Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 29, 1906, Image 6

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How frequently does a head line slml
lr to tint above greet us In the news
papers. The rush, push and strenuous
nesg of the American people has a strong,
tendency to lead up to valvular and other
affections of the heart, attended by Ir
regular action, palpitation, dizziness,
mothered sensation and other distress
ing symptoms.
rhrM nf the nrnmlnrwit Ingredients ol
Which l)r. fierce s uoiden ai mural dis
covery Is made are recoimnended by some
f the leading writers on Materia Mcdlxt
tor the cure of Just such cases. Uoldcn
Seal root, for Instance, ii suld by the
United States Dihi-knsatoby, a stand
ard authority, "to Impart tone and In
creased power to the heart's action.'
Numerous other leading authorities rep
resent Golden Heal as an unsurpassed
tonic for the muscular system In general,
and as the heart If almost wholly com
posed of muscular tissue, It naturally
follows that It must be greatly strength
ened by this superb, general tonic, uut
probably the most Important Ingredient
of " Uoiden Medical Discovery," so far
as Its marvelous cures of valvular and
other affections of the heart are con
cerned, Is Htone root, or ColllntonUt Can.,
Prof. Win. Paine, author of Palue's
Kpltomy of Medicine, says of It:
L not lone since, had a patient who was
SO much oppressed with valvular disease of
the heart that his friends were utilised to
carry blm up-stalr. Ho. however, (raduallr
recovered under the Influence of Colllnaonln
taiedlclnal principle eitracted from Htone
root), and Is now attendlns to his business.
Heretofore physicians knew of no remedy
for the removal of so dlstresslnc and o dan
gerous a malady. With them It was all
guew-work. ana It fearfully warned the
afflled that death was near at hand. Col
Unsonln unquestionably affords relief Id
such cases, and In most Instances effects a
Htone root Is also recommended by Dm.
Hale and Elllnawixxl, of Chicago, for
valvular and other diseases of tho heart.
The latter sys: "It is a huurt tonic of
direct and permanent Influence."
"Goldon Medical Discovery," not only
cures serious heart affections, but Is a
most efllcinnt general tonic and Invlgor
ator. strengthening the stomach, Invig
orating the liver, regulating tho bowels
and curing catarrhal affections la all
furls of the yun.
Dr. I'lerco's 1'olluts cure Constipation.
The Pioneer Grocer
A Specialty
Dried Fruits of All Kinds
Wholesale and Retail
Feed and Flour Store
J. E. KERLEY, Proprietor.
Kerlei Feed Stables, South Sixth Street.
Ifewt Brand of Flour,
Hay of all kinds,
ltofiod Hurley, Wlieut and Outs.
Clean (iray Outx for Bood.
Hod rock priooa.
The Popular Barber Shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
liuth Koom lu connootlon
Southern Oregon Contract
ing & ('oust met ion Co.
Estimates and bids fusnished on
Ditches, Dams, Bridges, Tunnels,
Office, Room 3 Masonic Temple.
so too aramonrav
Te advertlae our stamped Oorwst
Covera we will snd to any ad
4ru this hand sums CORSET
COVER. stamid In artis qual
ity Frenoh oambrlo, with - f
ootton to embratJer, ail JQ,
TheNeedlecraft Shop
Kt WssHUf BU VarOaa4, Or.
Ancient Rams
is now merely a nietuory of the past
Ballard's Snow Liuluient is the '
fiuuily liuiiuout of the twentieth ecu
inry. A positive cure for Rheuma
tism, Burus, Cut. Sprains, Neuralgia
eto., Mr. C H. Knnyon, Stanberry,
Mo., writes: "I have usod Suow
Liniment for Rlieumatismui and ail
paiu. I can't say enough lu its
praise." Kor sale by National Drug
Co. and Kuterinoud.
A health to tht fighting man! The maa
with a red glint In hie eye
A (lint thet glow to a tender gleam for tho
old flag In tht sky.
To the man who dariv and the man who
oeres for the good old U. 8. A.
Who hears the brunt In tht battle front and
hurries (o the fray
A health to him our soldier rtm with the
warllght In Ms tyt.
Who tunes his lift to tht hrllHn fife and
knows the way to die.
A health to the flKhtlng: man! TbamaavaU
Innocent of sham.
Who pays the due or a loyal heart at the
serine of Uncle Bam;
Who bears our load on the weary road that
leads to a distant peace.
And asks no halt till ht find the faal,and
the roar of cannon oeaae;
May the throb and thrum of the rollta
drum be promise to his ears
Of the Joyous day when he'll cosne away to
htar a nation's cheers.
A health to the fighting maa ! The maa with
Impulse clean and clear;
Wo hold him right as a gallant kaigtit
without reproach or fear.
When the bugle sing and tht bullet ftnas
snd thetaber flashes bright.
May he feel the aid of the prayers prayed to
guard him In tht light;
May good luck ride on either stda and aawe
him for the grasp
Of the friendly head la his nattva
that's yearning for the elaap.
Josh Wink, In Baltimore American.
A Cluster of
Violet vv
quietest of all the traveling man
connected with the firm of Knight,
Powers 4 Co. the most prosaic, un
sentimental, matter-of-fact fellow
one would find in a month's search.
So when Horace Worth, another
drummer for the same house one
raw, chilly day in March, chanced to
step into FranU Karter'a, the florist's,
just in time to hear Mr. Mayhew say:
"Now, Mr. Karter, do not fail to get
the violets off by to-day's express.
Same address aa usual, you have it, I
suppose. And here, put this card in
the box; my train leaves in 15 min
utes, or I would stay until you got
them packed," and when Worth acci
dentally saw that the card bore the
Inscription: "To my darling, with a
heart's best love Laurence," to put
It mildly, he was astonished.
"Hello, old fellow," said he, "send
ing violets to your best girl, eh?"
"Yes, I thought they would surely
be appreciated such a dismal day as
"Well, you ars the last man I would
ever suspect of being guilty of falling
In love; a confirmed old bachelor like
you, with plenty of gray hairs. Hut
they say when a man of 40 or over
does get hit with Cupid's arrow he la
hit hard."
"At any rate," laughed Mayhew, "In
thia liiHtnnee I eonfesa It la true, I am
'hit hard,' aa you say, and my 'best
girl' is the dearest girl on earth," and
he hastened away to the depot, where
his sample case had preceded him.
Worth had only entered the employ
of Knight, Towers A Co. six months
before, but during the time he hud
met Mnyhew several times and had
liked him from the first, mentally
dubbing him a good fellow, with a
keen sense of humor, ready to take
or give a joke in his quiet way, but
seldom entering into the story-telling
of his brother knights of the grip,
when as wns (K't-nximiully the ruse
some of them met nt the end of their
several trips; unil he hnd never been
heard to bonxt of the pretty girls he
had met, nr flirted with, as some of
the others were wont to do. So the
above incident impressed itself upon
the memory of Horace Worth, who,
although u voluble, easy-going man,
was kind hearted almost to a fault,
and poNxuesed of a strict aense of
Two months later Mr. Worth hap
pened to be spending Sunday nt a
amall town some 50 miles out from
the city. Saturday evening the la
dies of one of the churches were
serving Ice cream and strnwlirrries in
a hull nenr the hotel where Worth
was stopping, and to while away an
idle hour us much us to help in a
good cause, he strolled In about nine
o'clock, and took a seat at one of the
A bright little woman came forward
to serve him, and he Inst inctively
notedherplain.liut attractive face, lit
up by large gray eyes, and crowned
with a wealth of hnir, once dark
brown, but now thickly threaded
with silver. 'Hie rush of the earlier
part of the evening being over, he
was the only one at that table, while
disposing of the daintily served re
freshments the little woman brought
in response to his mpicst; so, seeing
that he was u stranger in town, niul
seemed to know no one, she renin hied
by the table pleasantly chatting in a
manner that showed her to be a Indy
ill every aense of the word.
Soon some one culled, "Oh, Mrs.
Mayhew. please rouie here a minute,"
and saying "Kiouse me," she has
tened away.
r'ive minutes later she returned,
Mr. Worth not jet having paid for
his refreshments. As he handed her
the amount lie said: "1'ardon me, but
1 heard your name called, and It is a
familiar one to me, as another trav
eling man with the firm I represent
l,er Mr 1 rno Mayhew. la he
a relative of vours
Quickly smiling, she said: "Oh, do
you know Laurence? Why, he ia my
husband. I am glad, sir to meet a
friend of his; may I ask your name?"
"Horace Worth, at your service,"
replied he, bowing, "but you surprise
me. 1 diil not know that Mr. Mayhew
had married; may I inquire how long
aince the happy event took ulnce?"
"Did not know that Laurence was
married? That Is strange," laughed
aba; "yet perhaps not strange), either,
for he la bo reticent regarding hia
own affaire. Why, we have been mar
ried IS years, though were It not for
my son and daughter, both of whom
will soon be as tall aa I am, 1 could
hardly realize It had been so long by
half," and again she laughed mer
rily. It was with difficulty that Horace
restrained hia astonishment, and as
the scene t the florist's two months
before flashed across his mind, hia In
dignation knew no bounds. Hut by
.(Tort he quietly made a few more
n . , . . .
commonplace remarks, bade her good
night and returned to the hotel.
, "The scoundrel!" thought he, "to
' be untrue to such a fine little woman
aa that, and the mother of hia chil
dren, too, juat because he haa been at
tracted by the pretty face of some
young girl, while his wife's hair la
gray, like his own! I feel like shoot
ing him!"
He sought his room and bed, but it
was nearly dawn before sleep visited
hia eyelids, ao wrought up was he
I over hia discovery of the evening. He
felt he ought to warn her, the poor
little, unsuspecting, wronged wife,
and yet he dreaded to be the execu
tioner of the love and trust with
which her face waa radiant while
apeaking of her husband. At length
he dropped into a troubled sleep, to
dream that Mrs. Mayhew, pale-faced
and wan, stood by his side piteously
"Oh, why didn't you tell me? If
you had it might have been in time
for me to have led him back out of
the snares that wicked girl laid for
him. And now he is gone, gone, and
my heart la broken!"
Late In the morning he ' awoke,
more Impressed than ever that it was
his duty to warn the wunged wife,
disagreeable though it might be. So
he secured writing materinl, and
after destroying sheet after sheet of
paper, he Anally composed a note in
which he told her, In as gentle a man
ner aa possible, of the episode at the
florist's, and closed by begging her
not to think ill of him for being the
bearer of such news, as he very
greatly regretted the necessity he
felt he was under to warn her, and
expresssing the hope that with her
knowledge of the affair, an influence
might be brought to bear that would
counteract any evil toile into which
bar husband had probably uncon
sciouslyfallen, and that happiness
might once again be hers. This note
he dispatched by the bell boy, about
the time he judged she might have
returned from church. A half hour
later a white Inclosure was handed in
at his door. He tore it open and
"Mr. Horace Worth Dear Blr: To say
that I wss amssed st tht contents of your
nott falls fur snort of expressing my feel
ings. If not seklng too much of you. will
you pleise call at my home at four o'clock
this afternoon? I appreciate your Intended
klndnw 1 reserve all else to say to you In
person. Sincerely yours.
The writing showed signs of agita
tion, and It was with quickly benting
heart that Mr. Worth presented him
self at Mrs. Mayliew s door, nt the
appointed hour. He was admitted by
the maid and shown Into the parlor,
where he was at once joined by Mrs.
Mnyhew. The pallid face and swollen
eyes, for which he wns prepared,
were absent. Instead she greeted him
with smiling countenance.
"Mr. Worth," said she, "I sent for
you, not - as you probably supposed
to question you farther concerning
my dear husband, but to free V"nr
mind from the unjust charges w'hieh
I give you the credit of honestly be
lieving. At llrst I was ungry over
your intimation, hut I believe you to
be n gentleman, and that yon took
the course tlwit you fn.m (.ise
of duty. Fifteen years ago the 2()th
of lust March we were married. On
that never to-be forpot ten day, I
wore a bunch of violets, and the
tuble where the simple luncheon wns
spread was decorated with the same.
Since thnt dny, the 20th of March
has never failed to bring from my
dear, thoughtful husband, n fragrant
cluster of violets; and two months
ago, ns usual, when he is absent nt
that time, there came by express a
box of the sweet Mowers, containing
thia enrd," and she held out the well
remembered bit of bristol bonrd. on
which was written, "To my dnrlinir,
with a heart's best love-Laurence."
"The next mail," continued ,e,
"brought his usual daily letter, in
which he told the joke of your sup
posing he was n bachelor, 'how you
asked if he wns sending flowers' to
his best girl, mid of his reply. That
in just like Laurence, to have a little
quiet fun at your expense, by never
correcting your erroneous supposi
tion. I hope yon will forgive him
for it, just u I have forgiven yon
for your slanderous tho.-'its of mv
hiisbiinil." and she: smilingly ex
tended her I'.iind.
Just how Mr. Worth mannced to
take her hand and bow over it, stam
mer out his sincere apologies, and
get out into the street, he never
could clearly remember. Hut it is a
fact that when he finally found ref
uge in his room at the hotel, he feel
ingly remarked to himself:
"I wish I had three feet, so I
eouni stand on two of them, and
wk mjHelt with u,, other!"-Lum-
ber Iteview.
To Care a Cold In One Day
ine Tahleta. Druggists refund money
if it fails to cure. K. V. GROVE'S i
signature is ou each bos. Sou.
Courier gives all the county
PASS, OREGON, JUNE 29, 1906.
Tbe weather hag changed again and
ia threatening rain.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Clark made
Grave a visit last Sunday.
Mies Cashing has started a dress
making establishement at Grave.
Mr. George can't quite keep op
with Mr. Will and Mr. Jack making
Clarenoe Farleigh has r turned
home from his work down Grave
Wanted A good bill poster as our
worthy stage driver bag more than be
can attend to.
H. L. Wilson's father and mother
have come from Kansas to make their
b ome in Southern Oregon.
Ed Light is running a butcher
wagon again. We're all glad to see
him back again at bis old trade.
The Grave school has closed and oar
teacher, Miss Pearl Lewis, has re
turned to her home at Wilderville.
A. A. Porter's house is being
erected very fast nnder tbe manage
ment of A. L. Fenwell and J. Clark.
A grand celebration is to be given
by tbe Placer people the 4th of July
and a dance in the evening and every
body welcome.
Reunions don't seem to agree with
wiae Awane. Vie heard be had a
jolly time. Did any of the other
writers see him?
Farmers have been making hay
while the nun shone. Mr. Will and
Mr. Jack have made more hay than
any other two (?) on Grave creek.
Cale Corder was called to Umatilla
county on account of two of his little
children being very sick. We all ex
tend our heartfelt sympathy to Cale
in hia recent troubles.
Mr. ana Mrs. joi. Shilling were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clark last
Sunday. Next time Mr. Phil comes
he is to bring body guards along as he
got very badly frightened while there
Feeling Impending Doom.
The feeling of impending doom in
the minds of many victims of Bright's
disease and diabetes has been ohanged
to thankfulness by the benefit derived
from taking Foley's Kidney Cure.
It will cure incipient Bright's disease
and diabetes and even in the worst
cases gives comfort and relief. Slight
disorders are cured in a few days. "I
had diabetes in its worst form,"
writes Marion Leel of Dunreath, Ind.
"I tried eight physlcianB without re
lief. Only three bottles of Foley's
iviuuey tjure mane me a wen man.
ror sale by II. A Rotermuud.
Following the Flag.
When our soldiers went to Cuba
and the Philippines, health was the
most important consideration. Wil
lis T. Morgan, retired Commissary
sergeant v. a. A., of Rural Route 1,
Concord, N. H., says: "I was two
years in Cuba and two years in the
Philippines, and beina snbjeot to
coins. I took Dr. Kiug's New Dis
covery foe Consumption, which kept
me in perreci nraini. Ana now,' in
New Hampshire, w rind it the best
medicine in the world for concha.
colds, bronchial troubles and all luug
diseases. uuuranteed at all drag
gists. Price fi()c and tl.00. Trial bot
tle free. ' '
is used in the
of Hazdwoad
abundance of
cream being aa
sured fur thia pur
pose hy the large
volume supplied far
the manufacture of
Hazclwood Butter r :
CNo albumen, gelatine
or otheranimal or
chemical compound of
any character is in Harcl-
w cod Ice Cream, its rich
nex and smoothne- being
One to the actual richness ot
the cream of w hich it is
manufactured. Only pure
fruit, vegetable or nut flavors
are ued in coloring or flavoring
Ice Cream
For Ssle by J. C. Smith.
race .uaxauve Dromo Uinilie Tablets, jb
Seven MflSon boxes toM r. jxr 13 month. This signature,
I Buy and Sell Real Estate
No 487 80 acres. Between 8 and 10 acres meadow with good
irrieatinp: ditch and about 8 acres ot bench land seeded to grain; large
box house, barn, sheds for stock and all necessary outbuildings; two
horses hack an- wagon; two set oi harness; 21 he.'.l of stock; 1 brood
sow and pigs; poultry; all farming implements, consisting of mower,
rake, plow, harrow and various other small tools; mower and rake al
most new- about 9,000 feet of lumber, together with household goods.
$2500.00 take? the entire outfit. Good for 30 days only.
No 494 240 acres. Good three room house, small barn, moke
house and all other out buildings. 30 acres fenced. 20 acres in culti
vation. Small orchard. Plenty of good timber. Living water.
$5.00 per acre.
Yours for bargains,
The Real Estate Man
Hello 393 Office, 611 Residence.
516 E Street Grants Pass, Ore.
A Picture of Life's Other
Buy a Bicycle
Take a spin, get health and
pleasure, see what is going on
around you.
Will buy a good durable Bi
cycle at
Second hand wheels $2.50 up
Real Estate and Timber
Club Stables
FRANK HECK, Proprietor
Successor to Hayes & Heck
Special attention given to
Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon
H Street between FUtb sad Sixth
To Cure a Ow ?n One Dav
Grants Pass Breeders Association
. i t snt J I i ...
Will stand at the following; p ace
one day in each week:
Williams C. O. Bifielow's.
Applegate Near'Rose Hall.
Morphy H. L. Reed's.
Grants Pass
Service: Insurance, $20.00.
For further information address,
Grants Pass, Ore.
r '.
mining men and commercial
0. A. DICKISflK t -J
Jiwia 881
Grants Pass, Oregon
Ore Crip
l Two Days.
on every