Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 22, 1906, Image 6

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A Wonderful Record.
tin bv linn
processes l)r. Pierce's Fi
avoritn PrescriD-
Uon la
moat eflii-l. nt remedy fur rpgu-
latins all the womanly functions, correct-
ln.H.,,l. o.u ....I. :....
--B i"'".vuitiiWi no jiuiapnun, ail w V 11
ion and retroversion, overcoming painful
perioos, toning up me nerves and brln
Ing about a perfect state of health,
cures the backache, periodical headaches.
the dragglng-down distress in the pelvic
region, the pain and tenderness over
lower abdominal region, dries up tho
pelvic catarrhal druln, o disagreeable
and weakening, and overcomes every
form of weakness Incident to the organs
distinctly feminine.
"Favorite Prescription" Is the only
medicine for women, the makers of
which are not afraid to print their
formula on the bottle wrapper, thus
taking their patrons Into their full con
fidence. It Is the only medicine for
women, every Ingredient of which has
the strongest possible endorsement of
the most eminent medical practitioners
and writers of our day, recommending
It for the disease for which "Favorite
Prescription" is used. It is the only
rut -up medicine for women, sold
hrough druggists, which does not con
tain a large percentage of alcohol, so
harmful In the long run, especially to
aaucaie women. It has more genuine
cures to It credit than all other medi
cines for women combined, having
saved thousands of sufferers from the
operating Utile and the surgeon's knife.
It has restored delicate, weak women to
strong and vigorous health and virility,
making motherhood possible, where there
was barrenness before, thereby brighten
ing and making happy many thousands
f homes by the advent of little ones to
trengthen the marital bonds and add
tunshlne where gloom and despondency
ad reigned before.
Wrlto to Dr. R. V. Pierre. He will send
you good, fatherly, professional advice,
in a plain, scaled envelope, absolutely
free. Address him at Buffalo, N. Y. ,
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets do not
I ripe. They effectually cleanse the sys
im of accumulated Impurities.
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, by Dr. Pierre, 1008 pages, Is sent
free on receipt of stamps to pay expense
of mailing wily. Send 21 one-cent stamps
lor the book In paper covers, or 31 stamps
for the cloto -bound volume. Address
M above.
The Pioneer Grocer
A Specialty
Dried Fruits of All Kinds
Wholesale and Retail
Feed ana Floor Store
J. E. KERLEY, Proprietor.
Kerlei Feed Stables, South Sixth Street.
Beet Brand of Flour.
Hay of all kinds.
Rolled Hurler, Wheat and OaU.
Clean Gray Oats for Seed.
Bedrock; prices.
Popular Barber Shop
your tonsorial work done
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath Koom In connection
Southern Oregon Contract
ing & Construction Co.
Estimates and bids fusnished on
Ditches, Dams, Bridges, Tunnels,
Office, Room 3 Masonic Temple.
T tdnrtlM yur auunpWoimt
Oo.l w w&l Sana' ui 4
4r this hi4nme XtiBVt
Ancknt Room
is now merely a memory of the past.
Ballard's Snow Liniment is the
family liniment of the tweotteth cen
tury. A I'OMitive cure for Rheuma
tism, fiorus, Oats, Sprains, Neuralgia
Ho., Mr. C H. Runyon, Stauherry,
Mo., writes: "I have used Snow
Liniment for Rheumatismm and all
pain. I can't say enough in its .
praise." For sale by National Drug
Co. and Rothmund. ' j
Will Heberman spent last Saturday
in Grants Paas.
No one sick at this writing and
everyone feeling tbeir'oata.
We hare fine little burg at present
there being 14 houses and tents in
oar town.
Fred Wetherbee was visiting bis
aunt of this place a few days of
last week.
Jeff Lindsey has his bay mare at
home now. He had some trouble in
finding her, though.
Everyone that has a wheel is bappy
now as the road are getting in good
condition for wheeling. .
Teams are going through onr burg
every day now moving Messrs. Knox
and Hackett's mill to Merlin.
Range cattle are looking better tbia
Spring than usual, the late rains bar
ing left the griss green and growing.
Well, well, little more sunshine
and one can hear the singing of the
mowing machines Id the heavy alfalfa
and clover,
Mr. Heberman has purchased a
brand new mowing machine and is
ready to out hay proper. He has
about the finest bay we bave seen.
Miss Rossell has quit her position
in the boarding house at Laurel Grove
and is going to the city to work.
Miss Florence Darnielle of Murphy
will take her place. i
Ye scribe had the pleasure of meet-,
ing S. O. Kibbler one day of last .
week and was pleased to make his ac
quaintance. He is a nice fellow and i
is running the edger for William Bros j
at this place. j
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Alger have de-1
parted from our midst. Mrs. Alger
aud sister are going to Washington
while Mr. Alger goes
to the fnwvn
north. We regret to see them go for
they were genial good, people.
Grain crops are heading ont now
and promise a bettor yield this year
than nsual. It is an ill wind that
ZTh 7. 7h , 7?
rains have delayed haying somewhat
delayed haying somewhat
bat the crops are enough better . to
make op for that.
So long, till I ooue again. JUMBO.
Feeling Impending Doom.
rpi Mlt m , , . . , I
lumetmug oi unpenning aooin in '
. , , , - ... i
r.nn miitila nff Ti.nnv v nt ma Utliiv
to thaukfuluess by the benefit derived
from taking Foley's Kidney Core.
It will enre incipient Bright s disease
and diabetes and even in the worst
cases gives comfort and relief. Slight
disorders are oured in a few days. "I
bad diabetes in its worst form,"
writes Marion Leel of Danreath, Ind.
"I tried eight physicians without re
lief. Only three bottles of Foley's
Kidney Cure made me well man. "
For sale by H. A. Roterniuml.
Smoking In a Pewdcr Migiilne
courting death more suddenly i
bat not more
surely than neglecting i
kidney disorders. Foley's Kidney
Cure will cure a slight disorder in a
few days ami its continued nse will
care the most obstinate cases. It has
cured many people of Brlaht's disease '
and diabetes who were thought to,
be incurable. If you have kidtier or
v Tl-l it T. luh'22nL l""0.?
i - "..-j o .iuiii j vuio tuiinv, ueiure 11.
is too late. For Bale by H. A. Roter
uiuud. FREE
Wi ktww fron oar
, dealing wlib owr
t 7 dalrrttiru In Ihf
rat'lflc .Vmhwt aoS
front our own
On try inn that
tli I . a.
HftMrf(tf 1b
the brtt iiiti
Ltr.ttU-.l rv.r.tor for .f.rr-ria.
firit '
It la .tt.'b K.ll m..l. til.-, of
niNi-hln-ty .
thai II will la.t a llt.flluv. (ItIii( r.rr; ii
th. (jtit.-kftt. ..TtU-.. It la th. hv.t
.lu. ft tb. niiMirr and wv giinrault It ur
alva. In -uttttLm to thv rtiranti ut th.
fnot.Ty. Ti hw iur ivntl.U'no. in IMa
avimratxr UI ahtn ou uuv un t.n dara'
fr. trial. Torn If It don't wt, na
th. bv.t and iu,t praclt'H) f ynt uwn u...
Jou may rrturu It at our .ip.ii...
H.arlwmHl Unlay atand wllh Ita iaranlft
b.hlnd tb.uanda of V. 8. Separator, and ther. ,
haa nvv.r b..n . day wlirn wt hav. rrgrt'tlfd
haflng guarantd thla fin. ..parat.).. W
.r. thoroughly and (irarlloally ratnlllar with
th. ad.anUgM and dlad.autat.a of .vrr
aparalH un th. aaark.t and w. nr. handling ;
U. U. S. Aeirtor WcauM w. know u to :
b. th. hn tbr I. I
SR.IUS CtEASKHT In tddltk-a. th. I). S.
Slaratof ahlnaa th. flallk cUtaM tb SoM '
any ochnr Mn.-hU.. Thki ha hn dwinon- ,
trat.4 mm nn4 .w m!.- Th. wrUl'. mvvd
for flM. hhla ha W hy th. I',
t Hand Spr lor fur m.mj nirt. N. .thw ,
hand aaparnuw ha. km abl. t. Munl th
MirS nad. S. iwl ag. at th. Pan-Aaa.rl. ,
M tipnaltkia. and f.t thl. nmi wa. hwM
hr th. r. a Sapunta. U th. nrrlal tMt at
Ch. Ij.Ii and Uart fab) UN maw. I
II will atHf an .that wparitw, It In i
anor. nan and alas,, to op.!.. It to .Mlr !
t. kr.B glaaa and h will Imb ffifhl m rr ,
nft ynar duanf lu 411 wart, aTl.rof swrlm
p. is roa TsvTw n. a iwrttir i
win so tur Itaalf ti mb) ra U Mtrn mam
Hitd ot.r what miK b. tklmawd Is a. ld-
faahloo.d ay. If r nn't brlUK It tab.
d.n.las. frwk trUI ftffnr and aa.h. tb.
iMt right on your own fanv Sklna in both war.
e4 fldn
gar. Ml th. rwolt hi rwor war
i Snd tn. laMiiM Mil do fat ItoJr
I t yiti. W u It m mi twin, and wlP
tnk. (run Is maHi a. ywa bn4 nM pay
m oaw mat for uka mv.. inl nl tb. Md
th. Hw Ik. BBMklaak wall All ha nald faf
W rlt. vMn for Mrnkorng anl Kll tortienl.r
imt 1
p3 i
i j W. C. T. U. COLUMN.
All matter for this column Is supplied
by the Grants Pass Woman's Christian
.temperance union.
Friday afternoon, Jane 115, was ob
served by the Grants Pass onion as
Flower Mission day. The resnlar
meeting was held in the Christian
j Church. Flowers were brought there
i to send to any who were sick or sor
rowing. An excellent program had
been prepared by Mrs. Gould, assist
ant superintendent of the Flower Mis
sion department, who acted as chair
man. The songs and recitations by
the little folks aud also bv some
of the young ladles were full of senti
ment snitable to the spirit of the day
and were duly appreciated by the
listeners, and a good audience wis in
attendance. Mrs. uowdry sang a
beautiful solo. The Rev. Mr. Bower
spoke to the children regarding the
history and meaning of the day. He
told bow bright young teacher of
Boston, whose home was in the
suburbs of the city, carried ber arms
foil of flowers from her own gardens
and those of her friends for the city
children, hungering for the fragrance
and beauty of the country j how they
learned to watch for ber coming and
how the beautiful flowers cheered the
lives of the poor toilers and shut-ins
in the crowded city. He told, too, of
how the story of the youug Boston
teacher reached an invalid in the
South who thought not of herself, hut
of others, and took up the work of
sending something to brighten other
lives. So the birthday of Jennie
Caseday, Jone 0th, is one oi our Red
I Letter days, being celebrated
! nearly as possible on that day. When
i Frances Willard visittd Jennie Cas-
seday in her Louisville home she was
! told of the work, and always looking
i for Hreat opportunities she said there
must oe a r lower Mission department
in the W. O. T. V.
Mls8Cag8eday was its efficient sop
erintendent for about 10 years. It is
I said her character was akin to the lily
' tl.a In fPL. J-l
I lowing!, from the Annual Leaflet
, , .
4iiia uujiariuieui carries neip, com'
fort, sympathy and cheer to people of
all conditions, especially to the poor,
sick aud bereaved, to the prisoners
ano rner mi"w ones, ine
w-u vi ni tKjiiviiiicB juuuuvh nil
,, , h. uv...k
a w mi, atiuuuKii iiii o uiD'
J n
fl with M,ipt.r.
text cards attached (often accompan
ied by Flower Mission literature )is its
chief line of work. The total absti
nence pledge is offered at appropriate
times. This department U peculiarly
fitted to co-operate with other depart
meats, often opening the door for ag
aressive temperance work."' A
prisoner in Alabama said to the flower
missionaries, as he was leaving for
home: "I quit these prison walls a
changed man. I thank God for the
Flower Mission and the Bible. The
texts you brought me have led me
trom darkness into light and have
tURht me that the blood of Christ
cleansed! rroin all sin."
"Several years ago in the city of
New York one of the very worst
characters of the slums wandered in
to a mission. There she listened to
one of our women who told of Christ
Dd 8l,e w" a rose. She took
it away with her. its purity working
a uiysterioos change in her. Looking
down in to its depths, she thonght,
'Why cannot my life become as dear
and pure as this beautiful flower?'
She was redeemed from evil and fpent
,the three remaining years of her life
1 tolling her former companions, in
their hauuts and in prisons, of the
wonderful peace she had found. What
a little thiug to do the giving of a
rose !"
nruiuiij superintendent says
At Jefferson county jail one of onr
local superintendents took the matron
a choice bouquet, and she said, 'O
give it to a wuuau who has just come
West 0 Stmt
Seceivs Blotk Irem Sixth Stmt
At prices that
make bargains.
PASS, OREGON, JUNE 22, 1906.
in, for it took four of the officers to
handle her 1' The flowers were given
ber. It opened the way to her heart.
The tender chords are often stirred by
these messengers of love aud beauty,
They bad no farther trouble with
Our own beloved state president,
Mrs. Additoa, in speaking of the
Lewis and Clark Fair, says: "Flower
Mission day was charmingly celebrat
ed at the W. C. T. U. booth. Daring
the day thousands of bunches of sweet
peas and roses were passed out to
visitors, accompanied by tbe ons
tomary text and white ribbon. The
recipients were profuse in thanks and
exclamations of delight In ad
dition to these posies, Mrs. Alexander
Peake, Oregon's Flower Mission
superintendent, furnishd for distribu
tion 600 Flower Mission souvenir
fans." Tbis year especially is a
grand time for all of as to work in
this department. Many of onr dear
white ribbon sisters have lost all their
earthly possessions in San Francisco,
and a rare opportunity is given as to
show oar gtmpathy and love to those
who wear the badge of purity.
A rare opportunity will be-given at
the Southern Oregon Chautauqua to
bear people of renown in their ad
dresses and great is the interest of
W. O. T. U. tieople in Miss Bell
Kearney, the celebrated traveler called
the silver tongued orator of the
South." Let all of ns hear her who
can. MRS. L. W. HOOD.
Press Snpt.
Deadly Serpent Bites
are as common in India as are
stomach and liver disorders with us.
For the latter however, there is a sure
remedy: Electrio Bitters, the great
restorative medicine of which S. A.
Brown, of Bennettsville, S. 0., says:
"They restored my wife to perfect
health, aftr years of suffering with
dyspepsia aud a rhronically torpid
liver." Electric Bitters cure chill,
and fever, malaria, biliousness, lame
back, kidney troubles and bladder
disorders. Sold on guarantee by all
druggists. Price 60c.
: LELAsi) :
The steam shovel is about finished
filling the trestles. That outfit will
go to Portland to do work for the rail
road company.
We have tome demorcats here that
are complaining of hard times. Why
they should do so we cannot see
for there is work on every hand and
money is plenty.
we are having more cloud juice
with cloudy weather and but little
hay has been cured yet To get the
nsual amount of hay will have to out
late in the Summer.
Miss Iva McArthur has been the
guest of Mrs. U. W. Chapin for a few
days. Breathing the fresh, 'balmy
air, drinking cold pure spring water
has improved her health.
The old veterans are lcooking for
ward to the O. A R. encimpment
held in Grants Pass this week for a
good time. Wide Awake wants to go,
but he wants a chape' cue as Leland
is bo far from Grants Pass.
Where is that big Immigration that
we heard about? We are not getting
much of it here, although we have
one of the bast and healthiest sections
in the United States with plenty of
cheap land that can be converted into
good homes. This vicinity is the best
watered of any place in Oregon.
Look out for Wide Awake at the re
union. WIDE AWAKE.
A Nappy Mother
will see that here baby is properly
cared for to do this a good purgative
is necessary. Mauy babies suffer from
worms and their mothers dou't know
it if your baby is feverish and
doesn't sleep at nights, it is troubled
with worms. White s Cream Veruii
fupe will clean out these wcrms In a
mild pleasant way. Once tried al
ways used. Give it a trial. Price 35
ceuts. Kor sale by National Drug Co.
aud Rotennuud.
(i 0 L I) E X
Following the Flag.
When our soldiers west to fluha
and the Philippines, health was the
most important consideration. Wil
lis T. Morgan, retired Commissary
sergeant i . . a., or Kural Konte 1,
Concord, N. H., says: "I was two
years in Cuba aud two year in the
Philippines, aod Mob subject to
colds. I took Dr. King's New Dis
covery foi Consumption, which kept
me in perfect health. And now, in
New Hampshire, wo find it the best
medicine fn the world for conghi,
oolda, bronchial trouble and all lung
disease. Guaranteed at all drag,
gists. Priuu 60o and 11.00. Trial bot
tle free.
njnl V MtaiMBA T.
. vjxui f MB, uTtom
aw Lrtuauve ururao Uinme Tablets. e?v A
Saws IQBoa aVoses toM ai pt 13 BMBtka,
I Rnv and Sell Real Estate
No 487. 80 acres. Between 8 and 10 acres meadow with good
irrigating ditch and about 8 acres ot bench land seeded to grain; large
box house, barn, sheds for stock and all necessary outbuildings; two
horses hack an'' wagon; two set of harness; 21 head of stock; 1 brood
sow and pigs; poultry; all farming implements, consisting of mower,
rake plow harrow and various other small tools; mower and rake al.
most new; about 9,000 feet of lumber, together with household goods.
$2500.00 takes the entire outfit. Good for 30 days only.
No. 494. 240 acres. Good three room house, small barn, moke
house and all other out buildings. 30 acres fenced. 20 acres in culti
vation. Small orchard. Plenty of good timber. Living water.
$5.00 per acre.
Yours for bargains,
The Real Estate Jlan
Hello 393 Office, 611 Residence.
516 E Street
A Picture of Life's Other
Buy a Bicycle
Take a spin, get health, and
pleasure, see what is going on
around you.
Will buy a good durable Bi
cycle at
Second hand wheels $2.50 up
Real Estate and Timber
Club Stables
FRANK HECK, Proprietor
Successor to Hayes & Heck
Apodal attention given to mining men and commercial
Sixth street, Grants Pass, Ore
My a ...
O. A. DICKISOH, Propriety
H Street between Fifth and Sixth pH01,. roi
To Cure a Cam n One
This signature, va
Grants Pass. Ore.
Grants Pass Breeders Association-
Will stand at the following p aces
one day in each week:
Williams C O. Bijjelow's.
Applegate Near Rose Hall.
Murphy H. L. Reed's.
Cirauto Past
Service: Insurance, $20.00.
For further information address,
Grants Pass, Ore.
A.,,- t V, M
v. j p
V )