ui v VOL. XXII. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNK 1, 1906. No. 9. I GRANTS PASS SCHOOLS CLOSE WORK FOR YEAR Been a Success and Outlook En couraging for Next Term Large Class Next Year. The schools of Grants Pass closed their work for the year last Friday and in the evening the commencement exercises were held in the opera bouse. The stage was tastily decorated with the class colors of white and green and flags and bunting. Flowers in profu sion save added beauty to the scene ami honnnnti in nlentv were for the graduates. There was a large attend- J un. nf tha natrons of the schools and they greatly appreciated the interest ing features of the program. The exeroUes opened by a well rend ered instrumental selection by an or chestra made up of pupils of Prof. W. A. Henry. CUy Superintendent R. R. Turner then read bis report of the "wor of the schools for the term. The ishowing made was very gratifying to teachers and parents and gave proof that the schools of Grants Pass were such that the citlzenBof the city could be proud of and that they equaled the best grade and high schools in the state. Subjoined is a synopsis of the report of Supt. Turner. A vocal solo by Mrs. W. L. Ireland was exceedingly well rendered and was given a hearty encore by the audience. President P. L. Campbell of the State University had been engaged to deliver the address, but he could not reach the city in time to meet his ap pointment. President Campbell was in Jackson oonnty where he had deliv ered the addresses at the Jacksonville and Medford high school commence ments a' d was stranded at Medford by reason of trains not rnnning, the South ern Paciflo being tied up by a big land slide in California. The lack of trains also stranded Hon. W. C. Haw ley, of Salem, in Grants Pass, he having given the prinoipal address at the re publican rally in this city the previ ous evening. At the request of Supt. Turner and Chairman Gilkey, of the school board, Mr. Hawley made the address, of the evening. Brains, that most valuable of finished products, Mr. Hawley took as hit theme and be made a most convincing argument iu favor of boys and girls, men and women acquiring the greatest brain efficiency and capacity possible. Brute foroe no longer ruled the world or brought soocess to the individual in any walk of life. His address was scholarly and of high merit and made a line impresson on the young people of the school and on the older persons present. A very pleasng selection by the or chestra under Prof. Henry was rend ered after which H. L. Gilkey, chair man of school board presented the Hgh school graduates with their di plomas. There were four in the class. Daisy Cole, Blanche Ferdine, Addie I Robinson and Dale Williams and the young Indies had each made fine reo ords in school and attained high rat ings in the examination papers. That the class was so small and that it con tained no boys was commented on by Chairman Gilkey in his address and he attributed it to the spirit of com mercialism now dominating the land. The average boy and girl so goon as old enough earn money, imbibing this spirit, quit sohool some even before the high school grades were reached and went out in the world but half a asm Sell Ileal tstate 2 -c I NEED MORE PROPERTY TO SELL. I do not ask for a Contract or the Exclosivesale all I want is A PRIVILEGE TO SELL. W. L. IRELAND. "The Real Estate Man Ground Floor OourlerJBldg. OramtsIPass, Obe. P ysV'OaV prepared for the struggle of life. Mr. Gilkey laid special stress on the work ing value of an edncal ion and expressed the hope that parents would more fully realize the need of at least a thorough oornuion school education for their children and would keep them at their at odes until they had completed the high school course. For the school year of; 1906-7 the ex pectation is that the Grants Pass High School will have the largest enroll ment in its hiBtory, for there has been an nnosually large eighth grade class graduated from the schools of this city and from the schools of the connty. It is expected that folly 60 pupils will en ter the high school for the next term as there are 38 eighth grade graduates from the Grants Pass schools and 12 who passed In the recent examination except in one or two studies and these they will take at the June lexamina- tion. ' There will be fully as many graduates from tho other schools of the oonnty as from this oity. The following are the scholars of the Grants Pass schools who passed the eighth grade the recent examination: Rojf Cheshire, Clifford Dean, James DeLameter, Geo. Fay, Errol Gilkey, Lionel Gordon, Henry Newell, Dale Sturgis, Stewart Disbrow, Gladys Archer, Marion Clarke, Electa Chap man, Jessie Cargill, Alice Huggerth, Pearl Kerns, Emma Loughridge, Em ma Letcher, Fannie Montgomery, Jose McCarthy, Geneva Myers, Lacosta Mangum, . Zora Perry, Alma Wolke, Vera Whipple, Fannie Yont, Cleta WlliiauiB, Myrtle Moore, Maud Peach ey, Orville Whipple. The report of' City Superintendent Turner showed that the enrollment for this term had been 902, for last year 893 a gain of 69. Average daily attend ance 67 for this term aud for last term 58, a gain of 61. Canes of tardiness for this term 159 and for last term 204, a decrease of 45 for this year, a good showing as the enrollment was muoh larger than for last year. The following is the roll of honor of those making the best standing in at tendance, deportment and writing : (Coniinuedou Page Two.) WILL BUILD EIGHT RM, SCHOOL HOUSE Bonds of $13,000 Voted and New Brick to Be Completed This Summer. V The election Monday on an issue of 15,000 in bonds for funds to build the Third Ward school house resulted in an almost unanimous vote in favor of the proposition. In anticipation of the bonds being voted the board has had plans prepared for an eight-room brick building and have advertised for bids for its construction. All bids must be in by June 6 and Chan, E. Burggraf of Albany the architect, will be in Grants Pass this Friday to meet bidders who may wish further infor mation as to plans and specifications for the building. The new bnilding is to embody all the latest ideas in school architecture and will be a credit to Grants Pass. An innovation to Southern Oregon schools will be a play ground of an acre adjoining the grounls of the building this tract having a part of it in a handsome grove of shade trees. The building is to be oompleted ready for the opening of school whioh will be 1 the seoond Monday in September. V BUY NOW w hilo PRICES LOW they are (SURE a ADVANCE JUDGE BOOTH CLEARS UP CHAUSSE FOG Cleanly Shows That Charges Against Him Have No Foundation. Editor Courier : I note that in the issue of the Oregon Observer of date May 23, 1906, F. W. Chausse makes reference to the county court's al lowance of certain bills in favor of Dr. F. W. Kremer, with the inten tion apparently of casting some re flection on me personally, because of the matters connected with the allow ance of his bills, and I desire through your columns to make a true statement of the facte, in order that no impres sion may go abroad that there is any thing in the transactions which was not strictly proper and just. It will be remembered that during the Spring and Summer of 1903 there was an epidemic of smallpox in the outlying districts of this county. For the purpose of providing medi cal assistance in case of such epi demics, the legislature, in its regular session of 1903, passed an act which was approved and wert into effect February 18, 1903, which gave the State Board of Health power to compel connty boards of health and all other persons to cause any special disease and mortality to be abated and re moved, and provided for a fine of f 100 in case of uach violation of any order of the State Board. Upon the disease threatening to become epidemic in Josephine couuty, the State Board of Health took charge of the matter under its legislative powers, and repeatedly ordered the county board to quarantine the various esses, and to furoith neces sary medical assistance. Dr. W. F. Kremer was under con tract with the county to furnish neces sary medical assistance to county paupers and indigent poor, but his contract did not cove extraordinary services performed for others under the orders of the State Board of Health. The County Commissioner's Court endeavored to compel the State Board to pay these extraordinary expenses occasioned through their orders, and I personally and at my own expense went to Portland to confer with the State Board in an endeavor to relieve Josephine county of the expenses, but I found that no provision had been made by the legislature for the pay ment of such expenses, but that the State Board required the various counties to defray all expenses so oc casioned within their limits, and it therefore .became incumbent upon the board of county commissioners to make proper allowances for payment of these expenses. The first bills that were presented by Dr. Kremer and Dr. Love were cnt down by the connty oomissioners con siderably below the amonnt claimed, and Dr. Kremer was very much dis satisfied at the amounts allowed, and was proposing to take action agaiust the oounty to compel the payment of the usual fees and charges. When the bills referred to in Mr. Chausse's ar tides were presented to the county oourt by Dr. Love, the matter of the previous allowances was discussed, and it was suggested by Dr. Love that if the county oonimltsioners would increase these claims about 10 per cent that it would be aocepted in settlement of Dr. Kremer'a claims for previous services. Dr. Love at this time had charge of Dr. Kremer's baslness and was conducting it After doe consideration the county court concluded that it would be ad visable to adjust the dispute aud re lieve the oounty from furthsr liability by making Dr. Kremer an additional allowance, all of which was done, snd the warrants aocepted in full satisfaction and discharge of Dr. Kremer's claims against the county. It is insinuated in the article that the warrants or the proceeds thereof came to me. The fact in that matter is this: when the warrants were is sued they were turned over to Dr. Love and by him tamed over to me and sold to the bank at 9Bo and by Dr. Love's diarctioos were applied to pay certain drafts and claims of wholesale houses and others against Dr. Kremer, that were then lying in the bank awaiting payment, and this W abso lutely the only connection with or in terest in the matter that I have ever bad. In endeavoring to smirch me in this transaction Mr. Chsusse brings into question the official integrity of the two oonnty oomm Isslooers 'who sat in the board session aud who acted in these matters. Had these expenses been voluntarily incurred by the county oourt, then Mr. Chausse might be entitled to question our judgment and business aenmeu in subjecting the couuty to such expenses, but no right minded person would attempt to condemn me or the connty commissioners for allow ing hills which were forced upon the connty by operation of law and the aots of a superior board over which we bad no control. J. O. BOOTH. I have read ovr the preseding ar ticle, shown me by Judge Booth. I remember clearly that one bill which was put into the county in my name, while I was in Dr. Kremer's employ. was out iu two iu the middle by the eourt. I also remember that I dis cussed with Jndge Bootb, that faot, and insisted that it should have been allowed. My reoollection is that I caused the bills at Dr. Kremer's, re ferred to in Judge Booth's artiole, to be prepared by our bookkeeper and then sent them to be presented to the court, which was done. Subject to these modifications, I believe Judge Booth's article fairly states the facts in the premises, as clearly as I can now remember them. D. P LOVE. PROVES GRANITE LAND WILL PRODUCE CROPS Jump-off-Joe Farmer Is Making Money by Modern Inten sified Farming. The idea has been dominant in Rogue River Valley since its first settlement that only the rich, bottom lands were fit for agricultural purposes and this belief was given some foundation by the failures of many farmers who at tempted to grow crops and froit on the less favored lauds of the Valley. What is known as the Flanagan ranch in Jump-off-Joe Valley, seven miles from Grants Pass, has been a fair illustration of so many Josephine county ranches for heretofore it has been a losing venture to all who have handled it. Last year this tract of land, which consists of 720 acres, was purchased by P. H. Jewell, who came here from Columbia oounty in this state. Mr. Jewell is a farmer who uses his brains quite as much as his muscle and is an alert student in modern argicultnral methods. The land he purchased is largely of the much detested granite soil yet Mr. Jewell saw that it could be made to prodooe crops as has been demon strated by other progressive farmers in this county. By deep plowing, early planting and by shallow aud fre quent cultivation to conserve the moisture Mr. Jewell was confident that he could make the land a profit able investment. And this he is demonstrating in a most satisfactory manner for he has 30 acres of fine grain and an acre each of sugar beets, carrots aud beans that give promise of a good yield. He has a fine p-' eh of corn and an aore of potatoes, That the potatoes will yield a good crop is now an assured fact for Tues day he brought the first to Grants Pass, leaving a mess of as fine Early nose as a cook would wlsli to serve. As his potatoes are the first on the market, Mr. Jewell has more orders than be can fill at three cents a pound. as against a cent a pound later in the season. Mr. Jewell is only growing i small acreage this season while test iog his land and the demands of the ket, but he expects to next year in crease his crop ares. Mr. Jewell is also taking up dairy lng and hog aud poultry raising so as to diversify his industry aud also to enrich the fertility ot his soil. He Is now milking eight cows and ha ex pects to milk 20 during the Winter mouths when the price of cream is highest. He ships his creamto the Medford creamery, as there is no creamery in Grants Pass, or in Jose phiue except near Kerbv in the Illi nois Valley. Mr. Jewell has about i hundred hogs aud he U convinced that there is profit in them that he will keep a large number on his farm. Tuesday he brought a wagon load of Hti. fat hogs to the Grants Pass roar ket and he plans to have hogs to anil from time to time during the year. which with the rnonthlv receipts from (Team will give him a steady income. Mr. Jewell sowed a fluid of vetch this Spring bat the crop will be light as the seeding was too late. Here' after be will sow early in the Fall. Mr. Jewell will also engage In froit raising and he bas 10 acres of bearing trees, half to apples and half to peaches. The trees are well loaded and the quality ot the fruit promises to be very fine. Mr. Jewell will study the soil conditions of his land -...a it ti I .. .,. L. L. .. - . i i auu ii ug uum Hint iiw LM iBTorauio I location will plant a large orchard. IRST CREAMERY IN JOSEPHINE COUNTY Located in Illinois Valley and Is a Fine Plant Begins Op erations June 15. The Industrial development of Jose phine county is coming on apace and one after another of the causes that of cash, sent away oould be produced The first flour mill drain the oonnty for products that here, is stopped. in the county was put in operation two months since in Grants Pass is turn ing out a high grade of flour and is building op a satisfactory business, bnt oould do better if the housewives of Josephine oounty would give their preference when ordering flour to the brands made by the Grants Pass mills, provided the quality and the price are equal to that of the imported flour. Butter is another artiole the impor tation of which takes thousands of dollars each ' year out of Josephine oounty to the financial loss of the oounty, but this drain on the wealth of the oommnnity is certain at no dis tant date to ceafe. As a result of the farmers Institutes held in Josephine oounty by Dr. Withycombe and his staff from the State AgrlcuUural Col lege, in which the farmers were told of the steady and profitable income to be had from dairying, that industry is being taken np quite extensively in various sections of this oounty. Large quantities of cream are now being shipped from Grants Pass and Merlin to Medford aud Portland creameries, while large quantities of butter is made by farmers who do not ship cream. A creamery will be quite certain to be erected at Provolt this year and within the near future there will be creameries at Merlin aud Wilderville. There may though be built at Grants Pass, where the mar ket would be for the butter and the buttermilk, one big creamery that would handle the cream from all sec tions of the central and northern parts of the oounty. The southern part of the oonnty now has a creamery iu oourse of construc tion and it will be la operation by the last of next week. Wednesday the last two loads of machinery were taken by team from Grants Pass for tho creamery, the teams being in charge of Carl Johnson, one of the owners of the oreamery, and Win. Mo- Kenney of Kerby. The other ma chinery has been hauled out and is being set np. The creamery is located at the jonotion of the Grants Pass and Crescent City stage road and the Sucker Valley road and is iq the cen ter of the Illinois Valley, being six miles each from Kerby and Waldo and three and a half miles from Holland ine building was completed some time since and is a substantial frame struoture 38x40 feet of two stories and a basement. The basement and first floor will be for the orsamery and the seoond floor will be for a public hall. The equipment is of the latest make and it will be an op-to-date creamery inj every respect. With the beginning of operations cream will be had from 200 cows and saoh is the STORE DOINGS. More New Goods Comforts, Oots, Tents, Hammocks Weathered Oak Dining Chairs New shapes in Dining Chairs Golden Oak New shapes in Small Hookers Porch Shades to roll op New Conch Covers, Portieres, etc. Lace Curtains 60 inch Large Curtain, usually sold for II, our price 6So 108" a beauty ' " a. " " ia.10 84 " Irish Point" " " " 4.50" " 9.9S Lamberquln, " " f 1.75" " 1.20 10,000 Rolls New Wall Papers' The best we have ever shown for the money from the cheapest op to (1.50 roll New Carpets- We are headquarters for thiogs for the house make it oor busi ness to show good goods, snappy up-to-date stuff at really better pries than lota of mill and jobbing house old tail ends are worked off at onr motto "Money back if you want it." Thomas r O'Neill The Lar jut HoiiKfurnlshln j Cencern In Southtm Ortjon. interest taken in dairying by the farmers of Illinois Valley that the as surance is given that the cream will be had from more than 300 cows. The Illinois Valley Creamery will be the name of this the first creamery erected iu Josephine county and the batter will bear that name as a brand. The owners of this creamery are George Mathewsoo, a well known farmer and dairymau of Sucker Valley, and Carl J. Johnson, a young man who came to that Valley two years ago. A first-class butter maker from one of the1 big Willamette Valley creameries will be in charge of the plant APPLEGATE FARMER TALKS GOOD ROADS Endorses Plan to Shorten and . Better Their Roads to Giants Pase. J G. V. Winetrout was a caller at the Courier office Tuesday. Mr. Wins trout resides on Thompson creek two miles above Applegate postofflce where he has a large farm and is en gaged in raising bay and cattle. He stated that grass was fine and that stock were doing 'well but that the heavy raiu of late were making it dlffloult save the first crop of al falfa. Iu regard to the plan proposed by E. N. Provolt, candidate for oounty com missioner, to straighteu and improve the road from Grauts Pass to Murphy, Provolt, Williams and Missouri Flat Mr. Winetrout ; stated that the set tlers of Thompson creek aud of Ap plegate Valley in the viciuity of Applegnte postoflloe were very much in favor of this road Improvement. By this plan the road would be short ened fully two .miles and the grade would be greatly improved it being so reduced as to not exceed three per cent in any one place. FromAnple- gate postoflloe, where the road down Thompson oreek intersects the main oouuty road, it isj an even distanoe to uants raai and to Medford. it being; 20 miles to either place. The farmers market their produce and trade in both towns but prefer Grants Pass as they are able to realize better prloes for their produce than at Medford. With the round trip shortened by four miles from the Josephine connty boundary to Grants Pass and the road put on almost a level and no heavy hill to pull over as from Medford across the divide to Applegate Valley, the farmers from Thompson oreek and the middle section of Applegate Val ley would all come to Grants Pass to do their trading and sell their pro duoe. Thompson oreek heads ia Jossphine county and Mr. Winetrout states that most of the settlers live in this oounty and they have to oome to Grants Pass onoe a yeai or oftener to attend oourt and to pay their taxes and as their county interests are witb Grants Pass they would do all their trading here if tbey were afforded a shorter and better road than to Med ford. Throe-fourths of the area of Japaa is mountainous, aud less than IB per cent is under cultivation. We are still running the Speaial Sale 48o "goods for S5o our line iiootnplete. Jj " I i