Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 06, 1906, Image 4

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Published Evry Friday.
Subscript Ion Rata!
On Year, a h1tim-. . -fit
Thre Months,
Kings Copies,
Advertising Rat
romUbsd oa application at U of nc, or
y atau.
Obituaries and resolutions of poo-
dulence will b trharged lor al e pr lis
card al thtabWc
A. E. VOOBH1ES. PvorB.
Ealvrsd al la Ml ouU-e al Grants ls.
Ot. a seeoad-etas mail aianer.
FRIDAY. Jl'LY . 190.
Min Will B lulir Opmd Vp
Btor Mill la Again 5iartt
Build Road TM TVL
Having eloeed .oowa th Burrs, a
mine to permit th men to go to their
hero fur Ia Foorth Superintendent
C. L. Kenaey came la from Brigg
creek Voaday aad rent! la Groats
Pas until TtiBrsday to attend to sosa
basin (ur hi company. Tbal after
boo, a la company wih L F. Peirsel
and a number (f hi ea left for Sel
ma. wUr they too supper and then
ia th cool of tli vaiag mad th
1 mile ly trail to th ailn.
Soft. Keoaey stated they bad th
ait a ia fxd ahap bow. having re
timbered aiac a of th tunnel and
tasea out 'considerable or. To 1
staoip anil was put la order and hut
wees it was ram fur three days to
KtT a anil I I to th ore aad to as
certaia if lb engines and other wa
rhiaery r la coadilisa fox steady
operation which will be don ia th
aar future. For soot lime bow
Sapt. Kenney will lav ooly devel
opment wvrk doa so a to f t tb
aiia la ahap for prtxtociDg cvntma
etutlf ia taficivai aaatitT to kp
tb sill raaai$ Mvaditr. E. T.
34cKlatry of Uraata Pasa aod oe of
ih mum xpriavd aiiara ia South
ra Crirva i ia chary vt th aadvr
froond wvrk.
la rnard to th waoa road that it
baa ba aaavaacwd that th Eoivka
CtoapaaT wvald baild from th prw
at toroaaaa of th Swvd Baaia rvad
to tva tb dirvd totb aad of
Brifjca crk aad duwa that traA to
tbir sua Sapt Kao acatd that
work woatd mot h ba wb it ma til
tkia FaU wka lb (Tvtad woald b
oft aod tb wathr cool and tb
wvwk ovoJId b aVo tapid asd chap.
All thi mAirj i ia aad a bug
maU of aapplKH ha ba taka
ia to tb pnwwat war of rwachiag tb
aria b a W ail trail Croat Salxua U
w (ral. Tu atvid kaiad to lxf ia
vc th trail Leva rai!a fur th i5o
iua of th tra-'k ta tb atiaw wvodva
rails ba ba cat ia tb aawmill at
tb aiin. Th wooda raila ar
(tvind lfJ.'i rKT and wiU acaad tb
til wi4bl of tb yr car wbii
tbdvIvpijiol W'.-rk i bwuiirdua.
TK C-na Ji.n Gromf I
Asaiar In th Development
of Ik Daivv IrvJualrv
The Cauudiaa miniitcee of agrxcol
tar has ixonml a sbiovmeot conuroing '
tb resales of (vveranitfat aid to the '
vreaoiery indascry T))e system seems
to ba beea woaderr.'I.v saoveesfnij
and most beneduial M both conn Cry '
and uiihrMiutl Tb plmi, wbicb
wna begun about !) tn sicv vu
the giuroiiuuli to drnwicial
owlatuwii.'v M lreamiriit, imuiuix tile
aiauagiHueat, prijri pnfpvr toia-nji-afl.
aud ni.iiiiliotarw t:)n burtt-r tir
th. patrons at a ciiii.-ge of 4 uu& a
frt.'aaL Ob aeat Micinal su
cilivreti i a rwurve fund fr.r otte re
payment of tbe loan, ami j wars more
for any debts that amy bitv been upvn
tbe pluiis. T'i s.'xmnnmc u- '
natiiiy .r reaca and uh ff tile pre a iai Sot exmrnhng T per owiio
of their ruiuu. When tile loita or al
vano wm reps id tbe ureitmery wis
Tiiroodjjvifr tu tile uwoern, aiuiul a
joist stuck ocmaay a rnaltv
tb debas lr been paid off. fiiew i
bui'iliiigTt erevtml. new and rJis oluM
.i 't'mwut insaaled, and a tbrtvtng
nniumre moulded out of wOad was a:
fw vwar ago, a practicably tiefunot ,
aud bankrupt buitiuee. The recuraa
fmi tile oreauienee are mak mg tb 1
of the oouuea-y's present
The best jMrt)er patrvni tb '
Courier. j
lb pays to ad-tirei a tllll ariu!e.
ne Bi;uw uat ur Kl tiler U be a
buytc before the ;ik i lry. Ty in.
"'"""" "11 '"ill iL t
IL J. Schmidt and wiff wept to
Kcrby Saoday. "
A. V. Srhmitt baa mad a rata of
an 18 (TapbophoB.
Lacil Oorg wnt throagh Selma
MiilTof thi wek.
Al Schtaitt wnt to GraaU Paw
Muaday after a load of ice.
Jew Jcoea U eea tot ofteo in th
kitcheo of tb Selma botL No abow
for mill boya. v
Mia Linie SarBtTjild Maadie
Wl ;yfidaT. Tb two little" g-lrU
pval a rj ploMit day.
'Mr aad Mr. Joba Moll Tiitd
&"ra. Al k-LoildTuoday. Mr. aad
Mr. Moll bar beea Tiiitiog their
na Edwia and wife for tb pat
" Th littl clerk aad tb litU cook
Cwk'ed quit thanaiBjt in their maqa
aile lat Saaday. They ar th belle
of Selma.
Mr. X Q. Biatt aad ber little irL
Kati. wat to Holland lb Drt of
th week to viait her mother and
brother aad awtera of that plac.
Jack Shad ia (topping at tb Selma
hotel of lat. GEE WHIZZ!
Waroi aad cloudy weather th
latest this week.
W. S. BaiWy. th DTid. mer
chant. Biade a basinew visit to th
Pas Tbaralay.
Outside rang ha been better this
easoa thaa for sereral years back aud
all of lb cattle look fin.
L G. Roberta, aa enterprising
farmer of Applegate. paid Grants Paw
a Tisit oa day tbi week.
Mr. Centner, th road supervisor,
has beea catting th thistle down
along tb road this week. There is
a fin crop of them ia some place aad
need attealioa badly.
Lester IVwey. Misse Edna and B
sie Poney and Jas. J. McFaddea paid
Graata Paw a visit Monday. Clialoa
Cook and wife of Applegal paid
Grants Paw a visit on day this week.
Haying is progressing aicely ia this
viciaity at present and the proepects
for hay ar better this year thaa tby
bar beea for a good ssaay seamen.
Tb grsia crop ar also very good.
Tb whistl at th WiUiaans Bros,
mill acrow th rivvr caa b heard
ererr dr bow aad th crash of faUisg
tun bar reminds ms that this part of
Jowpaia ouoaty ia coaiiag to th
front ervry day.
Hay kaada ar scare ia tbes pare
this siawo a most all of th bvvs
that a to belp bar bar gon to
Norn. A'oieka, to try and aak loir
forvu. It ia hoped that they will
succeed a we want to se them back
Th North Sid Applegat Rivvr
Ditch Company ha bad ((ait a lot of
Irvubie patting 'a dan ia tb river
lb u week as tbey hare to raid lb
waaer to gt it into th head of tb
ditch, oa atx-oant of tb bigb. Nn
of lael Winter.
W do not notice much ia tb paper
aboot Sin part of the cuonty. Now.
I will tell yoa wbat we bar here.
Tbere are two seam? mul and a saw
mail ranning steadily. pe M .'unSiia
Lion. 3-scamp mill ba been running
iJiIy on some rich or foe two
weeks, anil avTOw th rivf i a 3
stamp miQ wbk-h never seups mt ail
aa.1 the WLCiama saw miTT
wbicd I scvit of ia these mme irema.
Wist CKsmptenshi p.
Tb Sal giuae as. J;.-)nrt Uw Sitn
ii w? onu of tile bei ever vitoemwl
jo a Stiitbwrn Oreg.'n 'i'.nm.Qil and
we wou by Gnwint Parts in a :ore of
I to 1 T ie tnm itie cbam-
jioosuip back tie A. A. C. Tile
amt score for Grwifa Piss w:w oiittiu
tj H;trry Svltinjiiti. bud owing to the
iwt tliiM be injurl rm. tb ran
wis uiikIii by XL S.hiniiit Jhe ochnr
twij tcuiie wnre aiifcle by EIiiry Pr
noil aud lLrvy Fixi)n;n. Fwraoii
uiii Pniui:. piixrher iad oia-her for
tli -V. A. C..J:d ttie bene wor ia tins
tin Chan W r been wituefd ia
SuurtiMm Oregiiu, Burb (vaai did
e.v.-eilwie wijrk and tile star playing
ou botii sdlwt huiii the aeneuraun ;f tn
.uiihwnc tnniagboiis the gttoie aud
moiiH it one uf tde mvnt
le wed uiintt sxcicmg games of til
Ac H.lf'ijpi, Wmimtwiar., Ja;y itb,
e X X C. Ixiyt wr nut m fur
lun.Me. a -jm bard gtune tbre day
beiVire :rt tlitn in mur siiano tr
! aniitiier iriunu, .unf Mi W n. vK
6;r.t in ftcore if " i la tilia
bot'i aure ir the A. C.
b 'lie Fabt,..
New Hwujtt Sewing
uia:bine ageacy
' at the M iaio Sture.
MIm Vina Chatain spent Sunday
' at Selma with ber aaot. Mr. Rboade.
Attorney Reame and wife en route
. to tb Wiroer aad Reamea placer mine
at Waldo stopped with as a few boors
; today-
A Bomber of tb sawmill boy went
to Selma Saturday to attend the? party
at A- V. Scbmirt'a. They report aa
enjoyable time.
Prof. Haros and wife aad Staple
of Briggs Oeek paaoed throofh ber
Monday oa their way to Ashland to
spend th Foarth.
Ptd Haoeotn dror . OTr frcxa
Selma after hi father. D. H. Bancom
who has beea qoit sick for sereral
days. A number of tb ww mall men
bar beea qaite sick since tb hot
weather begaa.
Miw Lola Conger bad tb misfor
tune to wriooaly cat on of ber
thumb last Thursday, readerinf it
impossible for ber to rents ber
datiea at Lore's Station longer as the
will bar a bad band for several
; weeks.
I Welter aad Schmitt Bros, this
morning diacerered they bad caught
: a small brown bear ia their trap. It
i was broaght down to th Park with
the rest cf their anusaJa. Lett says
they are contemplating building a
Zoological gardes, they ar hiring
socb good RMas catching wild ani-
A letter from Clark W. Taylor re
ceived today by his Uacle Win Tay
lor, say at Eta mills where b is
now reeidiog tb heat is so intense it
ia almost unendurable after spending
so many pleasant Summers 'searh tee
shad of th old oak trees, that cluster
round th porch of hi boyhood bom.
William Bros, are running their
mill cs fuH timet
Bora To Mr. and Mr. Arch
Bunch, a baby girt
Ftae hot weather; go ia th shad
and sot very aiach shade.
Elmer William has gone to Eastern
Oregon to work in Bavins'.
Arch Baach has a 4 -hers team and
ia going to haal lumber this Sam me r.
Lumber hauling will start Monday,
I Jaly 3. and everybody will be busy
' thes.
There ia so much, work i a this val
ley tbal they cannot get hired mea
Mr. Emily Cay is very sick at this
1 writing. Dr. Flanagan was tEtt4
last week.
Ob ao. io goo from Laurel Grove,
bat jfl loo busy last week hayiag to
tell vou tbe is
Mr. Habermaa and sua are haying
fuU blast. They will pat up aboal 8)
tons th first cutting.
A sic sociable danc was giveo at
Mr. Hsbertnaa's a week ago Saturday
and all retort a jolly tun.
Oh. wbat a prospvroua valley this ;
i S w m ilia, dniryuig and hayiag,
evervtbing Iovsly and the goose hangs '
high. i
Walter Fsxra. is very busy breaking I
borses and banling bar. He ha ;
some nice young bone to break to !
work. j
Cora U rawing two so three inches I
a nigbt siaoe the warm weather be- i
gax Graia bay i fin and ready to j
cat. J- B. l.xndiay went to Grant
Paw wi:ll a load ef bay Ima wees
Wide Awake is alwiy tsaUtiag about
hie tine coantry. I wish he could see )
oar f-rtile valliv with its large hav j
fivliia right up to the pabiic higbway. ,
and in big ditcnes conveying wacsr '
to th rancbes. from the eer Sowing '
Applegr. I tbiuk he would change '
bi mind and move uvr suioug u.-t. ,
So long JCMEOi
of croab;e to contend with, spnng I
truiu torpid livwr aud biocknieii '
buweie. au'wi- you iwn-ifn tlleni to
tlietr pr.-per action wni Dr Sing s!
N Li? FvS'e: r.he pleananoert ami;
mi.'rt eSVctiv cure for Cunstipaciua.
I'jhv prevjut Jlp('emin:i;i! and tone
n; rile yirm. i"jc w ail drug imxt. ;
Poulsr etring
Cl-smer Br".'.
in 3. wiilr.lis at
pri.TCng it the;
C'.iir-qr oificn.
MoHin. Oreoirt
Breeder aad Dealer ia
&)STtE9 and
Ctirreepuodeuce suiicioed.
A few KugTaaered Buck tor sals.
Re. Ericksoa from Hugo was the
fruesta of Mr. and Mr. G. VT. Cbapin
oo day last week.
Everybody ia busy in th bayfield.
A largo amount of hay is being cot
Ibis week as haying was delayed on
account of tb recent damp weather.
T. J. Mar kin baa a new clerk in his
store. As basinew grows more clerks
ar needed. Our village blacksmith
has employed more help as one smith
could not do tb work.
Th G. A. R. encampment was a
grand succew at Grant Pass. Grants
Pas did its duty for the old veterans,
bat if there bad bees a few more seats
so lb old boy could have sat down
near th speakers stand it woold bare
beea easier oa the old meo.
A maa was found dead oa tb head
of Bushy gulch two mile abov Ice
land. Tb remain had beea on tb
mountain so long that a portion of
bis clothe aod tb bones were all
that were left so tb body coald not
be reccgnid. So many men com
and go that it is hard to keep track
of vervbodv.
Two men were found dead on the '
railroad track, oa half-mil north of
Lelaod. Th 'train ran slow at that '
plac aad it ia supposed that they
tried to jump the train, slipped under '
and wer cat all to oiecee. They were '
stranger. "WIDE AWAKE.
that woat com off. appear oa ba-1
by'sfac after oae bottle of White's
Cream Vena if a ire. th great worm
medicine. Why sot keep that smile
oa baby face. If yon keep this
medicine on band, yoa will sever see
! anything elas bat smile oa hi face.
Mr. S . Black well. Okla.. writes?
"My baby was pee-ruh aad fretfaL
Would ao eat aad feared be would
die. I ased a boul of Wbit's Cream
Vermifoge and he has not had a sick
dav since. For sal by Natioaal
Drug Score and RotermundT
GOOD cow for
at this office
sal eheapi
It FOR SALE Good piano for Ia
quire Ooorir oAc. M tf.
OS E three-minute driving hone also
racing cart. H. N. Mitchell. North
Ssa street. Box 434. 4 37 tf
FOR SALE Heavy pair of work hone
and heavy haroew and 3 Stude
baker wages, aearly aew. A ldrew
P. OL box lltf. Graata Paw. 9-39 tf.
FOR S LE Two Jt inch lumber,
wagons at reasonable) price'. In
qtnr ef M. BSAAT. Bear Witder
viil or addreea bun at Grant Pass.
Or. - It
COWS FOR SALE 14 head of cboic '
milk cow from . Smith river
dairies, and are ia Grant Paw. 1
Cad os or addrew Joseph Roe
sell. 3-3t tf
j FOR SALE New 5-rcvm boas and
two lots, fence and oatbnildiags,
good res'dence. Corner Walnut and
! Pin. No. 304 . Pric So0. P. O.
Box M JL Young.
FOR SALE ;cre of river bottom
land 4S mile see of Grant Pw.
good baiidugl 1 acrw orchard,
acre hoc r pne 4OI0. Inquire of
A . N Hnlbett. Sam Valjfy. Ore
gu 4-30 tf
Score baildiug sad a good clean
stock of general ae-cbatui.
Boiidiag cootaine nine riieac
r.ums and a half acre ef land ge
vritl til croperty.r Would sx
ehaag tit Gnats' Paw residence
prv'Pertv For farther tnformacioa
siidrew" J- P- McCuaneli. Merlin.
Lre. T-4 tf.
FOR RENT or wl two good hoase
in choice Idcusiuim. Adiiren J. D.
Drake. Seventh and A street 1- liltf
RENT room house. Cor.
Funrth sa I streern. Pantry and
E.irh. good well of water. M. E
Moure. Second band store. 3-1$ tf
LASTED Grain Suirkss. T rnia and
ocnee secoud-b.'tud gnuiM, Hrrieoa
Kro. Scimd bund-store, comer
SuUi and J screeftk 3-s tf
WANTED A H( improved fiarm of
about 50 sere. Prefer to deal direct
witti owner nuiler shiwi caning an
Siuc Adiir- J. E. Day. General
Deiivwry. Graata Paw. -t tt
WANTED 3Ca to tike antrnt to
cl'ar HI ore of bru.-i) lund ane-
bi-f mil from Gnats Pnw, Soil
i U.Himt .ami bmeii caa be pniled
wicn a ivam. Wtil lei ooacract S;r
from ll to 40 acre. Ennuire as
Courier Oific. H-ja
LOS T A hiuck si ik work-bag. uua
raining glmses. sinmhie. scissor,
and fancy work, by til rrver attar
bach huiue. Recurs bu Rev. P. C
William and recivi, rsw.'trL
F0CND Bav and
giria otiara ua
utreeta of oraam rw as
Cuonur orSuw. omperty.
pay for ad aad get them. tZ
FRANX B CR-S SET CpbuiBtenng.
miwtua furniture mads to order.
$3.50 and $4-00
R. L. Bartlett
Howard Building
Was a.t Honor Conferred on W.
J. Wimsr, a. Formar Editor
of th Courier.
W. J. Wimer. the well known miner
of Waldo, passed through Grants Pass
Taesday en route to Wimer, a village
oa Evans creek seven miles from
Woodville. where was be invited to be
00 of th speakers at the celebration
at that plac on the Fourth.
Tb poetoffic of Wimer was named
for Mr. Wimer an bonor that was
gives bim for tbe assistance he gave
ia getting toe office established. At
thai time, which was about 30 years
ago, Mr. Wimer resided . in Grants
Paw and was publisher of tbe Courier.
Tbe settlers up Evans creek bad
trii to ge a pes to Bee but the then
Woodvilie postmaster prevented tbeir
securing it. Mr. Wimer took up tbe
Grants Pass Feed Store
C L. GILLETT.f Propr.
All Kinds of Flour, Feed, Mill .Feed, Hay. Grain,
Poultry FoodsEtc.
Cor. 6th and J. Sts.
Conducted by Prof. Geo. O'Brien
Thorough course of instruction in all branches of In
dustrial Art. according to the methods in vogue in the large
Eastern Academies. Drawing. Fainting, Modeling Archi
tecture, etc.
Class Tuition 25c and Upwards.
For further particulars apply at 'Room 5. Masonic
Temple, from 9 to 12 a. m.
We offer our entire line of Dry Goods, con
sisting c Muslins. Prints, Chillies. Lawns. Dimities.
Table Linen, White Goods. Ladies Waist, Skirts,
Ladles and Children's Furnishing Goods.
Millinery. Notions, Etc., At Cost.
Frio in some lines Mow cost to close them
out o artade is reserved-this is a genuine sale
to close out business.
Yourpua-hng ai ur store means a great
sanngto yoo. invite you to twit us and be
rrws. never made Grants
We have received a large shipment
of ALL AMERICA Shoes and. Ox
fords for Spring and Summer wear.
They can be had in all the latest
toes, and in vici, patent colt and
tan. They await your inspection at
Sixth Street
matter and through Congressman Her
mann's influence ?he department
granted the application. Simon 8im
pkins. miner of that locality was
made postmaster and kept it al bit
house for several years until a store
was established when the office was
moved to it.
Do yon want a profitable woodyard
or a money making orchard? Being
unable to properly arteod to both my
woodyard and my fruit farm I will
sell either at a bargain.
Woodyard has 20,000 feet of sbed
space. Good office building, four
borsee, six wagons, two carts, electrio
power woodsaw. Convenient to cen
ter of city aod has a big trade. Only
woodyard in Grants Pass.
Orchard adjoins city limits 00 main
street. Trees principally Spitzenbergs
and Redcbeek Pippin and ar in Hie
best of condition, healthy and well
prayed. Crop this year will half
pay for tbe place Irrigation by
electrio power centrifugal pump.
Good buildings and all kinds of tools.
7-6 2t O. O. LUND,
Grants Pass, Ore.