Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 27, 1906, Image 5

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    Count, weigh and mtamrt everything
hui." American (Jroeer:
To bask in a cool, shady nook dflr
ing this hot weather and more so if
the lunch basket is well filled with
good things to eat.
Early PEACHES now in the
market, also Good Cooking Apples,
Pie Cherries, Cucumbers, Black
berries, etc.
All kinds of Lunch
such as Baked Beans,
Minced Clam, Sweet and Sour
Pickles, Sliced Beef, Sliced Ham
White House
July 28, Saturday Meeting of the
Grauts Pass Fruit Growers Union
at the Courier office at 3 p. m.
August 8, Wednesday Semi-Annual
examination for teachers in Jose
phine coanty at the court house in
Grants Pass
September 8-8 Farmers institutes and
fruit growers meetings in Josepine
county, places not yet selected.
September 5. Wednesday Regular
session of oonnty coort.
September 34, Monday Ciroait court
for September term convenes.
For Fire Insurance
The U. F. R. A. of McMinnyille
are the cheapest and have 13 years
standing without a peer in Oregon
for settling fire losses. That tells the
tale. Don't be deceived by other
gents who have selfish motives. In
no event will it cost yon more than
the standard stock companies charge
per annum. H. B. HENDRICKS, -Agt
Grants Pass, Ore. 7-27 tf
Are a part of every prescription we
fill. The doctor doesn't write them
down with the other ingredients
because of tacit understanding that
they are to go in always, and he
knows that they will go in when
you bring his order to us.
Model Drugstore
Front Street.
At the Big Furniture Stote, North Sixth Street,
Has Just Received
Another Car of Furniture
Of which he will advise more fully later.
Besides this a large and
Lace Curtains,
Lounge Covers
Have just come in from the East Come
in and see them. Also another ship
ment of Axminster, Velvet and Brus
sels Rugs. All at prices below Portland
or other large cities.
: Items of Personal
j:, - Interest.
Howard Mitchell went to Klamath
Falls last week.
Mrs. Otto Dunlap of Lelaad, came
op Saturday to visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. L. Ooron.
Miss Roth Dean, who bts been
visiting Ashland friends for the past
three weeks, returned borne Sunday.
A. B. Cornell returned Monday
from Jacksonville where be had spent
a conple of days on business at that
Ralph Dean returned to Grants Pass
Sunday, from Ashland, where he as
sisted in the orchestra during
Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Tait., of
Lakeport, Cal., arrived here Saturday
to visit with Mrs. Tait's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Chiles.
O. W. Holmes, day baggage man
at Grants Pass, left Saturday for Gold
Hill to take the position as assistant
depot agent temporarily.
Miss Oro Willson, who has been at
Ashland attending Chautauqua the
past week, retained to her home in
this oity Saturday evening.
JDr. C. W. Becom, a dentist of Cres
cent City but fonnerlyjoftbis city
arrived in" Granst Pass Tnesday on
his way to a California mineral
Dr. Maude Kremer, who has been
in Grants Pass for the past three
weeks, visiting her parents, Dr. and
Mrs. W. F. Kremer, returned to Port
land, last week.
Lester Williamson left Friday for
Berkley, Cal., his former home,
where he will live with his grand
mother and an auut, and will attend
school the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. James Tolin, who
have been visiting their parents for
the past month, returned to Santa '
Cruz. Mr. Tolin is superintendent of
the S. P. Ry. steel bridge work.
Rev. F. W. Carstens of Medford oc
cupied the pulpit at the Baptist
ohurch last Sunday both morning and
evening, he and Rev. J. B. Travis
having exchanged pulpits for the
J. W. Howard went to Williams
Wednesday where he will spend some
time with his family who are spend
ing the Summer at Mrs. Howards
parents, Postmaster and Mrs. David
Mrs. C. M. Rummage, of Grants
Pass, a cousin of Miss Bena Snelling,
arrived yesterday afternoon for a few
days' visit with Miss Snelling and
other relatives in this city. Albany
Hon. and Mrs. R. G. Smith, of
Grauts Pass, were in the city for a
short time yesterday forenoon- and
left on the bay train for Newport,
where ' they will enjoy an on ting.
Albany Herald.
Mrs. C. E. Coffman returned home
Tnesday after a six weeks' stay in
Pnrtlnnd with w Aanahr Mia. '
Myitle Ireland. Mrs. Coffman spent
a few days with relatives iu Eugene j
before returning.
Miss Pausy Wilcox, who has been :
visiting her parents in this city for '
the past month, left Monday morning .
for Portland, to reNome her duties as
bookkeeper in one of the business
houses at that place. ;
Fred Wilcox, the night baggageman
at the depot, went to Roseburg Mon-1
day morning to take the physical ex-
amination required by the Southern
Paciflo Company. He returned to
Grants Pass Tuesday morning.
at Holland and' one of the best In
Josephine county, was in Grants
Pass Monday. Mr. Hodgden stated
that considerable development work
elegant assortment of
Portieres and
sjiSjSjiSjSjs. aw
: was being done on quarts claims in
, the Sucker creek district and that
; the miners were having most .en
couraging success.
j Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Swagerty came
. in Thursday from Williams Bros, mill
near Murphy to bring their daughter,
'Mrs. B. Hamilton and her children
: to take the train for their borne in
Spokane, after a visit of two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gigler, who con
duct the G street bakery and con
fectionery, have bad a handsome cot
tage built on Fourth and H streets,
the work being done by M. T. Utley
and J. Harper, and the first of this
week they moved into it
Mrs. Charles Potter left Tuesday for
her home in Starback, Wash., after
spending a month in Grants Pass on
a visit to ber parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Swain. Mr. and Mrs. Potter
were former residents of this city
and he is now conducting a meat
market in Starbuck.
Fred Croxton left for his home at
Portland Friday after having spent
the past two weeks here looking after
his property Jnterets. While here,
Mr. Croxton, through W. L. Ireland,
sold bis house on B street and Gilbert
creek to Mrs. J. Pardee. Geo. E.
Howland, the present tenant, will
remain in the house for another year.
Dr. W. H. Flanagan went to Port
land Friday to accompany home Mrs.
Flanagan and their daughter Wini
fred and Tuesday they retnrned to
Grants Pass. Mrs. Flauagan had been
in Portland for several weeks where
she bad an operation performed. She
is now fast regaining ber strength and
is able to be about bnt it will be some
time before she will fully regain her
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Cramer re
turned home Saatrday from their Sea
side and Portland trip, not greatly
impressed with Seaside as a Summer
resort, as there are no natural attact
ions aside from the ocean itself and
hotel accommodations were not
even np to the oidinary. At New
port, however, there are innumerable
natural attractions at a short distance
from the town which afford very
pleasant side trips.
Mr. and Mrs N. G. Bates aud Mr.
Bate's brother, O. F. Bates, from
Montague and the latter's wife, will
leave Tuesday for Steamboat at the
foot of Grayback mountain for a 10
days outing. Mr. - and Mrs. O. F.
Bates will arrive in Grants Pass
Sunday from Montague. During the
time that Mr. Bates is out of the city
his partner, Charles Williams, will
have charge of their barber shop and
with the aid of an assistant accom
modate their patrons.
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Green, now
conducting a general merchandise
store on North Sixth street, will
move their stock of goods to Provolt,
where thev will engage in business.
They have arranged with S Provolt
for the erection of a building at the
forks of the Applegate and Williams I
roads and they expect
to be occupying .
" fcy the 'ast Augnst with their
store. Mr. and Mrs. Green are encr-
K?i strictly reliable aud as they
will have an advantageous location
will be certain to secure a good trade
for their store.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lister and Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Lister got back Tues
day from a two weeks outing at the
coast. They first went to Cretcect
City, but the weather being cold and
fo8Ky 'hey only spent two days
when they came back to Gasquets.
There they found a delightful canip-
8 Place on amith river, me Ois-
nce wa iast s"rt'Rt enough from the
ocean to avoid the logs and raw
i winds, yet to give a bracing air tnat
was very refreshing and the party i
were able to enjoy the pleasures or
camping to the fullest extent
J Georgo von der Ilellen. son of i
I Hon. H. von der Hellen, of Wellen, 1
i Jackson county, was in Grunts Pass
Wednesday aud arranged with Mana-1
ger A. C. Hoofer to be arsayer at the (
Mt. Pitt so soon as the new mill is j
put in operation, which will be with
io a month. Mr. von der Hellen j
1 graduated this year from the State j
Agricultural College taking the course
' in chemistry and assaying in wbioh i
he attained a high standing. He Is
an industrious young man .or good
i habits and a close student and he
: should make a success in his chosen
j vocation.
Gordon Land, a well known mining
j engineer who has made Grants Pass
; his headquarters for the past two
years, left this Thursday with Mrs.
! Land for Oroville, California, where
'they will take up their residence.
: Mr. Land has been for some time near
I Oroville In charge of some extensive
: mining operations for a California
company and as be will be there for
some months yet be thought It best
to jmove tothat place. While resi-
' ileuta of this"city," botk Mr. and Mrs.
! Land made many warm friends who
regret their removal yet give them
their best wishes
their new home.
for prosperity in
A Brief Record of
Local Events.
H. C. Perkins returned Wednesday
from Ashland where he had spent a
couple of days making the survey of
some mineral claims three miles west
of Ashland.
Joseph Hill, who operates a paying
plicermine on Jacks creek, a tribu
tary of Jump-off-Joe, has reoently
completed a handsome .six-room cot
tage on 11th and M streets and last
week moved his family into it.
A meeting of the Grants Pass Fruit
Growers Union will be held this
Saturday at 3 p. m. sharp at the
Courier offloe. It is expected that
every member will be present as there
is important business to transact
The Lindburg Photograph Co.,
wbioh baa been taking ontaide views
in town and surrounding country for
the past six weeks, left Monday
morning for Gold HilL The com
pany is composed of thorough gentle
men and they understood the photo
graph io business.
George Creed made final proof Mon
day on his homestead, which is lo
cated on the Applegate above Wilder
ville, before U. S. Commissioner
Arthnr Conklin. His witnesses were
0. F. Lovelace and J. C. K. Mo-
Cann. Mr. Creed has his dace well
improved and had no 'difficulty in
making his final proof. A part of his
land is deep red clay and he is plan
ing to plant it to fruit
Louis Loesch, one of the largest hop
growers of Williams Valley .was in
Grants Pass Tuesday. Mr. Loesch
has 85 acres to hops and he stated that
the vines had made a big growth and
the prospects were now certain for a
big yield. As the outlook is good for
at least a fair price Mr. Loesch is
greatly encouraged iu bis venture.
He thinks picking will begin the last
week in August and he is now engag
ing pickers.
Sheriff Russell sold a bunch of eight
fine milk cows to George Mathew
son, who has a large dairy ranch on
Sucker creek and who is a half owner
In the Illinois Valley Creamery. Mr.
Mathewson came to Grauts Paes Fri
day and Saturday he started for his
place with the cows. This bunch is
the last of a large band of cows that
Sheriff Russell purchased sometime
ago in the famous Smith River dairy
district in California, and wbioh be
has sold to Josephine county farmers.
Thos. F. Cooke, who for several
months past has been with the Con
dor, Power & Water Company in
charge of the inigation department in
making contracts for electrio power
pumping plants, left Saturday for
New York to be gone for several
months. Mr. Cooke will spend a
conple of weeks in New York after
which he will take a trip to Europe.
While In the East Mr. Cooke will
present to capitalists some land in
vestment proposition of properties in
this connty that he represents for the
Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick have re-
-eiveo a lener siauug tneir aaugmer,
Mrs. A. C. Goettsohe, has so far re
covered from the operation performed
on her six weeks ago for relief from
appendicitis and the relief of a tumor,
that her husband will be able to bring
her home and they will leave Port
land Sunday evening and arrived In
Grants Pass Monday morning. Mrs.
Goettsche is gaining in strength and
she has every prospect of fully regain
ing her health. Mr. Goettsche is a
fireman in the employ of the Southern
Pacific and at the time be had to take
his wife to Portland he got a change
of run and has been rnnning out of
! Portland on the Sheridau branch.
N(!Xt week ne wlll
resume his run
thia div.Blon.
Work was begun Tuesday
by the
Water Company in laying the new
and large mains that are to be placed
on the principal streets. Six car
loads of pipe ranging in size from fl
inch to 13-inch have been received
and will be used in relaying the
mains. The land has been bought
upon which to locate the new pump
ing station at the White Rocks. The
building will be erected this Fall and
the pnmps aud machinery moved to it
from the present station below town.
As the new station will be a half
mile above town there will be no
more chance for complaint that the
intake Is in a dangerous place. To
provide a reserve supply of water
for the city and to afford a chance to
settle the wster to remove the sedi
ment during the Winter season an
other reservoir will be built this Win.
ter adjoining the present ooe. WbUe
water la being drawn from the other
one will be filled and the water al
lowed to settle. With all the im-
nrovements completed that are now
, planned for by the Water Company
Grants Pass will have purer water
' and more of it and pressure sufficient
' to give good fire protection.
Cook your fruit in Btranskjfwere,
Isold by Cramer Bros.
New Note From the Business
Men to tVendera.
Dr. FlAnikoikn.
Physician and Dentist
Dr. M. C Findley,
Oculist, Auriet, licensed optician.
Go to Ooron for Plumbing.
Hammocks at Cramer Bros.
M. Clement. Prescription Druggist.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges atCoron'i
Order seals and rubber stamps of
A. E. Voorhles.
Sun-proof Paint at Cramer Bros.
For a e'eau bed and a good meal
try the Western Hotel.
Fine Fishing Tackle at Cramer
Maps of Oregon Washlnton and
California at the Musio Store.
New Shirt Waists. Prioes cannot
be met at Mrs. E. Rehkopf & Oo,
And still I am insuring and selling-
real estate at tbe old stand. J. B.
Placer and quarts location noteos,
mine deeds, leases, .. eta, at tbe
Courier offloe.
Ice Cream Freezers at Cramer Bros.
Send your family washing to tbe
Steam Laundry. All rough dry work
26 cent per dozen. Phone 873.
New Spring soods arriving everv
day. All the latest novelities at Mrs.
E. Kehkopr & Co. 4-6tf
Camping Outfits at Cramer Bros.
Dr. W. F. Kremer will hereafter be
in his offloe in the Courier building
from 7 to 8 o'clock each evening.3-9tf
An ice cream social and dance will
be given by the lady Maocabee at
the Woodman Hall Thursday evening,
August 2. 7-27 It
Winchester, Marlin ' and Savage
Rifles at Cramer Bros.
Your clothes oalled for and delivered
and all flatwork that goes through
the mangle washer, ironed at 25o per
dozen. Grants Pass Steam Laundry.
Phone 873.
Now is the time for all good bus!
ness men and oottage owners to insure
against fire in the Oregon Fire Relief
Association, with H. B. Hendrlckst
agent for Josephine county. Offloe
opposite P. O., Grants Pass, Oregon.
7-27 tf
Fruit Jars at Cramer Bros.
Don't be dnped by transient optical
grafters bnt patronize your home
optician and get a square deal.
Alfred Letcher, Jeweler, on Front
street is the only one in Josephine
county who has a registered certificate
from the Board of Optometers of
Oregon, a list of which can be seen at
his store, so get your eyes tested and
fitted properly by calling on him.
Charges very reasonable.
M. C. Mnuson of Roseburg and M.
C. Davis of Wolf Creek, both Con
gregational Sanday School Mission
aries, were in Grants Pass Friday
on their way to Selma, where they
wi 11 do some work in the interest of
the Sunday schools of thor denomin
ation. Charles Smythe and his mother
Mrs. J. G. Gamble who have been
conducting the Rogue River Coffee
Market on West G street have so in
creased their trade that larger quarters
were required and they have leaded
the large storre room to the Kesterson
block uutil lately occupied by Mo
Lane's drygoods store. The line of
goods will be largely increased and
patterning after one of Philadelphia's
finest stores the new store will be
known as Siuythe's Quality Shop. In
aidition to a full line of the finest
coffees, teas, spices, r to., a fine stock
of Chinaware will lie carried. A
complete line of samples will be car
ried of the celebrated Havilaud
Chinas by which selections can be
made for orders. The plan is to make
Hmythe's Quality Shop the finest
coffee and China store in all Southern
The Grants Pass Bulletin
It is illustrated with half-tone cuts
of scenes in the Rogue River Valley
and is full of descriptive matter.
It Will Cost You Nothing.
Just bring or send the names to me
and I will mail it free of charge.
iTheSReal Estate Merchant
List your property with me and I will
advertise it in tbe BULLETIN lree of charge.
Such will not be the
case if you buy from
our fine stock of
Fishinn Tackle
Split Bamboo Rods
from $1 to $8 each.
Camping Outfits,
Guns and Ammuni
tion. : : :
Cramer Bros.
Newman M. E. Church.
The Rev. G. L. Burbank, pastor of
our ohurch in Central Point, Oregon,
will occupy the pnlpit in the morning.
In the evening union services in the
Baptist ohurch. The Sunday school
meets at 10 a. m. Class meeting at
12 m. Epworth League at 7. A cor
dial welaome awaits you.
, Presbyterian Church.
10:00 A. M. Bible School convenes
under the superintendenoy of Mr. H.
O. Kinney.
11 :00 A. M. Morning Worship.
Evan P. Hnghes. pastor. Drenches
the sermon. Theme "Tbe Imper
ativeness of Doty" which was post
poned from last Sunday morning.
7 :00 P. M. Devotional Hour of the
Y. P. S. O. E. under the leadership of
Evan P. Hughes.
8:00 P.M. Union services of all
the churches at the Baptist ohoroh.
Baptist Church.
Next Sunday morning Rev. J. B.
Travis will begin a series of sermons
on the general theme "March ina-
with Moses."
In the evening there will be held ia
the Baptist chorch the first of the
series of Sunday evening union ser
vices, with sermon by Rev. McCans-
lin, presiding elder of this district
for the M. E. Church South.
E. O. Stoiger was iu Giants Pass
Tuesday having oome in from Will-
lams Bros, mill near Murphy and was
on his way to his borne in Jackson
ville. Mr. Stoiger is a stwyer and
ror several years worked in blgJl
in Lewis county,. Washington,
the last three years he hat! .
managing the sawmill near J'
ville owned by the low.'
Company. He will begin
day to work for William'
The Courier gives all the county