pro volt, one of Provolt's pros
perous farmers, was in the oity last
Saturday transacting business.
I see the New Hope correspondent
wjshes to know who the Laurel Grove
correspondent is. Now that is for
him to find oat ; so be must still won
der. ' , ' .
We are just informed of the loss of
Mr. Gotcher's house on Williams On
last. Saturday by fire. .Everything
they had went up in the flames.
Will Haberman , and sister Annie
attended the dance at Wilderville
last Saturday night also the Misses
Ella and Stella Williams and Grace
Bonoh. All report a jolly time.
Several of our enterprising farmers
ac selling some good horses to the
horre buyer who is scouring them
for the San Francisco work. Oscar
Bunch sold his big greys for $400.
Quite an excitement occurred last
Sonday morning by the running away
of a horse hitched to a buggy. Ye
writer tried to catch him but he was
too swift. Luckily no one was hurt,
the driver being out of the rig. The
breaking of one shaft was all the
damage done to the bnggy.
The End of the World
of tronbles that robbed E. H. Wolfe,
of Bear Grove, la , of all usefulness,
came when he began taking Electric
Bitters. He writes: "Two years ago
Kidney trouble caused me great suffer
ing, which I would uever have sur
vived had I not taken Electric Bit
ters. They also cured me of General
Debility." Sure cure for all btom
ach, Liver and Kidney complaints,
Blood diseases, Headache, Dizziness
and Weakness or bodily decline. Price
60o. Guaranteed by all drug Btores.
Miss Anna McCallister returned
home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs'. EngliBh made a busi
ness trip to Grants Pass Tuesday.
C. .N. Hathaway went to Grants
Pass Tuesday with a load cf produce.
Messrs. Frank Champlin and How
ard Wvnant made a firing trip to
Grants Pans Monday.
Anyone wishing land will be well
paid by calling around tins pait or
Southern Oregon. Lots of vacant
Mrs. Champlin and Vernie Cham
plin, and Mrs. MoAdams and her
daughter Miss Maggie, of Crescent
City, were the guests of Mrs. H. S.
Wynant Monday.
A very enjoyable evening was spent
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Walter last Friday it being the
former's birthday. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. English and
daughters, Mrs. McAdams and.daugh-
ter of Crescent City, Mrs. Champlin
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs H. S.
Wynant, Howard, Clarence and
Florence Wynant, Verner Daniels,
Fred, Pearl and Grace McCallister
and Bessie, Freddie and vernie Mc
Collumn. SHORTY.
Indian on Whit Men.
A. L. Swain, a former resident of
Tulsa, a thriving little city in the
Creek nation in Indian Territory, but
who now resides in this oity, gave the
following clipping from the Indian
Republican, Tulsa paper, that gives
an Indian's opinion of the place of
abode in the hereafter for the average
White man: . .
"An Indian living Bear here owed
one of our merchants and came in one
day recently to pay bis bill, and after
doing so he wanted a receipt. In vain
the merchant told him a receipt was
unnecessary. 'Ma must have to show
me owe yon nothing,' said the In
dian. 'Me go to heaven and the Lord
ask Injun be pay debts; Injon may
yes. Lord ak Injuu when i receipt.
What Injun do? Can t go all over
hell to look ' for you. ' ' He got the
receipt." I
Send the Courier to your friend, to
he can learn the facts in regard to the
famous Bone River Vallev. ,
..John W. Meek and Vernon Bailey
paid Grants Pass a visit Saturday.
W. S. Bailey, the Davidson mer
chant, paid Grants Pass a visit Tues
day. '
W. B. York took another band of
cattle out , to Gray back mountains
this week. . " '
. K. J. Kubli, the merchant, was also
a visitor from here to your oity one
day this week.
Ned Doney, Harvey Doney and Mr,
and Mrs. Miera were all visitors from
here to Grants Pass Saturday. '
We have do one to'report on the sick
list this week and it is hardly ever
that anyone gets sick here as the
climate is unsurpassed for its health
ful qualities.
A. H. Fenn, wbo sold his ranch to
W. T. Perry made Grants Past a busi
ness visit Saturday. H is contem
plating taking a trip to Washington
to try bis lues; at forming there. Suc
cess to blm. ; .
Geo. W. Meek,v the Davidson bicycle
repairer and mill wright, left for
Sumpter, Oregon, Tuesday where be
goes to erect a Pratt mill for a com
pany. The mill is teing furnished
by Chas. Richton formerly of this
place bat now of Portland.
W. T. Perry and Del Oeborn are do
ing some development work on the
Alder Gulch propenv and report hav
ing struck some very good ore at a
depth of about 60 feet. ' They also
struck a very promising quartz vein a
few days ago while' cleaning out an
old spring.
We are sorry to hear that Jumbo
thinks that we have misrepresented
our alfalfa, but never-tbe-less we
surely bave 'some very nice' bay on
tbis side of the river as we have an
advantage over Jumbo's laud as we
itave the sun all day on our fields
and they lay fine to irrigate. Their
land is the best, but we have some
that is better. ' MONTY.
State of Ohio, City rf Toledo, j
Lucas County
Frauk J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State
aroresaid, and that said firm will pay
LARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
oee of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Swoin to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of De
cember,' A, D. im.
(Seal) A. W. GLEASON,"'
'Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the, system.
Send for testimonials free
E. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75o.
Take Halls Family Pills for consti
pat ion.
(Farmer Wants Telephone Line.
J. Goodrich, the assistant manager
of the Pacific States Telephone Com
pauy, made Murphy, Williams and
Provolt a business cull in the interests
of his company this week and to es
tahlish a rural telephone system
among the progressive fur men of the
Applegate and Williams Valleys. The
proposition now before us is one of
the best ever offered by the company
and the expense Is very low. When
the Hue is turned over to the fanners
they get full charge and receive all
tolls taken by the present office to help
pay the necessary expenses which may
come in connection with the line.
The company offers the low rental of
5 per year if 25 members are secured
along the line. Now, why not put
our shoulders together as one great
body and bave our valley one among
tbe first to have this great telephone
system and bring the Applegate Valley
to the front, which is growing day
by day into one of the largent hay
growing valleys in the state. The
Applegate is also adapted to fruit.
grapes and berry railing which is
superior to that of any state in the
onion, but there is one thing lacking
that is the connection of a telephone
svstem with the business men of
Grants Pass. Thoi. Lewman and E.
N. Provolt of Provolt have taken
great interest in the aeelopment of
tbe valley and will have a phone in
connection with their business inter'
est and it it hoped many more will
help In tbis good work. T.L.
Why Fret and Worry
wben your child has a severe cold.
You need not fear pneomouia or other
pulmonary diseses. Keep supplied with
Ballard's Horehound Syrap positive
cure for Colds, Coughs, Whooping
Cough and Bronchitis. Mrs. HiU
Sioux Falls, S. D., writes:""! have
used your wonderful Ballard's Hore-
houudSyrup, oumy children fur live
years. It results have been wnnd"f
fuL'Soldtiy ; National Drug Va,7,
aad Rotoruiuud.
Chas. Fields of Provolt was at
Murphy this week on business.
Miss Florence Lettken of Williams
spent several days at Provolt of late,
returning borne Saturday.
John Kincade, one of Williams
energetio farmers and stock men,
parsed through Provolt Tuesday en
route to Grants Pass, returning Wed
We just learned that Mr. Gotcber of
Williams had the misfortune of losing
bis bouse by fire last night. It also
destroyed the home of A. Blodget who
occupies the house nearby. All that
was saved was a aewins machine and
an organ. The amount destroyed will
be considerable - as ' Mr. - and Mrs.
Gotcher are both along in yeats and
will take many yeara to regain what
they have lost
Hop picking is again close at hand
and hop pickers ars a little back
ward about sending in their applica
tions for jobs. It is thought by the
bop growers that pickers will ' be
scaroe owing to the large amount of
fro it, berries and other garden pro
duce requiring attention. ' Haying
will also coma in that busy month
and prevent many, from picking this
season. i .
L. W. Smith, the Provolt merchant,
has moved - his place of abode to
Grants Pass where be will take charge
of the Darneille restaurant. Mr.
Smith is now at Provolt in charge of
his store wbicb he will close out as
soon as possible and go into the feed
business in Grants Pass in connection
with the boarding house. ' We all
wish them good success in their un
dertaking as Mr. Smith is not able to
do any work at all since the operation
he had performed a short time ago.
The party of campers returned Fri
day from a trip to the Grayback
mountains, where they spent 10 days
taking lu the beautiful sights at that
place. Tbey report a good time and a
fine trip. They also visited the mam
moth cave of Oregon which is a grand
sight. While the party was in the
cave they had some pictures taken by
Leslie Bailey which will be of great
Interest to friends living at a dis
tance. The party hope to be able to
take tbis trip again in the near fu
ture. ,
The ice cream social given at Will
iams Saturday evening was a grand
suooess and largely attended consider
ing the bnsy time at present. Tbe
amount taken in was not learned but
it will be a handsome amount. This
social was given for the benefit of the
Orphan's Aid Society aud to furnish
the parsonage with necessary im
provements needed for the comfort
of the Winter months. Much praise is
due the Williams people for their
kindness. They are always willing
to help in any good cause.
War Against Consumption.
All nations are endeavoring to
check the ravages of consumption,
the "white plague" that claims so
many victims each year, foley s
Honey and Tar cores conghs and colds
perfectly and you are in no danger of
consumption. Do not risk your health
by taking some unknown preparation
when Foley's Honey and Tar is safe
and certain in results. Ask for
Foley's Honey and ' Tar and iusint up
on having it. For sale by H. A.
I he coast railroad survey crew
arrived from the north on the after
noon of the 27th ult, aud proceeded
southward to Pepporwood, Humboldt
county, next day, to complete work
of getting the grade in condition for
immediate building of the road. The
heal man of the party had done work
on the line previously. Three wagon
loads of camping outfit, aud a four
horse stage and a two-horse rig for
the men, comprised all. Breen Bros,
furnixhed the stago, a three-seated
rig aud a heavy wagon driven by J.
Taggert, A. Payne and J. Breen, re
spectively, and Jas. Hughes of Smith
River furnished a four-horse team and
Robt. Walton of this place a two-horse
team. Chester Vaughn of this place
accompanied the crew. Crescent City
Was In Poor Health lor Yean.
Ira W. Kelley, of Mansfield, Pa.,
writes: "I was in poor health for
two years, suffering from kidney and
bladder trouble, and spent consider
able money consulting physicians
without obtaining any marked bene
fit, bat was enred by Foley's Kid
ney Cure, and I desire to add my
test mony that It may lw the ranse
of restoring the
Refuse sabstituea.
health of others. "
For sale by H. A.
has stood the test 25 years. .Average Annual Sales
bottles. Does this record
auclo( wittt every
Spiced Fruits Pickles
Are fine relishes with meats.
One of the main requisites
. in making these good things
. for future reference is the
spice. '
It must be pure, strong and
. pungent.
Our Spice List contains
both whole and ground
Black Pepper,
White Pepper,
Thyme, Majoram,
"" Sago, Savory,
Mustard, Mace, ' . , ' .
NutmegB, Ginger,
Cinnamon, Cloves,
and Cayenne Pepper, ground
, only. . '
Our Flavoring Extracts and
summer dessert "supply de-
partment is full up. Quality
420 Front Street
Club Stable
FRANK HECK, Proprietor
Successor to Hayes & Heck
special atteution given to mining men and commercial
Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon
GILM0EE & BOREN, Proprietors,
li Street between Fifth and Sixth Phoni 881 - Grants rain, Oregon
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
or merit appeal to you 7
aotue u Ten Garb pacing OT uwn
Phone 43 t
Miss China Lee
You soon will see
Is just as' neat as she
can be.
The reason why
You soon will spy:
CHI-NAMEL is her
old standby.
CHI-NAMEL ia a liquid finish for
floors, interior woodwork and furniture
that is far superior tu any other made.
It is used by the Chinese to give that
fine brilliant finish to their batnbno and
other wares, which withstand bending
and banging, without cracking or mar
ring the brilliant and glossy finish.
It comes in all the hardwood
finishes, such as Oak, Walnut,
Cherry, Mahogany, Rosewood,
Sutinwbod, etc., and will withstand
hot and cold water and soap.
We will boil it iu water for you
or pound it with a hammer, and
will guarantee that what we sell
you will stand the same test.
Hardware Co.
over One and a Half MHUca
no Cure, no Fay.
buck nor, uv run.