Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 06, 1906, Image 5

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Count, vtigk and nuanm everything you
hui." American Grocer.
For everything good; io GROCERIES
from the Best BUTTER and CHEESE
to thefinest canned goods, io the city.
We are the only HEADQUARTERS
for Chaw and Sanborm TEA and
COFFEE in Grants Pass.
"Too can get along without good
COFFEE So can a wagon without
greese, bnt it goes bard."
vvatcn our windows this
coming week for Special
Bargain Days.
It may do you good.
Attention t SOLDIERS of the O. A,
R i We have set apart a special place
for yonr comfort in oar store with the
. free nse of the offloial war records as
compiled by the Secretary of War.
If in an argument and to prove yonr
assertion, coma to the store and make
nse of the Sixty odd volumes of the
offloial war records.
' Remember, yon are welcome.
C ,
White House
Ask any boy or girl they will tell
yon where to find ns.
July 11-20, Southern Oregon Chautau
qua Assembly held at AsblaDd.
July 17, Tuesday Meeting in Ashland
of the Rogue River Development
Leagne. Special train from Grants
Pass and low rate.
Stel Range with reservoir for t3S
at Cramer Bros.
To whom it may concern, tbat on
and after tbe date of the publication
of this notice I will not be responsible
for the payment of any bills con
tracted by my wife, Emma J. Rey
nolds, cause of separation, malicious
and dangerous threats made by her.
Eureka, Cal,. July 20, 1906.
' A Guaranteed Car for Ptles.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrud
ing Piles. Druggists are authorized
to refund money if PAZO OINT
MENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days.
Are a part of every prescription we
fill. The doctor doesn't write them
down with the other ingredients
because of tacit understanding that
they are to go in always, and he
r knows that they will go in when
you bring his order to us.
, Model Drugstore
Front Street.
At the Big Furniture Stote, North Sixth Street,
Has Just Received
Another Car of Furniture
Of which he will advise more fully later.
Besides this a large and elegant assortment of
Lace Curtains, Portieres and
Lounge Covers
Have just come in from the'East Come
. in and see them. AIsoJ another ship
mentof Axminster, Velvetjand Brus
sels Rugs. All at prices below Portland Tr"""1
or other large! cities.7Ssia!!
'' Items of Personal ':
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mensoh spent
the 4th io Ashland.
Roy Eremer took in the celebration
at Medford Wednesday.
Miss Ruth Dean went to Ashland
Sunday to visit friends.
Miss Jessie Mastin attended the
celebration at Ashland Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. MoLane and
little son, spent Wednesday in Ash
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pike and little
daughter, Evelyn, speot Wednesday
at Colestio.
M. T. Utley went to Ashland Tues
day evening to visit with bis daughter
at that place.
Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph Moss went to
Ashland tbe 4th, to attend the oele
bration at that place.
M. J. Hampton, of Newberg, arrived
in Grants Pass last week to spend tbe
Summer with his daughter, Mrs. Dr.
E. P. Dixon.
Tom Fry was at Ashland the Fourth
to attend tbe celebration and visit his
brother, Will, who is clerk In a drng
store at that place.
Misses filanone Dean and Frances
Cook and Messrs. Tom Harvey and
Ralph Dean attended the celebration
at Ashland Wednesday.
Mrs. O. H. Clements arrived borne
Tuesday from a two weeks visit with
ber parents at Woodland, Wash., and
witb friends in Portland and Van
couver. Misses Lacie George and Maude
Baber spent Wednesday in Ashland
attending the celebration and visiting
friends. Miss George will remain in
Ashland for several weeks.
John and . Thomas Meade who are
employed at the Eureka mine on
Briggi creek came in Snnday to spend
the Fourth with their families.
They left Thursday to return to the
Mrs. Hester, wife of Dr. T. W. Hes
ter of Jacksonville, with ber two
children, is spending the week in
Grants Pass on a visit with her sis
ters, Mrs. Dr. E. P. Dixon and Mrs.
H. C. Dixon.
Miss Pansy Wilcox, who 'is book
keeper in one of the large business
houses, of Portland, arrived in Grants
Pass Sunday morning to spend several
weeks visiting with relatives and
friends in Grants Pass.
Mrs. Fannie Wells returned Sunday
to her home in Glendale after spend
ing 10 days in Grants Pass at tbe
borne of her mother, Mrs. Belle Luper.
Mrs. Wells was accompanied to her
home by her sister, Mlsa Josie Luper
who will spend a week at Glendale.
W. H. Wilson, assistant editor of
the Crescent City News and city clerk
of tbat place, arrived in Grants Pass
Sunday evening by stage. Mr. Wil
son is off on a month's vacation and is
putting in his time as an organizer
for the Fraternal Brotherhood. Mr.
Wilson is interested in grape culture
and while here is investigating that
industry and there is a possibility
that he may become a Rogue River
Valley vineyardist.
S. Provolt, one of the wealthy
farmers of Applegate Valley, accom
panied by his son-in-law, John Let
token, a well known Williams Valley
farmer and the latter's daughter, Miss
Florence, were in Grants Pass Monday
making purchases of the local mer
chants. Mr. Provolt is an expert on
grasses and for the past 80 years he
has been testing every new grass that
has been introduced in the United
States, but be bas found no grass at
all equal to the alfalfa as a forage
E. M. Spencer accompanied by his
daughter, Miss Izina, was in Grants
Pass Monday. Mr. Spencer has a fine
aoaa a s t a an aeaaaeoeoas)
farm on Williams creek near Provolt
He stated that tbe farmers of Will
iams Valley never had better crop
prospects and the certainty is felt tbat
this will be one of the most prosper
ous years ever known io that Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Struss, who
sold their fine farm on the Applegate
last Fall for f 10, 600 and spent tbe
Spring in Ashland were in Graats
Pass Sunday and Monday attending to
some business matters, they owning
property in this city. Monday even
ing Mr. and Mrs. Strnss took the
train for the East to Spend the Sum
mer with relatives at their former
borne in Nebraska.
L F. Peirsel of Beallsvlle, Pa., ar
rived In Grants Pais Thursday and
left tbe same day for the Eureka
mine in oompanay with Manager C.
L. Kenney. Mr. -Peirsel is stock
holder in the Eureka Mining Com
pany and is here on an inspection trip
of their property. He is very largely
interested in real estate and ooal
mines n Pennsylvania and having
ample wealth is looking over South
era Oregon witb a possible view of
making other investments beside what
be has in the Eureka mine.
Will There Be Married to rt
Officer In Vncle Sam'
Marine Corps.
Miss Anna Eatherine Buok arrived
in Grants Pans Sunday evening to
make a brief visit -to ber parents,
Capt and Mrs. J. S. Book. Monday
she took the 10 a. m. train to return
to San Francisco. Miss Buck bad
planned for a more extended visit
with the home folks but a change in
ber plans for tbe future made it neo-
essary for her, to be In San Francisco
to sail on July 12 for the Orient, as
the following from the San Franrtsoo
Chronicle of June 24 spates:
"Within the past few days the pleas
ing announcement has been made of
the engagement of Miss Eatherine
Buck of this city, to Captain James
T. Bootes, U. S. M. C, and tbe news
tbat Miss Buck will leave with friends
on the Transport Sheridan sailing
at an early date for the Orient She
will be met by Captain Bootes at
either Shanghai or Chefoo, and
there their wedding' will be cele
brated. Miss Buck is the daughter
of Captain and Mts. J. S. Bnck of
Southern California, but she bas made
ber home here for several years living
with ber cousin, the late Mrs. Lewis
R. Meade until the latter's death last
year. Miss Buck is very olever and at
tractive and has a host of friends in
San Franoisoo who are extremely re
gretful that she will make her borne
elsewhere. Captain Bootes, who is
one of tbe popular officer in the U.
S. Marine corps and has an enviable
reoord as an officer, Is tbe son of
General Bootes of tbe regular army.
He is on the U. S. S. Wisconsin at
present at Eluchong, 700 miles up the
lang-tse river from Shanghai."
Capt. Bootes is with the Asiatic
squadron and Miss Bootes will make
her home in the American colony in
the Chinese or Japanese city that
will be the most readily reached by
her husband. Miss Buok is a writer
of much ability and tbe Army and
Navy Journal of May 12, contain!
one of her articles that shows consid
erable literary merit. It is detcrip
tifn of the San Francisco earthquake
scenes and it is a most graphic sketch
of the events that made memorble the
day following that great disaster.
S( Luke's Church.
There will be no Sunday morning
service, but the evening service will
be as nsoal, at 8 o'clock. Tbe address
at the evening services will be the
third in the series on Church History.
i " The Summons of the Cross to, Self
Sacriflce: Father Damlen a Concrete
Instance," will be the theme of the
morning's discourse at this oborch at
: 11 o'clock. Holy Sacrament of the
: Lord's Communion will be celebrated
and Dew members received into the
church. The other exeroises of the
day will be announced in the Weekly
Calendars Everyone is assured of a
cordial and hearty welcome to the ser
Vices of this Church.
Newman M. E. Church.
Tbe regular services at 11 in the
morning and at 8 at night will be con
ducted by the pastor, Rev. C. O.
Beckman. Morning's sermon will be
' "The Hour of Criss Tbe Hour of
Opportunity. " Evening the fourth in
tbe series of sermons on tbe Mt. of
, Transfiguration, entitled "God's Son
and His- Delight in Him." Tbe
Sunday school meets at 10 a. m. Ep-
worth League at 7. Strangers and
'friends will find a .'cordial welcome to
anyrll of our services. !7"
A Brief Record of
Local Events.
He They say there are microbes in
kisses. She Yes; everything is adul
terated nowadays. Yonkers Statesman
Tbe twenty dollar gold piece was
authorised by act of oongress March
8, 1843 and is coining was begun in
It is asserted by a statistician that
the majority of persons who attain old
age keep late hours. Eight out of 10
who reach the age of 8o never go to
bed until after 12 at nisht
"Now, Lester," said the old codger,
addressing his callow , nephew in an
admonitory tone, "it is as proper that
yon should pay the fiddler as it is to
liquidate any other debt, but it's a
fine exhibition of extry width betwixt
the eyes to inquire tbe fiddler's price
before tbe danoe begins." Puck.
Senators Enox and Spooner are tbe
Damon and Pythias of tbe senate.
One day Alger came ont of the cloak
room and ran against Dolliver,
"Where's Spooner?" asked Alger.
"Do you want to find him?" said
Dolliver. ' "Sure." replied Alger.
"Well, find Enox, then, and you'll
have Spooner."
Wells-Fargo stockholders are muob
oonoerned over the disposition of a
surplus of some twenty milions which
has accumulated despite the vigorous
efforts to get rid of the earnings by
paying big dividends. How would
it do to restore the sum to tbe people
nersistentlv robbed bv the corporation
during the past quarter of a century?
The resignation of Charles Niokell,
editor of the Southern Oregonian, as
United States Commissioner at Med
ford, Ore. , was received and aocepted
by Judge Wolverton, of the Federal
Court, at Portland, Friday. Simul
taneously an action brought by Dia
tret Attorney Bristol to have him
ousted from his petition was dismissed
upon recommendation of the attorney.
Don't be dnped by transient optical
grafters but patronize your home
optician and get a ' square deal.
Alfred Letoher, Jeweler, on Front
street is the ouly one in Josephine
county who bas a registered certificate
from tbe Board of Optometers of
Oregon, a list of which can be seen at
his store, so get your eyes tested and
fitted properly by calling on him.
Charges very reasonable.
' When the sweet peas oome into
blqpm, cot their flowers as soon as
they begin to fade. .This prevents
them from forming seed, and the
plants, in their efforts to perpetuate
their kind, will stiaightway produoe
more flowers, and keep on doing this
as long as interfered with. Io this
mauuer flowers are secured throughout
the entire seasoo. But, if seed is
allowed to form, you will have com
paratively few flowers during the lat
ter part of Summer. Ebeu E. Rex
ford In "Making tbe Country Home,"
in Outing Magazine.
James Ferren Celebrated His
100th Birthday on the Fourth
of July.
To James Ferren belongs the honor
of being the oldest man in Josephine
county for he is now past the century
mark, he having celebrated on the
Fourth his lOOtli birthday. Mr. Fer
ren was born fca Warren county, Tenn
essee on July 4, 180G. His father, who
was a soldier in the war of the RfVo
lation and also taw service in the
militia forces of Tennessee during the
war of 1812, lived to be 110 years old,
and his son bids fair to attain that
age, for be is ae.hale and strong as
the average man at 60 or 70.
Mr. Ferren lives on Brlggs creek
where he has resided for tbe past 80
years and his place is 80 miles from
Grants Pass and 15 miles of the dls
tance is a trail over a high divide,
Sunday Mr. Fmen made this long
trip on horseback and assisted in driv
ing out some beef cattle from his
ranch. Hi only made one ston on
the way and that wal at bis son-in-law
N. Thoss, where he and A. Bnrby,
who was with him, took dinner, and lie
arrived in Grants Pass not mere
fatigued than his younger conicauion.
Neither in looks nor action iwonld
Mr. Ferren be taken to be a full luO
years old, for he is a large, robust
man of 170 pounds and his flesh is
firm and skin smooth and like that of
a much younger man.
was a man wbo, against all odds, at
tained the highest honor a man con Id
get in the United States. Ballard's
Horehound Svrnn ku
place, nevereqnaled by aoyother like
TAdilwl T, (. a " a r. . ....... t I
Colds, "Broncbitis,Infloenxa andall
Pplmooarydiseaaes. Every' mother
shouldkjep supplldwith this won
derful congo "medicine. For "sale by
Jationai;Drug Store and Rotermund
News Notes From the Business
Men to R.edera.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
Dr. M. C Findley.
Ocalist, Auriit, licensed optician.
Qo to Coron (or Plumbing.
Sewer Pipe at Cramer Bros.
M. Clemens. Prescription Druggist.
Tents and Wagon Covers at Cramer
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron '
Order seals and rubber stamps of
A E. Voorbies.
Hammocks from II np at Cramer
Fishing Taokle that catches fish is
sold at Cramer Bros.
For a e'eau bed and a sood meal
try the Western Hotel.
Maps of Oregon Wash In ton and
California at the Musio Store.
White Mountain Freezers at Cramer
New Shirt Waists. Prloes cannot
be met at Mrs. E. Rehkopf & Co.
And still I am insuring and selling
real estate at tbe old stand. J. E.
Pattons Sua Proof Paint auaran-
teed for five years is sold only by
Cramer Bros.
Plaoer'and quarts location noteos.
mine deeds, leases, etc.. at the
Courier office.
New Spring goods arriving every
day. All tbe latest novelitles at Mrs.
E. Rehkofp & Co. 4-6tf
Camp Stoves witb cast Tods at
Cramer Bros.
Dr. W. F. Kramer will hereafter be
in his office in the Courier building
from 7 to 8 o'olock each evening. 3-0tf
Builders Hardware at Cramer Bros.
Your clothes' called for and delivered
and all flat work that goes through
the mangle washer, Ironed at 25o per
dozen. Grants Pass Steam Laundry.
Phone 878.
There will be a monster mass meeting a
Ashland, Oregon, July 17, 190C. The Ashland
Chautauqua will be in session at that date and
this day is set aside as "Booster Day" under the
auspices of the Rogue River Valley Development
League. It is earnestly desired that every man,
woman, and child in both Jackson and Josephine
Counties should attend this meeting ns it is a
business proposition and for the benefit of every
man,woman and child in both counties.
Let us get together and pull together for tho
advertising and upbuilding of the great Rogue
River Valley, the garden spot of the world, and
the cream of creation.
A special train will leave Grants Pass for
Ashland, Tuesday, July 17th, at 8:30 a. m. and
return leaving Ashland at 10 p. ra. A special
rate has been engaged of one fare for the round
trip. This train will start at Grants Pass at 8:30
a. m. and stop at Woodville, Gold Hill, Gold Ray,
Central Point, Medford, Phoenix and Talent
1 C. R. RAY, President
M. F. EGGLESTON, Secretary.
By order, Executive Board.
The Seal of Quality
is stamped on
Dozens of farmers in this
county pronounce the Deer
ing Mower to be the best, be
ing of light draft, an excellent
cutter and simple in con
struction. Cramer Bros.
Agents for Josephine County.
Book learning Is tbe curse of our
whole educational system. The
average mechanic is far better educa
ted in the real sense of the term not
only than the average olerk, but than
the average olerk's average employer,
and I should say most gardener have
more real knowledge than most school
masters. Rambler In London Dispatch.