Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 06, 1906, Image 3

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C Tlii Stvpvi.ot.h. nf n
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Bank is shown ,
1st, By its working capital
2nd, By its stockholders.
3rd, By its management.
First Rational Bank
Grants Put, Oregon.
Has a Capital, Surplus
Undivided Profits J77.50O.00
And an additional Stock
holders Liability (un
der the National Bank
ing Law). .... 50,000 00
Total Responsibility $127,500.00
Johx D. Fry,
P. H. Harth.
J. T. Toffs,
R. A. Booth. Pres.
J. C. Campbell, V. Pre.
H. L Gilkey, Cashier.
West O Street
Second Block from Sixth Street
At prices that
make bargains.
Men Wanted.
Saw mill and lumber yard laborers,
$2.26 per .day. Woodsmen $3.26 to 13.
Steady work. Apply to Booth-Kelly
Lumber Co., Eogene. Ore.
Send the Courier to your friend, so
he can learn the facts in regard to the
famous Roane River Vallev.
Furniture and Piano
W.P.Shsrman and E.F.UMieux
Full stock of Wall Paper all designs
quality and prices.
Paints, Varnishes, Oils. Brushes
Te'i "-d rti'-tji 'inti'e.
Mall orders promptly filled.
Palace Barber Shop
Shaving, Hair Cutting
Baths, Etc.
Everything nest and clean and a
work Flrst-ClasB.
(Continued from page One. )
and own such other property as this
Union may require to carry on its
Seo. I. The principal place of
business for the Rogue River Valley
Fruit Growers Union shall be at the
city of Grants Pass, Oregon.
Seo. 1. Any fruit grower may be
oome a member of this Union, whose
name haa been proposed by "a mem'
ber, and who baa been voted in by a
two-thirds vote, by ballot, at any reg
ular meeting of this Union, and by
paving a membership fee of one
(fl.OO)dollar. Any member desiring
to terminate his membership with
this Union shall file a notice in writ
ing with the secretary at least 80 days
before the board of directors may aot
on his application aud then after a
full settlement of all accounts be
tween the said member and this
Union has been made, the directors
shall grant the release to ' 'ie member.
Seo. 1. The officers of this Union
shall consist of a president, vice-president,
secretary, treasurer aud a board
of directors of nine members. The
secretary and treasurer my not be
members of this Union.
Sea 2. The president shall be one
of the nine members of the Board of
Directors and he shall preside at all
meetings of the board and of the
Union. He shall direct the secre
tary to call such special meetings of
the Union and of the Board as he may
deem necessary, or that have been
asked for by members of the Board or
of the Uuios.
He shall sign all warrants that have
been ordered drawn upon the treas
urer, as also sign all contracts and
other instruments of writing that
have been entered into by the Board
of Director's and all certificates of
membership. -
He shall exercise a general super
vision over the affairs of the Union,
and execute such orders and instruc
tions that may have been given to him
by the Board of Directors.
Seo. 3. The vice-preident shall be
one of the'nine members of the Board
of Directors, and shall discharge all
the duties pertaining to the presi
ent'a office, whenever the president
is absent or is incapacitated from car
rying ou his work.
' Seo. 4. The duties of the soretary
shall be to keep all books and accounts
and records of this Union, and to keep
the minutes of te proceedings of the
Directors meetings, and to carry on
all correspondence, and to perform
such other duties as may be required
by the president, the manager or the
Board of Directors. He shall be ous
todian of all deeds, contracts and
other instruments of writing belong
ing to this Union.
Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the
treasurer, to receive and to pay out
all funds, on the order or check of the
president, vice-president or manager
when countersigned by the secretary
of this Union, and to keep a correct
account of the same. The treasurer
shall give bonds in an amount con
sidered ample, if the Board of Direct
ors so require.
Sea 6. The Board of Directors
shall have general supervision over
the affairs of this Union, and of Its
other officers, and the Board shall
have power to fill any vacanoy that
may occur in anr of the offices of this
Union to hold until the next annual
election. All business matters of this
Union shall be nuder the direct con
trol of the Board of Directors and they
shall have power to call for reports
from any of the other officers of this
Union at any time.
The Board of Directors shall ap
point a manager and employ such
agents and employees as may be neces
sary to properly carry on the busi
ness of tills Uniou, and they shall
fix the compensation of sucb officers
AvE. Voorhies
and employees as may be paid a sal
ary. The Board shall make such
rulea and regulations as may best
serve the interests of this Union in
regard to pioking, drying, grading,
packing, shipping and selling of frcits
and other products bandied by this
Union, and for the sale of such sup
plies as the Union may deal in.
The Boad of Directors shall meet on
the last Saturday in eaoh month in
the city of Granst Pass. Special
meetings of the Board may be called
by the president, or by the written
request to the president of three of
the directors, the secretary serving
notice by mail or telephone to the
members of sucb speoial meeting.
A quorum for a Board meeting shall
consist of five members, but a less
number may meet and a jjouru from
time to time.
Seo. 7. The manager shall be ap-
ponted by the Board of Directors
to serve until the next annual meet
ing, but he may be removed at any
time that the Board so orders. The
manager shall be a member of this
Union and he may hold any other offioe
in the Union. He shall have charm of
all purchasing and sales business of
this Union and shall have charge of
all warehouses and other property
of this Union, oversee all employees
and supervise the pioking, grading,
paokingand shipping of fruits and of
all other products bandied by this
Union. He shall not be paid a flat
salary, but paid so much per box,
orate or package for fruit and other
products that shall be marketed by
this Union without regard to the
value of t'-e article. The manaser
shall be paid his commission so soon
as returns are had on each shipment
that has been made.
Seo. 1. The annnal meeting of this
Union shall be held in the citv of
Grants Pass on the last Saturday in
May of each ysar, at which time the
outgoing president, secretary, treas
urer and manager shall each make a
report in writing on all matters
pertaining to their respective offices.
At this meeting all officers of this
union shall be elected, all voting to
be by ballot.
Seo. 1. All offioers of this Union
shnll serve for the nerind nf nn
yaar, except directors, who shall
serve for three years or until their
successors have been elected and have
qualified. At the first eleotion held
under this constitution three directors
shall be elected to serve two years
rrom the next annual meeting, and
three directors to serve one year from
the next .annual meeting, and three
directors to serve until the next an
nual meeting.
Seo. 1. The rearnlar mpoHnir nf thia
Union shall be held on the lust Bator.
day in February, May, August and
Seo. 2. Special meetinas of this
Union may ba called by ttie president
or by written request to the president
of three members of the Board, or of
ten members of the Union. Notioe of
such special meeting shall be an
nounced in at least two of the local
papers of the County at least one
week prior to the date of the meet
ing. Sc. 3. A quorum for any regular or
special meeting of this Union shall
consist of seven members but a less
number may meet and adjourn from
time to time.
Sec. 1. This Union, through its
board of directors, shall have exclus
ive and unqualified power to market
all fruits grown for shipment by
its members. A contract between
each individoal and the board of
directors will be required at the
time the grower is admitted to mem
bership and thia contract shall be in
foroe so long as the grower is a
member of this Union.
Seo. 2. No label of this Union
fball be placed on a box, crate or
package except under the direct or
ders of the manager. No fruit or
other farm proauct will be received
for shipment by this Union unless it
nas been packed by a packer emnloved
or authorized by the manager of this
Sea 1. The Board of Directors
shall have power to provide the neces
sary means for carrying out the par-
poses zor wdicu tbis Union is formed
by fixing reasonable charges and com
missions ror the services rendered by
tbis Union to it members and cus
tomer. The Board shall have power
to borrow money and! to enter' into
otfter fiaancial obligations binding
tbis Union!' All note and lather t.
denoe of Indebtedness) and all eon-
tract and agreement between this
Untoo- and other : parties shall ba
signed by the president and counter
signed fey to secretary of thia Union.
Sec. 1. Tbia ' constitution and bv-
laws may ba emended 'by'a two-thirds
,alImmbrsJprseot2at any
regular meeting of this Union, a no
tlce in writing to that effect having
Deen presented at the previous regular
meeting and filed with the seoretary.
Published by Southern Pacific and
Contains Only Facta With No
Glittering Generalities.
The skin of the Angora goat makes
a very acceptable bouse mat when
properly prepared with the wool on,
and that work can"be done on the farm
as well as anywhere with a reasonable
amount of skill and a good deal of
patience. Elderly men who were
brought op in the "backwoods" of
the Eastern States will remember
very well the excellent tanning wbioh
was done by trappers and the art is
still preserved among the cowboys
on the plains. In tbose days the art
was banded down from father to son
or passed along from one neighbor to
another. In these degenerate days we
have to go to books to learn how to
practice any of the household arts.
The Soientifio American gives the
following directions for preparing
skins for mats :
Make a strong lather with hot water
and soap and let it stand nntil oold ;
then wath the skin in it, carefully
squeezing out all the dirt from the
wool; wash it in cold water till all
the soup is taken out. Dissolve one
pound each of salt and alum in two
gallons of hot water, and put the
skin into a tub sufficient to cover it;
let it soak for 13 hours, and iiang it
over a pole to drain. When well
drained stretch it carefully on a
board to dry, aud stretch several times
while drying. Before it is quite dry
sprinkle on the flesh . side one ounce
each of finely pulverized alum and
saltpeter, rubbing it in well. Try if
the wool be firm on the skin; if not,
let it remain a day or two, then rub
again with alum ; fold the flesh sides
together and hang in the shade two or
three days, turning them over each day
till quite dry. Sorape the flesh side
with a blunt knife and rub it with
pumice or rotten stone.
Commenting on this recipe the Ore
gon Agriculturist says :
"These directions are not quite as
full as they should be. The skin
should be scraped on the flesh side the
first thing. The final treatment after
the Bkin is dry is more dlffioult than
wonld be inferred from the above di
rections. The Original.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered
for the genuine. Ask for Foley's
Honey and Tar and refuse any sub
stitute offered as no other preparation
will give the same satisfaction. It is
mildly laxative. It contains no
opiates and is safest for children and
delicate persons. For tale by H. A.
Process of Tanning Skins Is Sim?
pie and the Ruga Are Clean -cvnd
If possible, the Passenger Depart
ment of the Oregon Railroad & Navi
gation Company and Southern Pacific
(Lines in Oregon) haa surpassed itself
in the 1906 issue of its new publica
tion, "Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
and Their Resources."
The purpose of the, publication is to
attract homeseekers and invetsors to
the Paciflo Northwest and this publi
cation is undoubtedly the best messen
ger that could be sent by residents of
Oregon, Washington and Idaho to
their friends in the Eattt and Middle
Beautiful baif tones, printed on
superb book paper, make the publica
tion, which contains 88 pages and a
map of the section, a work of art,
but far superior to the typographical
makeup is the contents of the book.
Under many heads covering practi
cally all the resources of the states
are short, pithy stories of what has
been accomplished; not what might be
done, bot aotual facta and figures ac
companied byname and addresses of
well known farmers, who are daily
laying aside an ineoete- that would be
a fort on to an Eastern Agriculturist.
Wm. Mnmy," General " Passenger
Agent of the O. Ri A N. Co. and &
P. Line in Oregon, baa favored tbe
editor with a copy of tbia publication
and informed bim that 'readers of tbis
paper by sending the names and aT
dresses, of friend in th East and four
cent in'postage for each address,' may
have the book promptly mailed to the
address given.
Justict blank! at th Courier office
ies, it is
enough to go camping.
' Where are you going and
from whom are you going to
purchase your supplies?
We want to just remind
you that we have a complete
line of goods for camping par
ties and the brands are all re
liable. Our Teas and Coffees are
all we claim for them, THE
Smyth e's Tea and Coffee Market
Phone -:H
J. H. AH LP & 60N, Proprs.
Phone 144
Best Grades of Fresh and Smoked Meats
Elevates Water
it : ;o,t.f.
i v ,, , : t"'-l:'
!V a' v -
I m' I K V jaw.
TIE COLUMBIA HYDRAULIC RAM is a simply constructed and
inexpensive machine that can utilize a small fall of water for the purpose
of raising a portion of it to any desired height It is the fanner's friend in the
'dry season" and is indispensable lo those owning land high above ditches. It
will furnish water for domestic purposes, even elevating pure water of the spring
by means of the impure or muddy water, at found in some streams. Require
no attention. Practically no cost of maintenance, there being no parts to get
out of order. A ram will pay for itself in a short time. Every ram installed is
giving utmost satisfaction. Wo keep a large stock constantly on hand. Write
to our Hydraulic Department today for illustrated literature.
Columbia Engineering Works
Tenth and Johnson Street : : PORTLAND, OREGON
Resident Agent, Grants Pass, Oregon.
J. B. PADDOCK, Proprietor.
I am prepared to (urnisb anything in the lina of CmneU-rv work in anv kind
o( Marble or Uranite.
Nearly thirty years of experience in
tbat I can fill your orders in tbe very
Uen lurnisn work in Hootch, Swede or American Brsnite or any kind of
front street, next to Green's Uunsbop,
Only 12 Ysars 014.
"I an-only 88 year old and don't
expect even when I get to b real old
to feel that way as long asr I osa get
Electrto Bitten," say4 Mr.. E. H.
Branton,- of - Dublta,' Ge." 8urly
there' nothing els keep th old a
young and make the weak as strong
a tbis ' grand tooio snedicin. Dys
pepsia, torpid liver, inflamed kidneys
or ofaronio constipation'' ar unknown
after taking Eleetrid Hitter a reason
ablr'tim.'- QoaranteerTby! dm
gist. FrioelKgoeot
4QO Front Mtreet
6th St. near G
the Marbl business warrant! mi aavine
best manner.
Sh Trkd rive Dectors.
Mrs. France L.. Bales, of .Missouri
Valley, 1., write "I have, been
afflicted with kidney trouble fl'
y ear f bad ' e vee peiri1 In- my back"
and a 'frequent desire' to 'urinate. ,
When riding I experienced much pain
over the' region" of the'' kidney. - I
tried Ave physioaos without beosfil
and then concluded to try Foley's
Kidney Cure. After taking three
fl.OO bottle I was completely en rod.
For aal by H. A. Rotermund.'