Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 01, 1906, Image 8

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;' i
Finest to be had.
Fresh Vegetables
Every day.
Creamery Mutter 50 Cents
J. Pardee
Near Palace Hotel
Telephone 863
Grants Pa. Men Buy Jackson
ville Meal Market.
Ed fiioni and Will Smith lift San
day for Jacksonville where they hare
bought the meat market in that place
belonging to County Clerk John S.
Orth and conducted by his brother,
Henry Orth. Mr. Einni is an adept
In the management of a meat market
and his customer will be nerved with
well oat meat, In torapnlons cleanli
ness and be treated courteously. Mr.
Smith is an eipert meat dresser and
will hare charge of the stock depart
ment. Both are enterprising yonng
business men, thoroughly reliable and
their meat market will be a credit to
the town and among the best In the
In addition to supplying the de
mand of the town and vioiuity Messrs.
Binns & Smith will furnish meat to
the various mines about Jacksonville
the Urgent one being the Bine Ledge
copper mine employing 100 men.
Don't 1 1 1 1
Don't let yonr child suffer with that
cough when yon can core it with
Ballard's Hornhouud Syrup, a sure
care for Couvhs, Bronchitis, In
fluenza, Croup and Pulmonary Di
seases. Bay a bottle and try it. B.
B. Laughter, Bybalia, Miss., writes:
"I have two children who had croup.
I tried many different remedies, but I
must say your Horehouud Syrop is
the best Oroup and Cough medicine I
ever used." For sine by National
Drug Co. and Rotenuond.
: GOLD E x :
I Oolilen is ce le! rating Memorial Day
with the first suDshine for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, Mis Hazel
Perkins sod Miss Mamie Miller
visited friends at riacer Saturday.
Mi's Mary Mamie went to her home
i at Merlin Saturday to attend the sil
' ver wedding anniversary of her
Mr. C. E. Davis, a mining man
from Idaho, made a business call on
S. C. Kuble on Monday. He has pur
chased one of Ruble Bros. ' hydraulic
elevators for his mine in Idaho.
On Tuesday night. May 29, the
house of George Hoxie was entirely
destroyed by fire. The family escaped
without injury, but failed to save
any of the household effects. They
have the sympathy of the entire com
munity. Dolly Gray.
Answers Mr. Sandberg.
Mr. Sandberg, Dear Sir :
In answer to yonr query of May
4th, would say that John the Baptist
was not in the kingdom rf heaven
because be died before Christ estab
lished his kingdom. Please read
Matt. 16:28; Luke 0:27; Mark 0:1;
Matt. 1B:18, 19; Acts 1:6-9. There
the scriptures show that the kingdom
was in the future from John and was
established when the Holy Spirit was
poo red out upon the apostles as stated
in Acts 2:1-88.
Yours for the whole truth,
Morphy, May 27, 1906.
To the Vottra.
A word to my frionds : In the last
week's Observer a writer r ferred to
me as holding the treasurer's office
the time I have and that in a republi
can county. Now, I have this to say:
The treasurer's office is strictly a
non-political offhe and I am sure the
voters of this county think the same
from the vote they have giveo me in
the past, but I would Dot ask the office
again if I wore not in bad shape phys
ically and if I lose this office I have
noli ting else in sight for a living for
myself and family.
The voters of this county have been
kind to me for which I am very
thankful, and I am perfectly willing
to abide by their decision June 4th
Thanking yon again for past favors
and BHking a continuance of the same,
I am yours truly,
31 E It L I t
Poster:, placards, dodgers, all rizes
and kind, printed at the Courier office.
On the evening of May 2fitb the
many friends nt Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Massie gathered at their home in
Merlin to celebrate their silver wed
ding anniversary. The parlor was
beautifully decorated for the occasion
and the evening was spent in genuine
enjoyment The popularity of Mr. and
Mrs. Massie was shown by the many
nice presents received. At 10 o'clock
the guests were called to a delightful
lunch of strawberries, cake, lemonade
and oranges, and it was very amosing
to see the big man with the big bo
quet trying to graft the third dish of
Their many freinds united in thanks
for the enjoyable evening and wish
for many bappy returns of their wed
ding anniversary. FRIEND.
A Final Appeal.
To my republican friends in Jose
phine county:
As next Monday is election day and
this is the last issue of the Courier be
fore election, I desire through its
columns to solicit your support. I
believe the people of this county or at
least most of them are honest and de
sire the best men to fill the different
offices. I believe they desire to elect a
man to Fill the office of sheriff and
not to elect a man to HIRE a man to
fill such office. Believing such to be
the case, I am out soliciting your
votes at the coming June election, re
gardless of politics. I have no money
to spend in this election as I am a
man who labors for a living, but if
I did have money to spend I would
not insult the people of this county
by trying to influence their acts by
treating or other questionable
methods. I have very few promises
to makv, but will say if you elect me
to the office of sheriff, I will take
personal charge of the office and ran
the same in a business manner, ac
cording to all courteous treatment. I
would nse the salary of the office
not to farther my political Interests
or to debase myself or fellow man,
but to the education and care of my
In conclusion I will say, do not be
mislead by any reports of my with
drawal as I will be a caudidate for
election uutil the last vote is in on
June 4th.
Thanking you in advance, I am
Sincerely yours.
Candidate for sheriff of Josephine Co.
The Courier, one year $1.50; six
months, 75 cents.
t WILLI A 31 s :
Frank Topping made a business trip
to Grants Pas- last week.
Mrs. Grace Cowen made a business
trip to Grants Pass last Wednesday.
Decoration Day was observed by a
large number of people at Williams.
Miss Daisy Stites, of Portland, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. M. J.
St i tea.
Master Herbert McKenzie, of Grants
Pass, is visiting at the Stites farm
this week.
Mrs. Lester Latyon of Applegate
visited relatives of this place laot
Mrs. William Da hie, tf Colombia,
Nevada, is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. John.
Mrs Ed Harriott, of Gnnts Pass,
spent a few days with her mother,
Mrs. David John, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gede Caldwell left
last Wednesday for Igerna, California.
where they will spend the Summer
visiting their daughter, Mrs. Cyras
A Leader in Fraternal Orders.
W. E. Mallory, Supreme Field
Manager of the Linooln Annuity
Union, of San Francisco, California,
has returned to Grants Pass to work a
month for that society. Mr. Mallory
has been manager ever since the Order
started, he being one of the founders
of the Order. The L., A. U. is only
two years old bat it has been admitted
to the "National Fraternal Congress"
and also the "Associate Fraternatiei
of Europe." It is doing business in
17 states, has paid every aproved
claim the day presented to the Su
preme; it never had a Lawsuit cr
claim disputed and has over 12,000,000
of protection in force. Grants Pass
Assembly, No. 2, the second Assembly
started by the Order is in a flourish
ing condition and there will be a
large class initiated Saturday night
in the A. O. U. W. Hall. All claims
have been paid promptly in Grants
Pass, the following people receiving
claims lately: C. N. Tibbetts, flO;
Mrs. Lillian Perkins, $95; J. W.
Belcher, ?J5; Mrs. B. E. Burgess,
$30; Mrs. Emma Belcher, 27.50; Mrs.
Charlton Perkins, $52.50: Thomas
Shattuck, $30; Charles Edgerton, $50;
Lavina Stephens, $30, making a
total of $!90. which speaks well for
the Order.
Send the Courier to your friend, so
he can learn the facts in regard to the
famous Rome River Valtar.
Brants Pass Feed Store
C. L G1LI.ETT, Propk.
All Kinds of Flour, Feed, Mill Feed, Hay. Grain,
Poultry Foods, Etc.
Ccr. Gth and J. Sts
Grants Pass, Ore.
Grants Pass
Banking and Trust Co.
' P VbKji Pi F0R SALE BY
g A, E.Voorhies
OU know how it is in a race; the victory isn't always to the
strong; "form" counts as much as muscle; sometim es more
The coach goes along to watch the form and develop it.
A good deal so in business life ; "brains and good address" are
important ; both count.
We offer you all the advantage clothes 'can give; they're that
kind of clothes Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; if you come to us
we'll put the right clothes on you.
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are absolutely perfect form ;
absolutely all-wool, with no taint or suspicion of cotUn; a statement
which cannot be truthfully made about most clothes offered to
you. We guarantee a fit.
Our prices are right you would have to pay the tailor at least
$10 more, and not get the style and service these clothes will give
you. This is another of our guarantees.
am;. .
Copyright 1906 by Hart Schaffner Marx
Grants Pass Clean-up Day
Wednesday, June 6, 1906
Our store will be closed on the afternoon of this date. We will
bo out with our overalls and try to do our sharo of the good work
By the way, if you need a pair of overalls, you can have any kind
we carry in stock for 50c. This offer is made for the forenoon of
June G, 7 a. m. to 12 m. One pair only to a customer at this price
If you don't wear overalls get one of our Covert Suits, Norfolk
Coats, rants, regular pants style with belt loops. Good enough
for the doctor and just the thing for the rest of us. Our price $2.50
the suit. Khaki suits same price. Straw and Crash nats for "the
man who works in the sun, 10c to 50c. Canvas Gloves 10c. We
have good Leather Gloves for 25o and 50c. Finest line of' Work
Shirts intrants Pass at 50c. For the boy who works and the boy
who plays Khaki Suits $1.50.
Outfitters to Man and Boy.