Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 29, 1906, Image 1

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mut T.
No. 13.
h i
n I Preliminary OrgaLnlzBtlon Effect
's ed and CammlltM AoDointed
to Form Comp&nv.
A meeting was held Monday eveniug
at the office of the Oregon Tiinber.Min
log & Investment Co. to organize a coin-
J pauy to establish a fruit and vegetable
cannery in Grants Pass. A temporary
, organizations was effected with W.
M. Hair as chairman and R. L. Goe
I secretary. It was decided to organize
A 7 a stock company, "to he known as the
Grants Pass Canning Company. The
amount of the capital stock and the
value of the shares was left for the
committee on incorporation to decide.
On this committee H. D. Norton,
Judge J. O. Booth and R. L. (Joe
were appointed,
a committee made
ney, L. B. Hall,
Georgo S. Calhoun,
solicit stock
up of H. U. Kin
Charles Meserve,
Frank Fetscb and
W. R. Nipper was appointed. The
stockbock will be prepared this week
and the committee will at once begin
to solioit stock. To ascertain if a
cannery venture ooald he handled in
Grants Pass Messrs. Nipper, Crane
& Smith, of the Oregon Timber,
Mining & Investment Company, have
made a preliminary canvass of the
city and they have secured pledges
'from the business men to take stock
to the amonnt of $2800. These sub
scriptions range in amount from 50
to $200 each and a nninber of the sub
scribers stated they would increase
their holdings if it was necessary so
as to finance the undertaking. The
oommitte will make a complete can
vass of the oity and every person who
is interested in the upbuilding of
Grants Pass will be asked to take
stock, if only for a $0 share. A can
vass of the farmers of the connty will
be made and they will be asked to
take stock in the cannery, as it will
make a cash market for their fruit,
vegetables and corn.
The meeting adjourned subject to
the call of Chairman Hair and so soon
as the committees have their work
accomplished, which is expected to be
not later than the last of next week, a
meeting will be held of the stock
holders to elect officers It is the in
ten i ton to put in the cannery this
Snmmer and to have it in operation
in time for tomatoes, corn, peaches,
apples, pears and vegetables. Only
a small plant will be installed for this
season, as it is best to Btart in a small
way and demonstrate the success of
the business. With the cannery ready
for operation next Spring contracts
can be made with farmers for large
acreages of vegetables and corn and
they will be encouraged to take up
the planting of small fruits. Nothing
definite has been done in regard to a
location for the cannery. Only a
small amonnt of power will be re
quired but a large amonnt of steitn
and hot water will be needed, thus
making it necessary to have a large
boiler iu the plant. Among the places
being considered is the huildiug of
the Pine Needle Factory, and also the
erectiou of a building adjoining the
Cold Storage plant or adjoining the
Grants Pass flour mill. The Pine
Needle Factory, now idle, has ample
space and has a large boiler and en
gine, and it could likely be bought
or leased at a reasonable price. The
1 a 11 n
sell ileal tstate
a :r:r?x
Call in and let me show you my Map and Blue Prints
of Coos Bay and North Beud (the coming SAN FRANCIS
CO of Oregon). Money invested there is sure to quadruple
itself in the next five years. I have personally examined
everything I have for sale.
P W T 1 11 F.I. AND. "The Real Estate Man"
4) Ground Floor Courier Bldg. Grants Pass, Ore.
Cold Storage location would be de
sirable, if satisfactory arrangement
00 Id be made for ground upon which
to erect the building and for power,
steam and for placing perishable
fruits and vegetables in cold storage so
as to extend the canning season. The
floor mill, now run by electrioi'y,
has a large power and steam plant
that would be available for cannery
purposes. Each of these three loca
tions are on sidings so that cars could
be loaded or unloaded direct from
the cannery and they aie also easily
accessible foi teams.
Correspondence is now being had to
secure an expert processor to take
charge of the canning work and it is
proposed to select only a man who can
give first-class references as to his
skill, industry, integrity and sobriety.
It was expected by the promoters of
the venture to secure the servioes of
Glenn Applegate, of Portland, who
has been here for the past month as
sisting in gettiug the project under
way, but he has accepted another
position. He had several very flatter
ing offers with big canneries tbat
would have a long season's work and
as they insisted on closing a contract
at once, he rigned up Tuesday with
tin Woodland Canning Company of
Woodland, Wash. That oompany is
to pay him $150 a month and he left
Wednesday to take hU new position.
Mr. Applegate is troubled with asthma
when living in a low altitude and a
damp climate and as he has the best
of health when in Grants Pass he is
desirous of residing here and to that
end he would take a position with a
raunety here at a less salary than he
could command at other places. Mr.
Applegate was for several years pro
cessor in the big cannery of the Ore
gon Packing Company in Portland
and he holds the credit of being one
of the most thorough cannerymen in
Oregon. He may yet return to Grants
Pass and in the meantime he will
assist the local company in securing a
competent man to run their cannery.
Ten Acre of Pe&ra Sell for
More than the Averge Farm
p .of 160 Acres.
That orchard land is a profitable in
vestment is proven by the big prices
that Rogue River Valley fruit farms
sell for. The Ashlaud Record, telling
of a recent sale in Jackson connty,
says: "S. G. Simon, who recently
old his dairy ranch at Gazelle, Siski
you county, Tuesday purchased J.
Hartley's place of 230 acres, two miles
west of Phoenix for $22,000. Ttie
farm is composed of 40 acres iu fancy
pears, 20 acres in apples, 20 acres in
prunes, 80 acres iu grain, 65 acres
in alfalfa and the balance in pasture
land. The new owner takes imme
diate possession and the stock, imple
ments, tools, crop, household goods,
etc., go with the deal."
Another sale of an orchard is men
tioned by the Medford Tribune which
says that G. A. Hoover, who has a
large orchard near Phoenix, has pur
chased 10 acres of the George Morse
pear orchard, two miles west of
Phoenix, for a consideration of $5250
or $525 per acre. This is the highest
price ever paid for fruit laud in Jack
son county.
I a V
Southern Oregon
Start Off With Encouraaing
Prospects Will Sell Fruit by
the ColT LoB.d
In response to the invitation of the
Courier a number of the leading fruit
growers of Josephiue county met at
the Courier office last Saturday after
noon and perfected the preliminary
organization of a fruit growers union.
Fred D. Ei6man was made chairman
and Charles Meserve secretary. A
committee, composed of J. H. Robin
son, R. A. N. itymers, and F. D. Eis
man, wa? chosen to draft a constitu
tion and by-laws and rules and regula
tions for picking, grading and pack
ing fruit. The secretary was author
ized to procure copies of the constitu
tion and rules and regulations of the
Hood River and the Medford fruit
growers unions, they being recognized
as two of the most successful unions
on the Pacific Coast. A committee
on membership, composed of R. A.
N. Rymers, Lee district; R. M. Rob
inson and E. Erickson, Wilderville;
E. N. Provolt, Provolt; 8. M. Sams,
Woodville; Charles Meserve and J.
T. Morrison, Grants Pass, were ap
pointed to solioit members. The ini
tial fee for joining was placed at $1
but the regular membership fee when
the union i fully organized will be
fixed at either $2.50 or $5. The name
of the organization is to be the
Grants Pass Fruit Growers Union.
The Josephine County Fruit Growers
Union was also suggested as a name,
but it was thought best to take the
name Grants Pass instead of Jose
phine county. The reason for this is
tbat Grants Pbbs is far more widely
known than is Josephine county.
Very few maps have Josephine county
on them while every map, big and lit
tle, railroad and government, gives
Grants Pass a place on it. The fruit
boxes will all bear the union's label
and the name Grants Pass will ad
vertise the location of the fruit dis
trict covered by the union much bet
ter thau the name Josephine county.
The words Rogue River Valley con Id
not be used as that is the name of the
union at Medford. The union at
Ashland is known as the Ashland
Fruit Growers Union. As Rogue
River fruit is getting an established
reputation in the leading markets of
the world the label on each box ship
ped will state that it contains Rogue
River apples, pears peaches, grapes or
whatever it may be. A label will
read as follows as the case may be :
Grown by Parked by Newtown Apples
EismaiiBros No 12 STeir, 128 to Box
Rogue River Apples
Grants Pass Fruit Growers Union
Grants Pas. Ore.
Shippers of Guaranteed First-Clas
Fruit. If this Box of Fruit is Not Up
to Standard Notify Secretary nf Union.
It will be the fixed purpose of the
Grants Pass Fruit Growers Union to
build and to maintain a reputation
for having every box of fruit haudled
by it to be strictly as represented by
the label. The picking, grading and
packing wil he done in accordance
with rigid rules. The packiug will
all be done by experts and iheir boxes
will bear their number so that if there
is fault found with the contents the
Union will know who is to blame.
Packing crews will do the work at
the large orchards but for the small
orchards the fruit will be Daked at
the Union's warehouse at the shipping
point. The principal shipping point
will be Grants Pass, hot fruit will
be shipped from Merlin, Woodville,
or wherever most convenient to the
The qneBtion of having a county
fruit tree inspector appointed for this
county, as the law permits, wai di-
cussed briefly at the moetina 1t
Saturday and it is the plan of the
Union to have the county court ap
point an inspector for Josephine
county. Owners of diseased fruit trees
will then be compelled to spray them
or cut them down. The half dead fruit
trees in the neglected orchards of
this county and in the yards of the
towns are breeding places for count
less millions of pests that migrate.'to
orchards of farmers who are striving
to raise good frnlt and thereby greatly
increase the expente of keeping the
trees iu a healthy condition.
The uext meeting of the Union will
be held this Saturday at the Courier
office at 1 :30 p. m. at which time the
oontiitution will be adopted and"pTT
manent officers elected. From the in.
terest that is being taken by the fruit
growers there will be a large attend
ance at the meeting Saturday and a
strong union wil) be effected and which
will embrace every orchardist in Jose
phine county and in the Woodville
and Applegate sections of Jackson
oouuty. The Union will make it
possible for the farmer who has even
25 boxes of first-class fruit to realize
the same price per box as the farmer
who has 10,000 boxes. And the Union
will be able to handle the fruit at
less cost and get higher prices than
can individual growers. The differ
ence in the local and the car lot
freight rates will of itself be a saving
sufficient to make a fair profit on the
crop of an orchard. Then the Union
selling in large quantities .in the big
Eastern and European markets will be
able to secure a price fully double
that had in the local markets of this
The prospect for a good yield in
Josephine county is reported certaiu
and by reason of the better care given
to orchards and the coming into bear
ing of new orchards the crop will be
the largest ever harvested in the
county. In an informal talk on mar
ket conditions President Eisman
stated that he and his brother had
received many Inquiries, some from
big New York and London buyers. Al
ready they have been offered $2 a box
for their apples. In reply to a Lon
don firm Mr. Eisman quoted the price
for their crop for this year, which
they expect to reach 12,000 boxes, at
$3, $2.75 and $2 per box according to
grade. At this rate the Eisman Bros,
will realize about $25,000 for the fruit
crop of this year. As more than half
will be cleat profit it means that their
01 chard is more profitable than the
average gold mine. The time is not
distant when the orchards of Jose
phine connty will bring more gold to
the ooonty than all of its mines will
la Stated by Mr. Meissner, a Scien
tific Farmer of That Fertile
J. F. Meissner. who has a fine farm
in the Illinois Valley on the opposite
side of the river from Kerby, arrived
in Grants Pass Monday evening and
remained over Tuesday to sell a load
of produce and make purchases. Mr.
Meissner was credited by the Agri
cultural College professors when here
last Winter holding farmers lustitutes,
with being one of the most practical
and thorough farmers they had met in
Koeue River Valley, as proven by the
fine condition of his farm. Mr.
Meissner is an educated man and
realizing the value of knowledge sent
his boys to the Agricultural College
and now they are home putting into
practice the modern, progressive
methods of farming they learned at
college. As an Instance of the value
their college training has proven in
enabling them to increuHii the produc
tive rapacity or thei'- farm is in re
claiming a section of land that had
been cultivated by the previous owu-
eis for years and yet was counted al
most worthies by reason ofyiddiug
such small crops. Mr. Meissner and
his boys discovered bv a series of ex
periments that the soil held an excess
of acid, which poisoned to a degree the
vegetation. Knowing how they pro
ceeded to eliminate this acid condition
and now the land is producing abund
ant crops. And in other brunches of
farming Mr. Meis-iier ha fouud that it
is highly profitable for a farmer to have
tho scientific and practical knowledge
that H taught at agricultural colleges
and he is strong in the belief that
every yonng man who expects to be a
farmer should tke a course at au ag
ricultural college.
Mr. Meissner stated that crops were
never better in Illinois Valley and
that there would be a record crop of
liar, grain and fruit. He is growing
as one of his forage crops sand vetch
and he fluds it a profitable crop, as it
will yield two to three '.ons to the
arra of hay on land so poa-anddry
as to not produce a crop of ilfalfa or
grain. He also has the Fall vetch,
which gives a big yield as he sows it
very early in the Fall.
A. A. C.'a Defeated.
Sundy afternoon the American
Athletio Club went down to defeat
before the Jacksonville batterv iu
score of 5 to 3. The boys plaved fast
ball aod it was evident after the first
inning that the game was Jackson
ville's. The A. A. O. boys have been
moat successful heretofore in winning
and holding the championship of
Southern Oregon, but tbey were not
quite up to their standard of good
playing iu this game and were forced
to give op their laurels.
Another game will be rjlaved be
tween these teams at Jacksonville this
bunriay and on Wednesday, July 4tli.
the A A. O. will play the Medford
locals at Mdford,
Certain of Construction and
Work to Be Begun In Near
The prospect for the construction
of the railroad from Grants Pass to
Takilma are encouraging and there is
every certainty that by a year from
this Fall that trains will be rouuing
from this city to the copper smelter.
As to when grading will be begun is
problematical but while no official
information is given out yet the indi
cations are that construction work
will be begun at least by September.
' The right-of-way has all been se
cured except throogh the Southern
Pacific lands, which embraoe every
other section for most of the way
Negotiations are now being carried
on and Colonel Draper is now in the
East to arrange terms with the
officials of the Southern Pacific. No
ties or other material have been pur
chased nor has men or teams been
hired as currently reported of late.
The Company has an office In the
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Oom
pany block that is in charge of John
L. Richardson, the Company's resident
engineer. Mr. Richardson has been
busy since early iu the Spring reset
ting the grade stakes, that have been
destroyed since the survey was made
two years ago, and in preparing the
estimates for grade and bridge work
for the nse of contractors. There is
little likelihood that work will be
oommenced antil Fall. Owing to
rash of work at the sawmills, farms
and other places men and teams can
not be readily hired nor so cheaply as
in the Winter when other work is
shut down. In hot weather the men
and teams will uot do the work that
they will do in cool weather. In the
mild climate of Southern Oregon rail
road construction work nan be carried
on as well in the Winter as in the Sum
mer and wages are much lower, a
matter that railroad companies fully
consider. !?''.vn
The citizens of Medfora see a possi-
Suitable Chain for the Parlor, Sitting Room, Diking
Room, Porch, or any room. Suitable Furniture is
one of our proudest specialties. We have the pieces
come and get our prices all marked in plain
figures. We ask you to come and see this fine array
ot New Goods just arrived. We're working hard to
get them iu .shape for your inspection, because we
believe you will find the kind you want.
The stock includes all those pieces that appeal to
good taste on account of their design, fiuish, char
acter and richness. We can show you the newest
ideas and the most popular furniture for the home
that can be found in this city. We name a few prices
to give you an idea of what's doing there are plenty
more just as reasonable. ::::;
0 Dining Chairs, 1 Carver's Chair 7 largo, flue am mm
pieces for $ZZ.UU
A large flue Weatherred Mission Rocker '. tfc nn
A large fine Rohker fbr...v
A fine Golden Oak Ann Rocker
A Golden Oak Fiuished Dining
One lot of goods on which we
have been used but very little
Oue $1.00 Cook Stove for
One 10.80 " " "
One large Heating" "
umer goods in the
Hammocks 75o to $0.50
Screen Door$1.50 to 3.60ootnplet
Tin Dish Pans 2'o upwards
Rolling Pins 10c up to Hfio
Large No. 3 Hiflector Lanterns
OfFurniture Iron Beds
or Camp at
The Urjest Houitfurniihing
blity now tbat work is to be resumed
on the railroad that it to run from
that place up Rogue river to Crater
Lake and thenoe on into Eastern Ore
gon. Work was begun on this road
lasl Summer and grading was com
pleted aud Hack laid to Eagle Point,
a distance of 14 miles. The company
having expended the $25,000 that the
Medford citizens took stock for and
also what money they cod Id raise the
enterprise came to a standstill and
has been awaiting capitalists to take
hold and extend the road aud pnt it la
operation. The finauoial assistance
required seems at hand as the follow
ing from the Medford Tri bone would
Terrace and Charles Fee of Cowls
port, Pa., the owners of 51 per cent
of tho stock in this railroad have
given a SO day option on the same to
O. H. and H. B. Webber, wealthy
bankers of Michigan. The latter are
men controlling ample means and it
they choose rau advanoe the money
necessary for the completion of the
road, which they undoubtedly will do.
The Messrs. Webber have spent several
days in examining the ooontry
through which the road will mo and"
were enough impressed with the
county and its resouroes to enter upon
the deal to the extent stated.
The opinion is freely expressed that
the matter will now be brought to
suoceessful conclusion. The price to
be paid the Fee Brothers for the con
trolling interest is in the neighbor
hood of $40,000.
Southern Pacific
that the
soon have con
struction work began on Its branch
linn from Drain to Coos Bay. The
survey is complete and the right-of-way
has been secured and several
thousand tons of railf have been ship
ped this Spring to Drain ready for
nse. The superintendent of con
struction recently arrived at Drain
and has opened an office and has a
force of six men at work making
plats aud estimates for the ood tractors.
It it expected to have trains run
ning into Marshfleld by next Spring,
the Southern Paoifio as extended
the ran of the local train, heretofore
run between Portland and Eairene.
on to Cottage Grove. The train will
make the round trio eaoh dav leavinor
Cottage Grove early in the morning
and arriving back in the evening.
Report is current that a small change
will be made in the arrival and de
parture at Portland of the through
trains for San Francisco. As to
whether this new schedule will
ohange the train tims for Grants Pass
is not known.
$2.00 worth $i.U0
for 2 75
Chair for 1 . 10
1.50- " 3.00
make these special prloos, they
. . SS 50
'. 50
..........I.'. y50
lot, nail for prices.
Laoe Curtain Stretohers.$2to3.50
Tumblers 30o Der doz on to td. 00
Tin Cups 8 tor 60
Tin Plates i " 5o
Everything'for the House
little prices.
& 0 Ncill
Concsrn In Southern Oregon.