ROGCE RIVKR COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. JULY 13. IXM. SEMfl-AHIWAL CLEMPS SALE try Goods, Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings, Skirts, Shirt Waists and Notions Commencing Monday, July 1 6 sxmI 21 This, my Second Semi-Annual Clearing Sale, I want to make bigger and better than ever. My first sale was a big success, as m all goods were as advertised. New bargains every day. Don't forget the date of this sale, and get the Biggest Bargains in New and Up-to-Date Merchandise as low as the lowest. . Dress Goods and Silks 1 pc 38-in. tan wool Voile, worth 75c, S. P. 35c 5 pes 38-in wool Dress goods, worth 40c, S. P. 24c 1 lot 38-in " Novelty 50 to 65 S. P. 41c 1 " 45-in $1 " 1.25 S.P. 73c 20 exclusive Silk Waist Patterns, worth $1.00 to 1.25 choice 69c a yard. 1 pc 36-in Black Taffetta at 92Jc 1 pc 36-in " " worth $1.50, S. P. $1.20 1 pc 36-in " Pue de Soi Silk, w $1.50, S.P. $1,20 A lot of short lengths must bo closed regardless of value. Calicoes and Ginghams Your choicoof any of my best prints 4$c Ono lot of my best Ginghams, worth 12 Jc, S. P. Sc MONDAY'S SPECIAL See our big leader in Embroidery at 7c a yard Worth 12J to 25c a yard. TUESDAY'S SPECIAL Your choice of any of my 50 and 65c Shirt Waists for -39C ' All new and up-to-date. WEDNESDAY'S SPECIAL Your choice of any 12J and 15c Percales for 9c a yard 10 yard limit Table Linen and Napkins 1 pc Bleached Damask, worth 35c ...S.P. 21c 1 pc Unbleached " " 40c S. P. 28c 3 pes Blchd, Unblchd " 50c .8. P. 30c 4 " " 65c S.P. 45c 4 ' " 75 aud 85c, 5. P. 57Jc . Big reduction on all better table linens and napkins. Towels and Crashes 25 doz Towels at 4C each 35 worth 15c S. P. 10c each 20 " " " 20c S.P.12Jceach 20 25 and 35c, S. P. 18c each .5 pes Crash Toweling S. P. 4c yard 6 - Blchd, and Unblchd Twlng, w 10c, S. P. 6Jc yrd 10 ' 12Jc. S. P. 9c yard REMNANTS - 1 have a bie lot lyZeod price is no object' Lawns and Dimities Soo my leader, worth 10 and 12 Ac S. P. Gc My 15c Lawns aud Dimities at SJc yard 1 lot Lawns and Dotted .Swiss, w 15, to 25c, S. P. 9:c My Novelty Wash Goods, worth 25c " KUc India Linen at 5c yard Embroidery and Laces Soo my two big leaders at 5c and 11c a yard. Shirt Waists 1 lot Shirt Waists, worth 50 to G5c S. P. 44c 1 75c to $1.00.... " 59c I $1.25 85c I I. 50 to 2.00.... " $1.35 1 ' 2.50 " 1.65 THURSDAY'S SPECIAL Your choice of any Men's Shirts, worth 50 to (.c, at .I.TfJ ea FRIDAY'S SPECIAL Your choice of auy of my best prints at 4c a yard 10 yard limit. SATURDAY'S SPECIAL Underskirts, ranging in price from 49c to $2.50 My big ralue in Ribbon, worth 25 to 40o a yd Sale Price IOC Corsets I have a lot of odd Corsets to close out regardless of values. Hosiery and Underwear 50 doz Men's and Children's Hse at Sc 25 doz Ladies worth 15cs P1jc 40 doz Men's Hose, worth 15c jjc 50 doz Ladies' Children's Hose, worth 25, 35, isc 25 doz Ladies' Vests, worth 15c jQc 50 doz Ladies' Vests and Pants, worth 25c. ' 19c 10 doz Men's Shirts and Drawers, w 50 to 75, 39c Muslin Night Gowns 1 big sample line, worth $1.25 to 1.75, choice 95c Skirts I have a big sample line worth $2.50 to 10.00 that so in this sale at $1.45 to $6.00. Look these ov er. This sale I want to make the BIGGEST, GENUINE CLEARING Sale in Grants Paw and if right prices and good goods will do it I know my expectations will be fulfilled Remember all goods as adrertised, and that my stock is all new and up-to-date Don't forget the date-MONDAY, July 16th, to SATURDAY, July 21st' 1st Door North First National liauk. FRED GUMPERT.