fafi VOL. XXII. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1906. No. 15. 9 1 'X ku HOOD RIVER A WORLD BEATER Cat Medals at Every Fair So Ad vertised that Europeans Think Little Valley Is A Big State. "When it comas to advertising their traits the Hood River orohardists are not equaled by the growers of any other .section of the Paeifio Coast. If there is a distinguished person or a notable party that passes through Hood River they are presented with boxes of choice frnit being the com pliments of the Hood Hood River Fruit Growers Union. Let there be a fair, an exposition or a gathering of frnit growers any where from Maine to Oregon and tbe irrepressible Hood River hostlers are on band with a display of frait and they get away with the great majority tbe honors and their Union conld make a display of medals and diplo mas that in number wonld eclipse the collection possessed by the mncb dec orated npnarchs of Europe. Even at Salem, which claims to be in tbe land of tbe cherry, Hood River cherries got away with most of the honors in the cherry exhibit at tbe meeting of State Horticultural Soci ety, held in the Capital City last week. Then not oontent with competing against the world these advertisers for profit hold a fruit exhibit of their own every two years at Hood River and vie with each other who can make tbe best display of orchard products. Already they have begun preparations for tbls Fall's fair which they announce is to be larger, better and more successful than ever hereto fore held by them. That this persistent, thorough and effective advertising is a profitable in vestment to the Hood River orohard ists is proven by tbe extraordinary high prioes they realize for their fruit, $3 a box not being an unuBoal price had for their apples. LaBt year the entire Hood River apple orop was bought by a London firm in compe tition with buyers from New York and other American cities. So effect ively ban Hood River been advertised that many people in tbe East and in Europe think that it is a state of tbe Union, instead of a little valley 12x25 miles square hid awav in the side of the Cascade mountains, peopled by the most progressive, scientific fruit growers in the world. It is conceded by experts that k Rogue River Valley can grow apples, pears, cherries and strawberries fully equal to tbe best that Hood River cau produce and in grapes, peaches and melons we lead the entire Coast. But in prices Rogue River does not lead for tbe world knows not of these fine fruits and does not fancy bidding to get Sell Real Estate Sand ? i ;"' 4 c-fv NOTICE Miners and Mill Men ! If you are going to need any machinery in the line of Hydraulic Machinery and Air Compressors Steam Power Plants ' Light and Heavy Saw Mill and Transmission Machinery -1 , v ., Edwards' Friction Log Turner Cleveland "Sweet Temper" Machine Knives Hamilton Machine Tools . : ) DROP ME A POSTAL stating your wants and I will save you money by selling to you at jobber's prices. , W. L. IRELAND, ' Courier Building Grants Pass, Oregon. them. ,.Wbi Rogue River is as well known as la Hood River then will the orchard jets here get (be top price for their frait. At the meeting of the State Horti cultural Society in Salem last week among the topics discussed was that of grapes. Among those giving their experience in grape growing was W, K. NewelPof Dilley and commissioner for the First district on the State Board of Horticulture. Mr. Newell is one of the most successful grape grower! in the Willamette Valley and is an authority on the subject aud the Courier herewith gives the main points of his address which will be of interest to grape growers in this val- In part, Mr. Newell said: "We might do a great deal more In grapes than we are now doing. Eight years ago we succeeded in stopping the im portation of Conoords from New York into our markets, but we are still buy ing large quantities of California grapes annually. We should grow more, of the California varieties. It is well known that Oregon is the best oountty on earth to grow grapes. The finest, Tokay grapes are to be bad In Oregon. I don't advocate growing tbe Enropean vareties in tbe Will amette Talley; grow only the Ameri cans. Grape growers should pick out hillside locations for their vineyards in order to make a success of grape colture. The elevation should be from 200 to 1000 feet. Perfect drain age is necessary. The soil on wbioh our hazel and fir grow is good for grapes.' 'Plaut four-fifths of the vine yard to Concords, get some Moore's Early - and several other popular varieties. The trade demands a black grape., Buy yearling vines. Plaut them from the middle of March to tbe first of May about tbe middle of April is the best. Rows should be 10 feet apar and the vines eight feet apart in the row. All of the Ameri can varieties should be trained by the trellis system ; tbe Europeans on the stump.! they trellis posts should be four feet higb with a top wire and the lower wir should be 16 inches above tbe ground. Cut tbe vine back to just come under tbe first wire. Summer training should be practiced. About the middle of June pick out tbe ends offtjj8hoots, and about a month later gd-pTOT them the second time in the sanje way. The old style of train ing is not being nsed any more. Keep plenlty of foliage on the vines as the best grapes grow under the heaviest leaves and next to the ground. The trade demands the American varieties and in baskets of four to eight pounds J "(Europeans should be packed in boxes.' - Don't pick grapes until after 9 a. m. so there will be no mois ture to adhere to them. Grapes can stand 24 hours 'after being picked be fore it 'is necessary to get them to market This is one thing in their favor. The present high express rate precludes their being shipped in small quantities, - Rent Houses ? W. L. IRELAND, Cc Real Estate Man. Ground Floor, Courier Bldg. Grants Pass, - Oregon. t V4 TO GIVE 0RCHARDISTS PRACTICAL POINTERS Grants Pass Fruit Growers Union Arrexnge With Agricultural College For Fruit Meetings. The board of directors of the Grants Pass Fruit Growers Union held a meeting Saturday at the Courier office. The appointment was made of Fred rick D. Ejsniann as business mauager for the Union to serve for this year, he to hold this position in addition to that of president. Mr. Eismann was tbe unanimous choice of tbe directors for manager as all considered him to be the best qualified man in Josephine oounty for the position. Mr. Eismann and bis brother Christopher, will have 12,000 boxes of fruit this year to sell, and.thls will be an extra Incentive for bim to get the beef price possible oo all shipments made by the Union. The constitution of the Union pro vides that the manager shall be paid only by fixed charge per box on all fruit sold. Mankger Eismann offered to handle tbe business of tbe Union for five cents per box of fruit that be will sell. This being considered a very liberal offer the directors accept ed it. For the payment of this small price the grower is relieved of all trouble of finding a buyer for bis frnit and of tbe trouble of shipping and of attending to the collections, in whioh many of them had a bitter ex perience is the past. The matter of fixing the amount per box due the Union to cover its various expenses snob as expert packer, warehouse rent, iusoranoe and office expenses was left to be considered at tbe next meeting of the board. Manager Eismann was authorized to have made a stencil' plate for putting the Union's label on all boxes of fruit to be shipped. The placing of an order for boxes, paper and nails was deferred to a future time pending the seonring of an estimate from the mem bers of amount they will need. Tbe securing of a warehouse for the use of tbe Union was left to Manager Eismann. . - It was decided to hold a series of frnit growers meetings in Josephine oounty the first week in September under the auspices of the Uuion and of the State Agricultural College and Secretary Meserve was auhorized to arrange with Dr. Withcyombe, di rector of the College, for spi akers. The pUce for holding these meetings was not determined, that being lttft to Secretary Meserve to arrange with local parties. The business niiu of Grants Pa.-s will be called on to ay the hotel expenses of the speakers while in tbe city and tbe livery hire in taking tbeui to the various meet ings in the country. The citizens at each place where a meeting is held will be expected to entertain the speakers and to furnish accommoda tions tor the team. The plan is to make each meeting a picnic event and the farmers and their wives bring their lunches and have a dinner and social hour to add to the pleasure of the day. The plan is to hold six meetings thus occupying the entire week and in addition to day sessions there will be evening sessions at such places as desire. There will be full moon that week so farmers can come from a distance. While the schedule of plaoes has not been fixed on yet meetings will likely be held at Grants Pass, Provolt, Murphy, Wilderville, Lee School House and Merlin. The question the members of the Union going on tbe Development League excursion to Ashland was considered ani it was decided that every fruit grower who possibly can should go for the purpose of examin ing the many fine orchards that ad join that city whose base of prosperity is its fruit industry. The officers of the Union make it a point to confer with the officers of tbe Ashland Fruit Growers Colon on business matters concerning the fruit industry in Rogue River Valley. Adjournment was bad to Saturday, July 21, when at 2 p. ni. sharp, there will be a meeting of the Union, to be followed by a ses sion of the board of directors. At this meeting it is expected that every member will be present and ready to furish an estimate of tbe quantity of fruit be expects to bave to market this seasoo. Tbls data is reqoired by the Unioo that it may know how muon box and other ma terial will have to be purchased and also so that an estimate can be siveo buyers who may wish to bid on the fruit orop. ATESIAN WATER IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Big Flow Had From Well Ner Talent Contract Let for Other Wells. That a flow of artesian water could be bad in various sections of Rogue River Valley is the belief of maoy who are versed on the geological for mation of this section, and now their expeetations bave been verified by the opening of a big gosher on the Pellett farm near Talent. Should artesian water be found generally over the Valley it would do much to solve tbe irrigation problem for this section and add 25 per cent to the value of all agricultural land, besides making much land productive that is now a waste by reason of a lack of water. The bills of Southern Oregon are full of water, notwithstanding the long, dry Summers give a semi-arid aspect to the country. The chief difficulty the miners encounter in their operations underground is the water and drainage by tunnel or pump has to be provided for every mine. Tbe Granite Hill mine is proof of this great snbterraneau water supply in Rogue River Valley. When the haft at this mine had reaobed the 200 foot level it reqoired a pump throwing a 8-inch stream to clear tbe mine and when the 400-foot level bad been reached and extensive work carried on it took a centrifugal pump throwing a steady 6-inoh stream to handle tbe Inflowing water. Follow ing extensive development work tbe mine.waa completely flooded last week by a flow of water so great that the pump could not handle it and the flood rose to the 200-foot level. The pumping capaoity has been more than doobli d and it is expected to have the mine clear of water by next week. There are many wells in the foothills ai out this Valley that are almost im possible to pump dry. , As tbe water problem is a erioos one with Grants Pass it would be a profitable venture for this city to have an ex perimental well sunk. -The following is the account. the Ashland Tidings gives of the finding of artetian water at Talent: A flow of water estimated at 700 callous per minute was struck yester day noon in the well being bored for 31. Li. fellett on til orchard lour miles west of Ashland, near Talent, by Dnbney & Troxel, at a depth of Uft feet. The strike naturally created inteuse interest among people generally, who have been watching with anxiety the reports of results of this first geuuine boring for artesian water in the Rogue River Valley. The Tidings niau, who received a telephone mes sage iu the afternoon, drove over to see the gusher last evening, and it even surpassed reports. The water comes out ot the ground through the eight inch bored hole with a surpris ing volume aua runs away use a veritable null race. Mr. felled be lieves it is enoDgh to irrigate thoroughly his ninety acres of apple and prar orchard. Ko test oi course nas yet been made of the water, but it is apparently very soft and pure, with a temperature higher than that of the water In the surface streams. Oulte a uuinber from the sorroond- ing section visited the well last even, iuir where ihe rootractors were jnst completing the last five feet of their work and witnesxed tbe btg drill weighing hundreds of pounds, at the eud of the nearly 800 foot cable, com bating the great volume of water which was forcing its way from the depths below, and bearing a message of Increased profit and prosperity to land owners and orcbardists or the valley. Mr. Pellett himself wai there aud naturally in high spirits. He had spent nearly two thousand dollars in the experiment and the well was down yesterday morning within five feet oi toe deptn lie naa cootracteo for. with no more of au artesian flow than would lupplv water for domestic snd stock use on the place. That was valuable but naraiy wnat ne naa hoDed for. When at noon the drills struck the big flow, his highest ex pectations were realized and he watched in wouderment the outpour ing streams, realizing what it meant oot ooly to bim but to other live or ohardists and farmers of tbe valley who see in irrigation a way to double the Droduot of their fruit and farm acreage and to mske the light alluvial soils of tbe foothills yield tne most bounteous harvests. Tbe Rogue River Valley is anything but an arid region but tbe value of water as an aid to farm, fruit and garden yields bave been demonstrated to be Inestimable, and tbls is why the suocesslul out oome of tbls pioneer enterprise is be lieved to be fraught with such great Domlbilitiea for the future. Tbe drill was pulled out of tbe well last night when the 800 foot depth was reaobed. fc. K. Anderson, a leading farmer and fruitgrower near by, is enthusiastic over the big strike of water and is considering tbe bor ing of a similar well oo bis place. Tbe flow of water was measured this morning and found to be nearly 25 miners' inches a miners' inch be ing a square inch of water flowing under a six inch pressure. v-sss- This will give some idea of the vol ume of water that is boiling out of the top of the long bole into Mother Earth. Some of the enthhusiastio residents of this vicinity acclaim the artesian water stiike as the biaaent thins since the advent of the railroad into the Rogue River Valley and herald Mr. Pellett as the right kind of a "booster," and his enterprise worthy of the highest recognition. New Method to Keep Mice Out of Grain. Rev. and Mrs. E. Badger of Pro- volt, were in Grants Pass last Friday and were callers at the Courier office. Rev. Badger is president of the Ap plegate Valley Telephone Company and he stated that a meeting of the stockholders meeting would be held early in August, so soon as the farmers were over the rush of their harvest work, to arrange for getting out the poles for the lines that the Company will build tbroughoot the Applegate Valley and to Grants Pass. The setting of the poles will be done until wet weather sets in to make the digging of the holes easy. It will be the plan to extend the Com pany! line on to the Illinois Valley so as to give that large .section' of the oounty free telephonic communication with the Applegate Valley and with Grants Pass. Rev. Badger, in addition to holding services on Sundays in a church he built himself on bis land aod at other plaoes is a practical farmer aod is opening a fine farm on a tract of land be bought oo Williams oreek. Of the damage that mice cause to grain bay Rev. Badger stated that he had found way of effectually keening them out When each load of hay is put in tbe barn he levels it off and slits over it a handful of sulphur with an equal quantity of salt. The sulphur will effectually keep the mice away while itis a most healthful tonlo to stock as is aim the salt The salt will also prevent the hay from muiting even though it may be rather green or damp when hauled in from the field. Rev. Badger has tried this sulphur aod salt application on hay for several years past and be has fonnd it effective in keeping oat the mice, which eat out the kernels of grain and leave an offensive odor to the hay that makes stock loth to eat it, and it also pre vents tbe hay from getting moldy or dusty. Ice Saving vs. Refrigerator. Let us show yoo the greatest Re frigerator made at a reasonable price 8 walls for insolation Thomas & O'Neill. Poster:, placards, dodgers, all sizes r-', kind vnnted at the Cornier orhce. Till J J r'Lj ' r' JJu'r! 1 "" the Extraordinary Values we more such values in Chairs. ft m V. AM K Bf C fl-Urtf XT 1 ferT Sanitary and healthful; no disease germs or dirt can lodge in our Beds; a fine line of colorings, smooth and hard as marble. Another lot of GO-CARTS just in. 1 More of those new style Mattresses have arrived. Look our stock over when shopping this week. Thomas. r O'Neill The llousefurnishers. TAKILMA SMELTER BLOWS ! N AUGUST 1 Coke Hauling Began July 15- Capt. Mclntiro Has Two Bit Teaming Contracts. The Takilma copper smelter wilt blowio August 1st and coke hauling from Grants Pass to the smelter will begin July 15th is the information given the Courier by Capt. J. M. Molntire, president of the Molntire Transportation , Companay that has the contract for hauliug the oie to the smelter and of hauling the coke from Grants Pass to the smelter and of de livering the matte to cars lu this city for shipment to the refinerry in Ta ooiua. A force of men have been kept at work ainoe last Fall doing develop nient work on the mines and a large quantity ot ore is now available. Capt. Molntire has had two teams hauling ore for the past month and by the time it la ready to start a big supply of ore will be in the binns. How long tbe smelter will run it not given out but it may shut down as has been done heretofore so soon aa the roads get' muddy this Fall. Capt M Ion tire has all his teams hauling freight from Pokegama to Klamath Falls for the construction company putting Id the big irrigation ditches in Klamath oounty. The Captain has been In Klamath Falls for the pas month bat Monday be returned home to seoure rhore teams to do hauling osi his Klamath contract. He has se em red seven teams and wants several more. He ; . goes back Monday to Klamath Falls to remain for a month when he will return to Grants Pass and bring the greater number of his big six aud eight-mule teams and pal them to hauling for the smelter. He will also hire teams as he will require about SO teams on his two big ooa- tracts. Little Law Bualnnse in Josephine County. Judge H. K. Hanna came to Grants Pass Sunday evening ani Monday morniog be convened the regular July term of circuit court Aa there were but few oases on the docket and. none importance the Judge kept court in seasion only for an hour while he iade some orders, after wbioh he adjourned oourt until tbe next regular term, which will be oa the fourth Monday in September. Judge Hanna returned to his home io Jacksonville on "the 10 a. in. train. and that afternoon he and bis son, Herbert, went to A. B. Saltmarsh's plaoe on Little Applegate, and the next day ware taken by Mr. Saltmarsh o ver the roouotaln trail to Cinnabar Bptiugs, where they will remain for a mouth or six weeks at that ft.mous re sort f. , 1 Porch Chairs jpjsjfl and Rockers i ARM ROCKERS-rodded A strong and durable; worth $3 50, for....j) -1 Juauy mjusl uuvaiuugc oi such prices last week. We W . t J . f want more people to see are offering. We have a dozen HOT WEATHER BEDS are our guaranteed for 10 years Iron Beds BRASS, all prices dlQ up to $00