Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 06, 1906, Image 1

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    VOL. XXII.
No. 14.
Get Ready for Bueineee Hold Sea
ion Thia Saturday to Arrange
(or Purchase of Supplies.
The adjourned meeting for perfection
the organization of the Grants Pans
Fruit Growers Union was held last
Saturday afternoon iu the Cornier
office. There waj a good attendance
of fruit growers and the spirit of co
. operation and of confidence in what a
I anion can accomplish for its members
gave the assurance that they were one
set of farmers who could and woold
- work together in harmony and would
maintain an organization that would
be of great financial gain to them
selves and a strong factor in bringing
a greater prosperity to Josephine
The meeting was called to ordei by
the chairman, Fred D. Eisman. Prior
to the regular business of the meeting
a general discussion of the work of
fruit growers unions was bad. Hod.
A. H. Carsoni commissioner for the
First District of the State Board of
Horticulture, spoke on what unions
had accomplished in putting the fruit
industry on a paying basis at Hood
River, Medford, Ashland and other
places. To enforce the itate law and
compel owners of diseased fruit trees
to either clear the tress of pests or to
cut them down was another work
that a fruit growers onion in Jose
phine county oould undertake. Mr.
Carson thought the anion should rec
ommend and secure the appointment
by the oouoty court of a man who
had the knowledge, the tact and the
energy to execute the duties of fruit
inspector. Then to make it possible
to fully enforce tbs law the union
.should strongly back the inspector and
eduoate popular opinion to secure con
victions by juries in the county should
obstinate violators of the law be
brought up for punishment. Mr.
Carson stated that for this year he
could not join the union as he was
now the only one who had grapes to
market and preferred to handle them
Copies of ' the constitutions and
tales and regulations of both the Hood
River Fruit Growers Union and of the
Rogue River Fruit Growers Union of
Medford had been secured and each
were read by Secretary Meserve. In
the discussion that followed of the
obligations that these rules imposed
on the members Henry Ruch, manager
of the H. B. Miller orchard, stated
that be could not sanction the rale
that compelled members to market
their fruit through the uuion. For
this year he had arrangements made
with dealers in China to handle his
crop and therefore would not join the
4kv ViVsVsVaViV'sV'sV'sVft
1 1 Sell
Miners and Hill Men !
If you are going to need any machinery in the line of
Hydraulic Machinery and Air Compressors
Steam Power Plants
Light and Heavy Saw Mill and
Transmission Machinery
Edwards' Friction Log Turner
Cleveland "Sweet Temper" Machine Knives
Hamilton Machine Tools
Courier Building fc Grants Pass, Oregon.
anion. Ail the other fruit growers
sanotionnd this rale for without it
designing dealers would break up the
union by bidding up member's fruit
and then when the union was wrecked
proceed to pay the hapless growers 79
cents a box for fine Spitzenbergs .as
was the hard experiences of an Ap
plegate orchardist last year, who made
a shipment that had the fruit been
handled by a uuion would have netted
him $2 or more a box. Every grower
present had a hard luck story to tell
of the way they had lost on their fruit
through the greed or dishonesty of the
The adoption of a constitution was
then taken op and the best features of
the constitutions of the Hood River
and Medford anions were embodied
in the constitution for the Grants Pass
Fruit Growers Union, which ii pub
lished herewith in full. The rules
governing picking, grading and pack
ing of fruit, the sale to members of
supplies, etc, will be deferred to
future meeting pending thorough
consideration of the matter and a
comparison of the roles of other
unions. ' The membership roll was
then signed ap by Eismann Bros., J.
H. Robinson, R. A.. N. ' Reymers, K.
M. Robinson, J. T. Morrison, E.
Erickson, C. H. Sampson, H. C.
Bobzieo, J. H. Colby, E. N. Provolt,
O. O. Lund and C. F. Lovelace.
The following officers were chosen
for the ensuing year: President,
Fred D. Eisman ; vice-president, R.
M. Robinson ; secretary, Charles Me
serve ; directors, three years term.
Fredrick D. Eismann, R. M. Robinson,
R. A. N. Reymers; two years term, J.
H. Robinson, Chris Eismann, E.
Erickson one year term, H. C. Bob
aien, J. T. Morrison, J. H. Colby.
The election of treasurer was deferred
until the next meeting and President
Eismann was authorized to arrange
with one of the banks of Graots Pass
to act as oostodian of the funds of the
anion and to have a person of the
bank fill the position of treasurer.
J. A. Perry, manager of the Rogue
River Fruit Growers Union, having
been invited to attend this meeting
was unable to do so and sent a letter
stating that be could not come to
Grants Pass by reason of an important
meeting of. the Medford union.
Manager Perry was again invited to
meet with, this Union at its next
meeting for the purpose of taking op
with him the proposition of the two
Unions jointly purchasing boxes,
paper and nails needed by the mem
bers of the two organizations.
On the request of President Eisn.anu
all members of this Union are to
bring a statement to the next meeting
giving an estimate of the number of
boxes of fruit that they will have to
market so that an .estimate can
be made as to the amount of boxes,
paper and nails that the union will
be required to purchase, and also that
Real Estate
Rent Houses
T5he Real Estate Man.
Ground Floor, Courier Bldg.
Grants Pass, - Oregon.
your wants and I will save you money
Blue Ledge Beintf Thoroughly De
veloped and a Smelter la Cer
tain to Be Erected.
Dr. J. F. Reddy and Fred Perry,
the well known mining men of Med
ford and Jacksonville arrived in
Grants Pass Monday evening to meet
a promiennt Spokane mining niau.
Tbuesday morning the three left by
private conveyance for Crescent City
on a copper mine deal, that if oon-
sumated will mean much to Southern
Dr. Reddy stated to a Courier repre
sentative that development work was
being pushed on the Blue Ledge oop-
per claims by Superintendent Car
nahan with a force of 100 men. Both
tunneliug and drilling is being car
ried on, 'a large compressor and
power drills being ased in the former
work and a diamond drill In the lat
ter. ine most tnorougn work ever
done in Southern Oregon is being
done on the Blue Ledge claims and
when this development is done a very
comprehensive idea will be bad of the
extent and value of the ore body.
There is every reason to believe, so
Dr. Reddy states, that the New Tork
company now owning the Blue Iiedge
will erect a smelter on that property
within the next year. So well is the
mine showing op that it is quite
probable that the oompany will begin
this Fall on the construction of a
railroad to Blue Ledge on which to
take In the smelter plant and to afford
transportation for the matte and coke.
As to whether the road would go in
from Jacksonville or go up the Apple
gate from Grants Pass. Each route
has advantages and the road will
likely be built from the town offering
the best advaptages and inducements.
The Opp mine, in which Dr. Reddy
and Mr. Perry were owueis at the
time it was equipped with a 10-stamp
electio power mill is now running
steadily and the New Tork people,
who now own it are well satisfied
with their investment. The mill has
been inoreased to 20 stamps and the
mine is now one of the biggeBt gold
prodaoers In Southern Oregon.
County Court Hold a Shoit
County court convened Thursday
and Judge Stephen Jewell and Com
missioner M. A. Wertz took their
seats. Judge J. O. Booth, the retir
ing county judge was not present,
he being out of the city on business,
he having gone oat of office the pre
vious Monday when Judge Jewell
took the office. The retiring commis
sioner, O. F. Lovelace, was present to
greet his successor. The first busi
ness done was to pass on the bonds of
Clerk S. F. Cheshire, Sheriff J. W.
Russell, Surveyor D. J. Law too, Coro
ner Dr. T. E. Beard and Treasurer J.
T. Taylor.
Tiie bonds were all approved and
then the court took up the auditing of
the usual grist of bills against the
coanty and there was little else of
business on Clerk Cheshire's docket to
demand the attention of the court so
it will probably adjourn this Friday
an estimate of
county can be
the fruit orop in this
given to buyers who
place a bid with the
may desire to
Ibe meeting adjourned to Saturday,
July 7, at 1 :80 p. m.
Tbe following is the constitution
and by-laws of tbe Grants Pass Fruit
Growers Union :
Section 1. The name of this organ
ization shall be the Grants Pas Fruit
Growers Union.
Section 1. The object of this anion
shall be to promote the fruit industry
of tbe Rogue River Valley, and to
secure to the fruit growers of said
valley, all the advantages possible to
their Industry ; to establish and main
tain a uniform standard of picking,
drying, grading and packing of dried
and green fruits, and of other farm
produots; to advertise and increase
the demand for Rogue River Valley
farm products, and to buy, sell and
handle tbe earns j to purchase such
supplies and materials as tbe members
of this Union may require to carry on
their business and to lease or purchase
real estate, rent or build warehouses
(Conanued on Page Two.
One Fare for the Trip Matting of
Rosjue River Develop
ment League.
Dr C. R. Ray, the tyee booster of
Southern Oregon and the president of
the Rogue River Valley Development
League, arrived in Grants Pass Mon
day evening from Gold Ray. The
Doctor came pwn to see what bad
become of this end of the boosters ex
cursion to Ashland on Development
League Day at the Chautauqua assem
bly and finding nothing done and the
time all but op in which to make the
guarantee to the Southern Paciflo of
the required number of tickets in or
der to secure the one-fare for the
round trip he took op the work him
self of securing sufficient pledges from
those who woold go to insure securing
the extra low fare. Though Tuesday
was the hottest day of this season and
the doctor is stoat of baild yet he
put in the entire day as a commit
tee of one, for be could get no one to
help him. In presenting the exoarsion
question fend the features of the De
velopment League meeting to the
business men of this city. He was
entirely suooessfal and secured such
co-operation as to insure big at
tendance from Grants Pass to the De
velopment League convention which
will meet In Ashland on July 17.
The special train will leave Grants
Pass at 8:80 a. ni. aud reach Ashland
by 210:30. Stops will be made at
Woodville, Gold Hill, Gold Ray, Tolo.
Central Point, Medford, Phoenix
and Talent, and it is expected that
600 or more persons will make the
trip, of which fully 250 will be from
Grants Pass. The forenoon in Ash
land will be devoted to the regular
Chautauqaa program, and at noon a
states reunion will be held in the
Cbautauqoa Park on Ashland oreek.
A basket dinner will be the feature
and those from each state will eat
together and make merry. In the
afternoon the Development League
meeting will be held in the Chautau
qua auditorium. Addresses win oe
made by Tom ' Richardson manager
of the Portland Commercial Club,
Jadge Cnk of Portland, Colonel
Hofer of Salem, President Campbell
of the State University at Eugene and
other prominent speakers. Musical
features of a high order will be inter
spersed in the program. The evening
will be devoted to the regular Chau
tauqua program. The special train
will leave Ashland at 10:80 p.m.
By having an entire day and even
ing in Ashland it will give the visit
ors ample time to sue that handsome
city and to visit the Normal school,
the fine orchards and other points of
interest as well as to attend the De
velopment League convention and the
Chautauqaa assembly.
Chris Eismann Visits Jackson
County and Find Fruit Pros
pects Fine. Acreage Large.
Christopher Eismann, of Eismann
Bros., thej-hampjon apple growers of
Josepliiue cuuuty audauioug the
largest orcbardists of Rogue River
Valley, returned Wednesday evening
from Medford where he had been for
a couple of days on au inspection trip
of the big orchards of that vicinity,
To a Courier representative Mr
Eismann stated that be found the fruit
prospect about Medford to be first'
class. A to the care of their trees by
the big orcbardists of Jackson oounty
Kr Eismann stated that tbey hardly
equalled the Hoood River growers in
thoroughness. As a rale he found
that they did not prune as closelynor
thin as largely and carefully as nas
been done to produce the famous Hood
River apple. The ; spraying tnougn
had been well done aud the crop
would be free from pests or defects.
Mr. Eismann is a the
recently orgaoized Grants Pass Fruit
Growers Union and while In Mediord
be called on Manager J. A. Perry of
the Rogue River Fruit Growers
Union, who gave him moobvaluable
information on the detail workings
of the union. Manager Perry stated
that the market outlook was very en
couraging and that he had received
many inquiries .from the big Eastern
and English buyers aud be believes
that good prices would be realised this
Fall for strictly high grade fruit.
Mr. Eismann has worked at the fruit
business since bis boyhood days and
when 18 years old he was made a fore
man by J. A. Whitman, a big fruit
buyer of Medford, aud has had
charge of a big packing crew that
packed apples and pears in the var
ious large orchards in Southern Ore
gon. Mr. Eismann ban made several
trips to Hood River, as has also his
brother Fredrick D. Eismann, who Is
president of the Grants Pass Fruit
Growers Union, to study the methods
that have enabled tbe Hood River
growers to get 13 to $3 per box for
their apples while the Josephine
county growers were able to realize
but 60 cents to 11.60 a box for their
apples. Mr. Eismann is also a close
student of all work on horticul
ture and puts in all his spare time
reading. As the best all around
work and what is really a textbook on
Oregon fruit raising. Mr. Eisman
woold recommend the report of tbe
Oregon State Board of Horticulture to
the orobardittM of Josephine county.
Mr. Eismann is confident that there is
no single book pablisbed that is so
oomlete a guide to the Oregon farmer
who is striving to grow fruit that
will sell at profitable prices as is the
report of the State Board.
More Stages Thavn Any Other
Oregon Town Many Are
Concord Type.
While the day of the stage coach
with its romance and its hardships to
the traveling public is rapidly pass
ing on the Paciflo Coast, yet Grants
Pass remains an important stage
oenter, and It is probabe that more
stages arrive and depart eaob day than
from any other town in Oregon over
the three lines that terminate here.
The stages operated oat from Grants
Pass are of the best, most of them
being tbe famous Conoord, type wblob
is used altogether on the line to Cres
oent City. Tbe Granite Hill line has
very easy riding coaches. The Will-
iams-Applegate line baa oome oat
with a new stage that is both nobby
and well adapted to the , large trafflo
that is had in that route. The new
stage was put in commission Monday
and its wbite canvass top aud yellow
running gears make quite a color
contrast. Ed Herriott, the owner
and the driver on this route is giving
a first-class service and is building op
a fine business. With July 1st a new
schedule went into effect on this route
and now the stage lays over night in
Williams instead or urants rass.
The staire now leaves Williams each
morning and arrives in Grants Pass
by 11 a. m. and leaves on the return
to Williams at 2 p. in
the Extraordinary Values we
more such values in Chairs.
Sanitary and healthful; no disease germs or dirt can lodge in
our Beds; a fine line of colorings, smooth and hard as marble.
Another lot of GO-CARTS just in.
More of those uew style Mattresses have arrived
Look our stock over when shopping this week.
Thomas & 0 Ncill
The IlousefurnishersJ
New Line of Refrigerator Vessel
From New York to London to Growers.
The members of the Grants Pass
Fruit Growers Union will be in
terested in the subjoined dispatch that
appeared in the Portland" Journal
Wednesday. That the fruit exporting
trade has grown to such proportions
as to make full cargoes for large
steamers especially fitted with re
frigerator compartments is one of the
developments of traus-Atlantio com
merce. The inauguration of this
fast steamer line will help the fruit
growers of Rogue River Valley for
the principal market for the fancy
Newtowns and Spltzenberg apples
grown here is in London, Liverpool
and Paris. These apples are sent
from Grants Pass and other Rogue
River shipping poiuts in oar load lots
direct to Mew York Jfor foreign ship
ment!, but the time is not distant
when fruit by the train load will be
sent oat of this Valley.
The following is the dispatch
above mentioned i
New York.' July 4. The fint
steamship service aver operated ex
clusively for the exportation of
American apples is now being ar
ranged for by Harry M. Isaao of a firm
of fro it importers of London. The
ships will ply between Boston and Lon
don. Formerly it hat been the cus
tom to ship the apples on large
freight ships, but the business has
grown so as to support a line of
steamers. Isaao, who is in Mew xori,
says the exportation of apple will be
greatly expedited by the new service
aud that much fruit will be marketed
to a better advantage abroad.
Tbe seamers will salt every fort
night and will have a capaolt? of
20,000 barrels. The total exports of
pples last season from all ports was
!i, 41 1,473 barrels.
No July tVrm of Circuit Court.
Monday is the day for the July
term of circuit court to convene, but
thers is so little on the docket that
Judge H. K. Hanna has decided not
to hold a session. There is but one
prisoner in, tbe jail, Smith the cloth
ing store pilfer.' and it is cheaper for
the oounty""to bonrd him uutifihe
September term than to be to the ex
pense of a jury summoned just for his
case. So to save expense on the tax
payers Judge Hanua will let Smith
do a little sweating and repenting
during thtjse hot Summer days.
Mrs. Hanna left last week to spend
the Sumner with their daughter and
son in Oakland, Cal., and the Judge,
accompanied by his son, Herbert, will
leave next week for Cinnabar Springs
to spend a. month at that famous re
sort in the Siskiyou mountains.
i, and Rockers
stroug and durable;
worth $3 50, for ... .
Many took advantage of
such prices last week. We
want more people to see
are offering
We have a dozen
are our guaranteed
for 10
Iron Beds
up to