Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 13, 1906, Image 6

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    Habit-forming Medicines.
Whatever may be the fact at to many
of the so-calJra patent medicines con
taining Injurious imrredieritii as broadly
published In some journals of more or
leas influence, this publicity has certainly
been of great benefit In arousing needed
Attention to this subject. It has, in a
considerable measure, resulted Id the
most Intelligent people avoiding suet
foods and medicines as may be fairly sus
pected of containing the injurious Ingre
dients complained of. Recognizing tlilf
act some time ago, Dr. Tierce, of buffalo,
I. Y., "took time by the forelock," as it
were, and published hrosdcaxt all the
ingredients of which his popular medi
cines are composed. Thus ha has com
pletely forestalled all harping critics and
aJl opposition that might otherwise be
Brged against his medicines, because they
are now of known composition. Fur
thermore, from the formula printed on
very bottle wrapper. It will be seen that
these medicines contain no alcohol or
ther habit-forming drugs. Neither do
they contain any narcotics or injurious
gents, their Ingredient being purely
vegetable, eitraeted from the roots of
medicinal plants found growing in the
depths of our American forests and of
well recognised curative virtues.
Instead of alcohol, which even In small
portions long continued, as In obstinate
eases of diseases, becomes highly objec
tionable from It tendency to produce a
ravrog for stimulant, Dr. Pierce sm
ployi chemically pure, triple -refined
glycerine, which of itself Is a valuable
remedy In many cases of chronic diseases,
being a superior demulcent, antiseptic,
rntlferment and ingaiorting nutritive,
t enhances the curative action of the
Golden 8eal root, Htone root, Black
Cherrybark and Wood root, contained In
Golden Medical Discovery," In all bron
chial, throat and lung affections attended
with severe coughs. As will be seen from
the writings of the eminent Drs. Grover
Cos, of New York; Bartholow, of Jeffer
son Medical College. Phila.; Scuddor, of
ClnelnnaU: Elllngwood, of Chicago:
Bala, of Chicago, and others, who stand
a leaders In their several schools of
practice, the, foregoing agent are tht
very bat Ingredient that Dr. Pierce
could have chosen to raaka up his fa
mous "Discovery" for the cure of not
only bronchial, throat and lung affec
tions, but also of chronic catarrh la all
Its various forms wherever located.
The Pioneer Grocer
A Specialty
Dried Fruits of All Kinds
Wholesale and Retail
Feed ana Flour Store
J. E. KERLEY, Proprietor.
Kerley'i Feed Stables, South Sixth Street.
Flout Brand of Flour.
Hav of all kinds.
Rolled Hurley, Wheat and Oats.
Clean Gray Oats for Seed. "
Bedrock prices.
The Popular Barber Shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath Jtooui In connection
Southern Oregon Contract
ing & Construction Co.
Estimates and bid fusuished on
Ditches, Dams, Bridges, Tunnels,
Office, Room 3 Masonic Temple.
0 TOT7 srOTt
T advOTUa our alamuad Osisel
covers we wul sand to any ad
4r this handsome CORSET
0OFt, stamped in extra qual
ity rresrah ounbrla, with
ootton i embroUasv all
TheNeedlecraft Shop
M Wfeattafvav Bt, rortlama, Ot.
All the world
knows the Ballnrd's Sjiow Lioi-1
went has no superiorjfor Rheumatism, '
Stiff Joiuts, Cuts, sprains. Lumbago I
and all pain, buy it, try it aud you
will always use- it. Anybody who'
bas Ballard's Snow Liuiuient is
living proof of what it does. All 1
we ask of you i to get a trial bottle. 1
Price Mo, 60 and 11.00 at National
Drug Stole and Kotermund's.
Pit 0V0LT
Charlie Fields made business trip
Thursday to Merlin.
Jessie Summer of Merlin, was to
see his friend here on the Fourth.
The ranges are mnch ahead of last
lesson and all stock bids fair to dc
The crops are good tbia season and
there will be a big yield of bay, fruit
and vegetables.
The Laurel Grove correspondent was
at Provolt this week hauling bay oa
the 8. Provolt farm.
B. W. Baldwin, the Williams bop
grower and Grants Pas business man,
was at Provolt this week on basinets.
Miss Lillian Stitea of Williams
passed through Provolt tbia week en
route to Thompson creek where she
will risit with friends.
3. A. Lewman and sons have some
fine clover bay this season, wblcb
they began cutting Saturday. The
yield is heavy and the bay of fine
Z Provolt Is an eitensive bay grow
ing distriot and is well adapted to
alfalfa and clover. Ic also bas the
Applegate river to rely upon during
the hot weather of Summer for water
for stock.
Tbe party which spent their Fourth
on Murpby creek returned Friday.
They all report a pleasant trip and a
good time. The princpal feature of
tbe day was fishing. Tbe members
of the party hope to take this trip
E. N. Provolt, one of our enterpris
ing farmers, is erecting a barn. The
frame was raised Saturday by the
Howell Bros. Ulysses Provolt and J.
A. Lewman are also building barns
but much larger. Provolt is one of the
principal 1 feeding districts in the
S. W. Smith, the Provolt black
smith and merchant, returned home
Saturday after several weeks spent
in the Grants Pass Hospital where be
had an operation performed. He is
mnch improved ' but unable to work
for tbe Summer. Mr. Smith gives
the hospital much praise for their
kindness to him while he was there.
Ulysses Provolt, E. N. Provolt and
J. A. Lewman and the latter's sons
left Monday for tbe Gray back ranges
with their stock whore they will be
left till September when they will be
brought home to feed for the Winter.
The feed on the mountains is excellent
this season and stands from two In
ches to feet in height It Is prin
cipally bunch grass and pea vines on
the ridges while in the marshy samps
it is a kind of grass tbat makes fat
cattle. It is sub-irrigated from the
beatutiful white snow banks on tbe
mountains. These swamps are also
oovered with many beautifol wild
flowers and of all colors.
Representative Littlefield of Maine
wa introduced to a man from Pitts
burg, says the Saturday Eveniug
"I made some speeches out in your
towo once," said LittleOold.
"Yes," said the Pittsburg man,
"Iran for office that year and was
beaten by 7000."
"Heavens" exclaimed Littlefield
"lam not usually so fatal as that
I spoke for Dave Mercer out in Omaha
in 1UO0 and they didn't beat him until
Justice blanks at the Courier office.
Hivt you money to lovitt,
property to b cartd for or tatattt
to be managed?
WlD your health, tlmt and
privaH aftairt permit you to
oiiugt thra properly and
profitably? .
You may hav the collective
wUdocn ol experienced men la
the mituetimnt of your mter
csti tl you coniult this Company.
It alio receives deposits
subnet to check, sad uvlnji
accounts from one dollar up,
paying current Interest thereon.
Acts as trustee In ad property
relations requiring such services,
buys and sells bonds, effects col
lections, lends money.
In many other ways It can be
of service. Call or write for frt
pjunphtrt setting forth the scope
of Its operations.
lT W8B. Sv PomiANO
Onr bay crop is big. Some timothy
so big tbat it bas to bo cut with a
Tbe weather bas been quite warm
but not so hot but everybody can
work as we have a breeze in the mid
dle of tbe day.
People are very busy making hay
as tbe farmers are late with their
hay. Tbe wheat crop here is big so
is all kinds of crops.
Tbe sawmills on Brimstone Creek
are intending to build a tramway to
run cars to Leland, which will be
cheaper than hauling lumber by
wagon. '
In tbe last issue of the Courier an
article signed Farmer from Grave
tbe writer must be a little off. Speak
ing of the celebration at Placer tbat
tbe people would oelebrate as well as
they oould in their poverty. Now,
Placer can celebrate and bas the money
to make as good a showing as any
where in tbe county.
Jim Diz, an old miner that has
been in this vicinity a long time,
disappeared, no one knowing where be
went. After a long time bis remains
were found on the hillside on Grave
creek. He was a steady and respect
ful oitizen.
Tbe hotel at Leland bas changed
bands, Mr. Woods has it rented. He
is a flrstclass cook and knows bow to
rnn a hotel. Since be took charge of
the hotel tbere is a visible change for
the better. Now the boarders have
no fault to find. The tables are fur
nished with everything that the
guests wish for. The house has also
been renovated and first-class beds put
The Original.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on accoont of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered
for the gennine. Ask for Foley's
Honey and Tar and refuse any sub
stitute offered as no other preparation
will give the same satisfaction. It is
mildly laxative. It contains no
opiates and is safest for children and
delicate persons. For sale by H. A.
We are having some very nice warm
Wood Jeter
visitor from
of this place was a
here to Grants Pass
Bert York, who is working on a
farm up at Applegate, was a visitor
from here to Grants Pas Friday.
Haying is progressing nicely at
present but is badly in need of water
as these hot days do not let it Brow
very fast
W. a Bailey, the Davidson mer
chant took a trip to Grants Pass Tues
day, bringing out a load of goods for
his store.
Miss Dora York and two of her
brothers, Jess and Hugh, attended the
pionio at New Hope July 4th and re
port having had a nice time.
Z John and Geo. Bailey, Lester Doney,
Bartie Davidson, J. G. Roberts and
K. J. Kubli were all visitors from
here to Grants Pass Tuesday.
Ihose who attended the dance from
Applegate were Misses Maude and
Alice Per noil, Miss Grub and Messrs.
John Herriott aud Ed Gateos.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sweeny who
have been visiting Mrs. Sweeny's
parents returned to their home at
Williams Bros, mill July 4th.
The grain crops of Miwiouti Flat
are not doing so well at present owing
to the hot weather, but nerer-the-less
a good crop of graiu is expected.
The picnlo at the grove above Peter
Bnrkhalter's was a grand sttoceu and
everyone seemed to have a good time
aud plenty to eat and driuk as there
was a nice st renin of cold water rno
niug by the grove.
Doctors Said Me Would Not Live.
Peter Fry, Woodruff, Pa., writes
"After doctoring for two years with
the bout physicians iu Waiiet-burg, and
still Kethng worse, the doctors ad
vised uie If I had any htixiuees to nt
teud to I had better attend to it at
once, as I could not possibly live an
o. her month as there as no cure for
me. Foley's Kidney Cure was recom
mended to me by a friend, and I iui
uiedately sent my sou to the store
for it and after taking three bottles I
begau to get better aud continued to
improve until I was entirely well. "
For sale by H. A. Rotermund.
! To Cure a Cold In One Day
ine Tablets. Druggists refund nionev
if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S
signature is on each box. Vxx.
The Courier gives all the county
i news. '
PASS, OREGON, JULY 13, 1906.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. O. Penny,
a boy.
Fine weather is still with the Grave
Talk about bired men being scarce I
The Grave people are despairing of
ever getting any.
T. J. Hnssey is having a fine bouse
built at Meilin.
Mrs. Mary E. Light was taken sick
last Monday morning.
Governor Jim and Proprietor GoS
attended the celebration.
Geo. Porter was at Placer tbe 4th
and enjoyed himself fine.
Wonder if tbe stage driver has
forgotten about going to Plaoer the
4th I ,
Some of tbe Greenback boys spend
tbeir Sundays at Hugo. Wonder
Mrs. Hoxie of Golden was tbe guest
of Mrs. Penny, last Tuesday and Wed
nesday. .
Frank Sexton is going to Portland
to spend the Summer. We are all
sorry to bave him go.
Another man was found dead in
BrimBtone Creek this week. Wonder
what's tbe matter with Leland.
The girls at Grave bave just about
come to the conclusion that this is not
a good year for fish to bite or there is
something wrong with tbem.
Everyone enjoyed themselves at the
Placer oelebration, Mr. Porter's mare
winning in the horse race. Miss
Inez Williams was the winner in the
girl foot race.
It is repotted that Percy Williams
lias already berun to practice up for
the next 4th of July races as he was
beaten in everything he attempted
this time. Keep on and you'll get
there Percy.
Yes, we think if Wide Awake would
quit being such a blarney he would
oome out all O. K. if he has such
land as he talks about it doesn't need
any advertising. FARMERS.
Charles Monann sprained bis ankle
and bas to go on crutches.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and Goldie are
on a trip to Klamath Falls
it. M. Komnson made himself a
present of a threshing machine.
Miss Jewell of Grants Pass visited a
few days with Orpha Stevenson
Miss Buell of Grants Pass visited a
few days at tbe home of R. D. Lind
Emma McCann has returned from
Medford where she went to spend tbe
4th of July.
John Lewis killed a huge rattle
snake while returning from Wilder
ville recently. ,
Kirkman Robinson is home now,
after an absence of several months, at
tending school at Eugene.
Mr. Nickerson, of Washington, is
visiting at his father-in-laws, J. H.
Robinson; his wife already being
They bad a little breakdown and the
sawmill was stopped half a day.
There are several new lumber haulers
on the road now.
Emmet Conger hauled a load of
lumber from the Christie mill Tuesday
of this week to help finish bis house
jnst across Applegate.
Lulu Conger, who was working at
Love station, had the misfortune to
cut her thumb and had to take a vaca
tion. Basha Lindsay is taking her
Mr. Erickson felt from a load of hay
alighting on his head and shoulders.
Luckily he was in sandy ground, or
likely he would have been hurt much
worse ; as it wa he was pretty badly
Sunday, the Kth, being Jim Mo
Ciuiu's 2Uth birthday he bad quite a
crowd of relatives there for dinner.
The report is they had a splendid din
ner aud a good time. All left wishing
him uiauy happy birthdays.
Elex Jess got a binder, so our valley
is prospering. With better grain
crops thau usual machinery is coming
in to help harvest them. The second
crop of alfalfa is soon to be cut.
How thankful we should all be.
The grand 4th has come and gone.
Some celebrated at home while
others celebrated abroad. There was
quite a crowd collected at the Will
iams saw mill, having a ball game
Id the afternoon, while iu the even
iug they finished up with a dance.
t.t. I nll..A DM..a.
woaouvc ui quinine Tablets. Jt5
SevwMnsooboie.sow m p i2 month. This signature. &
'""aTHaWaaWr i- aaaaaaaaa t-
I Buy and Sell Real Estate
No 487. 80 acres. Between 8 and 10 acres meadow with good
. . .. ' i j w..f a re .it tvnrh land seeded to Brain? lam.
imeatine aiica auu wu
box house, barn, sheds for stock and
horses hack anH wagon; two sei ui uuh, . -,., x urooo.
sow and pigs; poultry; all farming implements, consisting of mower,
rake plow harrow and various other small tools; mower and rake al
most new-'about 9,000 feet of lumber, together with household goods.
$2500.00 takes the entire outfit. Good for 30 days only.
No. 494. 240 acres. Good three room house, small barn, moke
; Miner 30 acres fenced. 20 acres in cnlti.
vation. Small orchard. Plenty
$5.00 per acre.
Yours for bargains,
516 E Street
This young man has pur
chased one of those
at PADDOCK'S, now he is
happy. You can't afford to
walk when Bicycles are as
cheap as they are now. Come
and see them at
East of Depot.
Cured of Bright'! Disease.
Mr. Robert O. Borke, Elnora, N.
Y., writes: "Before I started to use
Foley's Kidney Cure I had to get up
from 12 to 20 times a eight, and I was
all bloated up with dropsy and my
eyesight was so impaired I oould
scarcely see one of my family across
tbe room. I had given up hope of
living, when a friend recommended
Foley's Kidney Core. One 60 cent
bottle worked wonders and before I
bad taken the third bottle the dropsy
had gone, as well as all other symp
toms of Bright 's disease." For sale
by H. A. Rotermund.
A Hard Lot
of tronbles to contend with, spring
from a torpid liver and blockaded
bowels, unless yon awaken them to
their proper aotioo with Dr. King's
New Life Pills; the pleasanteBt and
most effective enre for Cnnatiiiarlnn
lhey prevent Appendicitis and tone
up tue system, zoo at all arog stores.
Fine wedding stationery at the
Courier office.
Club Stables -
FEANKHECK, Proprietor
Successor to Hayei & Heck
Special attention given to mininc men and commftrcial
Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon
C. A. DICKISON, Proprietor.
(I Street kcliun run, i c:.l
.. .uu
1 o Cure a M ?i Ono n
' c
all necessary outbuildings; two
of good timber. Living water.
The Real Estate Man
Hello 393 Office, 611 Residence. .
Grants Pass. Ore.
Grants Pass Breeders Association t
IU - -a , , . t." a
1 I
'"WW--' -
!,;. I; ,
; . J (
Will stand at the following p aces
one day in each week:
Williams C. O. Bigelow's.
Applegate Near'Rose Hall.
Murphy H. L. Reed's.
Grants Past
Service: Insurance, $20.00.
For further information address,
Grants Pass, Ore.
Furniture and Piano
W.P.Sharman and E.F.LeMieux
Full stock of Wall Paper all designs
quality and prices.
Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Brushes
"e't -d .rtifi inrV!e9.
Mall orders promptly filled.
Palace Barber Shop
Shaving, Hair Cutting
uaths, ttc.
Everything neat and clean and a
work First-Class.
i irmi b-' ' '
most 881 Grant Pan. Ormrnn
Cam Crip
in Two Days.
m A
ca every