Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 15, 1906, Image 1

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    VOL. XXII.
No. 11.
To Be Organized in Grants Pass
on June 23 Promises to
Be a Success.
The Josephine County Fruitgrowers
jUnion is to be organized on Saturday,
Jane 23, when a meeting for that pur
pose will be held by the fruitmen at
the Courier office, in Grants Pass at 1
p. m.
A thorough canvass of the orcbard
iets of the county baa been made and
all have signified a willingness to join
the proposed onion. The cost of mem
bership will be nominal probably not
over f3.50 and the annual does will be
not over $1. The marketing of fruit
and other expenses of the anion will
be bourne by a per cent on the sales
made, thus each member will pay in
proportion to the amount of fruit the
onion handles for him. In the pur
chase of supplies such as hues, spray
ing material the members would be
supplied at cost.
The onion will be incorporated and
the officers will consist of a president,
vice-president, secretary, treasurer
and nine directors. A manager will
be employed on a salary to handle
fruit shipments. The president may
act as manager or another person may
be employed for tbe position. As to
who would make a competent presi
dent and manager for the proposed
anion has been under consideration by
tbe promoters of the organization.
Fruit growing is yet in its beginning
in Josephine ooonty and but few of
tbe orchardists have had experience in
in shipping and marketing froit in
large quantities. The largest shippers
have been Eismun Bros. , who with
their father have two large orchards
five miles west of Grants Pass. They
expect to raise 12,000 boxes of apples
this season and already a New York
dealer has offered to oontract their
crop at $2 per box. Tbey declined
the offer as they anticipate a better
price. Tbe JSisinans are up-to-date
orchardists and their name is known
to all the big buyers of the East and
" their fruit goes into the markets as
strictly first-class and brings the top
price. Having a thorough knowledge
of growing, grading, packing and
marketing fruit makes it certain that
they will be helpful members of the
union, of which they have agreed to
join. A large number of small
growers having confidence in Mr. Fred
Elsman's ability and kuowledge of
the froit business have expressed
themselves as favorable to electing
him to be president and manager of
the union. Mr. Eisman is a man of
strict integrity and has a high stand
ing as a practical business man and
as he would be one of the largest ship
pers through the union it would be
to bis interst that the uuion obtain
the highest price to be had.
The Southern Pacific is offering
every inducement to stimulate tiie
fruit industry in Rogue River Valley
aiJ the Company has given a special
terminal freight rate or fruit in car
load billed to Eastern or European
markets, the shippers from Grants
Paso and other Rogue River points
getting th 3 same rates as those of
Hood River, Willamette Valley or
California. The Company's traveling
freight agent II. A. Hinshaw and G.
P. Jester their local agent will be
I Sell
Call in and let me show you my Map and Blue Prints O
of Coos Bay and North Bend (the coming SAN FRANCIS-
CO of Oregon). Money invested there is sure to quadruple
itself in the next five years. I have personally examined
everything I have for sale.
P V f. I II F.I. AND. "The Real Estate Man"
" Ground Floor Courier Bldg. Grants Pass, JOre.
present to give the fruitmen such in
formation as they may desire on
freight rates.
Etery farmer who will have even
100 boxes of froit to sell should make
it a point to attend this meeting and
not stay away through the excuse that
he ran not afford the time. The
difference in price of securing 0 to 75
cents a box by peddling in Grants
Pass or of $2 to 13 per box by selling
through a onion will make it an ob
ject to even the small fruit raisers to
atteud. If each farmer stays away
thinking that there will te enough
present to organize the union and
that he can join later on there will be
no union and the fruit industry will
continue at its present low ebb.
It has come that the small fruit
grower no longer has a living chance
and he is forced to either dig op his
trees and quit th business, or join a
onion and have his froit sold in oar
lots direct to the big markets of the
world. All the successful fruit dis
tricts of the United States now have
unions and they have pnt fruit raising
on a protfiable, business basis. In
stead of the old method of shaking the
fruit off the trees, potting the best
and least broised on tbe top of the
box or barrel and selling for any price
offered, the union forces the growers
to pick their froit as though handling
fragile glass, grade as carefully as
though they feared a day in hades for
every wormy apple foond i n tbe box,
and pack as carefully as though pre
paring a shipment of uhinaware. The
onion has convinced tbe housewives
of tbe land that when they buy a box
of froit bearing a onion label that
every apple in the box will be foond
perfect in quality, true to name and
foil weight. The resolt of this honest
dealing is that the public will give
the same preference and pay the
higher price for fruit in boxes bearing
union labels as is done in the prefer
ence and higher price that is paid for
butter that has a creamery label wrap
per. The froit onions are
making it possible for the skillful
orchardists to get top prions for their
fruit, and at the same time they are
making it more difficult for the
slovenly grower to sell his fruit even
at a ruinous price.
Hon. A. H Ceirson Now Planning
to Build A Big Cold
Storage Plant.
Hon A. H. Carson and Mrs. Car
son were in Grants Pass lust Satur
day from their Redlands vineyard
home to attend the Rogue River Val
ley Development League. Mr. Car
son stated his grape vines were in
splendid condition and the yield
promised to be heavy. Redlands
vineyard is the largest in Oregon and
Mr. Carson intends to add to his pres
ent acreage of 34 acres until he Bhall
have 100 acres to vines.
With the profits on his grape crop he
last year built the finott farm iesi
dence in Josephine county and .one
that woo Id be a credit to Grants Pass
or any other town. This year he has
under consideration the building of a
big cold storage warehouse in which
to hold the bulk of his grape crop for
the Winter market. Mr. Carson 'has
thoroughly studied market conditions
and he is oonvineed that there would
be a big demand during the Winter
mouths and at highly remunerative
prices for fresh, juicy grapes as such
could be supplied by cold storage.
Real Estate t
Southern Oregon
That la the Prediction of Hon.
J. D. Olwell-The World
for A Market.
Hon. John D. Olwell of Medford
was one of the Rogue River Valley
boosters in attendance at the session
of the Rogue River Valley Develop
ment League in this oity last Satur
day. Mr. Owlell is a member of The
board of regents of the State Agri
cultural College and one of the big
gest orchardists in Southern Oregon.
In an interview with a Courier repre
sentative Mr. Olwell stated tbat
Rogue River Valley was certain to
become the greatest fruit growing dis
trict on the Pacifio Coast. The
acreage to fruit is increasing at a
most rapid rate especially in Jackson
oouoty. Orchards of more than 100
acres are becoming oommon in tbat
county. One firm the Western Ore
gon Orchard Company, has 1400 acres
east of Medford that they are potting
to orchard and already have a large
part of it to trees. It is reported that
this company placed an order some
time since with a nursery company
for 30,000 trees for planting this Win
ter. With all this increase to tbe
acreage to orchards yet fruit trse
planting has only begun in Rogne
River Valley is the opinion of Mr.
Where there will be a market for
all this fruit that will be grown and
shipped from Rogue River Valley by
the train load is a question frequently
asked by persons not posted on this
industry. On this feature of the
business Mr. Olwell has no misgivings
he holding that the more fruit that
this Valley can ship the better posi-
tiion that it can command in the mar
kets of the world and sell at prices
higher than is now obtained. Instead
of Oregon being at the fur sidJ of the
world's market, as some think, this
state is really in the center and is
more favorably situated than the
Eastern state for reaching large and
profitable markets. Oregon shippers
now compete soccessfolly in selling
their fruit in New York, Boston and
other eastern cities and also in Lon
don, Paris and the otner great oites of
Europe. But the time is near at hand
when the best market for Oregon
fruit will be in Alaska, Alherta and
other British provinces, Siberia,
Japau and China. These markets
will jbe almost ouhmited and .if all
Rogue River Valley was one great
orchird the product would not be
felt in this great market. .The
American people are the greatest froit
eaters in the world and cold storage
and cauueries have made it possible
to have fruit cheap and iu abundance
for every mouth in the yenr. Port
laud will have a miillion people be
fore it will be possible to ship fruit
from Rojgue River Valley by the train
load and there will be a score of other
big cities in the Pacific Coast to make
a profitable home market for froit.
That fruit growing can be overdone in
Rogue River Valley is not possible in
tbe opinion of Mr. Olwell and in this
he is sustained by all the other big
fruit growers of the Valley. On the
contrary the more fruit raised here
the more advantageous will be the
market conditions and the better will
be the prices realized.
New Brick Block on Sixth Street.
The first story of the two story
brick block that L. B. Hall is having
erected ou Sixth street near C street
and adjoining his brick block iu
which he has his undertaking parlois
is now well up and the brick wore for
the eutiire building will be completed
within 10 days. The bricklaying Is
in charge of Charles Ross and Joseph
Harper is superintending the con
strostion of the building aud will
have charge of carpenter work. Ihe
building will have a fine plate glass
front the iron work for which will be
furnished by tbe Grants Pass Iron &
Steel Works.
As to the nse the building will be
put to Mr. Hall has not decided. The
lower story will be rented for a store
of some class and ODDer storv will
either be fitted op for a lodge room or
hall, or it my be put into toomT.
Mr. Hall owns the qoarter block m
the southwest corner of Siih aud D
streets. This is averyesirble busiiiws
cortier and he will ereot a brick'blonT
on it but may defer tbe work until
next year.
The Courier gives all the
Hat Become to Success So Its
Officers State Big Profit in
Fruit Raising.
Presdent S. L. Beuuett and Mana
ger and Secretary J. A. Perry of the
Rogue River Fruitgrowers Union of
Medford, were in Grants Pass Satur
day attending the Development
League. While here they also visited
the box factory to get prices on boxes,
their union buying boxes by the car
load and delivering to the members at
oost. The onion also supplies wrap
ping paper and spraying material to
its members at oost aud purchasng it
in large qoantities is able too make a
big saving in the cost of these sop
plies. President Bennett stated to a repre
sentative of the Courier that their
union had steadily gained in member
ship since it was organized three
years ago and this Spring several
large orchaidists have joined and it
has become so strong that it now does
the great bo lk of the shipments from
Medford. It is the hope of President
Bennett that a strong union will be
organized in Grants Pass for Jose
phine county and that then the three
unions at Ashland, Medford and
Grants Pass oo-operate as one great
organization in handling tbe froit
crop of Rogue River Valley, and in
stead of shipping by the oar load as is
now do':e tbat shipments can be made
in trainload lots. The quantity of
boxes, paper and spraying material
required for the entire Valley would
be so large that if purchased in one
lot a big discount on the price oould
be had.
Manager Perry had a most encourag
ing statement to make for their
onion. The high standard of the pack
pot up by the Rogoe River Fruit
growers Union lias given it a high
standing in the markets of the world
and now its froit Is bid for by buyers
from New York, Boston, London,
Paris and tbe other great froit mar
kets. Manager Perry stated that his
onion had been able to secure nearly
one-half higher than samll growers
could realize for their froit and that
they had never lost a shipment as they
deal onlv with known responsible
buyers. Already bids are being re
ceived by the Rogue River Uuion aud
Manager Perry thinks that very good
prices wilt be realized this year.
Froit prospects were never better
aud Manager Perry thiuks he shall
handle one-half more fruit for the
union this y eat than in any previous
Iu proof of the profit in an orchard
Manager Perry stated that four years
ago he bought 64 acres of land near
Medford at f(l5 an acre making the
purchase price $.1310. Two weeks ago
he bad a cash offer of $225 an acre
for the land, being $12, 150 for the
orchard. The crops realized from the
land all but paid for cultivating the
trees aud the planting aud caring for
the trees aud the interest aud taxes on
the investment for the four years has
not exceeded $3000 leaving at least
$0000 dear profit on the venture. The
trees have a few apples this year aud
within three years the orchard will be
produciug a marketable crop of fruit
and then it will readily sell for ITiOO
au acre. A snug sum of $27,000 ou
an original investment of $.'1500. It is
little wonder that the Jackson county
fruitgrowers are ruuking money and It
is their cash that gives the chief capi
tal to the three prosperous bauks In
Medford and makes that town one of
the most thriving in Southern Oregon.
Mr. Perry is greatly interetted in
the proposed fruit growers onion for
Josephine county and he promised, if
possble, to attend tbe meeting that
will be held at the Courier oflice on
Saturday, Jone 23 and assist in the
organizaton. In order to assist the
members of the new onion to purchase
their supplies at wholemle rates pend
ing the perfection of their organiza
tion he would give them equal ratm
with the members of his own union.
Manager Perry is tboroughlypotel
on the details of the work of a fruit
growers uuion and his suggestions
would be of material assistance to the
Josephine coonty orchard ists in tbe
organization of their union.
To Search For Lost Mine.
Alex Watts and Mrs. Watts were in
Grants Past Thursday from their
fine farm home near Provolt. Iu ad-
dition to conducting a farm Mr.
Watts has a large plaoer mine on
Williams oreek and he stated that he
bad made a very satisfactory clean
np this Spring. Mr. Watts is one of
the first miners in Josephine county,
be ooming to Sailor Diggings, now
Waldo, in 1852. Like all the pioneers
he has heard of lost mines and next
week be and a party will leave for a
search for a mine that was known to
be rich bot was abandoned aud lost
during the Indian Wars.
Accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Watts
was Mrs. C. J. Hall, whose husband
and W. D. Dixon are operating a
quartz miue on the hill back of Mr.
Watts' place. They are operating a
three-stamp mill and are milling ore
that is giving good values. Their
work is largely development aud their
mine is showing up very promising.
Cheap R.xta to Se.n Francisco.
An excursion will be run from Pott-
land to San Francisco and return ou
tbe following schedule:
Leave Portland Saturday, June 16,
train IS, at 8 :45 p. m. Arrive Oak
land Monday, June 18, train 15 at 8 :28
a. m. Arrive San Francisco Monday,
June 18th, train IS, at 8:48 a. m.
Monday June 18th and Tuesday June
10th will be spent in San Francisco.
Leave San Francisco Tuesday, June
19, train 16, at 8:80 p. in. Leave Oak.
laud Tuesday Jane 19, train 10, at
8 :53 p. m. Arrive Portland, Thurs
day, June 31, train 16, at 7 :25 a. m.
Tickets to be sold at rate of $45 and
to Include berth in standard sleeper
going and returning also while train
Is parked at Oakland Sixteeuth Street
Station. Also includes meals as fol
lows: Breakfast, luncheon and din
ner, Sunday, June 7th. Breakfast
and dinner, Monday, Jane 8tn.
Beakfast and dinner, Tuesday, June
9th. Breakfast, luncheon and dinner,
Wednesday, Jane 30th. Tickets will
be limited to Jane 21st.
A. L. CRAIG, O. P. A.
Old soldiers and others attending
the encampment will Iflnd a comfort
able place to rest and read at H. C.
Bobzien's grocery store. Mr. Bob
lien will have a tent in one part of
his store furnished with easy chairs
and what will be of special interest to
the old soldiers and others interested
in Civil War history there will be 60
Suitable Chairj for the Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining
Room, Porch, or any room. Suitable Furniture is
one of our proudest specialties. We have the pieces
come and get our prices all marked iu plain
figures. We ask you to come and see this fine array
ol New Goods just arrived. We're working hard to
get them in shape for your inspection, because we
believe you will find the kind you want.
Tbe stock includes all those pieces tbat appeal to
good taste ou account of their design, finish, char
acter and richness. We can show you the newest
ideas and tbe most popular furniture for tbe borne
tbat can be found iu this city. We name a few prices
to give you au idea of what's doing there are plenty
more just as reasonable. ::::::
6 Dining Chairs, 1 Carver's Chair 7 large, flue 99 A A
pieces for wfcltUU
A large fine Weatherred Mission Rocker $6.00
A large flue Robber for $2.00 worth $2.U0
A fine Golden Oak Arm Rocker for 2 73 " 8.75
A Uolden Oak Finished Dining Chair for 1 . 10 " 1.35
A ' I .30 " 3.00
One lot of goods on which we make these special prices, '..they
have been used but very little
One $l.O0 Cook Stove for $.50
One 10. HO b.50
One large Heating " " 3.50
Other goods In the
Hammocks 7So to $8.50
Screen Doors $1. SO to 8&Ocomplet
Tin Dish Pans 35c upwards
Rolling fins 10c op to 85o
Large No. 3 Reflector Lanterns
Of Furniture Iron Beds
J;or Camp at
The Lar jut Houicfurnlihlng
Will Cost SlXOOO.-Have Eight
Rooms and A Fine Structure
Keep Old Building.
The contract for ereotiug the
eight-room school building in the
Third ward has been awarded by the
board to John Nala-kowaki for $11,
503. The other bidders were Hob
bard, Day & Fitzgerald for $12,260,
Utley & Harper for $12,740, and H.
Suow of Salem for $13,338. Mr.
Nalaskowski will begin work next
week on the foondatiou aud the build
ing is to be completed ready for school
ose by the first of September. The
plumbing and heating will be let on
separate contracts, and the total oost
of the building ready for oocupany
will folly reach tbe $16,000 raised by
the recent board issue for it is to be
complete in every detail. The cost
of furnishing the building will be
very materially reduced as the desks
aud blackboards and other appliances
from the three rooms in the old South
building aud tbe two rented rooms
can be osed and the bell from tbe
South boilding will be transferred to
the new boilding. Tbe board has
deoided not to sell the old South
boilding as the growth of Grants Pass
is such that the new brick school will
be full by another year and the over
flow rooms will have to be provided.
Tbe old South building would serve
ontil its three rooms would no longer
hold the increaw when a new briok
could be ereoted for the Fourth ward.
As to who will be prlnoipal of tbe
new school has not been determined
by the board. Two more teachers
have been hired, one being Mrs.
Mollis Belding, who will again have
a position in the primary grade and
the other is Miss Roberta Hattenhauer
of Council Bluffs, Iowa.
volumes of the offloial dispatches and
other war records of the Union armies
compiled by the war department aud
these will be for the free nse of any
who may wish to consult them.
lot, call lor prices.
Lace Cortalo Stretchers. $3 to 8.60
Tumblers 80o per dos op to $2.00
Tin Cups 8 tor 6o
Tin Plates 3 " So
Everything for tbe House
little prices.
& O'Neill
Concern n Southern Ore Jon.