Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 29, 1906, Image 5

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Cbuni. weigh and rntamrt everything you
hui." American Uroeer.
For everything poodj io GROCERIES
from the Best BUTTER and CHEESE
to the finest canned goods, in the citv.
We are the only HEADQUARTERS
for Chase and San horns TEA and
COFFEE in Grants Pass.
"You ran get along without good
COFFEE So can a wagon without
greeno, bat it goes hard."
Watch our Windows this
coniinu week for Special
lianjain Days.
It may do' you good.
Attention ! SOLDIERS of the G. A.
Rl We have set apart a special place
for yonr coiufort iu our store with the
free use of the official war records as
compiled by the Secretary of War.
If in an argument and to prove your
assertion, come to the store and make
nse of the Sixty odd volumes of the
offioial war records.
Remember, yon are welcome.
White House
Ask any Imy or irl they will tell
you Iht.' to find us. EVENTS.
July 11-20. Southern Oregon Chautau
qua Awuihly held at Ashland.
.Inly 17, Tuesday Meeting in Ashland
of the Rogue River Development
Leiigne. Special tan from Grants
Pabrf and low rale.
Kodaks Courier "'ailding.
Steel Rati-" v
at Crime r 'r .e.
reservoir fni
?! W ''tli and :th
i'"vrtrits in
-Platinum and
Tlristo P latino
A Specialty
Perfect Satisfaction Always
Are i rrt of every prescription we
fill. Yi." doctor 'loesn't writi: tlu-m
down wi'h 1'v iiuci in t;: i it. n '.
because oi Ucil h.iU -tstruidng th;u
they arc :.i go in always, and lie
knows t'.iat they win o in when
you brinij bis or ier to us.
Model Drugstore
At the I5ig Furniture Stotc, North Sixth Street,
Has Just Received
Another Car of Furniture
Of which he will advise more fully later.
Besides this a large and elegant assortment of
Lace Curtains, Portieres and
Have just come in from the East. Come
in and see them. Also another ship
ment of Axminster, Velvetjand Brus
sels Rugs. All at prices below Portland
or other large cities.
fltems of Personal!
j InterestJ'
Miss Malwl Pa'ethorpe ot Portland
. . " 1 ! M ' 1 . . T-l .....
is TiHiuug znenus in urranis r hub
Dr. A. J. Williams and family ieft
Tuesdav for Portland where thev will
take up tbeir residence.
an. aou jjirs. a. tagar retnrnea
Sunday from La Grande, where they
h:ve spent some time visiting with
their son.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Firebaugh ar-!
rivd here Sunday to visit Mrs. Fire-
baugh'ci parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Miss Effie Brown, who has been
visiting with Miss Dolly Williams for
tlie past month, returned Tuesday to
her home at San Lnoas, Cal.
Mrs. Damon left Wednesday for
Swede Basin to join her husband,
Frank Damon, who i an engineer at
the Swede Basin sawmill
Mrs. Fannie Wells with her two
childreu arrived Sunday from Glen
diile to spend the week with her
mother, Mrs. Belle Laper.
Miss Carrie Johnson, of Garfield,
Wash., arrived in Grants Pass Wed
nesday morning and will spend the
Summer with her, sister, Mrs J. L.
Mrs. B. P. Scott and children and
Mies Clara Wert, of Texas, are !
expected to arrive here about the first j
of July to spend some time visiting
relatives and friends this Summer. '
Laurenz Wieland who has been in I
the employ of Mrs. Kienlen in her i
b-ewervfor the nast six vears. will
leave Monday for
northern cities, bat
Seattle and other .
where he will lo-'
rate he has not decided.
n- h ,..
"loo uioit? i.'jf vv i j una urr ij
visiting at the home of Mr. aud Mrs.
W. L. Ireland, left Monday for Jack
son county where she will visit
friends for a short time prior to re
timing to her home in Berkeley, Cal.
Miss Wiley is a teacher in the public
schools of Berkeley.
Luther Schmncke. who ia nnjnirnrt
in ularer mini on iirnv.rrMb
.i vi-nor to u ran is rsg mis weeK. i
Mr. Sthmucke is located about five:
iirh s from tlie heart of Grave creek ;
and above Binlock's, and has some
v. ry good ground, getting nnggrta
'hat weigh as high as 25. ,
Italph Stackpole left hero Wednes
lav evening on his w ay to Paris, '
wn :u ne gotB to taKe a course or .
'ndy to prepare himstilf for a sculp-
tor.' 1-?r several years past Mr.
St.i. k .o!e has been working on Sin
Frautiafo papers as car!oonist, his
work along this line showing great
talent and hin friends predict for him
a brilliant future in his chosen voca
tion. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hair enter
taniKd Wednesday aft rnoon at their
gnburbun liomo on Itogun Kiver
avenue the members of Mr. Hair's
class in tho Newman M. E. Sunday
si tiool llicro wcr 111 of the young
poo) le present and a iuot deliglitful
lime ivh had in the .beantiful grove
on Uie Hul.s ot Togu i river. Eiat
riding on Ih river was one of the
enjy:bV 8uiiise:?i nts :ind swinf?" and
f-n.'.-ies ;..!dl i t'.. or int. rotii'g feat
r.res. )'tU j- ;.ti( . i win done by tlio
ye.jiu- ioplin. a sphndid lunch that
Mi -: ferr 1 y V . Iln.r.
:"(1 r.ii:..-, who resii'eu u. r Kt-rby
i' d l as , ne of ;!( rvost prnduetivo
' it ui in ' Hi i,i Vi.Ih r was iu Granti
f i s ov r Wednesday. Mr. Daily
usually 'uis each sea on one of the
hi ' corn "!;': v S latliern Oregon
tu.'l win ii p ' i : cq iciopq lite up to
II o j iel l had in 'lie Kuhtrro st ites,
lei t' o prospect fo-- a frood crop iu
Ins iel, for this year Mr. Daily
tsl.ttel is tint verv eiHimrnvimr as the
col l. wet weaiher of this Siiria!? has ,
retarded the growth of the corn. Mr.
Dally stated he would have a heavy
grain ad hay crop and that his fruit
trees were loaded with fruit.
Eclus Pollock accompanied by his
wife and bis father, Joseph Pollock,
left last Friday for Soda Springs
above A'hland, to spend three weeks
j "'ere, after which tbey will probably
! e0 ,0 Cinnabar Springs beyond Jack-
sonville to spend the Summer and
TT1.. 1 1 l. m . ... . w
I fan at mat lamoiu meaun resort, it
g the hope of Mr. Pollock that the
medical properties of the spring
j Waternd the outdoor life will build
op his health and enable him to re-
cover from a disease of one of his
j knees that threatens to make the joint
II C. Ackerman, manager of the
Grants Pass Soda Works, has bought
a lot on the corner of Sixth and L
streets and this Fall he will have
erected on it a brick building 85x75
feet. Early next Spring be will move
from the present location on Rogue
River avenue to the new building and
install the bottling works in the rear
section and in the front part Mrs.
Ackerman will handle the retail soda
business and condnot an ice cream
parlor. Mr. Ackerman states that
their wholesale trade for sodas in the
towns of Sonthern Oregon and North
ern California is steadily increasing
and the outlook .for the future is very
James Orr, a veteran who had been
attending the G. A. R. eucampment.
left Saturday for Montana where he
will visit a son residing in that state,
If the climate suits him be may make
his home with his son otherwise lie
wlU to e So,dierB Home at San
Mon,oa CaI Mr- Orr formerly re-
. wmcn ne yet
sided on a small farm
UW"D uu ucnu ul ul,wr
bnt "lree years aR0 he ren,e1 nig Plaoe
. .. .. Ll. 1 i - t ryiw i i
"n'1 enter815 the Soldiers Home at
Sin Monica. He staid until last year
when he went to The Dalles to take
the position of janitor in St. Mary's
Academy. This Spring he resigned
the position aud came to Grants Pass
to have a visit with his comrades of
the local G. A. R. post While in the
city he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
John Patrick
Mra- s- M- Somerville will leave
1 T.nifl Nnnnar mp nap nnn.A ,n I lutiann
Cal., after a stay here of a month
visiting old time friends and her sis
ter, Mrs. Herman Ilulbert, who re
sides four miles west of this city.
Mrs. Somerville and her husband were
early residents of Grants Pass and
conducted for several yoars a bakery
and grocery store on cast G street.
They Mild ont 17
b(.en in busiuess
years ago and hnv
in California sincn.
Mrs. Somerville noted the large
growth that Grants Pass hud made in
the years since she resided here aud
the present prosperous condition of the
city and she regrets that they left tlio
place. Mrs. Snmirvillo was accom
panied from Oakland by her niece,
Mrs. S. V. Gili'is, who will remain
here for some time and may take nji
her residence hero.
Bo the Fourth Thre-j Stor Brick
In Grants Pass--Will Cost
Arthur t'onklin is Laving plans
nrepxred to; n le.sineHs lilncl; that he
proposes to o et on tb'i west aid" of
.Sixth stie-.t. btlw P and V st: e"t
"l:e building v ill be threu stones
.' 0'J0 feet and the v.-nlls to be cf "u
erete. The lirst fl(.or will '''tHd ' r
two large store rucui" at .1 ,...-n
Moor will be for :i!l:ceh ...
f-tury will iiot ! t.niilie-1 1 i i!n pro
sent unlens rmac nrnr' :.ioil fhou'i!
desire to rent 't for !iai' nn,.j.
The bBil(liuK bp
so arrant J iUiA
an elevator can be put in w hen one is
L B. Hall, wlio owns tl e adjoining
qnarter-block will join with Mr.
Conkliu in the expense of the party
wall, but he may not build on his
lots before nextSpriug. When he does
he will erect a modern business block
of at least three stories. Mr. Conk-'
lin's block when completed will be!
a credit to Grants Pas and one of j
the finest business blocks in Southern '
Oregon and when Mr. Hall puts in
the adjoining block that part of Sixth '
street will have quite a metropolitan j
This Friday Mr. Conklin awarded 1
the contract for the constrnctioo of'
the building to Frank Jordan of
Ashland, and work will be began at
once. The total cost of the boildiog1
will be about 1:5,000. '
WALTER At New Hope, on Thnrs-1
j day, Jane 28, 190fl, to Mr. and Mrs. I
: George D. Walter, a son.
. Ore., Thursday, June 28, lOfl.
WalkerBlanton of Boise, Idaho, and
Mrs. Etta Hnbbard of Grants Pass.J
I A Brief Record of
I Local Events.
Mrs. Ora Hood entertained the mem
ber of her class in the Newman M.
E. Sunday school Wednesday after
noun. The little ones report having
had a most enjoyable time.
Don't be duped by transient optical
grafters bat patronize your home
optician and get a square deal.
Alfred .Letoher, Jeweler, on Front
street is the only one in Josephine
county who has a registered certificate
from the Board of. Optometers of
Oregon, a list of which can be seen at
his store, so get yonr eyes tested and
fitted properly by calling on him.
Charges very reasonable.
F. L. Coron has purchased the lot
on North Sixth street adjoining the
property occupied by J. E. Peterson's
real estate office and on whioh is lo
cated the blacksmith shop formerly
occnpiad as sample rooms by Hotel
Josephine. Mr. Coron will not build
on the lot until such time as be is re
quired to vacate his present store
building, which was sold some time
since by Kinney & Truax to Portland
Q. A. Baker and Louis Hanson
were in Grants Pass Tuesday from
Humbug creek, where they are in
ter sted in the development of a
quartz property that Is around by the
Oak Consolidated Mining Company of
which they are members. The other
members of this company are Port
land men. Extensive work has been
undertaken and will be oontinued
until the value of the property is ascer
tained, when if it warrants it a mill
will be installed. A shaft has been
sunk that shows a vein of a foot of
high grade ore near the surface, aud
a oroFscnt tunnel is being driven to
cut the vein' at a low level.
Invitations are out for the marriage
on July 8th at the residence of the
bride's parents in Glendale of Ira A.
Mallory of Grants Pass and Miss
Hildagarde McCnrdy. Following the
wedding the young couple will come
to Urauts Pass and take the stage for
Crescent City where their honeymoon
will be passed by the seaside. Mr.
Mallory has been in the employ of the
postal department and for the past
three mouths has been Ftatioued at
Thrall as a mail weigher. His work
being completed there he arrived at
his home in this city last week. As
to his plans for the future he Inn not
decided. Miss MeCurdy is a well
known and rr .lir young lady of
(Hernials f i i .i i f'ece of Mr. and
Mm, lien. U. t'n if- of this city.
M. D. K !!et, ii (.-lit foreman at the
round bouse, luic s-Tiired a layoff of
two weeks unri with Ins family left
Friday for Portland, where they will
visit with nlntiv.'s until hftei the
I'on'th. i'lut) will 'hen reliirn to
Salem fir n fh. lit visii wi'h relatives'
there. Mr. Fellettc may el.iuin his
residence from (ir.mts 1'iibi- to Ulen
flale iu a short time as he may he put
in churue of tl." hi:; oil tmiks now be
intf er ti d at ile.t pl... by the S. P.
cnmiiai'y. M;-. Follnt te has a cmil'or'
ahl.i and well locaied col is ire on A
street oe'.r .''irst, which In would
hnvd !: s- i' r.'ihl he , ". tiic posi
tion ie ' I-. 'ml n.. N his h'-r-n
WOr;.n, n for fie pitt two yeaM
di s- r"- s t- ' "i. i ilii" sln't fir.d that,
niak i l.ii : v. il'r,,. t; o m filei i iV
Join. ." r'rk his rcc-ived tllr iyvi
frniii rn : ',ii rhk who in i ith their
r. Mrs V
'. dec.' -helm, i.t
S lliit 11 ,e Ti vV)-;
111. i 10 W, (.); Him .
tor :i ;,i c n'iioi is.
'f t. .idly j-'iiiti-:i,
tc iidini; her ha-
i '-t.-- that i he ill
lie MoT 1. P itio
she K m-ija f ir t'
Meilii ujir 'i . ,i.
'i,u ' M ..!
i'i. T'i" S'l'g'Citi
lold ' l "llli l. . J
!... to ( i,j v
ii yu,1 hl'fc
it' in lie Ji'-Xt fi w
ill lie ;chl i to re
in Ui p iit Put H by
iu'ii t i her Inline
the f,,..r .if Auui-t. Mis. i at rick
-.v -! ' 'm-i.-m Iciiie tb" tut of m-xt 1
lfrt ' ner ,Ji,u:.i.: i CiUn.leS to
couvah rc e. Vis. I a r i k hrjoltobe
al 1 to retnrn u-t wek to be here
during the encampment as she is
president of the Relief Corps in this
city and had been active in the pre
paratory work for the encampment
and anticipated an enjoyable time
with her friends.
Mr. and Mrs W. C. Fry were in
Grants Pass Saturday making pur
chases of the local tuerchauts. Mr
Fry is a farmer and resides a mile
west of Merlin. He has been engaged
in general farming but he has decided
to make fruit raising bis specialty as
he has land especially adapted to ap
ples and grapes. The profit on or
chards in this county has convinced
Mr. Fry that that industry is one of
the safest and best paying that a
farmer can engage In. Mr .Fry has a
large amount of brush land to clear
and to aasist bim in the work he pro
poses to get a band of goats.He has
investigated the scheme and ' mrf is
convinced that the work of" killing
out the brush will make the goats
profitable even though Vhonldt'fiehT
crease to t he flcxf and the sale of the
mohairjbut'juat payfor their keep. '
News Notea From the Business
Men to Reidera.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
Dr. M. C Findley,
Oculist, Aarist, licensed optician.
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
Sewer Pipe at Cramer Bros.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist,
Tents and Wagon Covers at Cramer
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron 'i
Order seals and rubber stamps of
A. E. Voorhies.
Hammocks from fl np at Cramer
Fishing Tackle that catobee fish is
sold at Cramer Bros.
For a o'eau bed and a good meal
try the Western Hotel.
Maps of Oregon Waahinton and
California at the Musio Store.
White Mountain Freezers at Cramer
New Shirt Waista. Prices oanuot
be met at Mrs. E. Rehkopf & Co.
And still I am insuring and selling
real estate at the old stand. J. E.
Pattnns Sun Proof Paint suaran-
teed for five years is sold only by
Cramer Bros.
Plaoer and quartz locution notoes.
mine deeds, leases, etc, at the
Courier office.
New Spring goods arriving every
day. All the latest novelities at Mrs.
E. Kehkofp & Co. 4-Ctf
Camp Stoves with cast Tons nt
Cramer Bros,
Dr. W. F. Kreuier will hereafter be
in his offine in the Courier building
from 7 to 8 o'olock each evening. 'i tf
' Builders Hardware at Cramer Bros.
Your clothes called for and delivered
and all tint wort that goes through
the mangle washer, ironed at S.'.o pir
dozen. Grauti Pass Steam Laundry.
Phone 873.
25 Per Cent
Wk IT r? P A FT lT
ii lmf ill ra
n i csctfw mm tmw w W imW W 4 fJ
Any Suit in our entire slock,
including those Two - Pice?
Summer Suits and all of our
stock Suivmcr (iraj's, Illuc and
Fancies. : : : : :
Suits that sell at $20.00 now Of
Suits that sell at lfv0 now 11.J5
Suits that sell at 10.00 now 7.50
From this Oate to July 1
Dor't delay, buy while sizes arc complete
Yours to give satisfaction
Yours to save you money
P. H. Harth & Son, Inc.
Walk Over Shoes.
The Seal of Quality
is stamped on
Dozens of farmers in this
county pronounce the Deer
ing Mower to be the best, be
ing of light draft, an excellent
cuttor and simple in con
struction. Cramer Bros.
AjenU for Josephine County.
Real Estate Transfers.
H. B. Miller to I. J. Howard, lot
S and fl, in Block 80, Original Town-
site, John II . Wlliamt, ?et Bl to John
Tavlor, Lots 1, a, and 8 in Block 09,
Riverside Addition,
The above sales were made through
the real estate agency of Joseph Moss.
See him for bargains, Office Clfl, B
Stetson and Panama Hats