Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 13, 1906, Image 4

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Published Every Friday.
Subscription Ratesi
One Year, in advance,
8ii Monthi.
Three Monthi,
Single Copies,
AlwArMalnv P r
Furnished on application at the office, or
by nitiJ.
Obituaries and resolution of eon-
tfnlenoe wui oe enargea lor ai oc per une
card of thank 60c .
Entered at the poat office at OranU Fast,
Oregon, aa aeoond-clas mail matter.
FRIDAY. JOLT 13, 1808.
Senator Booth Retiree From
Grant Pasa Bank they Are
Now Septvravta) Institutions.
A Unsocial transaction of very great
importance to the business interests of
Grants Pass baa been brought to a
successful close the past week. It
consisted in tbe dissolving of all con
nection between the two banks of
this city and of the resignation of
Senator R. A. Booth of Eugene, as
president of the First National Bank
of Southern Oregon, and of rice-president
of the Grants Pan Banking &
Trout Company and of transferring of
all bis stock in the two banks to
Grants Pans purchasers. This more
on Senator Booth's part was not made
becsurn his bank invettmeust in
Grants Paas were not protflable, for
the stock of both banks are in de
mand at above par, but that bis ex
tensive interests in the Bootb-Kelly
Lumber Company and other property
Interests in Lane county and other
' parts of Oregon require his in 11 at
tention and all bis capital.
At the same time that ' Senator
Booth retired from the Grants Pans
bauks the farther arrangement was
mad that severed all fluauoial con
nection between the two invitations
and now they are as separate in all
their affair and aa it is possible for
v two bnslness houses to be. This
severance of financial relations does
not mean that there is any friction or
conflict of interests between the two
institutions, bot on tbe contrary there
Is tbe hearty good will between tbe
official of the two banks that should
exist between all business men, and
aech bank; while striving to secure
tie Tola me of business will
co-operate and work with the other in
any measure that will tend to the
building op and prosperity of Grants
n and or Josepblne county.
Id tbe First National Bank of
Boo them Oregon Senator Booth is
succeeded as president by L. B. Hall,
who also takes Mr. Booth's place on
the board of directors. No other
change in officers has been made and
now this bank Is owned and controlled
eioloslvely by Grants Pass men. Mr.
Hall is a thoroughly experienced man
in that relates to banking bosiness he
having worked his wav np from office
Hoy to cashier and an oltloer in one or
the strongest banks in Illinois. Since
he was 17 years old ontil three years
ago when he came to Grants Pans
he was connected with the A. T
Thointunn & Comnanv bank at Mb
chanicaharg, Ills., and at the time he
sold oo t he held a half interest in the
bank. This bauk is one of the Ur
gent coon try banks in that state and
holds a high rating in financial cir
cle. Since coming to Urants Pbm
Mr. Hall ha made large investment
in leal eatate and has become deeply
Interested to the material progrefs of
the city. He ha ahowo himself to be
man of high bosinee capacity and
thoroughly progreive yet prndent
and hi being made president of the
First National will be an added factor
to the strength and Handing of that
bank. The actual management of
business of the bank will remain with
II. L. Gilkey, who ha been cashier
and manager for year pat Hud to
hcee sagacity and encrgv Is due in a
large measure the ilentlid prosperity
that the hank ha had and the strong
positou it occupies among Hie bauk
of Oregou.
With the Grant Fata Btnl;iog&
Trust ('uiiipativ the rnueiui nt cliHiive
incident to the ri tirnuut of Senator!
Pooth as a lot4iholdir h av hut 1(MK)
of its HtiM-k held out mile of .lutephii e
county and it I understood ; hat the
party holdinu it will shortly turn it
over to a umnu r. pun-baser.
Senator Booth wa vie-prt sidcut in
this hark aud this po-itinn it non
filled by Jaini T TulTs, who win
thee atato of hit father, the late Jaun s
P. Toff, hold a large block of th
Mock. Mr. Tuff haa been a meuiher
of the board of director and the place
held OB the lxrd Senator llootli
will not lie tilled until the annual
election of ottlcera. It i quite prol.
f ble that a Grant Fa man Mill be.
come pri'Kidi'Ut of thin luiuk at the
next election of cftlcer, an J Frank
Watson of Portland, ha so many large
interest in that city to engage both
hi attention and capital that he la
dealrou of retiring from the uositlon.
L. I.. Jewell, cue of the fuuudert uf
th bank, and its cashier and manager
aiace its crgiwixation will continne to
hold that poaitiou. Mr. Jewell ha
been for years one of the leading
boainrss men of Grants Pa and he
has a high standing in this city
for bis integrity, public spirit aud
business rapacity and nnder hi man
agement the lank of the Grant Pas
Banking & Trut Company will lie
certain to continue in it prosperous
condition and to iucreaim It nuanclal
strength and Ita iutloence in the com
munity as this city and county de
velop. The semi-annual statement of
this bauk made on the first of Julv
shows that It is in a very healthy,
uroneroos condition. CM loans, dis
counts bonds and securities tbe bank
holds f Iftl.047. 01 and has $59,239.11 io
uhah And aiihfc Aiohanra. while Its
real estate and Dank nxture are '
valued at f412. It has deposits of
flS2. 133.60, surplus and profits 'of
S064.R3 and capital stock of $25.
0t0. This statement compared with
that of a year ago shows that tbe bank
has bad a fine business the past year
and tbat it has the fullest confidenoe
of the citizens of Grants Pass.
A. Schneider of Waldo, was here on
bnsiness this week.
Joseph Hiatt is almost through hay
ing and lias big crop.
Robert Hiatt is stoping in Selma a
guest at tbe Hotel Enterprise.
Mrs. D. H. Wimer is now able to be
about her house after a week's illness.
W. J. Schmitt is a very busy
farmer, working every day, Sunday
D. H. Wimer is kept very bnsy
with work in his blacksmith shop and
is making money.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Reames passed
through Selma Monday returning from
Waldo to Grants Pass.
L. B. L. and D. S. Pfefferie have
made a rich quarts strike oo Elder
creek, six miles east of Waldo.
Bert Bogne came over from Schmitt
Bros.' sawmill Saturday evening
and remained over Sunday in Selma.
The two merchants of Selma, R. O.
Chnrchill and A. V. Schtmit, are
each having a good trade this Sum
A young sister of Roy Craig's,
while in company with her playmates
at Davis' hotel Sunday fell out of a
swing striking on
ber bead injuring i
her painfully for the time, bot not !
seriously. !
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wimer, wbo
went to Eastern Oregon sometime 1
ago, to where George Wimer lives, j
who is the father of Adam Wimer,
have returned here and state that they
found no place so good as Illinois
Valley. '
Mrs. Schmitt ha. fully regained
.r With .nrf h.. ,n. to
her health and has gone to Chetco
mines to rook at $40 per mouth. Her
daughter Dolly went with her, while
her other daughters, Maodie and
Rena remained at home to keep honse
for their father.
J. H. Lesher from Quincy, Califor
nia, was In Selma Monday on his way
to Pine Flat to examine mining
claim in that district owned by G. B.
Ward and J. O. Anderson, and who
are developing it in a small way.
Mr. Lesher is contemplating buying
an interest in the property.' Should
Mr. Lesher boy in a large force of
men will be put to work to fully de
velop the property. Pine Flat is on
the lower niinois river abont 27
miles by trail from Selms and has the
Indications of becoming a rich min
ing district.
)l0 Reward, ftOO.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to know that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been been able to cure In all its stages !
o.wl ti,. i. foti-.h n i.
is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cur Is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional disease,
require a constitutional treatment
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucoo surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease, and giving the patient
.1. . , .ij.
strength by building np the oontitu-
. i i .i , j , .
tion and assisting nature in doing Its
. . . .
TCvfis. aud I'lopriruira nave au mncn
faith in its curative powers that they
offer. One Hundred Dollar for any ,
oae that it fall to cure. Seudfcr!
Hat of testimonial. Address F. J.
CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 7Ao.
Take Hall's Family Pill for consti
pation. Tumbler Sale 30c dozen. A big
line of all kind Olajsware. Thouis
& O'Neill.
The Free Methodists lin . Mmn
meeting wlne1ay at Wovxlville that
is to continue 10 day or two week.
It i held in a beaotifol grove wh re
tlure is good shade, cool spring water
and a delightful camping place.
The service will be conducted by
Presiding Elder W. E. Goode of Md
ford and Rtv. T tt.rvinn,. A
n,.... r.... i .
Grant Pas. Other ministers are ex-
pected to be present for a part of the
iiuio ana to aasisc in the exercises. 1
Tuesday a delegation left this city
for the camp grounds, those going ;
time and to aasist in the eieroiar. i
being Rev. and Mrs. E. I. Harrlng-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swain and
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rimer. As Sun-1
1 1 1 w. . . , . j
day will be one of tbe big day a !
large deleggation will go to Wood-
ville this Saturday to attend the er-i
Camp outfits, tenti, tinware, dishes!
Thomas & O'Neill.
rine Program For Chautauqua..
The Fourteenth Annual Session at
Ashland. Oregon. Jnly 11th to 20th.
Fine lectures, concerts, music, schools.
Partial list of speakers Bishop Moore.
Dr. Locke. Captain Jack Crawford,
Mrs, Gielow, Miss Belle Kearney,
Prof. Baumgardt, (science), Bosani,
tbe famous juggler and the California
Quintette Clob. Fine camping.
beaotifol scenery. Make your plans to
come. Write for printed matter.
PROF. T. A. HATES, Secretary.
Grandpa DePny, who lives on East
Maine street, is the prond possessor of
a bible over 100 years old. This bible
belonged to his parent and was given
to bim at their death. The book is
yellow with age but still fairly well
preserved and bears the date of April,
1808. Mr. DePoy says he bas been
offered bis choice of many bibles in
exchange for this one', but be would
not part with the ancient book.
MOSS On 8unday, July 8, 1906. to
Mr. and Mrs. Jobn M. Most, a son.
McKINSTRY At Grants Paas, Ore.,
Wednesday. July 11, 1906, to Mr.
and Mrs. E. T. MoEinstry, daugh
residence of the bride't mother, Mrs.
Josephine Barrett, at Grants Pass,
Ortgon, Sunday, Jaly 8, 1906. Ma
thiaa Ferrell Chapman and Miss Til
lie Eogena Barrett.
borne of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. McCnrdv, in Glen-
dale, on Sunday, July 8. 1906, Ira
A. Ma I lory and Mis Hildagsrda
McCurdy, Rev. G. T. Pratt officiat
ing. Onlyimmediate relatives and friends
were present to witness the ceremony.
The room was profusely decorated
with roses and the bride, who was
dressed in white silk, carried a hand-
booquet of carnations. Follow-
,n8 ln meaning " eiegani inncn was
wrved. The blidal couple left on the
evening train for Newport where they
" "wod a few days after which
t,,ev wiU 8 to Ohio as a pari of their
wedding toor and that Mr. Mallory
10 ;"T
!thEMI - W,U then re,n 40
Grants Pass where tbey will reside.
Mr. Mallory was a weigher in the
railway mail service bot has re'ired
from that work and will take np tome
other line of work.
DUNCAN At Leland on Sunday
Jaly 8 1906 trank Duncan.
The funeral services were held
Tburiday in Grants Pass at Hall's
chapel with Interment In Granite
Hill cemetery. Mr. Duncan was a
resident for a time of this city and
was a member of the 8alvatioo Army
but laat week he went "to Leland to
work. Sunday he went np Brimstone
i creek to take a bath and was drowned
i in a pool of water. He was subject to
I epiletic fits and evidently was taken
' with a spaam and fell in tbe pool
face first. No one being with him he
; drowned before he could recover to
i help himself. Dr. Beard, the corouer
was summoned and Monday held an
! Innito. a Itirw,n tfr m .... c n
.,,,,, , , ..... ..... ,
bad no relatives In Oregon.
STEWART At the family home in
Medforrt. Sonday, July 8, 190fi.
Joseph H. Stewart, aged 73 year.
The fnn?ral services were held
Tuesday at Medford. Mr. Stewart
had been sick for some time with a
complication of troubles incident to
nM ...a ntliioh .,...1 hi. T
V . . , , ,
i Mr. Stewart belong the honor of pat-
.1 . , , r
i ling fruit growing in Rogoe River
n . , ,
ialley on a successful commercial
, basis, for he planted the first large
orcturd and shipped the first in car
load lot. Mr. Stewart was engaged
in fruit growng at Qoincy, 111., and
made the first big display of apple
and pears from Ill'nois at the Ameri
can Pomological Soci-ty meeting iu
Philadelphia In lSilO. Learning of
the wonderful fruit that Rogue Rmr
Valley produced, Mr. Stewart catne
to Jackson county iu 1SSA and within
a year had 160 acres set to orchard
,,Br Medford, it now being a part
of the big Voorhie orchrd He
afterward s- Id
that orchard and
big orchard, which
planted another
tw a f.-w yeira ago sold ofc. J. Ve
Hart, a wealthy retired wholesale
hardware merchant of Portland. Ob
servation of the success that thehnnie
steader were having with their little
orchards np in the hiMs convinced
Mr. Stewart tht the Rogue River
hills contained much choice fruit
;lnd. In the red clay hill on upper
j Kogue river Mr. Stewart bought a
: large tract of land and commenced
planting it to apples and pear and at
planting it to appiea ana
',,e ,iuV "J
be bad -M0
trees aa ever
public spirited man and be was
prominent in financial affair in Med-
,ord wner he w" ,M
property owner. He is survived bv
Mr(J. 8te,w,rt ,nd three daughters,
Mrs. A.J. Weeks of Oak land. 'Cal. ,
Mr. H. M. Crowell of San Diego,
Cal., and Mrs. D. R. Hill.
Poultry Netting in al! widths at
Cramer Bros.
Their Big Sale Will Be the Talk
of the Town.
Stanleys leave o soon, and com
mencing Monday, tbe 16tb, will bold
the greatest sale our city bas ever
known. Every piece of merchandise
in stock most go, tbey say. It will
be tbe place for bargains. Saturday,
Jaly 38, is their last day in town.
L. H. Yorkers is one of the many
progreative farmers wbo have settled
in Josephine county within tbe last
year, drawn here by the wonderful
possibilities for fruit growing in
Rogue River Valley. Mr. Yorker
was a Michigan fruit grower wbo
went to tbe Los Angeles country
three years ago attracted there by
glittering statements in ' pamphlets
sent over tbe East telling of tbe money ;
to be made in orange and other fro its
in Southern California. He soon
found that California was mncb
over-rated and over crowded state and
the climate was far from perfection
so he began to make inquiries as to
the advantages of other sections of
tbe Pacific Coast with the result that
he decided that Rogoe River Valley
bad the climate and the fruit possi
bilities for which be had come west.
Mr. Yorker was iu Grants Pass
Monday and wss a caller at the
Courier office to subscribe for the'
paper and to learn of the working of i
the Grants Pass Fro it Growers Union. I
He thinks the Union is the only I
means whereby tho farmers can profit-'
ably market their fruit. He bas
bought a piece of land a mile north of i
Merlin and moved on it in April. He
is preparing to plant a large number!
of fruit trees this Fall and intends '
to put the greater part of bis land in
New Home Sewing machine agency j
at tbe Musio Store.
It pays to advertise a useful article.
Nine times oot of 10 there'll be a
buyer before tbe 'nk is dry. Try it.
ONE three-minute driving horse also
racing cart. H. N. Mitchell, North
8th street. Box 454. 4 27 tf
FOR SALE Heavy pair of work horses
and heavy harness and a 8J-4 Stnde-
baker wagou, nearly new. A idress
P. O. box 1U5, Grants Pass. 6-25 tf.
FOR 8ALE Two 8, inch lumber
wagons at reasonable price. In
otiire of M. BRAAT. near Wilder.
ville or address him at Grants Pass,
Ore. 7-6 2t
COWS FOR SALE 14 head of choice
milk cows from Smith river
dairies, aud are in Grants Pass. I
Call on or address Joseph Rus-!
sell. 8-30 tf
FOR SALE New 6-room house and
two lots, fence and ootbnildiogs,
good residence, Corner Walnut and
Pine, No. 204 . Price rt50. p. o.
Box 178. M. J. Young.
FOR SALE 88"acres of river bottom
land 4'f miles. west of Grants Pass,
good building, 10 acres orchard, 9
acre hop ; price 4000. Inquire of
A . N. Hulbert, Sams Valley, Ore
gon 4-20 tf
Store bnildiug and a good clean
stock of general merchandise.
Boilding contains nine residence
rooms aud a half acre of land goes
with the troperty.; Would ex
change for Grunt Pass residence
property. For further information
address J. r. McDonnell, Merlin,
Ore. 7-6 tf.
FOR RENT or sale two good booses
in ciioice location. Address J. D.
Drake, Seventh and A streets. 8-80tf
FOR RENT 5 room hoose. Cor. I
Fourth snd I streets. Pantry and
Bath, good will of water. M. E. 1
Moore, Seccnd hand store. 5-18 tf!
WANTED Grain Sacks, Tools and j
other mcond-haud goods. Harrison
Bros., Second baud-store, corner
Sixth aud J street. 2-U tf
WANTED A fiiOtH) improved farm of
about so seres. iTerer to deal direct
with owner rather than through an
agent. Addrtgs J. E. Day, General
Delivery, Grants Pas. " 7-fi 4t
WANTED Man ti take contract to
clear 40 acres of brash laud one
half mile from Grants Pas. Soil)
i loose snd brush can be pulled '
with a team. Will let contract for;
from 10 to 40 acres. Enquire at j
Courier Office. 6-2 4t i
LOST A black silk work-bag, con
taining glasee. thimble, acisaora.
and fancy work, by the river near
bath houses, Rtitnrn to Rev. F. C.
Williams and receive reward.
FOUND Boys and
girls Coat on
streets of Grants Pass. Call at
Courier office, describe property,
pay for ad and gat them. tt-lft U
FRANK BURNETT Upholstering.
mission furniture made to order.
$3.50 and $4.00
R. L. Bartlett
Howard Building Sixth Street
A Trsgic Finish.
A watchman' neglect permitted a
leak in the great North Sea dyke,
wbich a child's finger could have
stopped, to become a ruinous break,
devastating an eutire province of Hol
land. In like manuer Kenneth
Mclver, of Vanceboro, Me., permitted
a little cold to go unnoticed until a
tragic finish was only averted by Dr.
King's New Discovery. He writes:
"Three doctors gave me np to die of
lung inflammation, caused by a
neglected cold ; but Dr. King's New
Discovery saved my life." Guaran
teed best cough and cold core at all
drugstores. 50 cents and 11.00. Trial
bottle free.
Kodaks Courier Building.
j A Guaranteed Cure for Piles.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrud
ing Piles. Druggists are authorized
to refund money if PAZO OINT-
! MENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 day.
Grants Pass
All KlHdS OI HOUT, teed,
- - -
1 CoT. 6th and T StS
1 "
?8aonng? GRANTS PiASS ORE.
! Conducted by Prof. Geo. O'Brien
Thorough course of instruction in all branches of In
dustnal Art, according to the methods in vogue in the large
!u AcuutMmes. rawing, Tainting, Modeling, Archi
tecture, etc 0
Class Tuition 25c and Upwards.
For further particulars apply at Room 5, Masonic
Temple, from 9 to 12 a. m.
We offer our entire line of Dry Goods, con
sisting of Muslins Prints, Challies, Lawns, Dimities.
Table Linen White Goods, Ladies' Waists, Skirts,
Ladies and Children's Furnishing Goods
Millinery, Notions, Etc., At Cost.
out ?xT r linesIow t to close them
Your purchasing at our store means a treat
savms,o yo,u We invite you to " i, us and be
We have received a large shipment
of ALL AMERICA Shoes and Ox
fords for Spring and Summer wear
Tbey can be had in all the latest
toes, and in vicL patent colt and
tan. They await your Inspection at
County Treasurer's) Notice
There are funds in the treasury to
pay all warrants protested to April 1st,
1903. Interest will oease from this
date. July 13th, 1906.
Treasurer of Josephiae County, Ore. '
Do you want a profitable woodyard
or a money making orchard? Being
unable to properly attend to both my
woodyard and my fruit farm I will
sell either at a bargain
Woodyard has 20,000 feet of shed ,
space. Good office boilding, foor
horses, six wagons, two carts, electrio
power woodsaw. Convenient to cen
ter of city and has a big trade. Only
woodyard in Grants Pass.
Orchard adjoins city limits on main
street. Trees principally Spitzenbergs
and Redcheek Pippins and are in the
best of condition, healthy and well
sprayed. Crop this year will half
pay for the place Irrigation by
electrio power centrifugal pump.
Good buildings and all kinds of tools.
7-6 2t O. O. LUND,
Feed Store
Mill IFeed. HaV. Grain.
Grants Pass, Ore.
' -
h 1