Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 08, 1906, Image 4

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Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rata I
One Yesr, in advance,
Bii Monthn,
Tares Monthi,
Single Copies,
Advertising- Rata
Furnished on application at tbs office, or
by mall.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at 6c per line;
card of thanks 50c.
Entered at the post office at Orants Pass,
Oregon, as second-clans mail matter.
FRIDAY. JUNE 8, 1906.
Intxigaravtea Cleavn-up Day to th
Betterment of th Appear
ance of Iho Town.
The inauguration of clean-np-day in
Grants Pass, throngb the effort of
the Commercial Club, baa proven a
success and tbe city now presents a
much oleaner appearance. Every
business house in town except two
closed Wednesday afternoon in com
pliance to the request of a committee
appointed by tbe Commercial Club to
stir up interest in tbe affair and
everybody took part in the work of
cleaning streets and yards. The busi
ness streets were made quite present
able and sections of the residence
streets and many of the alleys were
relieved of their accumulation of old
rubbish and growth of weeds and
grass. The depot grounds and park
have been given an extra politih and
no grounds along the railroad are
neater than those of this city. The
rubbisti is being bauled away by the
ctly team and the quantity fairly op
set the calculations of Street Commis
sioner Gilflllan yet he expects to have
all removed by the time Rogue River
Development League meets here this
Saturday. '
It is tbe plan to make clean-np days
permanent event In Grants fans and
to thus so stimulate civio improve
ment that Grants Pass will yet become
noted for iti clean, handsome street
and its beautiful yards. This city
now is commented on by strangers
for it tidy, substantial appearance
and It is the plan to continue the im
proveiuont uutil Orants Pass is one of
the handsomest cities in Oregon.
R.ev. McLan Return From Porto
Rev. Robert McLean, the popular
pastor for many years of Bethany
Presbyterian church In this city and
for tbe last four superintendent of
Presbyterian missions in Porto Rico,
arrived in Grants Pass Tuesday morn
ing. He was met at the depot by a
number of his former parishoners and
most cordially greeted. Rev. -Mo-Lean
was aoootnpauied from Portland
by Mrs. McLean, wife of his son,
Roy McLean, who recently entered
the employ of the Hair-Riddle Hard
ware Company, who comes to join
her husbaud aud to reside In this city.
Rev. McLean is off on a leave of
absciico from his work in Porto Rico
to take a rest from foul years hard
work in a tropical climate aud he
will spend the greater part of this
Summer recuperating in the mild
climate of Rogue River Valley. He
was a delegate to the reoeut Presby
terian general assembly in Dea
Moines and for the past two weeks he
has been in Portland, a guest of mem
bers of the Third Presbyterian church
of that city of which he was pator
for several years.
Fine Program For Chautauqua.
The Fourteenth Annual Session at
Ashland, Oregoii, July 11th to 20th,
Flue lectures, concerts, music, schools
Partial lint of speakers Bishop Moore,
Dr. Locke, Captain Jack Crawford,
Mrs. Gielow, Miss Belle Kearney,
Prof. Buunigardt, (acieuce), Bonaul,
the famous juggler aud the California
Quintette Club. Hue camping.
beautiful scenery. Make your plans to
come. Write for printed matter.
PROF. T.J.. HAYES, Secretary.
Logging Donkey For Mill
The Swede Basin Lumber Company
received from Portland an 8x10 donkey
engine on which they had hauled to
their mill at Swede Basin Tuesday, it
was so heavy that it bad to be taken
, apart and tbe sections mad loads for
th restraint. This is the second don
ky in use in this county hauling log,
th other one being operated by Will
iams Bros, at their mill on Chaney
Th mill at. Swede Basin has a caps
oltyfof 40,000 feet per day and lsbeiug
ran to it fall capacity. Lumber haul
ing to Grant Pass' will not be com
uinoed nntil th last of July.
Williams Valley Farmer Raise
Strawberries of Great Sice
and Fine QuaJity.
O. A. Hoxie of Williams Valley was
in Orants Pass Monday with a load
of strawberries for the local market.
Mr. Hoxie grows principally the New
York Beauty and be finds it a profit
able berry. It is of very large size
and fine flavor, its only fault being
that it doe not color perfectly one
side usually being white or a very
pale red. It though is a salable berry
and being proliflo and very early
makes it a good market berry. In
size it is one of tbe big varieties and
Mr. Hoxie thinks New York Beauties
can excel tbe big Sixteen-to One ber
ries grown by R. F. Lawman, one of
his neighbors, box of which was
made up of but 18 berries and pre
sented to the Courier office. Mr.
Hoxie with hJs load Monday brought
a box that was made np of but 12 ber
ries which he placed on exhibition at
Pike & Dean's grocery store.
It is a proven fact that Rogue River
Valley has perfect conditions for
growing the beet of strawberries and
when profitable and extensive markets
are made attainable tnrougn a rruit
growers union then this valley will
become as noted a berry district as
s now the famous Hood River. Tbe
oil and climate of Rogne River Val
ley make it possible to grow straw
berry to perfection having the five
qualities esaentil to a profitable straw
berry of size, oolor, symetery. flavor
and firmness. Rogue River berries
stand shipment fully as well as those
of Hood River and when it is possi
ble to ship in car load lots to the
Eastern markets Grants Pass will be
come as big a strawberry exporting
point as now is Hood River.
We desire to express our sincere
thanks to the friends who so kindly
assisted us during our recent bereave
ment, in the death of our daughter
and sister. MRS. W. S. WOOD
Advertisers get results in
Thtrt Arc Few
people who know how to take care of
themselves the majority do not. The
liver is a most important organ in tbe
body. Herbine will keep it in condi
tion. V. O. Simpkins, Alba, Texas,
writes: "I have used Herbine for
Chills and Fever and find it the best
medicine I ever used. I would not
be without It. It is as good for child
ren as it is for grown-up people, and I
recommend it. It is fine for La
Grippe." For Sale by Rotermund
and National Drug Co.
Men Wevnted.
Saw mill and lumber yard laborers,
12.25 per day. Woodsmen 13.25 to $3.
Steady work. Apply to Booth-Kelly
Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore.
Poultry Netting
Cramer Bros.
in all widths at
We offer our entire line of Dry Goods, con
sisting of Muslins, Trints, Challies, Lawns, Dimities,
Tablo Linon, White Goods, Ladies' Waists, Skirts,
Ladies' and Children's Furnishing Goods.
Millinery, Notions, Etc., At Cost.
Trices in some lines
No article is reserved this is a senuino sale
to closo out business.
Your purchasing at our store means a great
saving to you. We invito you to visit us and bo
convinced our prices were never mtulo in Grants
Pass before.
Best Grades of Fresh and Smoked .Meats
Think Rofue River Valley an
Idee.1 Section Hot Weather
and Storm In East.
Indlanola, Iowa, June 2 Editor
Courier I arrived home tbe 28 ult.,
a I expected, and with the exception
of a severe cold contracted in South
ern California, Ii'had a fine trip,
stopping a few days at Salt Lake, also
"Colorado. Toe first thing I got in
to in Colorado was a whirlwind and
thunder storm. ' I spent last week in
Omaha, Neb. When I left there for
the west last August it was dreadfully
hot and I returned to find the temper
ature about the same. Nebraska was
visited by several disastrous storms
last week and sinoa my return home
this week we have bad a succession of
thunderstorms. The lightning flashed
around here like whipcracker.
I am glad I can say I was not home
sick a minute since I left here last
August, but I am homesick to go back
to Oregon. California is beautiful,
but Southern Oregon is nearest my
heart. I expected people to ask me,
of all the places I visited wbich I
liked beat. So they have, and I do
not hesitate to say Southern Oregon,
all things considered.
Enclosed yon will find the amount
of my subscription to the Courier. I
must have the news and in that way
keep in touch with Grants Pass
I promised to write personal lettera
to some of my friends there but I
hope this note will suffice until 1 get
There has not been a surplus of
rain hre this Spring, yet crops look
pretty well. Yours truly
Aetna. Insurance Company.
The above company makes the fol
lowing statement:
"After paying all of the San Fran
oisco losses, which will probably not
exceed 13,000,000, we will still have
available for policy holders $11,036,
For further information, see Joseph
Moss, Local Agent.
Smoking In a Pewdcr Msjuine
Is courting death more suddenly
but not more surely than neglecting
kidney disorders. Foley's Kidney
Cure will cure a slight disorder in a
few days and its continued use will
cure the moet obstinate cases. It bas
cured many people of Briahl's disease
and diabetes who were thought to
be incurable. If you have kidney or
bladder trouble, commence taking
Foley's Kidney Cure today, before It
is too late. For sale by H. A. Roter
It pays to advertise a useful article.
Nine time ont of 10 there'll be a
buyer before the ink is dry. Try it
Poster:, placards, dodgers, all sizes
in.i kind, printed at the Courier office.
The Courier, one
ir.onths, 75 cents.
year $1.50; six
below cost to close them
J. H. AHLP SON, Propr.
6th St. near G
Town That Seem to Be Choata
Marks of the Elements.
Wtm dt Falls tU,
Ua TaUvkca mm TtauteM) 4
LlSjhtala BshlhH th
attsltit TirJeMS.
There is more than one town against
which Dame Nature wtint to harbor
a curious spite, as if she would say:
'This site is not meant to build upon."
Lang-toft, a little place of some 600
people in the East Riding of Yorkshire.
England, is one of these. Oversn1
over airain haa the weather alt round
been fine and clear, yet the valley in
which Langtoft atand has been
shrouded in heavy clouds and drenched
with rain. The snow in winter always
eema to lie thickest on. the wolds
above the town, and to cause floods
more or less disastrous aa it molts in
the spring.
TV m allm.v stmmM nvk MtinrlAV even- 1
ing two summer ago, says the Chicago
After a hot day a violent thunder
storm broke. Then there appeared in
the west an inky cloud, from which
bung four Ions', twisting black col
Suddenly, lust after six o'clock, a wall
of water came roaring down the hill
side above the village. When it struck
the upper end of the street it wasseven
feet high.. In a twinkling it had demol
ished a number of houses, and torn par
titions from others, and swept away
everything in It path. What was left
was so plastered with mud ana eartn
as to be almost useless.
No one was killed, but the destruc
tion of domestic animals, of houses.
property and roads was complete. Gar
dens and grazing lands were ruined.
Even the parish well was utterly
choked with mud and dead animal.
Sotithbourne-on-Sea, four miles on
the east of Bournemouth, has far bet
ter air than the latter town, and looks
as if it ought to be just the site for a
health resort. Tens of thousands have
been spent in the effort to make it so,
yet nature had said no, and man's ef
forts have proved unavailing.
A handsome pier was built, support
ed on the shore by immense cement
walls. The pier is now only ap
proached by a single plank. Itscenter
supports are gone, and it is the resort
only of two or there fishermen. The
cement wall looks like a wave-eaten
cliff. Further along the shore a neat
row of houses was built in a great re
cess, cut back at vast expense in the
cliff. The sea cut in below them, and
the owner was forced to rare them
and carry the material away.
There is bo great city in Europe
which nature so evidently wishes to
be rid of as St. Petersburg. Built in
the first place on a how-lying swamp,
which was filled in at a cost of hun
dred of lives and hundreds of thou
sands of pounds, fevers reduced its
population and gave it a death rate
higher than any other European cap
ital. Failing so to oust its builders, na
ture used a new wenpon. The ice came
down in spring nut of Lake Ladoga,
and, piling against the new wharves
and bridge, dammed the Neva and
flooded the city. Every spring saw a
repetition of these disastrous floods,
which, even after they dried away, left
the streets mere quagmires. The St.
Fetersburgert now defeat the flood
by setting to work thousands of men
at the first spring thaw, who cut and
blast the river ice. and leave free pass
ages for the lake ice to sail down
stream unhindered.
Yet still the struggle goes on. For
some years past it has been apparent
that St. Petersburg is becoming s city
of toothless people. Dentists ascribe
this curious fact to the effluvia from
the rotten vegetation deeo buried un
der the new suburbs of the city. So
serious is the matter becoming that
there is a strong agitation in favor of
once more removing thecapitul of Bus
asa to some other site.
Russia has another town against
natural forces are wsging a terrible
vmr. TMk Is Schemacha, in the Cau
casus. When Schemacha nv founded
it was for long impossible to pet a sup
ply of drinking water. The difficulty
was overcome by bringing water from
a distance. Next came a series of ter
rible epidemics first smallpox, then
cholera, and then smallpox again. Yet
the city grew, helped to prosperity by
the prtroleum trade, and began this
year with .15.000 people.
In February last the town was hum
mine w ilh industry, when one dull but
warm morninir came suddenly a terrific
crash of thunder. The solid ground be
gan to vibrate. A few seconds later
there was a horrihle cracking sound,
and the whole of the Mohammedan
quarter was thrust upwards bubble
like, till its houses were reared high
upon a hill. The bubble burst, and in
stead of a town there lay a formless
heap of ruins, from which red flames
leapel and crackled toward the gigan
tic pall of dust which hid the sky.
Within s week Schemacha's survivor
determined to rebuild their ruined city.
They had hardly reached th decision
when ones more the ground began to
tremble and the night sky grew ruddy
with flam. Hews cam that a new
volcano had burst out in th moun
tain nearby. No plainer warning
could be given. Extinct vokvsnow have
often buret out afresh, and with shock
ing and terrible results, aa in the esse
of the recent disaster at St. Pierre,
whose thousanda of UhabitaaU aa
entirely perished.
Diamond-Opal scarf nin. Liberal
reward for it recovery. Leave at
Oourisr offioa.
I rt Grant Pa Thi Saturday
Special Train From Jack
son County.
This Saturday the Rogue River
Valley Development League will
meet in Grauta Pass and it promisee
to far surpass in attendance any prn
vioua session of the League. A
special train has been chartered to
bring the Jackson county contingent
and big delegations are to come from
Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Medford,
Jacksonville, Central Point, Gold
Ray, Gold Hill aud Woodville. This
train will leave Ashland at 8 a. m.
and arrive at Grants Pass at 10
o'clock. The visitor will remain all
day in the city and start on the re
turn at 0 p. m. It is expected that
every citizen in Grants Pass will be
at the depot to greet the visitors.
The forenoon will be devoted to ad
dresses by prominent speakers at tbe G.
A. R. encampment grounds and the af
ternoon to a ball game and atbletio ex
ercises at the A. A.C. grounds and the
evening to a band concert. It is ex
pected that citizens will show tbe
! visitors about the city and do all pos
eible to make the event a splendid
New Home Sewing machine agency
at tne juusio store.
! fQTD A VPT1 IT- All i
May 13, light bay mare, black
points, 4 years old, white strip in
forehead, no brand ; right front hoof
white, weight about 1150. J. B.
Lindsay, Murphy. Ore. 6-8 tf.
0H T0UB FAKJf 07 A
We know from our
dealtnge with oik
' 2.7ti" dalrmn In th
I'.clOc Nottbweat tod
from our own
practical ea-
: pcrlene in
. dairying that
Hit V. 8.
' Separator la
th. beat aod
; moat practical eeparator for every-day farm
; ua. ft la euch a well-made plc of marhtn.-r
that It will laat a IKrtlnit, giving fTfrr it J
tha qulokaat. aa1t RvrTlca. It ttoa ba
Talaa tor tha moiwr and w guarantr. It oar.
I aal.At. In ad4ttlit to th auaranttc of tha
facturr. To ahow our couOdenct la thla
; at-parator a will ahlp fen on on tan data
fraa trial. Tbtn If It don't prof, aa repraeanttd
Ui brat and moat practical f' T"nr owa aaa,
; j,m mar return it at our eipture.
! Ilaaelwiotd today atanda with lie guarantee
behind tboueande of l. 8. Separatora, and there
haa never been a day wbi-n we have regretted
' having guaranteed thta flue aeparatnr. We
are thoroughljr and prartli-alljr (ainlllar with
i tha adeantagea and dlaadvatitagea of every
a-paralor on the mara.'t and we are handling
tha IT. B. Separator becauae wa know It to
be tha neat there la.
SKIMS CI. KANKST In addition, the U. S.
, Separator aklme the milk cleaner than doea
I any other machine. Tbla haa been demon-
atrated over and over again. The world'e record
for clean aklmmlng haa been held bv the V.
S. Hand Separator for manj reara. No other
hand eeparator haa been able to equal the
record made live reara ago at the Pan-Amert.
tea Elpoattlon. and yet thla record waa lowered
bv the f. S. Separator In the official teat at
tbe bewla and Clark fair laat year.
It will outwear any other eeparator, It la
nor eaav and almple to operate. It La aaater
to keop eleen and It will keep right oa vear
after rear doing Its dally work, giving perfect
I'ATS roB ITSELT TW C. a Separator
will pay foe ttaelf la on year la eitra mem
eaved over what coald b eklmmed In tb old
feahtooed way. If yo Soo't bellev It take
advaatag f our fr trial offer tad taak the
teat right oa your owa farm, gilm bi both vara
sad Agar eat tb revolt la roar own vj.
Teat vUl and the eepar.k will pa, far Itoetl
Is s roar. W aeU It aa ay taraa and wUI
man Is sarawat. a yoa need aa nay
aa et fa rka aDaratn - -t ,k a
W ta yvar te aaaeata vUl an he pais tar.
wne aay rat a 4 fall '
IB Tvrfi
a i : Mm.
We have received a large shipment
of ALL AMERICA Shoes and Ox-
lords for Spring and Summer wear.
They can be bad in all the latest
toes, and in vici, patent colt and
tan. They await your inspection a
$3.50 and $4.00
R. L. Bartlett
Tinwnrd Riiildins Sixth Street
. Merlin, Oregon
Breeder and Dealer in
Correspondence solicited.
A few Registered Bucks for tale.
FOR SALE Good piano for (60. Id-
quire uouribr ouice. u-o u.
FOR SALE Work horse and dooWf
lnooa Triii rr 1 ra n f WnlfVillr'a tick t-
vara. a
A FEW choice dairy cows for sale I
cheap by W. 8. liarrie, Grants ran,
Oregon. 6-8 3t
ONE three-miuute driving horse also I
racing cart. H. N. Mitchell, North!
8th street, Box 454. 4 27 tf j
FOR SALE Heavy pair of work hoMi
and heavy harness and a ojj Slid
baker wagon, nearly new. Aidraf .
P. O. box 195, Grants Pass. 6-25 tf. g
FOR SALE Two spans mules, weigh
1500 and 1300. In good condition I
Also Studebaker Wagon inta"
shape. Greenback Supply Ca, ,
Greenback, Ore. (-8 9IJ
COWS FOR SALE 14 head of cholw;
milk cows from Smith ruer
dairies, and are in Grants Fy.
Call on or address Joseph Ab
seil. 3-301(1
FOR SALE 160 'acres of land, vwol
miles from Merlin, Josephine!
county, at 12.50 per acre, or will:
trade. Address P.O. Box 869, Orson
fass, Ore. 525 41
FOR SALE-88cres of river botton
land 4i mileswest of Grants Put.
good building, 10 acres orchard, i
acres hops ; price flOOO. Inquire o!
A . . Hulbert. Sams Valley, urt"
gon 4-2011
bridge, both Sail
Chas. Costain,
to rent at tti
and Row bostt-i
FOR: RENT or sale two irood hlpntl
in choice locations. Address f Df
Drake, Seventh aod A streets. 3-30tJ
FOR RENT 5 room honse, Co
Fourth and I streets. Pantry wj
Bath, good well of water. M. H
Moore, Second hand store. 5-18
HOUSE FOR RENT 7 roomftrfCiW
fortable dwelling, good weu sol
city water, One shade trees and 4
central location. Rent $12 M
month to right narties. Addr(4
Lock Box 581, Grants Pass, ofll
WAN TE O Good work horse.
Johu Nale, Grants Pass.
WANTED Set Blngle work harm
also light spring wagon. Appln
John Nale, Grants Pass, Ore. 6-8 1
WANTED One good worVOwt
one set single work barnesxl
light spring wagon. Apply
oaie, urants rasa, ure.
WANTED Grain Sacks Tooli l4
other second-band goods. Harrin
Bros., Second hand-store, conw
Sixth and J streets. -
A go!
ooff button. Fiioj
to Courier office W
piease deliver
get reward.
FOX TERRIER, one ear black. IJ
mr Dlaoa On Sixth arrant. MsT I
Kinder notify E. T. TnofiPM
urants rass, Ore., and recer" M
I mission furniture made to order.