Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 03, 1906, Image 3

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f j 1 ! :
Sk v W 111.. - I 1 III II
X Mr. Farley of Gravel's in Green- . We are atill having some warm
That you send
away for and pay
$11.75 cash. We
are closing them
out at
We have watches
from $1.00 up.
- AT
Bicycle Den
East of Depot.
W.P.Sharman and E.F.LeMieux
Full stock of Wall Paper all designs
quality and prices. 1
Paints, .Varnishes, Oils, Brushes
i-ai ,e-i va inif-w "'inp' es.
Mall orders promptly filled.
Palace Barber Shop
Shaving, Hair Cutting
liatlis, htc.
Everything neat and clean and a
work First-Class.
Dry Goods, Underwear,
Notions, Etc.
Front Street
west Palacel hotel
Hive yoa money to Invest
property to beared tor or estates
to be managed?
Will yow health, time and
privatt affairs permit you to
manafe them properly and
profitably? i
Yoa may have the eollcctivt
wisdom of experienced men in
the management of your mrer
tati If you consult this Company.
It also receives deposits
subject to check, and savings
arronntl from oos dollar up,
paying current interest thereon.
Acts as trustee m all property
relation! requiring suchservfces,
buys arid sells bonds, effects cot
kctkos. lends money.
In many other ways it can be
of service. Call nr write for fret
pvnpbltt setting forth the scops
of Its operations.
BVust anpnnff
M7 Wash. 5t- Pomtiano
11 1' II ' 1 I - - ' - - LI i - 11,1 I
Mr. Farley
back today.
Mrs. Hozie
place today.
of Golden visited this
Enoch Irwin of Martha visited this
ptaoe Sunday evening.
The weather still continues
in this neck of timber.
Miss Clara Bennett of Placer visited
the boarding honse Sunday.
n. R. Stewart and H. A. Stebinger
of Greenback made Wolf Creek a visit
last Sunday.
It is rumored that Chatlet Carville
of Placer came near being drowned a
few days ago.
Oscar Johns of Glendale vibited
Greenback Saturday evening and
Sunday morning.
Masters Albert and Wesley Irwin of
Placer made Everett Dutton of this
place a visit Sunday.
We see that "Farmers" has oiven
"Wideawake" quite a dig. Wonder
what it is all about?
John Browning and friends, from
Placer, who had been hnntlng, visited
Greenback on their way home.
Mr. and Mrs. Moody of Grants Pass
inoted here last week. Mr. Moodv
is an employe of the Martha mine.
Frank Harrington of this place left
for the mountains for a much needed
vaoation which we hope he will en
W. O. Benjamin, one of the stamp
milj employes, burned his hand on an
eleetno belt bot it is not a serious
Mihs Alice Scharingaon, Miss Eva
Slover, Mr. Tate and Mi. Nirne of
the Martha visited Mr. and Mrs. Cal.
Clark of this place Sunday evening.
Mrs. W. H. Bassett and sister, Miss
Jnanita Greninger of this place left
for Ashland a few days ago where
they will visit friends and relatives
of that place.
The youthful stage driver of Leland
visited Greenback with his painted
polk-a-dot horse, one day last week.
Henry on drive any sort of horse; he
is a fine, young fellow.
One of the Greenback stamp mill
employes has been suffering severely
from a very sore hand, which has
kept bim from work for the past
few days. We hope he will recover
rapidly. '
Miss Ethel Dutton of Greenback
was going down the steps at the
boarding house one day last week
when she slipped and sprained her
ankle, which was fortunately not a
severe sprain.
We were all alarmed by the call of
fire this afternoon but going to inves
tigate matters it was found that the
cable upon which the buckets run
from the Martha carrying ore to the
Greenback stamp mill, had slipped
off of the wheel, catching the electric
wires running beneath it, causing the
burning out of all the insolation. It
caused a great deal of excitement
but the damage was soon righted.
All of the mill men threw off their
hats, rolled np their sleeves and pre
pared for business. All ran rapidly
up the stairs especially C. H. Dutton,
who it is said miHsed the first flight
Mrs. Inman of this place who was
recently burned ont has been feeling
real poorly." We extend onr regrets
Will the correspondents please write
on only one side of the paper?
The End of the World
of troubles that robbed E. H. Wolfe,
of Bear Grove, la , of all usefulness,
came when he began taking Electric
Bitters. He writes: "Two years aRo
Kidney trouble caused me Brest Buffer
ing, which I would never have sur
vived had I not taken - Electric Bit
ters. They also cured me of General
Debility." Sure cure for all Stom
ach, Liver and Kidney oomplaints,
Blood diseases. Headache, Dizziness
and Weakness or bodily decline. Price
60c. Guaranteed by all!drng stores.
New Telephone Manager.
Representatives of the Pacific
States Telephone & Telegraph Com
pany have started a honse to bouse
canvass among the farmers of this
oounty, offering ao extremely low
rental rate for instruments to be used
in connection with the central offices
of the company throughout the
county. For i cents a month the
subscriber is given free switching
with all other subscribers connecting
ith his central exohange. Under
this rate it wonld appear that no
rural resident need be without a tele
phone and its attendant advantages,
especially as every assurance is given
of prompt and efficient service.
John B. Goodrich is In charge of
the canvass in this county and he
states that be may be seen at the cen
tral office of the company in Grants
Pass, or will visit any. community or
organisation of farmers interested to
telephone matters.
We are
Quite number of the young people
from this vicinity are attending camp
meeting at Michigan City.
Haying is progressing nicely at
present and some of the farmers have
already got the second crop in the
staok. '
W. B. York. Wood Jeter, L. W
wuura ann jas. juevsaden were
visitors from here to Grants Pass
We have no news at all this week as
everyone is busy with the hay and do
not take time to go anywhere so it
gives ns no chance to talk aboat them
State of Ohio, City rf Toledo, )
Lucas County I M
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be
is senior partner or the nrm or F. J
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, and that said firm will nav
LARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cored by the
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Swotn to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of De
cember, A. D. 1888.
(Seal) A. W. GLEASON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free
E. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75a
Take Halls Family Pills for consti
pation. flltAVH X
A VI -M. a m f M-d
A. L. Pen well wa very sick last
Lost, strayed or stolen a bay horse
with a caddie on.
The dance at Leland last Saturday
was a grand success.
Miss Clorrau Light of Grave Is
visiting friedns in Grants Pass.
Mrs. Lydia Johnston made Grants
Pass a visit some time last week.
Mrs. Wilson's mother, Mrs. Stewart
of Oklahoma, is visiting her now.
Carl Stewart and Henry Phillips
made Grave a visit Sunday, July 22d.
.air. ana Mrs. unes. uiark were
gnests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Clark last
E. M. Light and Horatio Cushing
made Grants Pass a business trip one
day last week.
Geo. Light of Leland is helping his
father, E. M. Light, get his second
crop of hay baled.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wilson have
le:ised their hotel at Wolf Creek and
have moved back to Leland.
John Browning has returned to
Placer where he will go to work for
the Columbia Mining Company.
Mrs. Mary E. Light and daughter
Adah, have returned from their trip
to Canyonville and Mrytle Creek.
The overland stage from Leland to
Placer, via Grave, has changed driv
ers. The new driver is Geo. Jones.
The Giave. "lion" has left. Some
people thouglit he was a wolf but from
his genetal appearance we couldn't
Mr. Porter is very busy now. He
has a crew of boys baling hay. Jas.
Duncan was billing hay and had very
bad luck as he broke his baler.
Seems as if the drees making estab
lishment at Grave has changed
hands. The new proprietresses are
the Misses Ruby Penwell and Adah
Mr. and Mrs. Rogsrs and A. L.
Penwell of Grave made Leland a visit.
last Sunday. Mr. Penwell is making
plans for the building of the new
hotel Mrs. Rogers intends havinir
Miss Ruby Light who has been
visiting relatives at Grave and Leland
has gone to Portland to join a crowd
of friends and from there they are to
go on a trip to Salt Lake City, Utah.
We are all sorry to have her leave our
It is not common in this day for
men to take 350 mile trips on horse
back and is certainly noteworthy
when women accomplish it. Two
well mono ted and attractive young
ladies of Holland, Josephine oounty.
Miss Grace Oswold and Miss Emma
Leonard, were in Ashland, Saturday,
en route from that mining
center to visit friends at Bly in the
Sprague River Valley of Klamath
oounty. They rode from Holland to
Wilderville, 30 miles, the first day,
and from Wilderville to Jacksonville,
,j0 miles the next, while the third
day they rested over night at Soda
Spr ings, above Ashland. " They were
thoroughly enjoying their trip through
the mountain wilds aud the interven-
ing valleys. Ashland Tidings. -
The Courier, one year $1.M; six
months, 75 cent.
Hello I Here we are again this
week to greet the opening of Aagost.
Mrs Griffith of Wilderville returned
to Pumpkin Center last Sunday. She
is stopping with Mrs. Langs.
Charley Welters and famliy are stop
ping in Grants Pass a few days.
Hello Central! Give me No. 284
Hello 1 Is that you Charley? WeU.
bring us out some oranges please.
Elmer Hansoom, accompanied by
MUses Laura Lindsay and Amory
Lonigan were over to Selma as guests
of D. H. Hanscom on Monday even
Miss Pearl Kouns and sister w ho
have been been visiting their sistei,
Mrs. Lange for some time, recently
took their departure for their home at
Hilts, Cal.
Will Sargent and wife of this plaoe
are staying at the residence of Will's
brother-in-law, Ernest Lindley, of
Deer Creek, who has been very ill
for some time with typhoid fever.
Marlon Sargent, after spending the
Winter and a cool Summer at Cres
cent City, returned to this vicinity re
cently to take his brother Will's place
at the mill and to' visit friends and
relatives. Marion thinks the atmos
phere np bare some different from
Crescent City. He soon raised
sweat up here.
Mr. Cornwall, of lthoose, was
taken suddenly ill and was nnable to
drive his team farther than Selma
last Friday. The team was driven on
to Swede Basin by W. S. Lonigan of
Selma. He was accompanied from
Love's Station by his daughter, who
arrived from New York last Ihurs
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, cousins of
Will aud Clarence Taylor and Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Taylor, landed safely at
home Sunday evening, from Breigh
teubuBh Springs where they had been
spending the last three weeks. Mrs.
Taylor returned very mnch improved
in health. Monday morning Mr. and
Mrs. Taylor aud Mr. and Mrs. Curtis
left for Crescent City to spend a
weex. ETAN.
War Againit Consumption.
nations are endeavoring to
the ravages of consumption,
white plague" that claims so
the "
victims each year. Foley's
Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds
perfectly and you are in no danger of
consumption. Do not risk your health
by taking some unknown preparation
when Foley's Honey and Tar is safe
and certain in results. Ask for
foley's Honey and Tar and insist op
on having it. For sale by H. A.
C. F. Lovelaoe and crew are put
ting in a bridge across Slate Creek
this Week.
Charles Oglesbie got his thumb nail
tora off in the gearing of his bicycle
a few daa ago.
Mrs. Spauldiug of Swede' Basin, is
visiting this week with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Akers. '
J. B. Robinson was on the sick list
a few days last week but is now well
and is at work again.
Conferenco met at the chnrch Tuei
day of this week with Dr. M. O.
Wire, the presiding elder, in charge.
Mr. aud Mrs. Durand and two litltn
o'lildren of Stockton, Cal., are visit
ing at Mr. aud Mrs. Akers. Mrs
Durand and Mrs. Akers are sisters.
John Lewis and Leo Sams cut a bre
tree a few days ago getting 60 or 70
pounds of honey but they had quite a
scrap with the bees getting stnng
several I lines, giving the men's jaws
the appearance of having the mumps.
Sunday as Mr. and Mrs. Akers were
going home from chnrch the neckyoke
gave way while the team was going
dewo hill and thy came near having
a runaway. After giving the occu
pants quite a scare the team was
finally checked.
The Williams Bros, are doing a
rushing business with their saw mill,
with 12 wagons hanling lumber to
Grants Pbbb. UNCLE FULLEK.
The Gold Fill News
wys that on
G. Perham
Sunday of this week E.
and Ned Potter made a trip from 'he
mouth of Elk creek to the Condor
Water & Power Co.'s dam at Gold
Ray by boat covering the entire dis
tance in about six hours. While this
is not the first time such a thins has
been done yet it is the fastest time
that has been made on the trip and
tbey are the first to ko over the Jack
son Rapid without the ue of a line.
The trip was made in the interest of
Dr. C. R. Rav to ascertain the tos-
sibility of driving logs down the
has stood the test 25 years. Averaea Annual &.!
bottles. Docs this record
k. mumM ws
Spiced Fruits i Pickles.
Are fine relishes with meats.
One of the main requisites
in making these good things
for future reference is the
spice. .
It must be pure, strong and
Our Spice List contains
both whole and ground
Black Pepper,
White Pepper,
Thyme, Majoram,
. Sage, Savory,
Mustard, Mace,
Nutmegs, Ginger,
Cinnamon, Cloves,
and Cayenne Pepper, ground
Our Flavoring Extracts and
summer dessert supply de
partment is full up. Quality
Al ,
420 Front Street
m- In
Club Stables
FRANK HECK, Proprietor
Suocessor to Hayei & Heck
special attention given to mining men and commercial
Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon
0. A. DICKIS0N, Proprietor.
II Street between Fifth and 8ixth Fuon. 881 Grants Pass, Oregon
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
of merit appeal to you ? .
"OIU s i era ab pnoux of Crove'i
Phone 431
Miss China Lee
You soon will see
Is just as neat as she
can be.
The reason why
You soon will spy:
CHI-NAMEL is her
old standby.
CHI-NAMEL is a liquid finish for
floors, interior woodwork and furniture
that is far superior to any other made.
It is used by the Chinese to give that
fine brilliant finish to their bamboo and
other wares, which withstand bending?
and banging, without cracking or mar
ring the brilliant aud glossy finish.
It comes in all the hardwood
finishes, such as Oak, Walnut,
Cherry, Mahogany, Rosewood,
Satinwobd, etc., and will withstand
hot and cold water and soap.
We will boil it in water for you
or pound it with a hammer, and
will guarantee that what we sell
you will stand the same test.
Hardware Co.
nita Ones mA i Ualf VTTTna
No Care, No Pay. 508.
Block tVoob Uvr Kin.