Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 29, 1906, Image 4

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Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rates t
One Year, in advance,
Hit Months,
Three Months,
Dingle Copies,
Stated That Earthquake Stories
Advertising Rates
Fnrninlied on application at the office, or
by mall.
m.liiiaWM mnA resolutions Of con
dolenre will be charged for at 6c per line;
card ol thanks 60c .
Entered at the poHtolIice at OranU Fans,
Oregon, aa second-class mall matter.
In Pn.iol Receiols. Salary of
Postmaster Harmon Revised
to $2100.
Slopped ImmlgrationJo.Will
amette Valley.
Does the Work in a Farm Black
smith Shop Engine Com
plete In all Details.
Judge V. ,E. Watters and his wife
of Corvallis arrived Id Grants PaM
Saturday on short visit with Mrs.
Watter's sister, Mr. H. V. Meade.
Monday evening Judge and Mrs.
Watters accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
H. V. Meade went to Ashland where
they spent the day in that handsome
town, backed by orchards and schools,
Judge Watters having resided in that
city years ago. In the evening they
left for their home.
Judge Watters is county judge of
Benton coanty and a member of the
Post Commander Pike So.ys the
One In Grants Pais Equal to
Any Previously Held.
George Meisaner, a farmer boy. the
son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Meisaner
who resides near Kerby, has the
mechanical talent that will in the
years to come pot him at the bead of
some great machine shop or industrial
establishment, provided he keeps clear
of the vices that drag down so many
bright, promising yonng men. This
boy who is bat 18, has bnilt a loco
motive, that is now on exhibition at
Herbert Smith's store in tbis city,
that is complete in every detail and
runs as smoothly as any railroad loco
To keep pace with the growth of
Grants Pass and the increase in the
basinets of the postoffice Postmaster
G E. Harmon is having extensive al
terations made in the equipment of the
oflloe. The partitions have been
moved to give more working space for
bandana the mails and a section of
60 new lock boxes have been installed
These boxes have combination locks
and do keys are reonired. The lock is
a niw design and a greut improve
went over those now in use in the
office. The combination is simple
to manipulate yet imposMiblo to open
unless one has the numbers. These
txixes cannot be lett'open for shuttitig
the door locks It and at the same
time throws off the combination
With this new section in the ollloe has
07S lock boxes and 800 call boxes mnk-1
ing the Grants Pass office the best
supplied with boxes of anv postofline
lu Houtliern Oregon. An application
baa been sent by Porstniaster Harmon
to the Department for an electric
stamp canceling and dating uiachiuo.
The number of letters to be canceled
each day has Income, so large that it
la a big job to do it by hnnd. it in
uo uncommon thing for the, ollieu to
receive ami send out each (lay by the
four trains, mail, the onn rural de
liver? and the three, slag': linos us
high us 10,01)4) letters.
That the Grants Pass ponfol)lcn is
growing is proven br the htendy in
crease in the revenue that it turns
into the postal department. For the
year ending March Hint, 1000, the
receipts of the (Irnnts Pass postolllctt
were JllI'iO, while the receipts for
Ashland, the next largest ofllce in
Houtliern Oregon were till 00 for the
same period. On the receipts of the
office 1h limed the salary of the post
master. These salaries are readjuMcd
each Jear and the raise or decrease
tnki s otiVct on each July Int. Under
the adjustment for tbis year the salary
of the t limits Pass ofllcu will be
ralt.'d r urn flood to Id 1 00. Ashland I
and Iteaehnig have each the same .
salary and Increase. Mulford Isi
raided t'ruiii flTOO to $!N00 unil Ktii;im
from "III) to f'.'.MiO. Conduit tVMti to ;
fUOO, CrvuUis fl'JOO to t'.'dOO, Kills-'
boro ft. Mill to illillO, La Grande J'.".!00
tol.'lioo, MeMintivillo flsOli to $I(.HH,
Portland tllll tn fiOOO, Salem r,W to'
2H0it, .). nction City and ' ! mini, '
IUoi io $i;W), M a r 1 !'. eld,
I7i0 to M(H, Gitalin f io ii
fllloO. ' iieuon Citv. '. I
IVmMelo.i f.'t 0 to i . :.e u .. I
t'.'iXHi to J-.'IOO. Si'wri , ''' I (
till T Tl ! I Hi (, l...l ' ,'u 'lOl
l too.
Hood l'iver, ill the t.l I
river li til district, tin ' '
ofllce in Oregon other t'mi . 0"1 ,
that got a I'.'OO raise, going f:,. i ,
to flMII.
a liecri'ase li Mimrv :
and Moro, !n to i
117(H) to liino, I'liicn I
Brm of Watters & Ambler, one of the motive. And the wonder is that the
biggest real estate firms in the Will
amette Valley. Judge Watters closes
his term of office next Monday so he
conld only make a brief stay bere, bat
from what he saw of Rogue River
Valley and Grants Pass he was well
pleased and predicted that this would
be one of the most populous and
healthy sections of Oregon. Of real
estate business in the Willamette Val
ley he said it boomed in the early
Spring but the San Francisco earth-
boy built it in a blacksmith shop at
his father's farm with only the
limited tools that such shops have.
For the boiler he used a quicksilver
tank which he got of a miner. The
wheels, cylinders and other cast parts
he cast out of babbit metal, and he
cast the bell of bronze which has a
fine tone. He made perfect whistle
and filled op a bead light. The cab
and tender are perfect reproductions
of those on a locomotive and the en-
cowcatcher, running board
nnake with the fake earthuuake storv i g'DB naH B
fh.t was sent from Grants Pass to and all the other accessories. A
the Oregonlan and which was sent ! gKO registers the steam pressure and
V.ut t. the AIM Press and ; the boiler Btifely carries DO pounds of
Tint in nil natent outside naners. steam. It has revorsinR
caused a big falling off in immigra
tion from the East. But now that
lever and
will run forward or back as required.
The locomotive measures 40 inches
Past Department Commander B. F.
Pike and Mrs. Pike who attended the
G. A. R. department encampment io
this city last week and occupied a tent
on the grounds, were so well pleased
with camping in the park and with
the pleasore of outdoor life in Rogue
River Valley that they did not break
camp until this Monday afternoon.
Tuesday they went to Ashland to
spend a few days with friends in that
place and in Medford. They will then
go to Newport to spend a month at
that popular seaside resort.
Mr. and Mrs. Pike reside in Moro, :
in Sherman county. That county has
the distinction of producing more
wheat in proportion to its acreage
than any other county in Oregon, and
to contribute his share to this record
breaking wheat yield Mr. Pike has a
1000 acre wheat field near Moro, that :
... - r "i T i
i In charge ol ms sod. ait. rise at
the recent state election was elected
on the republican ticket a joint repre
sentative in the legislature from Sher
man, GilHam and Wheeler counties,
and he states that so far as he knows
he is the only member who is a can
didate for speaker of the bouse.
Commander Pike has attended the
last 12 department encampment'i in
Oregon and he stated that the one
held in Grants Pass was the best of
We have received a large shipment
of ALL AMERICA Shoes and Ox
fords for Spring and Summer wear
They can be had in all the latest
toes, and in vicl, patent colt and
tan. They await your Inspection at
$3.50 and $4.00
R. L. Bartlett
Howard Building Sixth Street
Roiue RJverV alley Flowere.
The Courier office has received
magnificent bouquet
Eastern people are learning that there i over all and is so strong and well
... nn urik.b. In n9nn .otf l.,ru OUUt Uiat On a gOOU irBCB II WUU1U
areairain comlnir to the Willamette ! easily pull a quarter of a ton
v.ii.. .. ..a .ua ... a . Mr. Meissner beine a lieliever in
T a iinj diiu vtirj j; wnjuv no f'u iui
a heavv immiaration this Fall. ' potting a boy at what he is best fit
Judge Watters stated that Corvallis ' or uot awmpung to niaK.. a
and Benton coanty are prospering and fnrn,fir of his "on Ur8. out will
a substantial development is being hl,1I' uim to teko 1' 8 mechanical
made greater than in any previous vocation. With that end in view the
vear. In the receut election the , W recently took a position with
county went "dry" and the county Manager Herbert Smith In the Grants
will have no saloons after July 1. , t;ld Storage works. After he
Kenton, the Judge stated, is oue of wt"-ked tnor awhile the young
the banner counties in Onuon for "Jul. will likely enter a railn ad
rural telephones that county having machine shop or some similar place,
over 000 phonos. This number is be-
ing rapidly increased both in Corval- SOUTHERN OREGON MAN
lis and the county by the independent
companies that control that section, i
Connection Is had with the telephone !
system of the adjoining counties and 1
it is the intention of the co operative ,
componies to eventually ive tele
plioniu connection for thu entire, Will'
atuette Vlley.
of sweet peas
from the yard of Mr. and Mrs. H. U
Perkine. The bouquet contains more
than 30 shades of flowers and they are
most perfect specimens.
Iu no section of the Paciflo Coast
run a greater variety of flowers be
grown than in Rogue River Valley
and In hut few Eections is such per-
them all and he heard many of the j fection of ,ize 00or aDa fragrance at
other veterans who had attended pre- j teined ag here The roses here are
vious encampments make the same . U)e W0U(ler and admiration of Eastern
statement. While the attendance was i vjsitor8 ag Bre Bn ,, other flowering
no larger than at the other of the big bn8nea an(j piarJt8 common to the
encampments yet the many pleasant i north an(j th(J Bonth of tne United
features ot this encampment made it Statet But it is the sweet peas that
specially enjoyable to the old soldiers. , njBke the grande9t display. For six
The level streets, good sidewalks, , monthg they moom ad with such a
the accessible and well appointed j ,,th o( blossoms and delicate odor
grounds, the ideal weather and the and both yine and flpwer attaio to a
generous hospitality of the citizens or . ldom mva in ot!lt.r 8ections of
Grauta Pass were factors in making j tne (.ouutry
this encampment a notaclo one in the
history of the G. A. H. in Oregon. ! rc.,v, w,nV nt ihr Ccnrier nffice.
Hon. Vim. M. Colvlg Elected Su
preme Mfvster A.O U.VV'.at
Recent Lodge Session.
I'fwrl ol County Officials liold
Over t or Two Y- vrs- County
Covin IhnrsdiW.
Saloon License Raised.
With July 1st comes into effect the
new ordinance raising saloon licenses
in Grants Pass from 100 to f00i
year. By the provision of the ordi
nance passed by the council all out
standing licenses expire with the ceas
ing of the old rate and new licenses
must be taken ont by the liquor
dealers. Those having licenses that
extend beyond Jnly 1st will have re
funded to them all of their outstand
ing payments.
The council will hold an adjourned
session this Friday evening to act on
applications for licenses nnder the
new ordinance and to refund the
unearned money to those holding un
expired licenses.
To whom it may concern, that on
and after the date of the publication
of this notice I will not be responsible
for the payment of any bills ton-
tracted by my wife, Emma J. Bej-f
no ds. cause of separation, nialiciotik
and dangerous threats made by her.
GOOD cow
at this oh'ce
for sale cheap.
M nulay the oiriii'y otl'r
at file June i lerti" u will
dut'.'N. Ow ip ! the term
the otihw, in ' evpjiing foi
IS .'he ted
nine their
f muie ol
two years
there Will i o'y he n partial ihim.'e
al the
1 in.; 'l.
l Unity .1
i oo
i: i i
mil r' 11
i j. !
he Will
I n in. -
i.,i! all
know ! .1,:
, -ol- ui, I
li 'ii
,! Ill
I I. till'
Those getting
are l.akeview
tl'.'OO, Suniptor,
ir.txi to uih).
Crlrbrntlon Al Plixcer
The morning program will tvnuiht
of the iinul Fourth of Jul; troubles.
pinni r will consist of gmid things
served iu picnic s'yln.
Pony race, boys.
Mixed race, hoys ami girls under 12
IIorwrane, free for all.
Ladies foot race. "
'j Horse race, free for all llrave Cruek
with n grand I
'irillinir contest
"Snorle will
I foil. Win. M. Colvi of .Tai-ksou-villo
has been elected Sn reti e Master
of the A.O.TJ.W. of the United States
DUTIES NFXT MONDAY1 a"'1 Ca l,J- n supreum lodge in
session in Toronto, Camula, last week.
The posit ion is for two ami csr
rieH with it a Hiih.itnntial salaiy and
the holier of being at the head of the
olihwt and one of the larget hi'Tie-
fieiarv orders in the world. The
duties o! the otlio ' are quite iniiortaiit
as the Workmen curry on an insur
anee business larger than iiiiy-uf the
old line lilt insurance I'uiiip.inii'-,
and Mb. Colvig will be required to
KiKtiil imicli of his time iu the K.ift
for the next two years. !
'I bis hiu'li turn t colifcired on A!r. j
1'i'lvig by the A (J 1'. W. is well
no rile 1 for be I n-, been a hard worker i
fi.r ti mill. l'ii;: of i':e order for
in i ,T . . !i,n, .Oynirs, aini lo has tilied i
eeiy i'.,iti:i in '' c loi al lodge ill
.Inek-iiiiv .He ,ii. ! of tb i.'iregen ltoi;,
loilkre. . '.it was liit a 1"'., . t
Supiiine IjO,l(.e ii ' -'. lire wl','ll
time lie bus pns-eil 1 1 i Mgn ill ioi- i
i luiirs in tl'tl! dii-lliii 1: d 1" v. j
Mr Coivn:. w ' is a brut:. ; :....
W. t'olvig of this citv, is a pioi- r i
Sutltllt Tl vNegi . f 'ii. lli lil! :l .,
with his pare'iti at t'.. a .e ! ' n 1
years Ironi Ins tmtiw ( wi: f -
ville, Hay count, .Mi -j hui.
.Vonville, wheie the !iuuii i
In Ks: Mr. I'olvig inariied M
iTi- niids.-ye. s d -, -Mi r . f C. cp j
liir,l.-ovi one i f tin i i im -s ' f lac'; ,
son I'outilv lot whom Pii Jsee cie k I
was uaiiii il -ni t nlfo of l-'rrt llirdeye
at the j 'to noil o:' Hird eve ci k and
Rogue rivir, mar tbe ptesetit town of
Woodville, and where that section of
the Valley took refuge during the lu
dlan war of Ifoft-tt. Mr. Colrig is a
lawyer bv profession and he is one of
the leadiug members of the Southern
Inqniru ;
6-2!) It ;
FOR 3 Al IC ()Jod piuuo for ti0. In
quire C'nirit-r ollice. 0-8 tf. j
ONE -minute driving horse also
racing iiirt, H. N. Mitchell, North,
nth -'.-"el. ). y ir.-t. 4 27 tf i
a sm mm IMS
linonto Msec I-nofl mm
C. L. OILLETT.f Propr.
All Kinds of Flour, Feed, Mill Feed, Hay, Gn
Pou!rv Foods.'iEtc.
PIANO- f.v.O. Will take good baud Io
horse in pari p nnieC: ,ind give time
on balance. W. Keene, liartiett's
Shoe Si re. Grants Pass, Ore. 0-22 St 1
FOK S LE Heavy pair of voti horses j
and Io aw harness and a :i.'.. S.tudo- I wayon, nearly new. A ilre?s!
I'. O. ho. III"., UrautH P.isa. .") 2e tf.
Cor. 0th and J. Sts.
Grams la&s, Ore.
milk cows
dairies, mid
Cn'i i... ii
-11 ln ad of choice ;
from Smith river
are iu lirants l ass, i
ad'Iresr Joseph Kus-:t-:!0
house, .fi.lj:
.I't'Ving fo: r y- hp
I'l t i u s to b" S 0 ,'. i
Jo .veil. .Ill,l,:. .1.
rtlii i i the Court li
mi 'ie a i ' 1 l'i, t uoro
r.i's, e '. pi ,ii. u;n s t-bat
ut In ii,)- utter .oi.iily
1 it is bis iut.en' :o'i to
i ! i, u- of t hf ro'inly .n -reiinros g'.in i v . mil
1 1
'O the
'S hoo
iperv 0
i-allill II
III I '1 11 T
t'' '11 v..
n: l I t i
r ., il
li, 'Mg
'tin n ll, ,
iiiis-. a i .- i -v.
Iiis b pui v ami I
ting in the pest
ill. ,ii,. eh es with
in. !'..-
ol 'n-r
roit sa; i;
two Krs,
Fo.hI rt ;i
Uox IT.
I'd1' SA'.l-i-i
g. . ,i
:i TO .
111! l'.
I -. ire
i. '
ew 5-ri oth In, use and
ire and outbuildings,
c . Corner Walnut and
M .1
I 1 li'O
Y tiling.
,-li. P. P
I !,
a'd. It
r- of
; , re-
i :o tf
(vnducted hv ! rof. Geo.
I a
t t"'ll,
ill ter
t. ,1 111
ill -III:'
1 tin . :
.ink .,'
at iii is
i;-ii) it.
1 autoali "nrso of ii s(ruction
I. 1 i:.. . i ii , .
Mus.iua .n, tit-cji u'liii; to ui" iiioiltoi
in a
k In
brai.clits of hj
FOK R'Cr.'i'.
, w.
fun '
, 'to
l. wis
.1 f!
.ll'SI pll
after etii
n- sin r, IT.
II 1 S"'llll I.-.
It II I 111 n l' 1 1 l' put
week fmutli:irt;!ing
the dm it s of the
( m.,
po;. i
in i
trakt .
I, .en i . as ,,.,1 .
- enth a"ii A si ri i-is
Eiv,etn AtvitU'iiJos. Drawin-, I'ait.ti;,,
tociur.1, 'tr.
Class Titiii',-- ' . jjj-
, tor further artuM;! u-.
Tor.iplo, from '.) t. 12 u. i.
Hi; U'.M .'i l.ioiii !n i Cor.
,"i'). iit-i I s'lei'ts. Pan j v ami
I nth, o, w.ll i t watir. - al K
Mu rr, 6ih i ml haml sore. fi 1 tf
cmiiiilT ilwsignaleil to Illustrate 'he ml Supt
- . . E-..i,rlli nf . ilk- ..mvil I
mUTHininv i'l w . ... i-. v .j
to the inhabitant of Mars.
Purses for " the above contta will
be as literal as the poverty of Placer
and the generosity of ;its citteus will
permit. By request of Comuilttee.
The best advertiser patronize the
oftii'e. Krnest Lister who retires as
deputy flier id will take charge of the
oflleo work for his father, Kd Lister,
in the management of the bitter's
Orants Pass and Cresoeut City stage
line. Countv Cotiimisslone.- C. F.
I.ovi'laoe ot Wilderville relires from
ollice after two terms to he succeeded r,,on
by M. A. Werti, of Shau creek. Ur. (
T. K. Heard sms eeds Dr. W. II. Flau- Poultry Netting
agati as coroner. S. P. Chenhire sue- Cramer Uros.
ceeds himself as county clerk, he
having la-en elected for a eocoud
term. lVputy Clerk T. P. Judsou
will continue to act in that capacity.
D. J. Law ton succeeds 11. I. Reynolds
as comity inrvevor.
Poth IViunty Asseasor V. II. Kalliu
Lincoln Savage have two
year to serve before their terms will
have expired.
iu all widths at
Pine commercial
Courier ollice.
printing at the
New Home Sewing machine agency
at the Mtnio Store.
The Courier, one
months, TJ cent.
year $1.50; six
Merlin, Oregon
Breeder and Dealer in
Correspondence solicited.
A few Registered Bucks for sale.
PLAIN SK.MNO wanted by Mrs. M.
K. Lorimer on Main street near
Oak. at ;
WANTKD drain Sacks, Tools and '
other second-hand goods. Harrison 1
Bros., Second baud-store, corner
Sixth and J street. 2-tf tf
WANTKD Man to take contract to
dear 40 acres of brush laud oue. :
half mile from Grants Pass. Soil
is loose ud brush csn lie pulled
with a team. Will let eontract for
from 10 to 40 acres. Enquire at
Courier Office. 6 9 -U
Si Lir
LOST At the demit, Tuesday night
ladies hand satchel. Kinder return
to this office and receive reward. 1
6-32 2t
FOCND Boys and girls coats on
streets of Grants Pass. Call at
Courier office, describe property,
pay for ad aud get them. 6-15 U
FRANK BURN KTT Upholstering,
mission furniture made to order.
Wo oflcr our entire line of Dry Hoods, con
sisting of Muslins, Prints, Challies, Lawns, Dimities,
Table Linen, White Goods, Ladies' Waists, Skirts,
Ladies' and Children's Furnishing Goods.
Millinery, Notions, Etc., At Cost.
Trices in some lineselow cost to close them '
out No article is reserved this is a genuine sale
to close out lusiness.
Your purchasing at our store means a great
savmg to you. We invite you to visit us and be
convmced-our prices were never made in Grants
Pass before.